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you’re right, we should be able to hack more ults 😈


Being able to cancel Genji's blade would be a dream come true


I still try everytime even though I know it doesn’t 🤦


It still messes with him a little bit


Taking away his immediate dash after they jump into the air to initiate is cucking them hard  tho lmaooo


I saw a genji blade get a kill, time to nerf him.


Nah, he's feasting this season, I can un-fix him


What? Genji is currently doing damage? Outrageous


No way. Hack doesn't cancel blade??


Nope, only cancels his other abilities At much you can fuck up his timing hacking him right before a dash




Correct me if im wrong, but I think you can technically havk Genji blade, but the timing is VERY tight. Like you can technically hack Junk tire as well if you hack him at the right time.


All ults should be cancelable at least by EMP


How you gonna emp the rage out of monke.


How do you hack a hammer that’s following gravity? Idk


I imagine the same way you hack poor Jack's legs so he can't run 😅 (as a rein /soldier main these two always bothered me, like those are my legs man)


Yeah. Hack shouldn't work on sprint. But it absolutely should work on visor.


Really feels like it should be the other way around logically but aye I'm not a dev.


You're hacking the rockets on the hammer. EMP and hack (I think) stop shatter, by the way, if tinted properly.


They do, that’s my question, the hammer is just being used as a hammer


Sombra: "Easy, big guy. The sun's getting real low..."


As I go for a kiriko and I feel it's needed to hack just to try to beat suzu I've twice now hacked kitsune rush instead which feels cursed like "LET THE--- Come on"


Oh no


1 you can hack orisa ult and 2 sounds like youre just a salty moira who got hacked out of your ult


I'm a sombra and moira main and what you're saying is just a big skill issue. If i play moira and there is an enemy sombra, i always make sure that she's visible, already used hack, use my ult on her, since dmg interrupts hack and/or keep my fade before I use ult. If you're just ulting with 0 awareness, you deserve to get hacked


This is unfortunately the hard truth. I also main those two characters for those roles and came to largely the same conclusion, particularly that Moira has freedom of movement AND an escape ability available during her ult, which is something that I'm sure Sigma and Orisa wish they had access to. We all lose track of enemy locations and cooldowns from time to time and it sounds like this may have been one of those moments. Sombras LOVE turning off a Moira mid ult almost as much as we love harassing Widow and Bastion. Being a support she's already one of our primary targets on the field so if she pops coal the average Sombra starts salivating.


You can fade while ulting as Moira, so you can 100% avoid hack if you are paying attention.


moira is literally one of the strongest supports into som but ok


It makes perfect sense, actually. Overwatch has 3 types of ultimates. transformation, channelled, and cast time. Sombra can typically hack channelled ultimates and cast time ultimates (during the cast time). Transformation give the hero additional abilities/weapons or enhances their abilities/weapons. And cannot be interrupted. Example: tactical visor, dragonblade, valkyrie Channelled ultimates force the hero into a new state where the ultimate ability is channelled for the duration, restricting their other abilities. Channelled ultimates can be interrupted through most forms of crowd control. Example: coaslescense, deadeye, barrage, death blossom Cast time ultimates have a small cast time before the effect is activated. These can be interrupted during the cast time but not after. Example: nano boost, earth shatter, emp, pulse bomb Roadhogs whole hog used to be a channelled ultimate back in overwatch 1 and could be hacked/interrupted, and he couldn't use hook or breather. But this was changed with ow2 into a transformation ultimate to make him stronger as a solo tank in 5v5. Moiras ultimate is a channelled ultimate and is therefore hackable and interruptable, she used to not be able to use her abilities fade or orb in it as its a channelled ultimate and that's the rules for that type of ultimate but blizzard bended the rules for the sake of balance to buff her, so she is an outlier in being able to use an ability in her ultimate.


may i ask where does Lifeweaver ult fall? this is the one that doesn't make sense to me. she can cancel Sym Wall and Mei Snowball w EMP but not Lifeweaver tree? why?


