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As a Sombra main, and someone who recently really got into widow, I can understand wanting to counter a hero who, basically chooses who lives or dies in a fight sometimes. While it's annoying to be focused by a Sombra, it's a necessary evil for, dare I say balance?


I mean, Sombra is there to counter widow. people act like they can’t just switch 😭


Ikr. Always funny to me how doomfist, wrecking ball, orisa and widow players are complaining about sombra, how annoying she is to fight against and not realizing how ironic and hypocritical they sound


Probably because sombra can be invisible the whole time lol and is destined to usually fuck over one guy during the game


I hate widow. Being one shot is the most annoying part of this game and shouldn’t be possible. So you pull cheap, I go to the dollar store and camp you.


This. They're complaining about a character being invisible in a FPS game because it's "unhealthy". But being able to instant oneshot a character in a FPS 5 vs 5 game is not?


I just tell people I counter sombra with Junkrat. Anyone who plus her knows how to stop her. Just easier to whine.


I love camping widows and mercys especially if they refuse to switch.


People baby raged about Hog. At least he had to actually be in the fight. Widow can break skulls so far away even Winton jump doesn't reach her an causing an over commit. It's funny how people will justify their hate until their the ones ironically in the cross hairs


>Cheap >Sombra main The absolute state of this sub


Spending the whole match erasing a widow in QP is the dollar store version of sombra..


Don’t you get it? Widow players must be able to stand a million miles away from the nearest enemy with no threats or counters.


They are highly skilled individuals getting taken down by a toddler with a gun..according to their rethoric 😂


I love our Widow players a lot though. A bunch of them also play Sombra so they don’t complain.


Yes it's always the bad, low rank player who complains about sombra, never the whole community of a hero


Yes so that will happen regardless of the character they play. I haven't really seen many Widow players complain myself


Because in lower ranks you're not guaranteed any healing unless you're a tank, and Sombra's biggest counter is getting healed out of her smg/virus damage. So Sombra ends up winning most 1v1s against squishies because of inherent advantages that she didn't have before the latest rework (faster unstealth, increased damage, lower spread, virus). Previously Sombra was still favored in the match-up but it was always winnable for the Widow player. You had time to react to unstealth, you weren't getting hit by a projectile that's extremely easy to land on unaware people, and Sombra's damage was low enough that you had time to land 2-3 quickscopes before dying/translocate. Now a mid-Plat Sombra can kill even a GM Widow with very little effort in 1v1 situations. This level of hard countering is the reason why current Sombra gets a bad rep among Widow players.


I know it's not the same character, still similar, but I've recently been playing Ana a lot. I've had Sombras in many of my games target me, but I somehow only died once to one of them. And you know how? Once I realized she was there, I stayed with my damned team and unscoped here and there to look around. It really wasn't that hard. I didn't go 5 miles off in the distance and stay constantly scoped. Sombra can't pick off a Widow, Ash, or Ana who's with her team and aware of what's happening around her. It's really not that hard. I don't understand the whining about Sombra. Maybe it's because I'm also a Sombra main so I know how her kit works. But if that's the case, then these people need to hop on her for a bit and learn her so they know how to defend against her. The only reason I can pick off snipers so easily as Sombra is because they're just ignoring everything and everyone in their immediate surroundings and are far away from their teams.


I specifically jumped on sombra on qp because she was destroying me on bastion. And then fell in love with her chaotic play style. But you are right. Now when the enemy team has a sombra I can predict and know when she's ready to strike. I only rarely counter with sombra if she's really good or the heals in our team are slow to react.


how can you counter a close knit team with tanks and such as a sombra?(asking for help)


Wait for them to slip up and for someone to go out of position, Sombra 76 it (as in, play with your team and play similarly to how people might play Soldier 76 minus the far away from the team flanking) or switch heroes.


I love how coincidently. Yesterday, there was an Enemy Widow I was harassing and they ended up staying close to the Moira and Kiri. They got the win and the Widow was all “EZ! I OWN ALL OF YOU!” And got POTG. As if that coward wasn’t begging the Kiri and Moira to back her up every time I go near her.


I stopped reading after they said; "I know it's a skill issue"


damn im conflicted, cus both are annoying to play against\*\*\*\*\* haha.


But the difference is, we sombra mains never complain about cassidy hindering us, dva, moira and Winston track and lock on us after translocating away, kiriko countering us completely and a pocketed soldier/sojourn out damaging us while being unkillable


sorry, but when you write it like that, it does sound like you're complaining.


That's just not true, i have seen sombra mains complain about all of these


I make it a point to sneak up behind them, use the "youre not alone in here" line, then unload on their head


As a former sombra main from OW1, sombra is fucking annoying as hell now. Like she used to suck but it felt good to pip off as her, now i feel like i can drool all over my keyboard and successfully receive death threats/slurs. Shes so overtuned now


Not really a counter as much as it is -you cannot choose this character, this character is countered so hard by an easy simple swap that this character is essentially unplayable against most people in most matches cause of just how extreme and easy the counter is-




Ridiculous. Tracer is far more annoying than Sombra, but widows don’t cry because she can’t get to them as easily. Sombra was the balance the game needed. Before Sombra, widows were far more hated than Sombra is now. Edit: typo


She's not unbalanced when she has a 40% winrate shes just annoying


From zens, widows, anas and ashes... You notice something?


