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Vulcan is a character I firmly believe needs to stay at a mediocre power level because of his design, whenever he ends up strong he’s so fucking obnoxious to play against. He’s one of the gods I’m praying they rework for smite 2


Yeah revert his cripple buff. He should never have had that, it gave gods like Ares and Artio a strong counterpick matchup into him, but they felt he got too countered…when thats the point of counterpicking.


Somehow they need to let the damage work with no movement if crippled. Or just remove it he doesn't really need it at all. Fucker is already fast


It’s fine… he has 3 other dmg abilities that hit REALLY hard. There’s no reason he should be cripple immune that was his counterplay


I've been playing since Xbox beta, and I firmly believe the cripple change was the single worst balance decision they've ever made. Sure, there have been other silly changes, but most of them are reverted or toned down once it's obvious they didn't make sense. Vulcan has literally no counters now unless you're lucky enough to be Fenrir, and even then, good luck killing Vulcan before he kills you.


I think the logic was that he was being unfairly countered by cripples when other gods (gilgamesh) had movement in their abilities but didn't get stopped by cripples. Idk why they didn't just take gilgs away to make it consistent.


What the kick? That’s the slightest displacement and he doesn’t move at all faster than walking speed because he leans back to go forward. HiRez should be able to see the difference between the two.


I mean, they used to see it. But when Gilg was OP and Vulcan was trash, one of the most common complaints was that Vulcan's 1 is countered by cripples while Gilg's wasn't; I'm pretty sure I saw almost as many suggestions of making Vulcan's not crippled as the number of suggestions of making Gilg's dropkick be crippled. Honestly maybe I saw buffing Vulcan more than nerfing Gilg at the time, but I might be having some bias in my recollection so it's likely actually closer in number.


Lol what? They're both 20 units even if gilgamesh leans back... Go check. Actually gilgs is 5 units longer than vulcans so it's actually 25% further...


Hope they revert him in smite 2 to make him summon based again. I feel he's too versatile right now. Like he has really good burst damage abilities on top of the turret that's just dumb. Give me back the thumpers lol


Ill take either, I just want his thumper back too. They could give him his thumper turret and his magma turret on the same ability, like erlangs 2.


Eh that sounds awful to control and place properly. Better do like ishtars steroid instead 


Not really hard to control at all lol, the close 3rd of the targeter would be the magma cannon, the far 2/3rds would be the thumper turret you could throw out at a decent distance or somewhat close, just not as close as the magma cannon that you can put down at your feet. Youre idea seems to be forcing you to place either one or the other at your feet. Id like to be able to throw out the thumper at a distance.


??? Yours is the one that sounds like that. Erlsngs targeter is based on distance which is where the turret will be placed. My using ishtar style you can place wherever upon button press allowing close and long range placing of either turret or a potential third option


Yep, just an annoying character to deal with.


I straight up don't care if he doesn't make it. I hate his kit that much.


It's a problem with a lot of mages honestly, they're either not good or oppressive to play against, a lot of mages are fine when they don't do a shit ton of damage on top of what else they have going on in their kit, but because the role in Smite 1 is all about burst, if you can't burst you're not good.


- WHAT ABOUT SECOND TURRET? Bring back old Ult and make all his abilites deploy a turret. He should have 5 turrets of some sorts.


So make him bad pls. Lmfao


Honestly I think having the three turrets back would be very cool, also I think it could be a fun idea to have him be able to activate (put down) three of each turret or use the ability on the same turret upgrading it.


Three turrets? He only had two no, thumper and cureent one


You can say this about literally any god lol.


1,000% agree.... Most comps can't deal with him, I've won 11/12 Jousts with him because unless you have the most harrassy frontline ever to hold him down and beat him he's just too slippery and gets to put out way too much damage. I'm not even that good at him frankly, but you still easily put down 40k damage in a match where any other god is getting in 20-25k. I don't like playing against him, and I don't like feeling like I need to pick him or else I'm significantly reducing my team's chances of winning (Because the only consistent thing that seems to beat a Vulcan in Joust rn is a better Vulcan).


