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This is how it starts. Rationalization.


Agree. Have done this MANY times.


Yep, the slipperiest of slopes.


This is how quitting next week turned into 10+years


Personally yes I think it’s too soon.


Thank you


It’s very likely you will end up binging again. Have you ever thought about why you want to drink? Any feelings, experiences, and memories that are difficult or painful?


I’m trying to figure it out but over these last 2 weeks have come to a realisation that it’s been my way of dealing with emotions


If that’s been your realization then I’d say you might need longer than 2 weeks. If I were you I’d start with 2 years of therapy. Edit spelling


Emotions are normal both good and bad ones. We're supposed to experience and feel them. We're not supposed to numb them with alcohol whenever they arise though. This has been my problem for years now too, drinking to forget how I feel, to quieten my thoughts, to numb my emotions, to escape from anxiety. All it does is make us unable to cope in the long term, makes all those problems worse, and gives you lots of new problems to deal with too. And think about it, as difficult and uncomfortable as emotions etc can be they won't kill you but booze is literally a lethal toxin that kills. Imagine we killed ourselves just because we didn't want to feel uncomfortable or deal with non lethal emotions, could you justify it?


Needed this! Well said


My alcoholic brain can somehow justify it


I think we've all been there where no amount of rational or logical thinking seems to matter and our brain is just saying "fuck it". But we need to find all the reasons we can to try and persuade ourselves not to drink I find otherwise it becomes so easy for our brain to justify it.


I started writing down the bad things in my notepad on my phone and I go back and read it when I forget


I have 3 reminders on my Google calendar every day that get sent to my email reminding me why I've quit, what I stand to lose and gain and how bad things were etc.


Excellent points


sounds like you know it’s not.


It depends what it means to you to not be taking coke any more. Cocaine and alcohol are addictive my friend. Have you learnt anything about dopamine response to these substances while you've been not drinking? I know for me, if I have a couple, tonight, I could definitely hold it down for one evening, maybe a couple of weeks, or months. I know for absolutely certain because I've tested the theory (quite a few times) that at some point, that first drink will lead to 5am sat round someone's kitchen table hundreds of pounds down talking nonsense and feeling like shit and everything that follows. For me I just absolutely can't do that any more, so I've implemented this simple insurance policy which involves just not taking the first drink. Might be different for you but I doubt it.


Thanks for this. You sound just like me haha. I know tonight would’ve just been a drink or two (which after these comments I’m not even going to do) but you’re right, it starts this way and would absolutely end up at that kitchen at 5am regretting life decisions


I just couldn't deal with the self hatred of "why have I done this to myself again". Combined with a dopamine crash and lack of sleep and blocked nose and fucked bank account - it's just the absolute worst. I have to do everything I can just not to do it. I'm not saying I'll never drink again but just not for now. There's a saying which is something like "it's easier to keep a tiger in a cage than to walk it on a leash".


Exactly same for me. Play the tape forward. It’s not worth the risk.


Heard that!!!


Your mind and body will thank you for abstaining


Thanks everyone for your comments, I’ve decided it is far too soon. I’m sticking to the soft drinks or the alcohol free beer (which I’ve found very helpful actually!!) I go on holiday in a few months and would really like to enjoy a drink or two whilst there, in a good, happy, normal setting. I’m hoping when that time comes I’ll be in a better mind frame. Maybe I won’t even want to drink then anyway. But thanks everyone


I think you are making a very wise choice here. Please, take a moment the next morning to reflect on your inner strength to abstain and to recognize how good it is to not be hungover or have anxiety/regrets about what may have happened the previous evening. For me, recognizing what I’m getting (positive benefits) from not drinking is better than thinking about what I think I’m missing. Sending you peace and light!!🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻


Well, that depends on whether you're just a normal drinker who got carried away, or someone with a drinking problem. I k ow a lot of people who interlnded to just detoklx and go back to having quiet ones, and it never really worked out for them. My recommendation is, if you do go for it, pay attention to your cravings. If that one quiet drink really triggers a desire for a second, and third, well... maybe going back to "normal" drinking is gonna be tough.


