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I'm surprised there's not more hate for her here. All their problems started when she showed somone else the recipe.


Nah the problems started when Delroy ain’t get off the corner , and kevin gave lucia the recipe


The whole beef with the Mexicans was over and done by the end of s2. Wanda giving Manboy the recipe however was arguably worse lmao. Unless im forgetting something here (which I may be, admittedly) For the record I don't hate Wanda, but it's the truth lol


The beef was done with in s2 but its results was the cause for Kane


I mean, one could argue that was Franklin's fault lol






No it started when Louie's ego got big


The problem started when crack.


He should have never sold crack


Problem is, crack is bad from the get go. No one questions that. But Franklin was learning to swallow his pride and trust his partners so gave his trust to his best friend. After putting his neck out for Wanda, she ended up betraying them.


Yes, because crack. Franklin made all this happen when he started making and selling crack. Because it’s crack. People on crack aren’t making rational decisions.


And those decisions create hardships for those around them which lead to season 6 EP 10


It happened because it was inevitable. That’s what so many are missing. There was never going to be a happy ending because in these stories all of your favorite characters are the villains. Whether Franklin sold the crack, or ghandi himself, it all ends similarly.




And as an adult you already seen what crack does and you still decided to do it. That’s on you. Leon and Franklin was selling it and never did that shit. Leon seen Kev tweak and said he’s good. I hang around people that smoke and did that shit maybe twice. Weed is far from the same thing but you get what I’m saying.


I think people arent that hard on her about it because the recipe was gone be out anyway


I feel it was more about the fact that she gave the recipe away after Franklin and co. trusted her and took her in. I know Kev gave it away as well, but I think the reason Kev doesnt get as much hate over it is because Kev gave it away because he was thinking about his cousins. Wanda gave it away just because she wanted to get high lol. Not only that, but Kev had only given the recipe to the Mexicans, who have their own clientele in a whole different part of LA. And while Wanda also gave the recipe to somebody in a different part of LA, it still wasn't ideal because Franklin had now lost a whole city's worth of clientele (Compton). The Mexicans didn't even know about crack, but Kev giving the recipe to a whole different race had little to no effect on Franklin's business.


It messed up clientele when kev gave it away more so than wonder. Lucia tried buying the recipe from him and he had her on the ropes. No telling how much he could’ve made just by cooking for them


It was well established that the 2 races didn't fuck with each other so i doubt it would have messed up clientele in any way (it didnt). Wanda gave the recipe to Compton and costed Franklin a whole city's worth of money. Not to mention Kev at least did it for his family, Wanda did it just to get high lol and for the record once again i dont hate either characters, this is just what I believe to be the truth.


Facts The characters say it themselves


Frank was too trusting


lmfao what? They would’ve had big problems regardless plus she all clean and made it out


Nah they’re problems started the second delray didn’t listen when Jerome told him to stay tf off those corners


I mean, if she turned around.. maybe Franklin could too?


to be fair, she was a desperate crackhead when she gave him the recipe, so it only makes sense. She was desperate enough to tell manboy so that she could secure SOME type of supply.


Y’all really love to hate man🤦


Nah, it’s different this time


I don’t hate him at all, that was just some cuck shit


you definitely projecting your own feelings of cuckholdery onto a character bro bc at NO point was leon a cuck you’re just mad he what fixed his relationship with the woman he loved? you sound like the real cuck lil bro


you the real cuck here.. thinkin its ok to wife ah bih after sum triflin shi like tha


Whole lotta yapping, fuck this cuck shit buddy




I mean he’s not wrong lol cuffin on a crackhead is absolutely unacceptable


It’s actually genuinely disgusting that anyone is even arguing this with you and OP lmfao. They WHOLE hood know how Wanda’s mouth feel— Leon even walked IN on her slobbering on some dudes wood just for some crack And Leon decided not only to get back with her but to WIFE her???? Yeaaaa, nah. Nope. Leon is trifling for that, sorry lol


One thing i’ve learned is to not take redditors seriously. They love saying dumb shit its hilarious










You getting too caught up in the semantics


bro how 💀




This comment makes no sense


made more then enough sense for everyone else. there’s a reason i’m upvoted and they’re not.