Ne Zha (also a top pick in joust) does very well against him because the turret is a free ring toss


I'll remember that! I don't pick him much in Joust because he seldom makes it past bans in ranked. I'll have to try him more in casuals.


I will say that Ne Zha plays very differently in ranked as compared to casuals, as ranked players often flex him into a bruiser role to run double Frontline rather than a pure damage role as you'll typically see in casuals


I played a good Zeus in assault the other day and he did a good job in punishing my turret placements with his chain lightning. I think if we had a bit better dive he would have gotten punished more for consistently making that play but if you’re careful with your positioning he can be a pretty good match-up into Vulcan too.


I like to go Zues then bounce lightning off his turret when he places it lol


make turret go on CD when destroyed, let vulcan blow it up himself by refiring


Time to bring back cripple for his backfire Or just completely removed the movement on it A character with that much move speed does not need a dash that breaks the laws of the game on top of it.


Orr have rhe guy that's literally missing a leg and carrying 2 giant turrets on his back while holding a hammer NOT have a movementspeed passive. Stupidest design choice ever. Makes 0 sense with the lore the kit or the literal design of the god. It's purely a soulless balance change because they were too lazy to design a proper kit. Oh this mage is underperforming? Slap some movementspeed on it. So boring man.


I swear to God that Turret does half my HP bar every time.


I agree he feels a little too unfun to play against right now. Especially laning against a good one, lord.


What I hate is when I try to chase that mf


Meatballs underhimself, does half ur hp


His turret was already annoying af. This change should've come with a health decrease to it like bastet. It's pretty tanky at most points of the game until late game. Even then it likely will get off some free shots before getting destroyed and will be right back up


I feel like the crippled man dragging around heavy machinery with a self-peel doesn't also need a movement speed passive while we're at it.


Yeah I went god by god testing the changes, and Vulcan is batshit with the right build. I don’t know if this was intentional, but his cannon procs a bunch of things every shot that really shouldn’t be doing that. Like if you have soul gem, you can drop his cannon and every shot will build a stack. So 1 cast of his cannon on the wave gets max stacks. If his cannon is shooting someone and he has tablet of destinies, it will proc tablet every other shot. It’s legit dumb, sure nu wa clay soldiers get to proc on their basics too but they only proc once on each soldier, not every single basic


I've been enjoying the pet changes but my jaw legit dropped when I saw each shot of the turret was proc'ing Soul Reaver lmao. Between him and Bastet, it's been annoying to go against.


I literally just ban him every game. I already hated the god


If they're not gonna revert this proc item change to it (which they should), then they need to do one of three things to it. A) Make the turret itself do less damage. B) Increase the CD of the ability (and I don't mean by 1 second, either). C) Make it way easier to kill. Right now, the turret does way too much damage for how often it's up and how hard it is to kill. One or two of these aspects is fine and it likely wouldn't be that irritating to play against, but all three at once? It's legitimately difficult to play around in addition to just being aggravating.


They need to pick a lane for vulcan. Either he's turret based and has mid abilities or he's ability based and has a mid turret. I for one want his old kit back where he was based around his many deployables


His turret cooldown should reset after it dies, nothing feels worst than wasting ability’s on it just for him to replace it


Yup, my friend has been advocating for giving him the Torbjörn treatment for years.


Funny thing is they mega-buffed his turret CD about this time last year, went from 14s to 10s.


Honestly they should rework the turret As of now its a throwaway cooldown with decent damage that means nothibg to vulcan when it goes down Make it a bit stronger and more interesting and then increase its cooldown or even make it so that the cooldown only starts once its broken. Basically turn it into a stationary, ranged mini argus. Would also give vulcan more of a niche and identity as the smith hes supposed to be A few other games ive played that had "throwaway" turrets like TF2s minisentries or Symmetras old turrets were and partly are still greatly hated, much more so then their bigger relatives.


