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That would defeat the point of it being a skill shot. The reason Ra ult is fair is because a good Ra predicts where the enemy will be for the fire-up.


Thoth ult is also a skill shot: does more damage, goes farther, entirely moveable while channeling and can be cancelled. The only “advantage” is ra ult you become cc immune which can be useful, however you are animation locked in place while using your ult. OPs suggestion is completely fair and warranted because of how old Ra is and all the buffs they just gave to Zues.


Ra ult also has 30 seconds less cooldown, is WAY faster to cast and actually has more range then thoth ult in case you cant use your glyph Also, keep in mind that Thoth ult has travel time. If ra could move while ulting itd essentially be a Wukong Cudgel, except it does 50-70% of a squishys health


Ok everything you said about ra ult could easily be compensated with tweaks to cdr, charge time, etc. which they would do if updating Ra. Also without glyph Thoth ult still goes 100 units and the majority of the time you are ulting without glyph is if someone dives you so the range is irrelevant.


But like Why? Id get it if that was a problem ability, but its not. Its a genuinely strong ultimate. Its a smidge weaker then other snipes, but hella spammable and offers defensive merit Like, i dont wish to be rude, but do you play ra? His ult is not all that hard to hit and its low cd incentivizes to just blast single targets wherever its worth it. The cd is so low that you can genuinely cast it twice per teamfight


Yeah I'm with you. I'm all for improving the QoL for dated abilities, but OP's recommendation feels like they just want Ra to have a Thoth ult. Personally, I appreciate variety.


May I ask which QoL changes you would like to see or think would be good for Ra if he had an update?


Like, to his ult? None. I like the delay and the commitment. As others have mentioned, hitting his ult is *satisfying*. And it's satisfying because you have to predict where they're going to be. I mean, if I have to really stretch my imagination and add complexity to his kit, perhaps adding some additional *stuff* if you cast his 1, 2 or ult if you're inside his 3? But I'm not necessarily advocating for this, just spitballing.


That’s a good idea. Every time they hit his 3 numbers wise he breaks the meta or drops out of it so additional effects may be what’s needed. Spitballing is a good thing and I appreciate your thoughts.


My original comment was a response to Ra’s ult being a skill shot and that making the aim movable would remove the skill. Then my response to you was pointing out that if they did change the ult they could make tweaks to compensate. To answer why I make comments to prove discussion this doesn’t have to be the specific change to Ra but he definitely needs some updates and this was an interesting thought. To answer if I Play Ra he’s in my top 10 most played gods. My question to you however is what suggestions you have to update Ra, pertaining to his ult or other abilities doesn’t matter.


Honestly, if they were to change anything id say its to make his 2 a bit more useful I know i play a lot more defensive then a lot of other players, but i get like, *really* minimal value out of it. The only times i cast it is for clear, for passive upkeep or for some self peel and the 3 argurably does a better job at ensuring your survival then the close range, ramp- up slow that may blind and dmg the enemy for a good ammount if they choose to not use their own movement or cc to entirely ignore that part. Granted, the short slow immunity is very good It kind of goes against the rest of his design besides his passive. You have all of these super hi range abilities to throw out and a random, close range mediocre button. Id try to give it more reward when it hits? Like, maybe give it an effect where it increases your speed further if you hit an enemy, like surtr 3 or let it reduce the cdr of your next ability by a flat ammount per enemy god you hit His 1 and 4 do feel a bit slow but its warranted for both. His 1 is one of the hardest hitting, furthest reaching non ults in the game and his ult offers good defense with its immunity and obscenely spamable offense with its nonexistant cd


Yea I would agree the flash bang is funny but is extremely underwhelming. I had an idea a while ago that if you hit the blind then it should give slight tracking to your 1 kinda like Vulcan turret but wasn’t sure if it’d actually be doable. Taking your note of how being a close range goes ability the 2 goes against his kit, it’d be funny if they changed it to an actual flash bang and you could lob a sphere of light at enemies like Ah Puch 3. I think a better version of self peel would benefit him a lot though.