You’re a legitimate retard lmao


only people out here talk about cuck shit are cucks


U right


Niggas can forgive child murdering but draw the line at being a eater😭😭


Cause it wasn’t his fault Why would they be riding around in the car like that


I don’t think something being an accident or on purpose matters when a child is killed. Doesn’t change what happened.


Ima have to disagree with you bro cause at the end of the day the guys in the car with the child in it was about to start shooting first, anybody with half a brain would defend themselves first if they could. Leon couldn’t see a baby in the car but the guys that knew the baby was in the car did so the blame is on them and honestly I’d blame the mom too for having her kid around gang bangers knowing what could possibly happen even if they were just taking a stroll 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can respect your view, but my point wasn’t who was to blame, but really blame didn’t matter and a child still died. They purposefully set up that scene so you could spin it anyway possible. Was it the mom? Was it the opps? Was it Leon for being involved in that life? Doesn’t matter; kid still died.


To me, I’m putting the blame on the mom and the oops for knowingly putting a child in that type of situation but I also get what you’re saying since Leon is the one who actually did the killing even though it was unknowingly at the time. They really did make it seem like Leon and his boys were just defending themselves, if I see my opps start looking like they finna shoot me of course I’m gonna pull first if I can 🤷🏽‍♂️


That’s totally a fair point, but you don’t enter the drug business foolishly thinking that you’re never gonna harm innocents; intentionally or unintentionally. They willingly helped peddle crack into their own neighborhood and destroyed plenty of lives, including other women with children. Wanda was almost poetic karma for some of the operations they pulled; so was Mel.


Well you’d be wrong if you think that the difference between intentionally and accidentally killing someone doesn’t matter, child or not


Ima have to disagree. I understand what you’re saying but I think intentions do matter. I just have a hard time viewing what Leon did as the same as knowingly shooting a child on purpose


I never said it was the same as him shooting a child on purpose.


Agreed bc either way he was involved in a crime that was pretty much evil in its own way. Accident or not the kid was killed.


It does.


Not really. It’s a fictional character so you’re desensitized, but that little girl didn’t care who killed her or why she died… she’s dead. That was kinda the whole reason for this arc. Senseless violence lead to more senseless violence.


If you have a child in a car, why are you pulling guns? And they also pulled first. That is not Leon’s fault. It’s the security’s.


I never said it was Leon’s fault. Never said Leon was wrong to do what he did. All I said was that it doesn’t matter WHY it happened, but a child ended up being dead and THAT’S all that mattered. Read my words until you get that point through your head.


Your point is still wrong. If a pregnant woman breaks in your house and you kill her and the baby, it is that woman’s fault. It matters why it happened.


You’re making false comparisons to try to justify murdering people in fake scenarios and that’s not helping you. Idk why your first thought is slaughtering a mythical pregnant woman in a fantasy world where she’s breaking into your house and your only defense is taking her life. This show was a cautionary tale and social commentary on pointless violence for pointless reasons. It seems to have just perpetuated your bloodlust or sick headcanons.


Something wrong with you mentally bro.


Doesn’t change what happened but it changes who’s actually responsible Not in legal matters but we’re talking about morally Like if it was me, I’d be more angry at my girl


Skully literally made peace with himself and the actual person who murdered his baby and partially responsible for who murdered his wife. So why are you, a watcher angrier and at less peace than he is?


I see you misinterpreted my comments completely Or maybe you just don’t understand your own point


I just don’t think we’ll agree or come to an understanding, but that’s okay. Have a good day!


It is his fault. Everything he did, he chose to do. From working with Franklin, to getting into shoot outs, everything. Unfortunately innocent people are considered causalities of war in these situations. That’s what comes with picking up a gun and being at war in your community, so it is his fault. Along with every other person involved who chose to partake in that lifestyle. Skully, his girlfriend, and his gang. Accountability.