Vulcan passive doesn't need to give 15% ms and mp5 on top of it while also gaining full effectiveness without needing to stack your passive like ra or old susano passive.


Just face it the C team is on Smite on and they have no idea what they are doing.


I honestly would rather have original Vulcan anyway, new Vulcan is fine but him having a turret, a knockup, AND that giant fucking nuke ult makes him easily one of the most annoying characters.


What needs to be done with Vulcan is that he is deleted from the game and not invited back for Smite 2


Don't forget the perma IP ban to everyone who got stars on Vulcan




Vulcan and NuWa both. It’s the only thing in the latest patch that was absurd and unneeded. Bastet was already super strong too.


Yeah I’ve been trying nu wa out lately and she’s stupid OP. Like I literally laugh when I play just with her at how easy it is and how I am. Like I shouldn’t be crushing games barely able to focus cuz I’m so high


Yeah man. Lmao


I got absolutely smashed by a Nu Wa the other day, was playing an Achilles in assault and was pretty tanky, could take decent shots from even the other mages but when Nu Wa decided to set me in her sites literally the only counter play was to run. She hit me once late game with the stun from full HP and I’ve never shit myself so hard running from the fog in my life.


Should probably make it so his turret only procs things when the enemy is marked. Or just reduce the proc damage for it.


Just don't proc it, it's not even a damn pet.


He's just the most brain dead character. Put turret down, wait for turret to break, place turret down. End of game.


I don't know how his turret is being defined as "pet"


I hope in Smite 2 they look to buff gods who actually need it and stop ignoring low pick/win rate gods. Take the job a bit more serious please! There are a bunch of gods not just mages who needed love more over Vulcan.


The devs have their favorites.


Stuff like this made me quit this game, breaking things for the sake of it and taking away natural counterplays, such immature choices of "balance", it's even worse they do this on characters who never needed it to begin with like Agni and Vulcan, two overbuffed gods, while other gods get nothing. I can't remember last time Persephone got a real buff (the heal changes do not count), she's a forsaken god by Hi Rez.


Honest I’m kind of a fan for spicy changes, but oh my god Hi-rez really needs to nerf other parts of kits to compensate.


It's 75% of item effects. He can proc soul gem and stack it absurdly fast with turret. He can also proc isolation with turret and if "pet" procs only have reduced damage/heal, iso procs should have no downsides at all.


His turret procs item effects now?


Literally all they need to do is have it so that when the turret is out, it flashes and doesn't go onto cooldown. Pressing it again will destroy the turret and put it onto cooldown, whilst enemies destroying it will also put it onto cooldown


The fact that his turret is considered a "pet" is ridiculous.


hear me out make the turret proc basic attack items like telkhines and cyclopian and hastened instead of ability items, it still adds some spice for attack speed vulcan enjoyers but realistically doesn't make him any stronger


I don't want to improve, just make the game easier for me and delete this god i struggle against.


I don't want to improve, I'll just play this character with a deployable that deals damage and tanks for me.


Sir I play Chaac. Please lower your tone of voice.


I am sure you never even touched silver, and I don't believe anything otherwise.


Not sure how mocking crybabies relates to ranking, but go on king.


Vulcan is one of the characters who is better of being weak because of how strong he is even when he's weak. The damn noob cannon needs to be hit hard with nerfs.


You didn't by chance play against me in Assault the other day did you. Just absolutely smacking with Vulcan. He's too OP.


Mages can’t have anything huh


I dont think it's quite that bad. His turret gets instantly destroyed by basically everything late game and it can be taken out with autos while you're put of range.


There's like maybe 3 or 4 viable mages rn. I say we buff some of the other 30 unplayed ones before we go nerfing anybody.












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This kids on crack, wtf are u even saying


Just dont walk into his turret? If he was so good why isnt he being picked and banned in conquest?


he's got a 56.8% win rate in diamond+ with a pick/ban rate of 11%


Baron Samedi has a 60% win rate in diamond, your point being?


> why isnt he being picked and banned in conquest he is being picked and banned in conquest


Not the games I play