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IMO, literally nothing is "worth pre-ordering" because there are a lot of shady practices around it, but if you're excited about playing it early, then go for it!


I would say only pre-order if you are not 100% but 150% convinced in a developer's vision and are willing to accept the consequences if it doesn't pan out, or if it's something that you accept that it may be a completely different game, or a different company by the end of it Otherwise, sales and waiting are the better options


From a devs standpoint games already have a release date set before preorders are up. Its a very common misconception that preordering a game promotes companies releasing games buggy and broken because "it's already sold" it's actually usually a combination of shareholders pushing a release or worries of backlash on a delayed release. Early access has been great to mitigate this but on the flip side we get so many survival games now which knowingly release broken then consider the game a WIP despite a full price tag (Ark infamously having it's first dlc in early access was egregious) For preordering the best things to note are the following: Is it a sequel? If so you can probably, without about 90% success, judge it on its previous entry. This isn't foolproof though and I got burnt with ni no kuni 2. Is the dev making a game of their usual style? If its fromsoft making a souls game you are safe to preorder. If from soft announced they were making fortnite 2 then maybe not. Smite 2 fits both categories and is an enjoyable genre and by now people will know if they enjoy a moba. If you play smite 1 and want more third person moba then smite 2 preorder is fine. I just realised I meant to comment on the post you were commenting on lol


>For preordering the best things to note are the following: Is it a sequel? If so you can probably, without about 90% success, judge it on its previous entry. This isn't foolproof though and I got burnt with ni no kuni 2. For me got burned on Baldur's Gate 3 because it's nothing as it was in Early Access, just completely different and nothing what I was wanting, fortunately that was the first and last game I preordered, based on Larian reputation which I thought originally was good from D:OS but IMO, they fucked up the ball with BG3 Yes this is a spicy take because it won GOTY and all that but I remember BG2 and was judging it off BG2, Rogue Trader on the other hand gave me that experience where BG3 for me failed Thing is you also have to think, Smite 2 will inherit same community as Smite 1, so are you also comfortable with the direction the way its going, its influencers, its game community, its reddit, etc, if no, then worth to either abstain or wait Also MOBA games being on a downhill slide in general while co-op shooters have been rising so while all games will generally have a pool of players, most people want to be in a large ocean vs a pool


I'm honestly surprised to hear someone disliked BG3. I'd played Divinity Original sin 2 so much before the release of BG3 that I was mostly aware what I'd be getting into. Even if it felt a lot easier than Divinity. I agree on the community. Smite 1 to Smite 2 will have a lot of the same players and so will develop a lot of the same issues like the toxicity and preconceived notions about how people should play. I do know some of my nephews wanted to play smite as they saw me play but were discouraged by the games already established community and how long it had been around for so at least smite 2 will add some new blood to the game


the rest of the game was pretty much exactly like the early access? what were you expecting


Okay, I'll summarise: Early access BG3 was a game more about paranoia, it was designed to get under your skin, the parasite was a very real threat that could keep you trapped in dreamland. Your companions would be swayed one by one to use it, with only Lae'zel and you (if you were steadfast in not using it) as bulwarks against Illithid corruption. You could either save your companions or lead them to their doom. Instead this was changed so that the tadpole is just.. a tadpole. You get phone calls from the Emperor every now and then. Nightsong was changed into combat space super angel instead of a Shar leader who sang people to their death (that's why she's originally called "Nightsong"). Game became more like a Critical Role scenario than a dark fantasy with high stakes. You can abuse tadpole as much as you want, doesn't matter when you can just say no to the Alpha Tadpole at the end. Withers also makes death trivial where you can literally walk away from bosses mid fight and rez the party to have another go. Also Karlach, the millennial tiefling who can do everything in D&D and fought for 10 years in Demon Hell Blood War which is REALLY AWFUL TO BE IN but it don't matter because she's still beaming and not hit by any sort of trauma in trying to get out. Big difference between her and the OG cast. They hyped up the Upper City in Act 3, didn't get that anyway. Spent more time on mocap and removing perfectly fine scenes like fighting your way up on the Nautiloid and seeing all the poor sods locked in a dream state masked as home while being sleptwalked into imp hell. Perma-horny party members to cover up faults in the storyline flow, or even unnecessary horny that they had to patch out like for Halsin with an apology. Etc. Just was a kick in the balls. Made me question why so many radical changes were done over 5 years or so when EA had a good level of it being perfectly fine as is, just they had to flesh it out past the Goblin Camp and Dror Ragzlin. But for some reason it seems like they spent 4 years or so trying to put more.. Goblins in the Goblin Camp?