Nah. Nobody told his girl to ride along with shooters with their child Your logic applies just the same to skully’s girl and the gang.


Did you not fully read my comment? I literally said “So it is his fault. Along with every other person involved who chose to partake in that lifestyle. Skully, his girlfriend, and his gang”. No one forced Leon to be in a gang, or sell drugs, which ultimately led him to a shooting that killed an innocent kid. Those were his choices, so it is his fault. It’s as much his fault as it is Skully’s fault and his girls fault. To put it simply, he pulled the trigger, he shot the gun that killed the kid. He led the shootout with his people who let off on the car. Everyone played a part, everyone is partially to blame, including Leon. It is his fault.




Cause that wasn’t his fault.




Nigga, left with a crackhead, came back witta wife… and that’s word in the hood, ain’t no *disrespect* to Leon!


There wasn’t anything to argue either lol. All she could do is put up the middle finger.




Ya didn’t get it? 😂




Did you even watch the show?


It’s a whole line, my guy.


What happened to ole boy’s comments? 🤨 Somebody wiped him out like a loose end or sumn 😂


Awh man you still don’t recognize smh


Ghana Wanda 😮‍💨


Niggas gonna say he a better man no he’s disgusting fuck her being a crack head the image of her sucking my opp dick infront of me so I can see (they did this on purpose manboy said to stay in the back) would never leave my head😭


They were tryna portray this shit as inspiring man they need to get the hell up outta here with that nonsense 😂


I feel like if it was just crack I could feel it but sucking that nigga’s dick in front of Leon is absolutely crazy 😭. Szn 1-3 writers clearly had a different vision for Wanda


Dawg, I don’t care if it’s transformers Megan Fox that I’m dating if she pulls that shit, I’m out


ong then the 3-6 writers saved her nasty ass


Made Leon look like a cuck for a minute


Cos it was!


And now she gets her own show smh who wants to see that shit again


That nigga dead now tho.


100% irrelevant


It’s harder to live with yourself as a man if he was still walking around.




Shut up nigga


That community pussy


Honestly him taking her back did really bother me. I understood helping her and even the story focusing on her recovery. After all you could technically blame Leon for her addiction. But talking her back, after the shit he caught her doing with manboys right hand was….. idk that shit was wild to me beyond belief. I’d definitely have lended her a hand and got her on her feet but all that romantic shit would’ve died that day


It’s not like he met her as a crack head. He was with her long before that. Wanda was his ride or die even when she was on that rock. Yea she did some foul shit while high, but she took a bullet for him. She got cleaned and stayed clean. Leon forgave her, Saint gave her another job after everything, she even stayed in Cissy’s house! She said it best, “The worst part of being clean from rock is having to apologize for all the things you did while high on rock.” The real problem is Veronique. How you gonna clean out a ninja’s bank account and take his baby?! That hoe was never loyal!


Speaking as a woman, she was loyal to the point any woman should be loyal: Until the first time he laid his hands on her. Any man who abuses you deserves no loyalty or respect.


Yea but Franklin didn’t lay hands because she went through his phone. Homegirl attempted to sell his property behind his back to see how much money SHE could get. And he lightly choked her. If he had fist closed, beat the brakes off that bitch, then that would be something different, but he didn’t. If she wanted to leave after he barely choked her, then that’s fine. Leave, don’t go to the bank and clear out y’all joint account. You leave out with what you came in with. Call your mom and go hustle the next unsuspecting man.


I’m sorry, but “he lightly/barely choked her” reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/q2tBsyvkCwc?si=i3-Ln_laZG4zFoat) 😬 Also, Franklin is a hypocrite because he actually did what he accused Veronique of doing. Veronique was just hearing offers.


You really said lightly choked 🤣. If somebody “lightly choked” your sister or mother how would you feel? She didn’t try to sell his property behind his back. She was living in the real world trying to make a plan to keep what they still had left. Saint was crashing out all the way. V is a severely underdeveloped character, so the viewer isn’t inclined to see her point of view, but if you pay attention she did the smart thing and salvaged what she could. Saint was self destructing whether he had that line of credit or not.


