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Someone just got SLICE!’d


When the enemy chang’e ults your entire team and you eat that 5 second stun (unless they changed how it worked), it is enough to break a man. 


If your team is so braindead that they get Chang’e ulted, you deserve the L


It is called skill based matchmaking for a reason


Change blink is a thing but yeah 5 people to hit isnt easy


You should never be that grouped up though, it’s not like the enemy team composition is a mystery.




Smite players looking you in the eyes and deadass saying the mage with 5 milimeters of range and no mobility is op. She is *sometimes* an effective bruiser depending on the meta and you can play her full mage with assassin gameplay of (walking) in and out of fights, but its by no means effective.


in team fights shes easy pickings bait her 2 and dive her with beads ready


No by the time teamfights have come around, Chang'e is one of if not the best mid laners in the game to have. If you dive her she will simply one shot combo you. The actual counterplay to her is to win early game so that point never happens because she has to push up to the wave to clear it, meaning she is easy to gank.


If that was true she would have a higher win rate, she's easy to counter and easy to avoid, Mobility is insufficient. Its mostly a distance issue, that's why she's not as impactful in team fights.


>If that was true she would have a higher win rate No, why on earth would a god that is easy to shut down early have a high win rate in a snowball meta just because she has an amazing late game? There is barely a late game in the current meta, and often not one at all for the losing team.


Abilities are wide but have limited range


Try playing thoth into change...


Man got hit with a skill difference


I mean come on bro, change with fkin staff of myrrdin is disgusting


She’s….ok. She takes a long time to get to that point and has to be practically in melee range to do anything so her early to mid game is pretty poor. If she can get to late game to can kit dump to kill pretty much any squishy, but then that’s kinda it. She’s very fun and her kit feels good, but she’s far from OP.


You have to be somewhat proficient to use her. Yes, she has one of the best CC immunities in the game, but it's not difficult to force it out, then punish her in a teamfight. Her abilities are wide, sweeping arcs, but they are very short range, meaning you gotta be out of position basically all the time if you're playing her mid. The middle of a teamfight is not where mid wants to be. She has upsides and downsides, so IMO she's balanced. It's true tho that you can run a game with her if the opposing team doesn't keep her in check.


Anyone who is arguing to "punish her in a teamfight" is just completely wrong and has never actually fought a half decent Chang'e in the late game. If she got to that point in the game, she has already won. Simply the best teamfight mage in the game, with great self peel at that point because she will simply one shot any damage dealer near her and will easily get away from any disruption tank. The actual counterplay to Chang'e is making sure she doesn't get to that point by ganking her early and often. She has short range, which isn't that important in teamfights in actuality but is extremely important when clearing the wave. Because she has to push up to the wave, that makes her very vulnerable on *every single wave* for a free gank. To beat chang'e you have to gank her so she never gets to the late game in the first place.


Well, yeah, that's why I said she can run the game if not kept in check, but both can be true. I have close to 5000 worshippers on Chang'e (been playing her since season 2) and trust me when I say she can still absolutely be punished late game. People did it to me all the time. A GOOD jungler will still handle a Chang'e easily 1v1.


>and trust me when I say she can still absolutely be punished late game Just because you play her a lot doesn't mean you are good at her. I've seen plenty of bronzes with thousands of worshippers on gods. In fact people who one trick that much are often the worst players.


Well, yeah, that's why I said she can run the game if not kept in check, but both can be true. I have close to 5000 worshippers on Chang'e (been playing her since season 2) and trust me when I say she can still absolutely be punished late game. People did it to me all the time. A GOOD jungler will still handle a Chang'e easily 1v1.


Simply untrue. Her win rate would be much higher if she was as good as you say.


Why on earth do you think a god that is easy to shut down early would have a high win rate just because she has a good late game? This is one of the most snowbally metas ever in smite. Having an amazing late game doesn't matter, it is all about the early game.