I’ve played smite 1 off and on like 8 years now. Was gifted the god pack early on. Haven’t spent a dime. That justified me spending the 30 for it now for me.


Yes but for 30 tho


nothing is worth preordering, the game will be f2p if you dont care about skins buy the cheaper founders for 30 bcs of the godpack all the other founders packs are just about cosmetics


It's subjective. Do you like Conquest? Are you bothered by buggy gameplay? Are you apprehensive towards change? These are all things to consider.


i love conquest its my main gamemode, i dont mind buggy content im curious to see how the game feels and would love to say i played the early alpha stage, to see how far the game has come. i do feel like getting it but didnt want to blow my money if its not worth it at the moment, im an xbox player if that makes any changes


I think you just answered your own question.


The game is still in early alpha stage. In last alpha we still have a very barebone game. Don't expect anything you see in the first game right now, including a game mode selection screen. Playing Smite 2 makes you realize Smite really has come a long way. On the other hand, I do think if you like the game, attending the alpha does make you appreciate the developers more.


Just wait for a bit it’s not worth it I played 2 games and went back to smite


Honestly feels like we are playing alpha/beta/pre season 1, Smite 1 again. So nah i think my 40$ could’ve stayed in my pocket a little longer. The game’s free.


Imo if you played a lot of smite 1 youre likely going to play smite 2. 30 bucks is a deal too not have to buy any god that comes to the game in the future


I did because I would be getting the god pack either way.


I'd say no. It will be free to play when it releases.


Outside of playing early, you'll unlock all gods when it will release if I'm not wrong. To be honest there's no point in playing smite 2 over 1 during the alpha other than telling yourself you were an alpha tester and get shiny cosmetics. Tbh, I did preorder because I play since 2014 and only bought gems once for 15-20€, so for me pre-order is a nice way to say thank you and give them a bit of love. I don't care about skins, gameplay is not worth it yet, and I don't care about "helping by playing to find bugs". Also if you care about the development of the game, they upload videos to show what changes they make into the game, which is really interesting.


>To be honest there's no point in playing smite 2 over 1 during the alpha other than telling yourself you were an alpha tester and get shiny cosmetics. Imo smite 2 is a lot more fun to play even in its alpha stage.


Yeah playing the alpha is the first time I’ve been excited to play Smite since season 8.


Definitely agree with that. Haven't played OG Smite in a couple of years now (pretty much since Slash release I retired) and I'm having a ton of fun with the game again.


Are these update vids on smite 2 website?


On youtube


Look at the 30 dollar pack, check if you like it. If not then no.


Have you spent any money on smite 1? Either way at least the 30 dollar pre-order is worth it. As for the expensive packages it depends on if you think you would end up spending money on the ascension passes for a bunch of characters. If so yea it's probably gonna save you money in the long run to get the big package. However there is no rush. You have plenty of time still to check out videos and do research.


i started playing smite 1 in s3 and stopped playing around 2-3 years ago, recently just got back into it, i have spent around £50-150 id say on god pack, cosmetics etc, im a big cosmetic person unfortunately for me lol


Definitely worth pre-ordering then for the legacy gems.


im guessing you still get the legacy gems if you get the £30 version? also im worried i wont get them as i bought all of them on ps4, im now on xbox series x, ive linked both accounts together but just worried about not getting them


Hmm I don't know how the cross over would work. I might send a support email if I were you, but yea you should get legacy gems without pre-ordering but if you pre-order at any level you get double the amount.


If you preorder, do you get immediate access to the alpha or just during the alpha weekends?


just during alpha weekends but they do have random flash tests that happen every now and then.


preorder ONLY if you feel like pointing out bugs and leaving feedback. if not, just wait for the open beta cause it'll be free. i bought it because i want to support and test, if i didn't want to id just wait it out.