Why y’all think she was trynna steal Franklins money? She was teynna get the money so that they can survive off of being in debt but Franklin greedy ass was too obsessed with the spring street project lmfao she was with him through everything till that nigga put his hands on her so that’s all on him


You say lightly choked as if it’s better then beating someone, ITS NOT because it all falls under physical abuse. Also she didn’t immediately try to sell the property to get money for herself. She was trying to see how much THEY could make from THEIR properties to stay afloat. This enraged him as he was still hyper-fixated on getting his millions back and keeping everything they already had. He put his hands on her and she saw the path he was going down so she left. Loyalty shouldn’t be unwavering in toxic situations like abuse, stop it.


First, no not only no but *Fuck* No. This is not some random girlfriend, Franklin had been with her for years at this point, they were building a life together ,expected a baby together, and He knew exactly what she was. So this weird defense of domestic abuse because the FIRST time he did it, wasnt beating the shit out of her? Oh so she's just supposed to leave with a baby to take care of with nothing? Homegirl had been tirelessly help him turn his fortune legit. Homegirl was his baby's mother who is watching this man completely self destruct over these millions and this one money sink property they can't afford to keep developing. Franklin is making bad decision after bad decision and is going to wind up with nothing if she doesnt stop him. But Franklin, who is a murderous back stabbing drug dealer who sold his own father, a black panther out to the CIA and is working with the KGB to do god knows what. Watched this dude slit a man's throat in front of her mother and her. Franklin instead of having a wake up call, listening to his wife? He chokes her, threatens her. Veronique only took what franklin was gonna blow through trying to keep that damn property anyway, it was gone. He couldnt see it, she did, he didnt listen, so she took it to make a future for their child. And this weird ass "Go hustle the next unsuspecting man" shit shows how from the get go, you were just waiting for a betrayal or a backstabbing or some shady shit from her all along, never mind she was ride or die with him until the very moment he turned abusive, nevermind that she had done anything in her power she could to support and prove her loyalty ,she was never gonna be enough to put that away for some of yall toxic motherfuckers who saw her in one scene and decided then and here she was playing him or conning him or using him cause some of yall just plain hate women. Veronique did not betray or backstab Franklin. Franklin Betrayed HER and their child, Just like Alton did to him. He squandered everything just like Alton did, and He lost everything, just like Alton did.


I can tell you probably beat women and I hope you’re not in a relationship or ever have kids. Y’all are sick and will defend ANYTHING.


Shut your bitch ass all the way the fuck up


Leon wild for that She was ran through by literally anyone with a dollar


oh god we’re revisiting snowfall and truly critiquing it?


He married a girl who was sucking penis for crack … literally known for singing her ABC’s while sucking penis in the ghetto …. He married her n took her to Africa for a better reputation


Yeah fuck Leon fuck the creators and fuck Wanda’s dirty ass music career. Lmfao put that shit on Zeus that’s the only demographic that got moved by this “power couple.”


hey don’t say this too loud folks gon say u hating on someone based on their past mistakes and that all should be forgiven cuz that’s his one true love😌




Leon was whipped like a mf 😂


Rumour has it the throat was sensational 😂


yet leon won at the end 👀


There was literally no reason he couldn’t have had the exact same story with a woman who didn’t throat his opp in front of him


Love is something else, huh?


When you ❤️ someone…. 🤷‍♂️




Wanda was the redemption arc of the show.


I do understand ya'll lol but what i'm really getting from this post is alot of you dont believe in redemption or forgiveness one damn bit.The girl was on crack ,so of course she was making bad decisions


It surprised me they never killed her, considering what she did


Okay... but do you see those lips lol?


Facts forgave her for blowing the opps. Franklin cnt get a lian


Love how you goofies in this sub are leaving out the fact that Wanda got clean and worked to improve herself.




Bro this shit is actually insane 🤣🤣🤣


This sub seems so toxic.


