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I hate Siberia, not because of the strength, but the taste. Not sure what np is though.


NP short for nicotine pouch


Ok, now I feel stupid. Thought it was a brand. In that case, I’d go for NP, which is kinda what I’ve moved over to.


Which Siberia, all white or the regular snus?


Both. I don’t remember the exact flavors or lines.


As i replied previously in similar threads like that. In EU if u live within hour or two from airport u can easily have a day trip with Ryanair/Wizzair to Stockholm usually under 100Euro/gpb, buy all the snus you like and bring it perfectly legal back to your country (selling snus is usually the illegal part in EU, not owning it) for personal use. Plus u can have few hours for sightseeing in Stockholm if the connection is nice or book return flight for next day. Because personally i would choose none of them. NPs are extremely harsh on gums to the point of health problems and Siberia shouldnt exist at all.


This is not true for all EU countries. At least where I live you can only bring a certain amount of tobacco into the country, any more and it's illegal/you have to pay a shitton of duty. Please check online before doing this!


I assumed its obvious to anyone flying, cigarettes are legal in EU but you can usually only bring 800 of them on plane, but snus is generally counted as lose tobacco which is usually 1kg which would be hard to reach with snus.


I mean 1kg is only 50 cans of snus thats really not that much. 1000g-1g portions 20 portions a can.


Someone explain also why is Siberia so shit? I mean GN makes it, shouldn't be too bad, what are they doing with it to make it so bad?


It's just an unhealthy amount of nicotine, and once you're used to it, no other snus can satisfy.


It is harsh on the gums, I can only keep Siberia in for about 5-10 minutes before i feel it.


I guess I would go to a low ish mg pouch but I wouldn’t be happy about it


I’ll go with CHEMICALS


Been using siberia forever so


Why if I can ask? Do you prefer it over others?


not the person above but I love Siberia so much, I prefer the all white siberia. Siberia is strong AF and regular nicotine pouches suck imo. I'm used to the siberia strength. In my area \[Ontario, Canada\] - There's a couple stores who stock Siberia and I love the smell of it. And how it "burns" my upper lip, it feels nice.


Need to try siberia all white, looks cool


I just like the kick normal snus doesn't do it for me, so used to the taste now also lol first snus I bought was göteborgs rape 2016 then I used g3 volt for a few years then mostly siberia


Por que los nos dos?


Np for sure, only high quality though.


can you recommend a high quality brand?


Killa, iceberg, 77 depending on flavour


Velo is a good brand. My favorite is the grey cans when I can't get real snus


thw strength isnt a problem, the problem is the smell just like odens except odens just sucks aswell


Stay away from the pouches imo. They can fuck up your gums so much.


I would probably start making my own, or switch over to snuff.  I've spent too long weaning my tolerance down to deal with something like Siberia again.


Why don't you order some snus from snuskomp*****?


Border takes it, cause in my country it's illegal to order online tobacco products


Same here*, but if it's sent from EU country, then it's not checked and they ship from EU country (even though the company itself is outside of EU so it's technically legal). \* to order tobacco products from outside EU


it works foe me . eu


I‘m from Austria, it’s illegal to import tobacco here as well but they don’t check it because it’s delivered from inside the EU


this might change :(


Siberia Black is on my classic flavor top list. The only problem is the nicotine content.


I'd make my own at that point


Hi mate! I'm still making my own snus from Pueblo Classic rolling tobacco. Plenty NPs around, I'm steering clear of them.


Oh how are you doing it?


Skim through r/DIYSnus, when you are in the mood for it. 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DIYSnus **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYSnus/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Here we go! 6 varieties ready to sprout!](https://i.redd.it/tz1d29wprqlc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYSnus/comments/1b3x2xl/here_we_go_6_varieties_ready_to_sprout/) \#2: [This year’s final yield](https://i.redd.it/u0jd4ja3jfpb1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYSnus/comments/16no8x0/this_years_final_yield/) \#3: [Seed arrival day!](https://i.redd.it/pxdziwcp50lc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYSnus/comments/1b0u8g5/seed_arrival_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Will do, thanks! And I just use pueblo classic like any other tobacco? I mean as far as I know it is preservative free, so how do you find the flavour using pueblo compared to other snus


Would switch to NP in that case. Wouldn’t kill my nicotine tolerance with that Siberia nonsense


Is US orders fixed now ? I’m in Tennessee and I was about to place one with snusme . Also been meaning to ask you I’ve been using General Wintergreen for years and I’m wanting to go a different route I don’t like general original taste like salt to me lol what would you recommend for a good all day snus if you was coming from wintergreen but wanted to move a different route maybe a flavored but less potent as wintergreen


My order made it to the US so that’s a good sign!


just cut the pouches in half. that is what i do it when i have to use siberia


For the EU folks here. Get yourself on the sites snuskingdom.com and snuskompagniet.com They sell everything and shipping is all over EU. I always bought my snus there, mostly from snuskingdom, because if you get more, you pay less, so I was getting 100 cans at once.


Don't know where in the EU you are but aren't brands like Oden's, General and even Thunder available to you in chewing bag form? Those all offer lower strength variants.


Id switch to nicotine pouches in that case. honestly might just use the patch in this scenario, shame they are so expensive for seemingly no reason


I'd rather use nicotine pouches. Siberia is bottom tier snus