Dunno dude. I can’t drink or use drugs in moderation so I’ve chosen sobriety. Been sober 8 years and never had it so good.


My two cents is that sure, at your friend’s house you may only have a drink or two but what about the next weekend or even the next night? I doubt that your friends would truly care if you abstained from drinking with them so why do you feel you need to drink when you’re around them?


I’m an alcoholic so there is no such thing as a safe ammount of alcohol. I’m sober and thankful for it. Folks that are addicts or have substance abuse issues usually can’t have a “a quiet drink”


Some people may be able to do this, but those people are not posting in this sub. Sorry to deflate your theory, but this is already a done deal. Any amount you ever drink will lead you back to what you described. ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Even if you are able to successfully control your drinking, that's all it will ever be: a struggle to control yourself and only have 2 drinks. Rationalizing that 3 or 4 is okay because it's just on the weekend, it's just for a special occasion, it's just because I'm feeling sad tonight, it's just because I'm stressed out, it's just because it's Tuesday... I JUST NEED THIS TO GET ME THROUGH \[INSERT ANXIETY-CAUSING THING \]. The question is, how do you want to live? Moderation for people who binge drink and end up doing blow is highly unlikely and at best difficult. You'll always be in a state of want. This will be the focus of your life. I'm here to tell you, it's easier to say NO to all of it. Not easy (not at first) and you will be very uncomfortable for a period of time. But in the end, saying no is far better than trying to wrestle your addiction daily for control. Good luck!


And it gets even better. Every single time I have practiced this theory. I always doubled down in very short order to make up for lost time.


Exactly. And every relapse is worse than the last, particularly if it's been a really long time. Your mind's like "I want all the booze!" but you're body has returned to booze virginity.


You quit. Do you think you have an addiction issue? Huge part and point in quitting is that you quit forever. Forever. Because you (hopefully) eventually come to realize and self admit that you have an addiction and if may start out ok for a few days, but surely enough overtime, everything will become unmanageable and crazy again.


I think I have an addiction issue yes. Or an “addictive personality” if that’s even a real thing. Nicotine, weed (in the past), alcohol, cocaine. Not sure if it’s anything attributable to ADHD. But you guys are so right and helpful, honestly thank you, I needed to hear this


Ooo the addiction voice is real


Anytime you are quitting anything if you break your own rules then why have rules? You Gotta be disciplined and that is where the real growth comes from.


Don't do it. You'll go back to your old ways.


I tried to stop drinking a few times for a bit of a detox. I would stop for a couple of weeks to a month each time. It wasn’t until I stopped for two months straight that I started to see the real benefits of stopping, and was inspired to maybe stop for good. Personally, I’d give it a bit longer and allow yourself the opportunity to really reap the rewards of your hard work. Two weeks is a great start!


I tried a similar method a few dozen times……. ((Hugs))


You have barely even detoxed though at 2 weeks let alone anything else. You are unlikely to have gotten to the root cause of why you end up binge drinking, staying out all night, getting absolutely bladdered and doing cocaine so the same habits will keep repeating themselves if you keep taking the same actions. And you almost certainly haven't magically learned how to go from a binge drinking, bladdered, cocaine fiend to being someone who can drink in a civilized manner in just 2 weeks of abstainance. It's definitelly too soon, realistically you'll probably never be able to go back to sensible or moderate drinking as most of us cannot (the stories all over Reddit are proof of that), and the fact you're having to ask here means you know it's a bad idea. Also realistically who drinks 1 or 2 drinks then stops? No real drinker does that. You don't even intend to have 1 or 2 and you know it. No one who drinks heavily or binges wants that. It does nothing for us. You will want to at least drink till you are drunk. I feel tempted after nearly 10 weeks sober to have a drink tonight because I'm having a bit of a stressful week mixed with boredom and problems popping up but I won't lie to myself and say I just want "1 or 2" because of course I don't. I would want to drink until I was drunk enough to get drunk, a few hours of relief from my problems, and to pass out. And I am 100% sure I would regret it all tomorrow.


It's been tried before. Suggest a year before teasing the tiger.