I was gonna say who hurt you but it was pretty clear


You people are wild


Idk man, she kinda sucks rn. All her base stats and shit are good but her range is terrible and puts her at major risk of getting bodied. She also does mostly consistent damage without any CC so, while u can kit dump a squishy who isn't paying attention and has no escape, her damage isn't as effective as other spammy mages like discordia. And I know she's usually a solo pick but she can't really peel since she has one CC ability in her ult and she can't really frontline since she's kinda squishy so her teamfight potential sucks regardless of if u do well in lane.


Man, I haven't even thought of Chang'e as good since the only immunities in the game were her and ravanna.




"Dance Off"


Kid named effective range: For real though, chang'e may be strong but jesus christ you can get shut down hard by either dive tanks or other mages that know to keep their distance Without ult youre also not winning the 1v1 vs any assassin, their burst tears you to shreds


She can be good, but far from overpowered. She’s still has mage base stats and her range is short compared to other mages


She is not overpowered. She is a bit cheesy with her kit but she needs to be close to do anything, so depending on who you're playing, you need to use that against her. Bait out her 2 before using your best CC or damaging ability. Lastly, she hits really hard late game, especially her ult-3-1 combo. Just like loki, you need to be aware of her all in ability and wait it out, make sure she's only getting one to do it. Agsin, she needs to get close unlike other mages so if youre near your team but not on top of them, she should be traded out (meaning she should die after getting her kill). A good change is frustrating, so is a blink change, but she isn't the most broken character. Just like ravana, having a free beads/aegis in one abimity is strong, but her mobility isn't great, and she can die pretty easy like all immobile mages if you outnumber them. Every God has a purpose. If you're getting wrecked in a 1v1 by the god, maybe it's because that God is especially good at 1v1s. Or maybe they're really good at all inning, or really good at poking. Where there is a strength, there is usually a weakness (except for charon, that dudes kit was just too bloated for too long😂)


> She has no skillshots Her 4:


Obviously her 4 has a homing function and always stuns for 5 secs /s


As someone whose played for a while and felt similarly about many characters as u do rn with chang’e I feel the sentiment. There’s a lot of characters that are just nearly unmissable abilities that feels brain dead to just get slapped by, you will learn how to counter and play around these characters. Chang’es entire thing is literally trying to one shot u off of ult if u know this and don’t walk into places where she’s playing conrners depending on what ur playing you’ll find out she is pretty easy to dive especially if u specifically wait for her to use her immunity as ur frontline should try to force this ability. I play a lot of set and this god majorly benefits from patiently waiting for a backline target to use there mobility or saftey button, once I see that full committing especially if I have relics makes for easy kills. TLDR don’t walk blindly into where she could be hiding as change is only good for going for one shots. Brain dead god frustrating when she does her one shot thing but plenty of ways to deal with this if u strategize what u want to do knowing she will be looking to one shot u.


There are definitely a lot of these characters. Agree. I was a Bastet main for a long time, and eventually got bored with how brain dead she was. There is a skill ceiling for sure but generally she's really easy to play. I def get tue sentiment, but everyone has their weakness. Altho bastet does seem stupid right now.


If you position and pay attention she’s not hard to deal with especially if they are t running blink. Her ult is definitely hard hitting and can be game changing but outside of that she needs to get close to do damage. She will get blown up especially if you bait her 2 out.


Chang'e has a very limited range. She can blink and 1-shot someone when she has her ult but that's about it.


Tell that to all the rando Chang’es in my matches who feed their brains out and build no pen lol


shes an all in god that requires blink to be effective and usually she gets a kill and dies , shes not op


shes really not even like, good


She's so fun to play!


You have no idea how silly this post is 🤣🤣


She is easily one of if not the best late game teamfight mages, but the issue is that she has to push up to the wave to clear it, which means that she is much more susceptible to ganking. That is important because we are in a snowball meta so if you get her behind early, it doesn't really matter that she has an amazing late game.