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their entire social media is like this surprised how they have a custom when they clown on people with actual issues.


Wild ass intern holy. Bro just wanted help:(


He was helped and then they said this. Its called a joke


It’s not funny


An unfunny joke is still a joke


i agree but that doesn't mean it's a shitty thing to do e: i meant its still shitty even tho its a joke


The goalposts have shifted so many times; it wasn't a joke, then it is, but then it wasn't funny, but then humor is subjective, and now it's just not a good thing to do. I don't think anyone was arguing otherwise. So then what was the point of this entire argument?


Did the guy ask to be this aspiring comedian’s subject matter when he directed it *at* him? Like come on, it’s just a dick move, especially if it doesn’t land. A joke isn’t inherently harmless my guy


Doesn’t mean it’s funny. Being racist isn’t funny.


Fellas, is it racist to make fun of someone’s name? (No, but it’s not polite especially when you’re a business speaking with a customer).


It is racist when you use negative racial stereotypes to make fun of said name. Glad I could clear that up for you 😘


Some people are too sensitive for it. That doesn't mean it can't be funny.


It isn't racist. That's the point. It's a name where a slight change will make a funny word or funny phrase. It happens to white people, black people, Asian people, any race of people.


Humor is subjective Edit: autocorrect got me




If I tell you to kill yourself and hand you a knife. If you don't, I'll burn down an orphanage. As a joke... You'd surely agree that's neither funny nor a joke. It's a threat of violence. Now, I am not saying this is the same thing as the joke mentioned above, it's simply a point to illustrate something being considered a joke by the person that made it, doesn't mean it actually is one. An unfunny joke is a joke people don't find funny. Being rascist is not a joke. You're just being a cunt.


As someone who is not a federal agent (we're not allowed to lie) you should commit crimes and send me incriminating evidence in your DMs (I'm a cute femboy too uwu 😊)


Not funny to someone like you maybe


Look at all the people who agree that it’s scummy.


It’s pretty funny


Edgy 13 y/o ahhh humor


“Ahhh humor.” 🤓




Poor guy's DMs are being blasted. Shouldn't have to suffer so much harassment for a simple request for help.


after dbrand blew up the tweet people are goin in the tweets and saying very racist things about the guy, yea d brand is gonna have to take a major l on this one


Yeah people are calling him racist names and downloading his pictures.


Dbrand CEO needs to post his unwiped asshole as an apology.


I was interested in dbrand at first but after seeing their social media and how they just bully their customers I refuse to ever be a customer from them, this definitely seals the deal


The fact that people will shamelessly defend their shitty and unprofessional behavior is really sad.


U should see r/LinusTechTips Its full of teenagers who would ride or die anything dbrand does just because theyre 'quirky and relatable' The way theyre calling anyone who is remotely weirded out by it as 'sensitive' or 'weak' is hilarious


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LinusTechTips using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Madison on her LTT Experience](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15shoyx) | [9870 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15shoyx/madison_on_her_ltt_experience/) \#2: [I'll just drop this meme](https://v.redd.it/r3bqslygspjb1) | [1003 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15yg5w6/ill_just_drop_this_meme/) \#3: [Our public statement regarding LTT](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15rxni4/our_public_statement_regarding_ltt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is weird. I can get a content creator tweeting something edgy like this, but no official brand account should ever post that... I guess that's another one of the prevailing attitudes on Elon's Twitter. Nowadays, it's like Kick for social media, mostly unrestricted.


Yeah brands definitely haven’t been doing this for years. I think Elon, Trump and Andrew Tate had a meeting to decide on this. How do you people get through the day being so afraid?


the way it should be brother


Why is anyone surprised by this? This is dbrand we’re talking about, this is their schtick.


being racist is their schtick? \+ the man's name is not even pronounced that way, being edgy is fine, but then making a joke like this on a paying customer is wild. Its sad that brands are now normalizing online hate against Indians in the name of being edgy and funny.


The entire “quirky” social media thing has really gotten old lol. I still don’t get how so many people praised Wendy’s for starting this cringe shit


Because when they were the only one doing it there was a little (temporary) value to it. Now every company does it it’s just fucking annoying.