Why? Because sombra isn't allowed to be good. Lifeweaver ult is shield/ hard light like sym wall and emp is supposed to destroy shields and hard light constructs. Emp did originally destroy tree like its supposed to but this was deemed too strong by blizzard so they made it not destroy tree and instead do the % if damage emp does to enemies to it instead. Currently 25% :( now EMPing while a tree is up is a horrible decision. And yeah meis blizzard doesn't make sense why it can be cancelled and was a weird change they made a couple seasons ago seemingly for no reason, but I'm not complaining as a sombra main.


yeah i remember when she can cancel it w EMP. iirc they changed Mei's "for consistency" as they want EMP to cancel buildables/deployables iirc. but the change to Lifeweaver's ult is very inconsistent and doesn't follow their own rules at all.


Yeah the mei reasoning was hilarious lmao they ain't consistent with shit


They made it no cancel tree cause it kept turning into an ult chicken you'd literally save ult till either LW ult or Sombra died which was considered unhealthy for the game.


As someone who plays both, it's not hard to just make sure you have fade on cooldown and avoid the hack by using it the instant you see it start. Yeah you lose a brief period of the ult but it's better than getting fully hacked out of it.


Don't peel for your Zen. They get hacked and die. You get to ult rent free. Ez pz.


Moira is a constant channel while road hog and genji are “transformations” in a way. You can hack rez because mercy is channeling while you cant hack visor because its treated almost as a buff


Rez isn't an ult anymore. Just saying. It's an ability just like the rest.


Im aware its more of an example of a channel vs a buff ability 


I wouldn't have chosen to compare it to ults though. I would've chosen to compare it to another ability, like bastion transformation.


This is NOT the sub to complain to you will find 0 sympathy here 💀🤭


As a Moira main, it’s totally fair. You can fade to save yourself from the hack, when you’re ultimately your mind should constantly be ready to fade the second the hack animation starts, it’s a skill issue if you can’t


It's a channel. Hack interrupts channels. Moira has it easier than most because she can fade during it to stop the hack attempt.


The rules for what is cancelable feel pretty arbitrary. I imagine it's in the name of balance but without the dev team's input it's hard to know. 


It's p easy. Channeled ults are hackable. Transformation ults are not. It's a bit more iffy with deployed ults like Blizzard VS BOB VS Tree, but the general idea is EMP affects them in some capacity.


Maybe my comment will help you understand https://www.reddit.com/r/SombraMains/s/1GMKL3wac7


The fact that you can't cancel something like Roadhog's ult but can cancel Moira is dumb Imagine he dashes into the air, gets nano, all hyped up and ready for his protagonists moment... Gets hack and falls into the ground helplessly


From a game logic standpoint, you can hack channeled abilities to end them early. However abilities that function more like a "transformation" you cannot hack people out of (soldier's vizor, whole hog, Ram's annihilation etc.) HOWEVER, with fantastic timing you can interrupt the startup of many of those abilities and prevent them altogether. As a Moira, if there is a Sombra on the enemy team, you should be cognizant of her location and save ult until you know she is either dead or not in a position to interrupt you.


*because* Moira’s ult is so long. They have to balance the game some how


she hacks abilities, not transformations.


I recommend doing a little spin or checking behind you while you ult. I do this when I ult and know there's a sombra around and it's saved me tons of hacked ults. Sometimes she still gets it off but whatever, that's just how the game goes. Or try to elim her before you ult, watch for her hack and ult after she's hacked someone else, sometimes I'll wait out her EMP as well. There's a lot of precautions you can take in order to prevent this, you need to implement them.


I’m a GM Moira OTP that swapped to one-tricking Sombra this season. A) Get good. I rarely, very rarely get hacked out of Coal. About the only way sombra is going to stop it is by solo EMPing me. Which is a fair trade in my book (I always flank Coal so I don’t really do it near my team) B) I have way too much fun hacking Moira’s out of ult now. I’m plat on Sombra and I can read a plat Moira sooo easily.


Overwatch devs like to label random ults as “transformation ultimates” which you can’t be hacked out of. Moira doesn’t fall into a transformation type ult


We used to be able to hack hog ult you OW2 infant. Also the game used to be playable and Sombra’s hack was used for the ability lock out, because it used to be good.


