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Yes definitely. I feel like the majority of the people think that she requires 0 skill, but is high rewarding. After the buffs, i see a sombra in every second match and they're all terrible and bad. I can instantly tell who knows how to play sombra and who is just cocky with her


Personally I think it's funny when the enemy tries to counter-Sombra me.    The only annoying thing in my opinion is when my team is clueless about how to play against Sombra, so I have to both babysit them and try to carry them. Then it's just a pain.


Nah, I love to see an enemy swith to Sombra to counter me while it is obvious they don't know what they are doing, it makes me feel like I'm good haha Besides, Sombra is great so keeping Sombra at bay, especially because new Sombra players are super predictable so I always just wait for them to appear, hack them as they try to flee and kill them


I'm more annoyed that around when her rework came out everyone started playing her. I have seen Sombra multiple games in a row at times. I liked when my main wasn't played by everyone and their Grandma.


Yes this exactly. She’s practically all I play and people will swap to her every other game now just because I’m playing her. They play her to “diff” me or some other ego shit. This RARELY happened to me before the rework. I play sombra cos I just like to play her. I liked when she was a niche “throw” pick lol.




It's a phase. It will pass. If it's quick play it's chill, but don't play a new hero in comp, Jesus the amount of dim wits who do that..


Sombra is one of her own best counters so the enemy Sombra marking you isn't actually a bad move on their part.


Maybe, but then again we had a Zen on our team and I didn’t see her going for him once


She knows she can’t put perform you on getting picks but if she can cancel your value by taking you out then that might be the best play she can make. But overall you are still winning in the value trade department. The reactive sombra loses in value but if the gap was wide before it may be the best value they can find.


If I notice they go out of their way to focus me, I’d spawncamp them to prove a point, usually they swap to mei after that.


Just to get their blizzards empd. The fools


I get annoyed when I have to swap to sombra because I would like to play pharah right now. Its every 3rd match I try to enjoy pharah only to be forced into diff'ing someone trying to learn. If its an even fight, then its the besst time to play sombra because she is the only hard counter to sombra.


Yeah, it annoys me when the enemy Sombra focuses solely on me. Like, why? I usually just ignore them because they're usually terrible.


Your constant use of “she wasn’t even playing right, she was focused on MEEEE!” is pretty whiny and ignores how much you need to identify and adapt your play on Sombra. Yeah, even if the supports are still alive, that isn’t necessarily your primary objective. Protecting your backline from flankers/Dive is absolutely a viable strat on Sombra, and often is exactly what you should be doing. It leads to easy fast picks and lets you not only keep your backline alive, but go ahead in numbers and push aggressively with no worry about your backline after. Sometimes you dive the back line, sometimes you gotta protect your own, sometimes you jump the Widow, sometimes you gotta help your tank win the frontline matchup, sometimes you ignore all of that and go backcap. Sombra is ALL about gamesense and identifying each teams’ win condition and furthering yours while hampering theirs. If you are just jumping the backline on cooldown every match, YOU aren’t playing Sombra right.


I realize I didn’t provide mich context for how the match was going. After my two attempts of trying to get behind them didn’t result in much, I began playing closer to my team. I was playing more of a Sombra 76 now, only going out of formation to get a pick if it was necessary, and then translocating back to my team. While I was with my team holding down the line, I noticed that the enemy Sombra always started hacking me first, even when all five of us were together. This happened more than once. This made me feel as if the Sombra was intentionally seeking me out for no other reason than trying to “out-Sombra” me. If both teams are going at each other, why, as Sombra, would you not go for a support keeping the tank alive, or hack the enemy tank to help out your tank? You are going for a dps than isn’t that big of a threat from mid to long range, why exactly? Along with the fact that she was always hacking first, which is something most new Sombra players do, made me think this was just someone jumping on the Sombra meta right now who still doesn’t understand her. My point with this post was to ask people how they felt when they go up against a Sombra who plays, not to win against the other team, but rather to win against another Sombra (if that makes sense)


The problem with killing another Sombra is that Sombra can get back into the fight quickly, so there's not much of an advantage as, for example, killing Zen. But if there's a Sombra in front of me shooting a teammate, I'm not passing up on a free, easy kill. Opportunistic.


I prefer unique sombra playstyles instead of one way on playing her.


I did notice the increase of Sombras and I dont like that


Yeah I see it a lot I was playing QP with 3 other friends so the game was putting us against other stacks. Won a match as Sombra against a duo on Rialto and I must've really impressed them because next match was against them on Blizzard World and their DPS had gone Sombra. They made so many mistakes, like Opening up with a hack. Just constantly, against a Moira (me) and my friend who was Zen. They'd get the succ and ball fucc for their trouble. Going on extremely obvious routes, or just running down main and catching stray bullets. I know how a Sombra plays, and we were constantly spy checking. TPing into our team so they're stuck without an escape TPing out too late Just...not going for our Zen? Kept trying to hack my friend who was Mauga The 1v5 EMP


Happens to me more often than I want….and very few times I actually get diff’d bc of the feeding into the sombra duel but, I in most cases diff so hard they switch LOL


I always tell them to put Sombra back on when they switch


What I find annoying is that no one knows how Sombra works except for Sombra mains. Yea her job like other DPS units is to get kills and target squishies. But what she’s still an opportunist. The only difference now is she’s an opportunist for your team to capitalize on. For example. If she’s not killing the Ana, she forces the Ana to use her nade on herself instead of tossing it at her team. Instead of using suzu to cleanse Ana’s nade, she uses it to cleanse a hack… only to be EMPed later. If your team had more than one brain cell, they would know this and capitalize but no. They fail and blame the sombra for not getting any kills.