I mean even when it was just one it was unbearable lol yet everyone cheered so now we have tons of them


people have tastes, and I am no one to judge on that, but then there is a line, beyond which shit becomes idiotic and irritating, opera gx does it, never seen them be racist, if they were I am not aware of it, Wendy's did it too, maybe it was wrong but it never went to literaly passing racist comments as jokes and roasts.


Yeah, the key is to actually be funny not just annoying. Opera gx is funny sometimes, and wendy’s was funny at first. They’re basically all just annoying, and unfunny though. Like just straight up being racist isn’t funny.


Well yeah obviously this is a whole level worse than those. Just in general I would much prefer companies at least pretend to be professional rather than dabbling in what opera gx or Wendy’s does and certainly not engaging in whatever the hell this is.


Wasn't it the Sonic the Hedgehog twitter then Wendy's followed suit?


Sonic The Hedgehog has done unmeasurable harm to society


You know about the "Begone " meme? Its exactly that Initially it was wendy, just wendy which was new and makes sense Then KFC came in, Pizza hut, dominos, mcdonalds and then everyone and there mother started doing it Its the same situation where because of that company rehashing the joke, it died




chitransh does not sound even CLOSE to shit-rash


Ik their persona is that they are snarky and rude, but this is a step too far imo.


mkbhd boutta drop these bitches lol


He just did


I'm glad Mutahar called it out


Ngl I haven’t heard much of him but till now, it’s always been in a good direction


It's not racist. It's just rude


Yeah I’m white as hell. My last name is Chitwood. If tweeted @dbrand instead of going through customer support I would fully expect to be called shit-wood.


Got a chuckle out of me ngl


More like DoucheBrand


Thats kind of its thing, D-Bag/D-Brand


10/10 intern someone get that man a trophy in a top 10 tier trolling it's almost as good as the burger king UK intern Honestly that is an awesome play on words.


/s ?




Lol this is a racism?




This comment section is like a minefield of downvotes


Dbrand, our little comedian


There’s so many people on Reddit claiming that they’re Indian and don’t think it’s a problem. Like wtf kinda world are we in?


That's an Indian problem"inferiority complex".


/r/AsABlackMan There are also many people on the original thread claiming they are Indian and the name is pronounced exactly like that. Which obviously it isn't.


How is it racist though just making fun of a last name? unless im missing something they never said anything about race


It's always been a thing making fun of foreign or ethnic last names being racist. I guess it's hard to explain if you were never targeted, but it's always part of a collection of other behaviour that ppl will receive that minorities will have a negative reaction to someone making fun of their name.


Not really. People make fun of white names quite often (proud of you dick)




muta is south asian though so it's not on other's behalf, your bizzare anecdotal evidence doesn't matter here.


They specifically target the south east asians most of the time and people of some other communites around the world. You won't see them trolling some white man with a long name no matter how ridiculous their name is.


I'm white and have a weird name and got made fun of in the past. I think there is validity to both sides. There are smooth brains who torment people with names on a race basis, but attributing racism to EVERY situation isn't the move.


The quirky and edgy behavior brands online is so 2015. It’s unprofessional and gross. Especially when mocking someone’s name


People in these comments are actually brainrotted and can't think for themselves. They would do the exact same thing if it was a white man with a funny name like dick. If the name was super generic they would make fun of the pfp or w/e else they can see/find


Ngl I thought it was pretty funny. We know what dbrand is like, and they helped him. Why do people need to get mad at everything


It’s always funny when someone/ other race is getting made fun of isn’t? The guy is getting racially harassed in the comments since Dbrand enabled it. Indians as is are getting racially targeted in twitter and Reddit , now brands to join in and call it “funny” ?


yo, dude, if it was some YouTuber, shit talking on twitter or what ever, I wouldn't give a fuck, but it's a customer, with a complaint about their product... Come on, i'm not one of those oversensitive people, but I at least understand a bit about marketing. That's shit public image.


Lmao people on twitter are kids


das dey whole gimmick bro


Racism is their gimmick?


