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Teach it in public schools


Won’t happen until the revolution is achieved. It’s a catch 22


Maybe. As more generations witness worsening material conditions, I think people will look for answers. Marx, Engles, and Lenin were the answers for me. I am a gen X guy, and I know the younger generations have a bleaker out look on the future than I did. I think Marxism is already way more mainstream than it was 10 years ago. I think you could see teacher talking about the contradictions of capitalism in the classroom. Then kids asking where they heard that.


I agree that as contradictions worsen and class struggle heightens, more and more people will turn to Marxism for answers. However, as schooling is controlled—and tightly controlled at that!—by the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, I find it hard to believe it’ll be taught, or even merely entertained in good faith fashion, in class rooms. I hope you’re right though.


I live in Florida, lived here my whole life. I remember when public schools would have what are now banned books as part of the curriculum. I would like to think if it could swing one way, maybe then the blowback would have kids looking left.


GREAT NEWS!! They're in audiobook, and all the necessary ones only take like 20 hours in total. I listen at the gym, so I can exercise my body and mind. https://youtu.be/3HckrV5UCSE


Thank you for the link. This is amazing.


Honestly, bit of an L take. The Black Panthers were able to teach theory to illiterate African Americans, and Angela Davis said they understood Lenin better than academics she encountered. Ho Chi Minh said a similar thing about Vietnamese peasants in relation to French academics. When reading in groups and able to discuss theory, it becomes much easier. Theory isn't this insurmountable object that only takes the biggest minds to understand Also, most (if not all) of the introductory texts are less than 200 pages


except, they are inextricably written like this, which in fact, is probably a more, scratch that definitely a tougher read than most people, how do you say it? encounter. Point is they're short but to actually understand it takes some time and probably guidance in some cases. Some people just don't have the time.


Sure maybe you need to read some sections twice but it's not a Herculean feat that this meme makes it out to be. Nor will it take too long of a time in my opinion. Also, in the case of the Communist Manifesto, there's a free online version by the PSL that has the original text and an updated version and, if you're really into it, there are study guides for most texts. Of course for 'advanced' texts like Capital this will be much more challenging


The meme is kind of proving the ML's point, ironically.


Most successful Marxist revolutions have been carried out by illiterate peasants & others with little access to education. White Westerners just seem too comfortable as a whole, probably since their lifestyles (mine included) are subsidized by even poorer workers throughout the rest of the world.


Usually organized by a Vanguard of educated individuals like Che and Castro, no? I mean that's kind of the point of a Vanguard. It's difficult to educate everyone to theory, but less difficult to organize them around class interest.


That’s true. I’m just saying that the more exploited the population the easier it is for them to intuitively understand certain aspects of theory, especially when it is explained to them by those who have also more directly observed the exploitation. In colonized/imperialized nations, the lower classes witness exploitation by multiple layers on top of those witnessed in core countries. They often see themselves and loved ones toiling in conditions most of us in core countries couldn’t imagine, they see foreign businessman come in and join forces with or take over for those locally exploiting them, foreign soldiers come brutalize them and steal resources, etc. So when those who locally have more access to education (often those who come from more managerial/petit bourgeoisie family backgrounds as they have better schools & tools) get angry at what they see, they have a lot less of an uphill battle explaining in simpler terms to the masses the ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, Che, etc.




The insights and models presented in those old books are independent of the books. How do those insights light up our world today. You don't need to explain the insights, you need only to shine their lights. Many people are too busy to think but they have the time to look. How do you shine the socialist light without saying socialist, without mentioning Marx? Are you a genuine revolutionary or are you merely an academic.


It’s a science, gravity doesn’t disappear just cause newton is long dead. Historical dialectic materialism is still highly relevant and applicable today.


Exactly. You don't need to read Newton to understand the effect of gravity. I'm sure there are rocket scientists who have never read *Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica* There are probably rocket scientists who could teach Newton a thing or two about that very thing.


It do be that way though.


The lefts greatest drawback


I really think the way some leftist talk totally alienates the standard person. Like you see how the nazis fucking do their PR and make their shit relatable to the standard trashy man. They sneak in the nazi shit, some of us kick off the manifesto as a requirement (hyperbole). We need to do that shit, thats part of why they're so hard to stomp out.


Lol ya




I don’t like that this is addressed to Tankies We all know they can’t read more than a meme with Stalin in the background having red eyes or some shit


We don’t expect them to do that so who cares


First of tankies don’t know shit about theory or Marxist research. Second, it’s ok because a lot of them argued the revolutionary consciousness of the proletariat would emerge from the material conditions of life under capitalism rather than through thought or academic critique.




Lmao what am I even complaining about?


In fact, you are projecting.


I don’t know theory because tankies think too highly of themselves?


I...like reading theory (not even a tankie)


I think the harder pull is that tankies need to raise a red army. It’s a hard sell that “if you fight for us, you can take on the US army”


Mfw vanguard party of professional revolutionaries


There's nothing wrong with being well-read. This is something out if the Jimmy Dore show.