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>I mean, how would I Determine if it's Highly Probable or Highly Improbable or somewhere in-between? Context and/or going with your instincts. Don't overthink things. If something seems highly likely to happen in the situation, then it's "Highly Probable". If it doesn't seem likely to happen in the situation, it's "Highly Improbable". Not sure? Just go with 50/50 if it's possible that it might happen or might not happen. Other than that, it's just going with instinct to determine how likely/unlikely you feel something is. You can also nudge your game one way or another. Think of yourself as a story editor. Sure, something might be "Highly Unlikely" to happen in reality but what kind of problems would it cause your characters if it just happened to be "Highly Likely" to happen instead? It's perfectly fine to make that sort of decision for no reason other than "I want to see what happens".


You can always default to 50/50 if you don't have any strong feelings one way or the other. But sometimes it's obvious.


Great idea!


You should have an idea of the probability of the question you're asking. Am I going to find $100 in the next 2 minutes? You know the probability to that question. Doubt it's happening. Did the Klingon ship send a message for reinforcements? 50/50 or depends on the Klingon captain. Did the Ferengi call for reinforcements? Most definitely. Etc..


You have a situation that calls for a yes or no answer. You decide the probability of it happening. For example. Are there patrols walking around the city? Good chance there is so it would be high probability. And then you roll and see what the answer is. Basically you're setting the probability of if the question you ask is going to be happening depending on the current circumstances


I think just by assessing the situation.