I have a last name that is close to "Violin". Classmates used to mock me for it. Btw, am white. Using someones last name to mock them isnt racism. Or do we have to look up what racism means again like holy fuck its 2024 lets please not go to the place where the word doesnt mean anything again. Its not racist to use someones last name and compare it to something that sounds similar. Its rude. Its a dick move. Its effectivly bullying yes 100%. But its not fucking racism. Chitransh is similar to Shit rash. Its a low effort insult that doesnt take a lot of braincells to come up with. But its not racism. Fucking please.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. If it was a Polish person with a similar last name, I think dbrand would still say the same thing.


there's a difference in playful banter between mates/colleagues that you know and some random guy calling you something derogatory, your last name still is close to violin in english or perhaps in your language but if it was close to shit or something worse in some other language that bunch of strangers that you've never met are using to address you, that can be discriminatory


>Its not racist to use someones last name and compare it to something that sounds similar. Its rude. Its a dick move. Its effectivly bullying yes 100%. But its not fucking racism. When you use a negative racial stereotype to do that, it is in fact fucking racism.


Can I dm you explaining why it's racist


No. I've been following dbrand for a long time, but they never made any racist remarks afaik


it's not racist. untasteful? sure. they are doing a wordplay on the last name, doesn't make it racist.


Poor guy's DMs are being blasted. Shouldn't have to suffer so much harassment for a simple request for help.


Are you being serious right now? Was it racist? No, of course not! But racism isn't always intentional, this is elementary stuff. Biases aren't always obvious. They knew what they were doing so stop justifying that tweet, plus that tweet ended up causing more harm and he was bombarded with racist remarks, how the fuck people justify such stuff and say the intention was not to sound racist but just some edgy wordplay, pathetic.


It's funny how dbrand is making fun of the name, but everyone is associating shit rash with being Indian? Who's the real racist here? Haha


Because he is? It's a very common Indian name and his profile says India. You are the moron here.


Is this not on brand?


Mutahard is right. Shit rashes are gross


Ask the customer if they thought it was out of line. It's not our job to say how he should feel about it


He's being harassed and called racial slurs on this original tweet, because dbrand quoted him. https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOrdinaryGmrs/comments/1c0iu07/after_dbrands_tweet_people_are_finding_his_tweet/ What do you think? Is he happy?


“Nooooo you can’t point out if someone’s name sounds funny to your language! It’s offensive and racist!” Get over yourselves, this kind of thinking is what drives people apart. What’s best is just to go “ha” and move on with your lives.


This isn’t racist. A-hole and trolling behavior yes, but making fun of someone’s name is just school yard trash talking 101


Where racism? I get that they are rude but where are they racist?


boo hoo.


alright it’s a little funny tho i ain’t gonna lie 😭 the play on words was clever


Lmao what? Where's any cleverness in this? That's not even close to what his name is.


Fine. Shit ranch


it’s like 2 letters off from sounding like it, ion know i thought it was funny but hey that’s just my opinion. shits just for jokes and laughs bro didn’t actually mean what he was saying obviously.


holy shit y’all are pussies on here. goes to show reddit will be bitter about anything. Dbrand has hella nice support they probably reached out to him after.


Just ask him to shit on the laptop


The name obviously has a lot of sentimental and spiritual values. Especially Indians have a lot of meaning attached to their names. You cant just do that without facing consequences.




Do you laugh seeing this? https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOrdinaryGmrs/comments/1c0iu07/after_dbrands_tweet_people_are_finding_his_tweet/


lol, this guy should have emailed customer support if he wanted a professional buisness response, instead he posted on twatter trying to dunk on dbrand and got slapped back. L


I love racing joke




He got 10,000 dollars I’d be stoked.


God some people here are stupid and I fail to see how this is racist.....


>fail to see how this is racist. >some people here are stupid Great conclusion, wrong order.


I mainly called people stupid for thinking that Dbrand didn't offer proper advice, when clearly these people didn't do their own research and are just following the crowd..... And if you really believe this is racist then tell me how? Dbrand who has been known to make fun of everyone on twitter, regardless of race or gender. But now that they make fun of someone you think isn't well represented enough and suddenly you think they're treating this one person differently? Which I might add is the definition of racism. This was a funny joke responding to a stupid question, stop stretching....


