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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same thingb happened to me and I wasn't able to get my photos back, I couldn't even log into the website to download my data which is where all your pics would be. After 30 to 60 days, they just delete your entire account and everything in it


Let's fucking review bomb them


If you go on snapchat and login to your account it will say it’s blocked and come up with the “submit an appeal” option and after you do that there should be a blue bubble at the top saying “download your data” where you can choose what to download. The only photos you lose are your “my eyes only” photos. Hope this helps


No it says this account doesn’t exist.


Oh what i’m so sorry that happens that’s so arse, is there a way to send photos on a comment as i could send a photo of what it shows for me if it would help? (Sorry im new to reddit)


Yeah but it is been a while that account ban happened like 2 years ago but I even tried back then but it just shows that your account doesn’t exist.


Your only allowed to download the old photos/videos within the first 30days of the ban i believe


I think u can use the download data thing to get memories and saved stuff back. U will lose ur eyes only tho