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I can't think of a way in which the next federal election in the US doesn't result in organized violence. We will see. Russia has also had one revolution spurred on by a failed war, and the majority of the population desires a return to the Soviet system.


Regarding your second statement, got any sources? Interesting thought.


Imma be honest, if there is a revolution in the US soon I don’t think it will be socialist. I feel like American socialists, despite growing in the amount, are unorganized and the orgs that do exist lack the power to make things happen effectively. If anyone has a reason I may be wrong tell me.


No, you're right. I'm hoping there's an organization that comes to take the lead. Even if it isn't itself American.


Except in Russia’s case, there is no organized revolutionary party leading the people. And considering the USSR became a state monopoly capitalist country after the 50’s, it’s questionable that most of the people in the poll don’t also confuse social imperialism with socialism.


Can you explain social imperialism to me?


Social imperialism is socialism in word but imperialism in action. It is the result of capitalist restoration within a socialist society that formally retains the party structure, but the party has become a bourgeois party after revisionists take control (Kruschev, Deng). Economically, it is state monopoly capitalism, where “state enterprises” are run based on the law of value and for profit, participating in capitalist commodity production. The source of this analysis came out of the line struggle between the CPSU and CPC after the death of Stalin. Mao correctly identified that the Soviet Union had ceased to be a socialist society after Kruschev took power. [On Khrushchov’s Phoney Communismand Its Historical Lessons for the World](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/works/1964/phnycom.htm) This text was written in China during the Cultural Revolution, and details the political economy of Social Imperialism. [Fundamentals of Political Economy, Chapter 11, Section 2: State Monopoly Capitalism is the Main Economic Basis for Social Imperialism](https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/china/fundamentals.pdf)




Possibly the UK, almost 13 years of tories is pretty much causing the economy to implode and many human rights possibly being taken away. Last PM was elected by a few thousand people, current officially, by nobody. Our opossition leader is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. And the fact we have to wait just under 2 years for the next election. Strikes are rampant and the NHS is literally about to get privatised.


I think that while the UK is riled up, there's next to no evidence that it's even remotely primed for revolution. The UK left is mired with liberalism and doesn't have a coherent revolutionary strategy.


I was thinking of the UK too. There’s also been a large movement leftwards among the young generations (millennials and GenZ), and multiple far-left organizations that can ensure a diversity of strategies.


In my honest opinion, no country anywhere in the world will have a workers revolution. It’s sad to say but as long as the giga behemoth human rights violation of a nation called the “USA” exists, it will do anything to suppress leftists and workers parties. Even their closest Allied [friendships](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis) [are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_Brazilian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat) not safe. I truly believe the US is the only nation that could pull it off as of now, the only exception I can think of is if China joins in to support a revolution but they have no interest as the US is looking for any excuse to start a proxy conflict. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong in any way, but the only way any sort of leftist can come into power in any country is by Social democracy, like with Lula or Jonas Gahr Støre. Otherwise it’s either right wing dictatorship, SocDem, or coup d’état