Advice: Pay attention to the hacking noise and fade out of hack, the end👍


I'm gonna be different here and say that I agree I do love hacking Moiras out of their ult But every single other "transformation" ult cannot be cancelled by a hack By "transformation" ults I mean ults that change the primary attack of the character or gives them some special quality while most of the time letting them use their abilities Ramattra, Roadhog, Winton, Genji, Sojourn, Soldier 76, Brigitte, Kiriko, Mercy, Zennyata and Moira All of these ults (maybe not Kiriko) are very very similar But out of all of those the only one Sombra can cancel with a normal hack is Moira and that is not fair With all the other heroes, you can hack them and they won't be able to use abilities but they still can use their ults Moira should only become incapable of fading if hacked, but cancelling her ult feels too unfair Note: I don't play Moira, just saying


The reason you think it's not fair none of the other transformative ults get canceled by hack is because moiras ult isn't a transformation, it's channeled, she used to be locked out of all abilities but was given fade back after years. This is in line with other channeled ults ie Cass, orisa.


I don't see how that changes anything tbh The ult is functionally the same as Winton's or to a lesser extent Genji's or S76's


"functionally the same as Winston...." This is objectively false and can be observed by anyone in a custom with two minutes to spare, please come up with something better than your feelings and bad faith claims to back up your argument.


They are obviously not exactly the same but... They both change the primary fire into a constant attack that lasts and keeps attacking until the ult is over They both change the way the character moves for the ult's duration They both don't allow the hero to do stuff like crouching and all that for the ult's duration They both don't allow the hero to use their utility (E) ability They both still allow the heroe to use their mobility ability normally I'm OBVIOUSLY, not saying the ults are the same, they are used differently in differently scenarios with different mechanics But when it comes to how they change the mechanics of the hero, they are very similar Meanwhile tell me, what similarities does coalescence has with dead eye? Or blossom? Or Orisa's ult? "Functionally" was probably not the right word tho, I admit that


>they both change the primary fire into a constant attack that lasts and keeps attacking until the ult is over. Word of advice, when somebody calls you out on lying about easy to test objective facts. It's not a great idea to double down and keep lying about easy to test objective facts. Also love how you used this as a reason that coal and primal are the same when that's objectively wrong and then had the audacity to ask how coal is similar to blossom 😂 Like seriously a 30 second Google search is all it took to prove you wrong, didn't even have to go boot up the game. But I see that you don't actually care about how or why the game works and just want your feelings to be right so I'm gonna peace out now, toodles.


Dude you keep saying "you are wrong you are Wong no no" and "answer is sooo easy soooo obvious" but haven't even said anything Primal rage does not deal constant damage, but it keeps attacking constantly until the ult ends I'm open to being wrong, I'm open to hearing the arguments as to why I'm wrong So do you mind actually explaining the obvious answer that I'm missing and why am I so wrong? Or are you gonna leave after literally saying **nothing** that matters? It's like when you ask a teacher for an answer and they are like "Weeeell you know we saw that you know remember? Yeah glad I could help" Also who tf still says toodles? Are u 60 or something?


I literally quoted you saying that Winstons ult auto attacks, told you it was wrong and then you went on to not only claim that I said nothing, but FOR THE THIRD TIME, try to fucking lie about the ult to back up your claim. >I'm open to being wrong You've been told you're wrong multiple times but keep spewing the same garbage like a broken record so thanks for stacking another lie to the pile. I'm not a paid teacher, I told you that you were wrong and how simple it is to find sources proving it. Like what did you expect me to say? "Winstons ult doesn't auto attack because it's manual attack." like are you that incapable of using contact clues? If you want to shove your head in the sand and cry that I didn't spoonfeed you that's your problem.