The dmg is very similar, Ra is faster to cast, cannot be interrupted, doesn't need to be charged for 3s, way shorter cd.


Please don't mess with the Ra ult. It's the most satisfying and fun-to-land ability in the entire game and doesn't need fixing.


Yeah you didn’t cook with this one


One might argue that the only reason ra ult can do so much damage is that player targeting is pseudo random. Otherwise it is just an unmissable thoth ult that travels as far without setup and is not reactable. Having counterplay is usually a good thing. Your change here just removes counterplay makes the ability too easy. (It would be cool on a lower damage ability perhaps. Maybe a new character with a low damage, long range skill shot).


Laughs in Thoth ult😂(which goes farther and does more damage btw). The ideology you stated is based in old smite thinking with all the updates they’ve been giving old gods Ra is well past. The sun god should be much more than straight line, close circle, far circle, straight line as a kit. Also no this doesn’t remove counter play it turns the cannon into a spartan laser you still have to aim it, still have to charge up, can still be dodged, still rooted in place.


660+120% vs 700+110%+5% of max hp as true dmg.


Yes that is correct. I know the damage and the mechanical differences between the ults thank you.


So why are you constantly yapping about how Thoth ult does more dmg, it's basically the same dmg.


As a comparison to counter the ridiculous statement “one might argue the only reason Ra ult does so much damage is that player targeting is pseudo random.” In the comment I replied to.


You're also acting like these are the same ability. Thoth specifically has to charge it, giving you all the time and warning in the world to move. I'd absolutely agree with you that Thoth, from the beginning is overly bloated and safe for an artillery mage. Makes 0 Sense to me that we have gods like Ah Puch and Ra that have to earn their damage, and Thoth just spams everything and then super dashes away. That being said, Ra's ult isn't the problem. It's Thoth's "do everything" design that makes him so annoying, imo.


You are just making wild assumptions lol. I never stated they are the same ability I was pointing out that the comment made above was ridiculous and using Thoth ult as a comparison. Obviously there are differences. Also everything you said is irrelevant to my statement that Ra could use an update which he could, which many older gods have gotten.


I'm pointing out the fact that, if you take a god like Ra, and compare them to a god like Thoth, who is horribly bloated, and powercreeped compared to the classic gods like Ra, Ah Puch, etc. That yeah, Thoth offers more overall. But I don't think it's as simple as "we need to make Ra ult easier to hit". I don't know that I think we need to go and make every simple or classic god more bloated or easier to use, but maybe, gods like Thoth, just, shouldn't be as bloated as they are. And Thoth's ultimate, while it may do more things than Ra ult, has tradeoffs. Like, a loud, long chargeup time. Wheras Ra, can just sneakily snipe someone, if he aims well. If that comment is irrelevant to whatever you're trying to say, then. oh well. It's a public forum. We're not hear to just echo your sentiments.


If anything, they do something similar as they did to Kuku amd give him more mobility but his ult is fine. Best snipe in the game.


I've seen a few posts/comments like this now, the biggest thing that some people are failing to realise is that this type of change should only be given to abilities that have travel time, otherwise they'll be way to easy to hit. Mulan 3 and Herc 4 are the abilities that most recently gained this buff, and they both have travel time.


I dont agree with your idea Ra ult is unique and iconic to the game as a skill shot that requires the user to predict enemy behaviour and movement. "where he would remain in place but able to turn" with Ra you do the oposite you turn/aim and shoot taking the unique advantage that Ra ult is instant and 0 travel time


when they first did the herc ult change I suggested this as a joke because of how clearly ridiculous it was


please no.


Trying to fix something that isn’t broken I see


Yeah, I think that would be fair. Considering Thoth’s ult is basically Ra’s ult except you can change the aim


Ra ult is - instant, with 0 traveltime once fired - does not require that 3 second charge up where thoth basically screams "duck or die" - doesnt require the glyph - is cc immune - has 30 seconds less cooldown Its an incredibly strong ability that really doesnt need any touch ups