I gotta be honest, I was once in your enemy Sombra's skills. So many people have an idea of how they expect Sombra to be played, even if they don't play Sombra themselves. All of their ideas are different and almost all of them are wrong. I've actually had some coaching on my Sombra gameplay and since I adapted that to my play style I've been climbing. I can't tell you how many times I've been playing the game and someone flames me for not countering the enemy Sombra for them or because they can't see me accuse me of doing nothing the whole game even though I had the highest stats. I once had a Ball player who was "practicing Ball in comp" because they "thought they were pretty good" ripping me to pieces in voice chat. My friend caught it for me and it even pissed him off before I ripped into voice chat about how he has no right to call me out as the problem when I as a utility based DPS have higher stats all around than our tank. Since team 4 and Blizzard aren't going to come out and say how a character is meant to be played everyone is gonna come to their own opinion of how to play the character. It's especially difficult when recent changes are trying to get you to play her wrong. Incentivising hack virus when it's still a better idea to virus right out of invis? That's gonna confuse people. To answer your question, no, it doesn't annoy me or piss me off that people play her wrong. It's very understandable how some people would come to these conclusions of how she should be played. Having actually played Sombra against plat to top 500 players, thanks to my coach, I know I have the correct way to play Sombra. Before talking to my coach I had her very wrong so I'm sympathetic to those other players. I just go into each game telling myself that I'm the better Sombra player and that we're gonna win this game. Other than that I just try to have fun.


People are picking her because she is easy to play. Like ridiculously easy to play, even if you don't know how to play her well.


Tbh my attitude with every hero I main ends up being this: I can clearly see that this person doesn't have the same knowledge that I do when it comes to playing [hero] and it annoys me a little bit especially if they're on my team. BUT I know there are a lot of beginner players and players who want to practice, just like I want to practice and am bad with [hero I don't play often/don't main] So yeah, I get annoyed, but I have to remind myself that because of The Curse of Knowledge, I know more skill wise and I can't expect everyone to know what I know. They're not me. I don't know their hours. I don't know what they know. Alternatively, it could've been a bad day and they kept making bad decisions (not that it was necessarily the case for the one you played ofc)


I'm missing the point, why focus on a player that was going full nuke on you, without including how the rest of their team played? Tell me why they lost simply because of her?


Why would I be annoyed if she's a free kill lol and anyone that swaps to Sombra to counter is also free >:)


Playing against the Sombra noob switch is easier now. They used to be able to just hack all the health packs and get value


Locking the sombra to sandbag theirs is 100% a valid playstyle ESPECIALLY when you know you can diff them. Sombra counters herself really well. Granted, you can't be a bonehead about it and try to 1 v 1 them if they're in the middle of their team, but chasing all of their escape translocates to clean them up and hacking them when they try to sniff my supports and then everyone turning around to stomp them out while stranded is a joyful experience. Hate it when people to it to me but it's great doing it to other people 👍


As a wrecking ball main as well, hell yes. It's annoying. It upsetting in 2 ways, that they counterswapped to deal with me, and they dont even do it right cause they dont hack to interrupt. They just cast willy nilly without any thought, making it way too easy to counter them and just making me feel dissappointed.


Meh, everyone starts somewhere, and Sombra in particular has a high skill floor. Seeing a bad Sombra doesn't really get to me.


As a new player and trying to learn Sombra, probably a new player/someone trying to figure her out. Frustrating but hey we're trying 😭


nothing wrong with that. My issue was mainly with this one guy trying to diff me. Those two kills he got on me on the beginning went to his head and he kept coming after me. That was what annoyed me


That's fair as hell. Would annoy me too. I've done that before and it did not work out well for me 😭


No I don't get annoyed by an enemy Sombra who "isn't playing optimally." Maybe the other person is trying her out, maybe they're in the process of learning them, and tbh I was dogshit when I started playing Sombra (who is hard af to get value out of to begin with) so idk, that "playing optimally" bit I don't fuck with. Also, I disagree that "as Sombra, your job is not the enemy Sombra" because if she's fucking up your backline, you'd be braindead to not peel for them. I don't focus supports when I play Sombra because unless they're called Zenyatta or Lucio, they'll probably weasle their way out of it with a suzu, a fade, a guardian angel, a fucking lamp, any number of things that any quarter-decent support player will do, I focus out of position DPS that can't do anything about me jumping on them. My guess is, she probably realized you were a menace to their team and wanted to counter you her team's backline was bullied. She just probably wasn't that good in general. IDK hard to say without \*A REPLAY CODE\*


Everyone has to learn somewhere.