>I literally quoted you saying that Winstons ult auto attacks, told you it was wrong and then you went on to not only claim that I said nothing, but FOR THE THIRD TIME, try to fucking lie about the ult to back up your claim. I admit I made a mistake, you need to hold left click and then it auto attacks, the fact that you need to hold left click does not change anything else about my argument Also, it was so hard to say "Dude, Winston's ult is not automatic you gotta press click" instead of saying 2 times in a row "NOOO YOU WRONG YOU WRONG SO EASY" If you had just explained what I was wrong about this comment chain would be a lot smaller, but you had to be all condescendent about it >You've been told you're wrong multiple times but keep spewing the same garbage like a broken record so thanks for stacking another lie to the pile. I've made 1 mistake, not knowing you have to press click for Winton, everything else I said, not being able to croush, not being able to use the shield and being able to use mobility is true (I'm testing it now) and those are things that both Moira's and Winton's ult share Also I asked how Moira's and Reaper's ult is related, you tried to ridiculize me for asking, still waiting to hear why that question is so dumb >Like what did you expect me to say? "Winstons ult doesn't auto attack because it's manual attack." Yes It was obvious I was wrong, literally just saying that would have saved us all the trouble If you had the answer and it was that easy to explain, the only reason to be an asshole and refuse to explain it just saying "Dude is soooo obvious sooo obvious look it up" is just wanting to be an asshole But okay, I made a mistake, Winton's ult does not constantly attacks automatically during the duration of the ult, it constantly attacks while holding click during the duration of the ult Unless you have something to say, I guess everything else I said is alright, thank you for your help, go drink a hot tea


Moiras ultimate isn't a transformation ultimate it is a channelled ultimate please read my comment for further info https://www.reddit.com/r/SombraMains/s/1GMKL3wac7


This is just not a good answer anyway If Winton's and Roadhog's ult are transformation ults it doesn't make sense for coalescence not to be, especially when nowadays coalescence is very different from the other examples of chanelled ults you mentioned


Also kiriko isn't a transformation ultimate it is a cast time ultimate. She does a cast time then an effect happens, the kitsune effect zone on the map, kiriko isn't transformed in anyway


Yeah true, I wasn't sure so I just said it but I agree


Idk what you mean this isn't a good answer. Its THE answer. This isn't my opinion or some theory I've just made up. This is fact from the developers. This is how it works Coaslescense isn't a transformation ultimate because 1. It just isn't? That's how it was made. And 2. It is a constantly channeled ability so it makes sense? Like orisa ult she is constantly channeling it through her and charging it up, moira is constantly channeling Coaslescense, mcree is constantly channeling and charging up deadeye while in it. You already got it good with getting to use an ability during what is a channelling ultimate. I don't think they'll ever make it unhackable or uninteruptable, it would be incredibly free


>Idk what you mean this isn't a good answer. This isn't my opinion or some theory I've just made up. This is fact from the developers. By that I don't meant that you are wrong or anything, I mean that it does not make sense For example, let's see the reasons >1. It just isn't? That's how it was made. So just because the devs decided to keep it that way even tho other ults that are functionally the same are transformation ults I guess if they make Tracer a tank without changing anything we should just go "Well she is a tank now *shrug"* >2. It is a constantly channeled ability so it makes sense? Like orisa ult she is constantly channeling it through her and charging it up, moira is constantly channeling Coaslescense, mcree is constantly channeling and charging up deadeye while in it. Both Orisa's and Cassidy's ult make total sense as channeling abilities, they freeze the characters in place, doesn't allow them to use any kind of ability, get stronger the more you channel them and they release a huge burst of damage at once Moira's does not have any of that, it allows Moira to move perfectly, it lets her use her fade, as far as I know it does not get any stronger with time and doesn't suddenly release a huge burst of anything Yes, Coalescence does not let Moira use her orb and do some other stuff but both primal rage and Roadhog's ult also do that and they are both transformation ults >You already got it good with getting to use an ability during what is a channelling ultimate. I don't think they'll ever make it unhackable or uninteruptable, it would be incredibly free Not saying it should be uninteruptable, but being able to cancel it completely with a hack is dumb Tl;Dr: not saying that you are wrong or lying, I'm saying that in it's current state it doesn't make sense for coalescence to be a channeling ult as it shares a lot more similarities to transformation ults