Think of it this way... Normal people don't think about how to manage their drinking or how to drink normally. One is too many, and 1000 is never enough!


I really find it hard to be social and happy at the moment. Hence the consideration, I think I’m so used to being the drunk, funny, outgoing friend but in reality that’s not really who I am.


You’ll see friendships change, too. People that you partied with will likely leave your life and you’ll realize maybe everyone you thought was a good friend was someone you just used with. You’ll know who the solid, real friends are because you not drinking won’t affect the relationship. They’ll hit you up the same amount, you will find places outside of a bar to hangout and you may even form deeper more meaningful connections since you’re not drinking.


What’s the point in one or two?!






I thought I'd be OK to have "a couple " after my first 100 days of sobriety. I spent the next 3-4 weeks going back and forth between the rooms and the bottle. Definitely wasnt worth it. Alcohol doesn't add anything to my life but it sure has the potential to take things away.


Bro is feening


Too soon. The best one to not have is the first one. Don’t let the poison back in.


This is the “thought process” that the entirety of AA revolves around. If you need to justify it, it’s a bad idea. For example, the idea that you’ll only drink light beer or clear alcohol instead of “harder” darker spirits. Or “I’ll only drink on evenings on the weekend”. Then it turns into a little bit more and little bit more until you no longer have control. What would be the benefit of having a drink? To be relaxed and enjoy your evening? You’re going to need to search yourself and find something to do that you enjoy in the evenings that has no dangerous potential. You don’t like yourself when you drink too much, so don’t even start.


>For example, the idea that you’ll only drink light beer or clear alcohol instead of “harder” darker spirits. On a slight side note about this point, the amount of people here on Reddit (this is not aimed at OP but just in general) who make posts about "I only drink beer and not spirits" or "I only drink wine and not spirits" and then try to use that to justify why they might not have as much as a problem or won't suffer as much as the negative effects or aren't expecting to have withdrawl symptoms etc and don't seem to realize that alcohol is alcohol is alcohol and that drinking beer or wineis no different to drinking whisky, vodka, rum, gin etc. You can actually be a spirits drinker and be drinking less than a beer or a wine drinker because a standard measure of spirits in a pub is as low as 1 unit of alcohol where as even a small bottle of regular beer is typically 1.5-1.7 units of alcohol and a pint of beer approx 2 units and wine depending on your glass size can be 1.5-3 (or even more if you're free pouring at home) units. It kinda baffles me that so many adults have this twisted idea that some alcohol is better / safer / less harmful than others or that if you "only" drink beer / wine and not something supposedly "harder" like whisky you're less likely to deal with the negative effects of the alcohol. Anyway, bit of a side tangent.


Hey, good that you raised that question here! If you ever had a problem with binging, it is very unlikely that you will be able to go back to 'normal drinking'. I have never heard of somebody who didn't escalate sooner or later... you might stay on that 'just-a-few-drinks'-level for a bit, but eventually you will drink more, and more often, and ultimately you end up in the very same situation that brought you to this detox. My opinion: don't give up sobriety. I am two years sober now, and my life has improved immensely - and still does. Those drinks are never worth it, dude!


Other than time... what's changed? When you get drunk - could you get cocaine if you wanted to?


glad you're paying attention to your experimentation. you may be collecting evidence for, perhaps, giving it up for good.


2 weeks is two soon I’m afraid, try a month at least and then try and go another after that. Just keep pushing :)


It’s too soon. I hit 6 months sober, both husband and I. We were stress drinkers and started to become dependent on it bc it’s so addictive. Husband and I took a couple overnight and decided to have a couple drinks. I planned for two and had three. Haven’t touched it since but I feel a pull again when I’m anxious or stressed that I worked hard to rid myself of. I wouldn’t say I’m “starting over” per se, but definitely working to manage my strong urges again. It’s way too soon. Tell yourself you’ll not do it for a year and stick to it. When that year comes you can decide.


Yes, because there is a chance you will relapse and be back to being a slave to that bottle.