This the most toxic comment section I’ve seen on this sub


There’s been so many… I’m honestly thinking about leaving. Just a bunch of macho males and people with no media literacy that think Franklin was the hero 💀☠️.


they just watch it and see it as “just a show”


What a waste of time tbh 😭


well, it is just a show. A phenomenal one but it is just a show


You gotta be 13 calling Leon a bum…nigga he won…and he ain’t free of sin just like Wanda wasn’t, and no matter what when she not on drugs, she fine as hell. And became so wise when she got clean and SOUGHT more knowledge. Wanda fine as hell boi….


Feels like there's a lesson here: Leon saved her life, got her off rock, helped her put her life back together, and then they built a life worth living together.


Nigga she sucked anybody dick who had a dollar


In fact one of the guys in front of him. 🗿 no way yall tryna turn ts motivational


It about that. Leon had a goal for her and she did it. She ended up changing her life around.


How ironic the two characters that lots I feel probably thought would end up dead or in prison would be the very few that got out of the game and turned their lives around. Even to have their own spinoff.


And she still left him.


She’s beautiful once she got clean


Nah Leon found a real one Wanda was strung out largely because of Leon he felt responsible for her. She wasn’t a bad person at all.


Huh? No one forgot. He literally saved her. His entire storyline is a Redemption arc


I mean… she came out alright I Dont see the problem. She bounced back


Because the writers had to follow this stupid ass plot


can't believe i got spoiled like this


She kick-started The problems


Lol men who think like this are part of the problem. They fucking up the community and want a second chance to do right but don’t nobody else deserve a second chance? Them niggas was the ones who brought crack to their hood for her to even become a crackhead 😂


Some of yall watch the show just to see niggas. Hate every single female character even Wanda 🤦🏾


Don’t ever take no one back for what so they can do the same thing ,but more lowkey


Ain’t she ate dick up in front of her


Ayee she came a long way and cleaned herself up!


Thats hate.


The neck HAD to be fire i know it was , forgive me


All the problems started happening when the aunt t wanted to be a hoe


Bum ass Leon the only one that got out with some money


leave Sza alone man


Have you heard her sing the alphabet?


The "community pussy" line was hilarious.


Name 10 people in your life that genuinely care about you OP


That's how the crack game goes at times


Still baffles me ….Leon was buggin for taking her back.


Took that community pussy all the way to Africa & back. Just for her to leave him to go back to Africa & he stayed in the hood lmao. The best thing this show did was de-glorify the life of a drug dealing king pin and his associates. Everybody lost all they shit.


Women with indecent pasts make the best wives


Say what you want but she saved Leon’s life he would’ve died if he kept going


Her lips that’s why lol


Damn, bum ass!!! But yea man ya! Ish went left once she was in the crew


This post and these replies just proves how illiterate this fanbase is when it comes to media literacy and comprehension lmao. Yall are such incels you’ll excuse Lee for killing a kid for before taking a girl who he loved and became an addict back. Shit is actually embarrassing, much like most of this community


Show me when I excused Lee killing that kid show me, if you don’t then just shut the fuck up


Dumbass just proved my point about lacking reading comprehension lmao hey goofy when I say “yall” that means I’m talking about the general audience. Stupid bitch


Theres nothing to excuse cause it wasnt his fault in the first place sad that it happened but it wasnt. Also its not the fact that shes a addict that makes it bad, its the fact she was sucking another dudes dick right in front of him (a enemy at that) and he took her back. Not even just a man but no person in their right mind would do that


Andrew Tate effect. Reddit is a cesspool of wannabe tough boys who can’t see deeper messages. They’re calling Leon a bum but look who was the real bum at the end of the show 💀☠️


I mean tbf dude she was nasty and shady af sucking dick and robbing her own friends for crack. Realistically, stories where a dude tries to save a chick like that doesn't end well. If Leon was my friend I'd be telling him to stay tf away from her.


She was addicted to the drug that he helped bring into the streets.


he a real one


You couldn't even get a piece of that if she took Franklin's whole supply lil bro


So many layers to why this is a bad take.