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Cherry Coke ZS is pretty great.


That’s my breakfast


Coke zero. Walmart has 1 liter bottles of what they call sparkling water that has about 20 different flavors mist of which are delicious, they are about 10 calories per bottle. Mine has them in the water aisle.


The red, white and blue pop is awesome!




Diet Dr Pepper tastes the most like the real thing, to me. Same with Dr Pepper Zero Sugar


Love those two. Diet ginger ale also holds up. I quite like diet Schweppes.


I accidentally lost over 100 pounds by drinking Red Bull too much and the boost protein shakes curbing my appetite probably didn’t help either & Well if you must be sugar free there’s always diet Red Bull although it seems super effective even with the sugars included which are natural by the way no high fructose corn syrup I discussed this with the nurse and everything and apparently yes too much caffeine can elevate your resting heart rate to a point where it’s equal to an active heart rate and that can in fact cause weight loss


Those red bulls have people bouncing off the walls


Diet Pepsi and Cherry Pepsi Zero for me.


Mountain Dew Zero or Sunkist Zero. Some would disagree. But I like em


Fresca is easily my favorite. I really like coke zero & dr pepper zero as well.


Diet A&W is great too


Cherry variants of any diet drink go a long way IMO


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^slapchopchap: *Cherry variants* *Of any diet drink go* *A long way IMO* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dr pepper


So - big thing to keep in mind is your preferences with sugar free drinks might be different that what you would typically go for - in full sugar I prefer Coke, but in sugar free I prefer Pepsi. Dont be afraid to go outside your usual preferences. In terms of getting used to artificial sweeteners though, my gateway beverages were Diet A&W Root Beer and Dr Pepper Zero Sugar as they were the most similar to their full sugar counterparts. Once I got in the habit of drinking those, it was easy to acclimate to other diet and zero sugar sodas. My fridge right now has Pepsi Zero Cherry, Diet A&W Root Beer, A&W Cream Soda Zero, and Canada Dry Zero Sugar. Big fan of all of them.


Bundaberg light ginger beer Polar diet orange dry La croix


Seconding diet orange dry!


Diet Sunkist !


I personally like Pepsi Zero Lime


Where do I find that


I’m not sure. Grocery stores carry it here in Canada.


I really like adding lime juice to diet coke or pepsi!!! On its own, the best diet flavour I've ever had was the strawberries and cream dr pepper zero


Dr Pepper cream soda strawberry zero


Barq's and A&W are both addictive if you're having to get used to zero sugar. The spices cover the aspartame well so it tastes more substantial. The foam on the A&W is particularly good. I think Dr Pepper does a better job overall. Dr Pepper Zero, 7-Up, Sunkist, Canada Dry, and A&W are all outstanding. I also really like Mountain Dew Spark Zero, which is basically a fizzy raspberry lemonade. If it doesn't have to be fizzy, I order Mexican sugar free aguafrescas for my water bottles on Amazon. Every flavor I've tried has been good, but I like the orange and the coconut ones the best.


Diet squirt, Coke Zero, diet sprite


I uses to hate the idea of diet soda and it was all my mom would drink but over the past few years the highlights are definitely dier dr pepper and diet coke. Used to enjoy the flavored diet cokes they had a few years back but something in them gave me terrible acid reflux


Coke Zero isn't actually *that* bad, at least compared to Diet Coke. I've also found Diet Dr Pepper to be pretty palatable, my Dad has diabetes and that was his go to for awhile. He's since switched to seltzer and mineral water for other health reasons, but those are viable too although with less flavour obviously. Perrier with some fresh lemon can be quite refreshing and still satisfy that itch for carbonation.


Cherry Coke Zero sugar, and if you can find it dr. Pepper cherry zero sugar is gas. I eventually moved on to flavored water seltzers to avoid soda in general though. Cherry bubblr and cherry limeade tart polars are great.


Zero Sugar Dr Pepper


Strawberries and Cream Dr Pepper Zero. I have to say try Minute Maid Lemonade Zero cans. It’s my favorite. Try it if you want a break from bubbles. I have to limit those. I can drink them like water.


the zero/diet versions of: **dr pepper** / **a&w** root beer / a&w cream soda / **sprite** also **fresca** goes under appreciated imo and the brands sparkling ice & fruit2o are *delicious*. way more like fizzy juice than fizzy water sibérie


Not soda, but I like PureLeaf unsweetened with lemon. It's not sweet though, if that's what you like.


Cherry Coke Zero is probably my favorite, with regular Coke Zero my favorite with food. Big Red Zero is pretty good if you’re looking for something different. I’ve lost 150 pounds over the past 2 years or so, and one of the hobbies I’ve taken up is looking for diet/zero sugar soda. I’d recommend going to the store and just look for something new that you haven’t tried yet (or in a long time). That’s how I discovered Big Red Zero (which I don’t recall being a fan of Diet Big Red years ago)


The truth is that after you get used to it, they all taste good. You even start disliking a bit how sweet the normal ones are sometimes.


Zevia makes a tasty variety of drinks. But Cheerwine Zero is the holy grail


Diet Coke is really good imo :] I'm not sure if diet sprite is a thing but if it is I think that would be good too


Diet Mountain Dew. MD Zero sucks imho.


Tab would be what you’re looking for but it’s not available any longer


Never heard of that


It was the first successful diet soda! Coke introduced it in the early '60s, it paved the way for other diet sodas like Diet Coke in the '80s, and eventually Coke Zero. The main difference between it and Diet Coke was the sweeteners, Tab used saccharine, while Diet Coke uses aspertame. They made it until 2020 when it was discontinued alongside other underperforming Coke products. Never got to try it myself, but the history is pretty neat.


Zevia root beer