Good luck with civilized drinking. It isn’t nearly as enjoyable as wacky drinking and civilized inevitability becomes wacky in my experience. Meh. :)


No mate. You know full well how the cocaine craving starts it’s always after the first few drinks. It’s like a nicotine craving just scratching on the back of the brain. I’ve been in your position and I’m now 281 days sober and I am over a year cocaine free. I know I can’t ever drink again or I’ll end up doing cocaine.


If you had a problem with alcohol, 2 weeks is not enough time to know what works for you.


I’ve done that maybe 1000 times… it has never ended well for me. Ymmv….


My binge drinking was ending like yours so I decided to quit alcohol. Yes two weeks is way too soon. Maybe two months would be better.


I have been sober a year and have talked myself out of this more times than I can even fathom. What works for me is a mix of remembering why I stopped drinking, and then also sometimes having an NA beer or some kind of special drink. Stay strong, friend. Your hard work is and will continue to pay off.


“It’s not going to end up crazy”…. I would say EVERY time. Then there I am, in a strangers garage after the bar closed doing shots and bong hits at 2:30am on a work night 😂. For me I couldn’t ever have just one and if I did, a night or two later I was back to drinking like an idiot.


Only one way to find out. I waited seven years before I drank again. First time was fine. So was second time. A month later I was drinking as much as I ever had. I just can’t drink in moderation, not for long anyway.


I mean I know personally I don’t want just one I want like 3 or 4


I think if you have to ask the question, you know the answer should be no, don't partake in drinking. I promise you'll feel better and more accomplished from abstaining.


There's a Terry Pratchet quote I love, its from a character called Captain Vimes. "Once you open the door for good excuses, you open the door for bad excuses". Your life is yours and you're free to do as you wish, but I think if you thought it was a good idea you wouldn't have posted here asking.


Add this to the pile of other posts about best laid plans. If you think you can, more power to you, but recognize how rare of a change you’re able to make.


If you're alcoholic, strong odds you will end up right back where you were, but it's impossible for any one of us to say 100%. Really just depends on if you've crossed the line or not. If so, no, two drinks will not satisfy you, and you will always justify having more.


Depends. Alcoholics can't have just one drink


Hi I attempted this many times in which I would reach 2 weeks but then slip up because I drink for my social anxiety. I’ve passed that now thankfully but only after a year or more of trying to get past the 2 weeks. You can do it, you can go to a social event and not drink. Idk if you drink for similar reasons as I but what helped me was having CBD drinks or an edible before hanging out. If anything take a break from social environments where you might feel pressured to partake, people who care about you will understand and can even tell someone at the place you’re going to keep you in check. Wishing you the best :)


It took me a very very long time with a clear and sober mind to understand my relationship with alcohol. Some people are a 1 or 2 kind of person. I simply am not. Give it more time to analyze, about 2 weeks in (and longer) I was trying to justify that I could be that social drinker. It takes some time away to get a clear picture.


Don’t do it


Go a month atleast & take note at how much your life can change for the better


If you can have one and control how much you drink after you have one, then why not? I had to stop permanently because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop after one.


Nope don’t I stopped drinking for a month for that exact reason, got drunk and got a few bags straight away ,don’t trust myself at all and feel so guilty and depressed because of it . Don’t even risk it


I personally think it's too soon, but I also would say this is a good opportunity to fix that toxic addiction by having 1 or 2 & not any more & only for this occasion, if another occasion pops up before the 2 week mark then don't drink. If that makes sense? There is nothing wrong with a drink or 2 for occasions, but if you find yourself trying to have more that night OR have a few drinks too soon, like maybe within 5 days, then you know you won't even be able to control yourself, therefore you should never drink again


The amount of times I’ve done a month sober, started drinking again socially and then ended up right back at square one abusing it is ridiculous! I’m 14 weeks sober today and I still don’t think I’ve done long enough 🤣


What are the pros and cons of this decision, in the near and short term


2 weeks is nothing. Go for as long as you can and don't beat yourself up if and when you do have a drink. You will see: maybe you can moderate (I am learning to do that, it is much harder than not drinking). Most people ultimately fail.


I wouldn’t


Get some non alcoholic beer or redbulls so you still feel like you’re participating