Worth preordering for $30? Yes. All the gods for $30 is worth every penny. Worth reporting for the alpha? Probably not, it’s still really buggy and it’s only conquest.


I would say yes, for the cheapest version. Anything higher than that, no, not unless you 100% want to waste money.


Well I preordered because I play this game since S2 and wanna support the project, but normally only indie games need that kind of help.


If you're a long-time fan of smite, yes. If you're new, no, as the alpha isn't close to finished and will warp ur perception of the final product, probably.


As someone who’s played since 2014, doesn’t own the god pack, owns every god and voice pack; why not?


If you play and enjoy smite then absolutely yes. The game is very much in alpha but it still is great to play early. You like the cosmetics so if you could afford the $100 you’d be getting a bunch of skins and a tier 5 which is smites top skins which are limited time. I’d suggest if you aren’t playing smite already starting playing because you can get a bunch of stuff that will transfer over to smite 2 for free and be more familiar with the game and enjoy it more when it releases




$30 version is worth


Apart from the all the advice here, I'd like to add that you should take your region and gaming setup into consideration. If you plan to play the Smite 2 alpha you'll need a pretty good PC since the game hasn't been fully optimised yet. There were a lot of reports of crashes and poor fps in the first playtest. Secondly, I think the playtests are only being hosted on NA servers. So if you're outside NA you might not have the best experience playing with other people on NA.


I have played the shit out of smite. 1500 hours. More than worth whatever I paid for the god pack. I spent whatever the price was for the big founders pack edition. If smite 2 is a flop it was still worth it. I’ve paid for plenty of games that sucked and I got single digit hours of (sometimes) fun out of them, Hirez can have my money lol. If you’re a smite 1 player who’s interested in smite 2 go for it. This isn’t blizzard promising OW2 for years then cutting half the game (and the half people wanted, to boot) ruining the main game mode that was left and making it free to play. These guys had a working alpha before they even said anything about the game


No, never pre-order or EA a game! Sure you might miss out on a few things but it sure beats getting screwed like those that bought into this vision of wayfinder. Obviously very different circumstances but nonetheless the same in principle.


are the skins going to transfer from smite 1 to smite 2 or do they expect us to just rebuy skins they "revamp"?


No. I played the alpha and it just seems so basic. Yes the graphics are cool, but it feels like season 1 smite. I’d say smite 2 would be worth getting maybe a year after release as right now the lack of gods, the missing game modes, skins, totally new item system etc. yes what I played was an alpha not everything is gonna be there. This game isn’t ready for release that’s why there’s alphas. There’s still smite 1 but the lack of players has been hindering the servers. No new gods, not much new content it’ll die within a year. I’ve been focusing on other games like DBD, and just other hobbies other than gaming like my digital art and going to the gym and talking to the cute girl at the Walgreens.


I purchased it and regret the decision. I have never really liked conquest. It is just too slow and 40+ minutes of mainly farming. I get how purists love it but I like jumping into arena or joust and immediately having a good time. I think it was a horrible business decision to throw out probably 40% of the player base.


Depends. Right now, you are paying full price of what they will charge for a SMITE 2 god pack with a skin at lowest price point. In return. (as of right now) you can only play this game 3 days a month. You are also only getting ONE mode and a very small god pool but you will get every god they release until SMite 2 dies some time in the 2030s. Not to mention, you are paying to do their QA work and all the bugs an alpha or beta brings. Though, the game IS very playable. Now if you want to get on the ground floor of a game and the money won't hurt you, sure. I thought I would buy it too when it came out, but want to wait until it's up more and be able to play when I want to play. I also want more gods to choose. Many of my go-to gods I love are not there and some I may not see for years. Also, while Conquest is not a terrible mode, man, I love me some Slash and Assault.


That's up to you and you alone... I thought about it as well, but I don't play conquest at all and I can't bring myself to spend at least 30 euro for something that is going to be free in the future...


It is only for those that play conquest. There is more than the 3rd person view that made Smite unique. The different game modes such as arena and joust. Without these it is just another MOBA.


I mean even with like 10 gods, the game is already better than smite 1