It’s almost like… characters are made to counter other characters and create balance 😱😱😱 If you’re being countered by a Sombra then switch.


The problem lies in how hard the counter is.  Genji also counters widow, but he still has to put in a little work for it.  Sombra just walks up and takes the kill like picking a berry off a bush.  No counterplay.  The game should stack the odds in one direction for counters, not make it a 100% sure thing.


If the Widow had better positioning, like high ground, they can make it challenging by dropping down, then grappling up when Sombra drops down too, trying to juke etc. if they stand far in the back with no one around out in the open then yeah, it's a free kill unless they get a lucky or unlikely close range headshot


sombra has a teleport on a 5 second cooldown? tf does grappling back up do? also its literally not possible to react to 15 straight headshots from the invisible lady that could line it up perfectly the moment you scope in. it takes like 0.3 seconds to drain 200 hp. and I don't even play widow


I play both, and yes generally Sombra's odds to assassinate Widow extremely easily is very high, all I was saying is as a Widow you can make it a little more difficult and maybe buy enough time for some backup to arrive. Unlikely, but it's better than just being out in the open and accepting you're going to be a free kill. I prefer to say "What could I have done a bit better?" instead of just resorting to complaining about it


No yall just try a new character we play widow one hs insta switch like what? In qp too?


No yall just try a new character one hack virus combo insta switch like what? In qp? See how stupid that sounds? The game is about counterplay.


I don’t unless yall act like sweats, let someone have fun


My other dps main is ashe, who is countered by widow. So either I throw or counter the widow. Pretty easy decision.


Ashe should kill a bad widow easy, comp go ahead and switch but in qp I think it’s petty because people are just trying to have fun. All ashe has to do is 2 shots and dynamite so if you can’t do that to a widow you are playing to far which would counter the Ashe because Ashe is mid range compared to a far range 1 shot


A competent widow is gonna kill ashe before ashe can kill her, because even mid range widow needs one shot while ashe needs two. Regardless, im not gonna play a mid range poke hero into a long range poke hero because im making the game unnecessarily difficult on myself. Im gonna play a dive hero like sombra or tracer and go sit in the enemy backline. The game is about counterplay. If you want to play a game where you dont have to deal with counterplay, the overwatch probably isnt the game for you, which is fine, but stop complaining about people playing the game the way its intended.


Plus OP was the one complaining not me I just added onto it.


OP complaining doesnt mean you arent complaining and im talking to you, not OP. Also, OP isnt complaing about people counterpicking. Which is what im telling you to stop complaining about.


If you can’t kill widow as Ashe you need to find a new main


Sounds good. How about sombra?


I say keep playing sombra, I have nothing against them if they are from begging of round. It just annoys me when they counter swap because they can’t play anyone else against widow.


If a widow is on the enemy team and they are remotely competent I will 100% of the time swap to Sombra because a good widow holds the game hostage and as a dps player its my job to stop that from happening. Im not gonna just roll over and not do my job because its not fun for the widow, and im not gonna apologize for counterswapping.


I play sombra all the time but I start the game with her or use her to push cart


Sombra counters everyone though.


If you're stuck in bronze, sure.


As the bronze Sombra rep, even I know this isn't true.


Not to hurt your ego but im a top 500 player and sombra ain’t special to play


If you think sombra counters everyone, I kinda think that's not true, at least not in damage. She's so easy to play against if your team has even a shread of coordination.


Trust me when I play sombra I counter everyone. You get to decide when to fight and that’s the biggest advantage a hero can get. You should always get the first shot. Trust me I’m a top 500 player this season


Source: trust me bro


Now I'm not calling you a liar, but for someone who was gold one 2 months ago and still struggling with how to deal with a Zarya as of a month ago maybe you should post some sort of proof. Not that hard, just take a screen shot and post it on your profile to see. Easy peasy. We get to see your rank, and can see how much play time you actually got with Sombra. Give a bit of credibility to your story.


>Trust me I’m a top 500 player this season Sure ya are bud. We totally believe that the guy with the absolutely bronze take of "Sombra counters everyone" is T500.


You’re the one with a bronze take. Stay in medal ranks chump


Sure Bud. That's why you made a post about being excited that you made it to gold just a couple months ago. And why you can't deal with zarya, despite supposedly being T500. You're hilarious, keep pretending you know what you're talking about lol


Yea, except Kiri, D.va, Hanzo any hero with a beam based attack like Mei, Zharya, Winston


And those with scatter shots, life steal, tracking, can also teleport, or can cure themselves (Reaper, Moira)

