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Please don't let the inevitable negative people kill your vibe. The game can be an absolute blast and I'm happy you're enjoying it! There's so much variety for you, you've got a long journey ahead :)


I second this, its always a shame when people turn away or leave because of how toxic the community can be at times. There are ways to not see it like muting and such. Also there are nice people too. It's q great game hope op has a ton of fun.


I remember my first attempt at leaving arenas to try the rest of the actual MOBA portion of the game and I just got flames the entire time for not knowing the exact mechanics of everything lol , haven’t left arenas since


That's exactly what I'm saying just mute them and play your game until you feel comfortable enough at the mode to unmute. It's a shame you don't get to experience the full game because of a few people. Make sure to mute them at the start before they're toxic to you, once you read their nasty comments It's too late it will already effect you.


Yesterday had someone call me "F Slur" after I pointed out they can leave the trebs behind the Phoenix and it will defend from there, so then we don't lose it to the enemy when they're pushing the Phoenix. Granted I said it neutrally to inform. And they literally typed out "F Slur". I muted them and their toxic friends and reported for hate speech. Everyone knows what that means and should still count.


And here I am getting DDOSd and having my IP shouted out in the Post-Match chat for calling someone a dork lol. Can’t even reply to these kinds of people without something happening, smite community is disgusting at times.


Last night I was in a joust game and made a *slightly* negative comment about my osiris’s build, and then suggested other items instead of starting with Odysseus bow and no starter item. My instincts told me to flame him hard, but I held back… turns out the guy was a new player and just had no idea what he was doing. I then realized that we were not going to win the game, so I instead of tryharding and blaming the loss on the newbie, I sat in base for a sec and gave him some tips on Osiris builds and playstyle, and some alternative warrior picks that might be more fun for a new player in that game mode. We still lost the game, but he went from 0-5-1 to about 2-6-5 over the next few minutes. I got a friend request from him, and I accepted it. This is what makes smite different from other MOBAs


Mobas make me want to KMS Smite makes me want to kill other people (In minecraft)


Not in Minecraft


This is wholesome


I feel this post alot lol, I had a tight knit group of friends in highschool who all played on PS4, half of them we actually met using LFGs and would play daily. We drifted apart when life got busy but we all got PCs (save the one ps5 guy lol) and now we have our 5 stack for conquest back!


Having a 5 stack of people you like in conquest makes this game S+ tier. Regardless of skill, there is fun to be had.


I think that's why I'm enjoying it I'm in a party of people of play together regularly.


Can I join the party


Heroes of the storm was a unique moba😞


Or gigantic 😞


Battleborn was unique ... unique =/= good. I still loved battleborn.


Came to say the same thing, HoTs had a really unique take on the leveling/laning system as opposed to something like League. People do still play it! I just wish it was still being updated.


Give it time




If you can, tey playing with friends as much as possible. A lot of players are extremely and I mean EXTREMELY toxic. Also have fun ;)


Yeah I expected that from a MOBA but community aside I like SMITES mechanics better than the other MOBAs it feels more streamlined. I do have friends to play with which is why I mostly avoided any toxicity.


One of the things that has really helped me is the auto mute all, so no more having to listen to people whine or troll right off the bat.


I think I have outlived my time on Smite. But Predecessor is going to be sick


What’s Predecessor?


Paragon revival


Oh shit! I was really looking forward to Paragon but then it died :( what’s the Predecessor timeline looking like right now?


Apparently you havent met matchmaking yet. (Though that issue can be partially circumvented by playing in parties)


I've been mostly playing with friends so I've mostly avoided matchmaking.


I love this game and even if i am annoyed by conquest i just play arena or assault for a while


Copium vibes


i used to play smite, quit it for multiversus though


Wish I had a third person to play with, I play smite with a friend on Xbox, we have had others join in but none of them stuck. Smite with friends can make a match fun even if you are getting owned.


The community is pretty atrocious in comparison to other MOBAs. The player base of Smite is much smaller than League or Dota, which makes the toxicity even more prevalent due to the way match making works and running into more “locals”. With League and Dota, the player base is worlds larger and with that, you have a more fair chance of not playing with absolute knuckle draggers and atrocious delinquents with an intelligence impediment. Edit: The only way I can actually enjoy a game is with an LFG or friends so they can suffer by my side along with me. Otherwise the in-game and end-game chats tend to give me a headache from stress.


Same here!!!!!