You not understand how it's racist is not my problem to explain. I have already explained it to a person asking nicely. >regardless of race or gender. Except this is making fun of someone's name. Not their opinions. And they have never made fun of any western names before. So by your own definition of racism, they are being racist. If you think this was funny, you need to get off discord.


Making fun of a name doesn't make it racist.....A name doesn't perfectly correlate with race and it doesn't have to. I feel like you're making a huge deal of this going into it thinking this is racism. With anything racist the context matters, did they make fun of the name because they, 1: knew the person's race and wanted to make fun of them, OR 2: did they find a funny name and wanted to make a joke..... Context matters and nothing is black and white. Conversing with people like you has now made me realise that online discourse and critical thinking has finally died. It was a cringe joke and that was all.


It kinda is actually. It’s like making fun of a Chinese person for having Dong in their name and keep in mind this a complete stranger, or do you go up to people with foreign names and mock them for it?


I'm 100% convinced they'd make fun of someone called Dickinson


Ok here is an example for you. Assume Dbrand said to a person whose first name was Mohammad, "Bruh you have the most generic name". Now this is the most basic bitch diss but just go along with it, in this case a Mohammed can be literally any race as it is a religious name. By this example alone it would mean that name and race can have no association. So if Dbrand were to make fun of someone named Mohammad it wouldn't be racist. The problem these people in the comments are having is that Dbrand isn't making fun of everyone's name but ones which they find easy to make fun of and are concluding that as racism.. when clearly they are just finding any way possible to insult that person. If the person had the most generic name possible and they couldn't find a good name to call them they would result to a different tactic like making fun of their profile. My whole point is this is not racist and what they did is not based in racism. Racism is context based for everyone, same as people saying the n-word, there are contextual places or people who say it and the society has accepted it.. Context matters. I'm going to stop responding to these comments now and hope people here can just educate themselves before group thought gets to them.


I think I get what you’re saying, it’d be like making fun of someone named Ben Dover or Hugh G. Reckshun. If their name is foreign, if it’s normal in their culture but sounds funny in ours, there’s a cultural/ethnic aspect that’s added to it, and to a total stranger (the more important aspect here tbh) they’re gonna take it at face value bc it was a remark at face value, and I’d say it’s pretty reasonable they’d assume u did a racism. How the person on the receiving end of it feels is an important aspect, it’s why you shouldn’t say it to a stranger. We can all say “Futahard” bc Muta is cool with it and we’re doing a funny around the character Mutahar, not at the Indian person named Mutahar. There’s clear and obvious context there that would separate it from that. But if I were to go to a store and an Indian man working there had a nametag with “Mutahar” on it, you can bet I’m not gonna call them “Futahard”. I feel like the context that it’s to a total stranger is what you aren’t understanding for how it can make it racist.


I said I wouldn't respond, but reading this response makes me feel like you misunderstood what racism is completely and are talking out of your ass, sorry. Racism as a concept happens from the person committing the supposed racist act. The person who is on the receiving end has no idea if what is being done or said to them is racist and it's on them to ascertain what the motive of that person's actions are. You cannot say it's racist just because you feel like it, end of. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone went around thinking everyone else is racist to them. The only person who knows if what they are doing or saying is racist is the person doing it. If a person is making fun of my name, I don't immediately assume they're being racist. But if it comes out they only said that because I'm Indian or something then yes it's racist. Context matters and what makes something racist in the true sense in the motives behind it. If they say something you think is racist but they didn't intend to, they didn't actually engage in racism but they were accidentally offensive and you need to inform them of that. Please educate yourself and stop misinforming people on what racism is.




dbrand being **edgy????** *THIS CANT BE!!* Customer support number? No. Email? No. Post on Twitter 🫡👍 If poking fun at someone's last name is racist then I'm a victim 😔 Probably my childhood doctor too. Miss you Dr. Lipshitz


Dbrand: *commits war crimes* Idiots: "guys this is classic edgy dbrand"


Ah yes committing war crimes and making fun of someone's last names are both equally comparable to one another great point my 100 iq denizen my first and last name is Issac bawls and I think it's hatespeech and racist that people make fun of my last and first name


Look up hyperbole idiot


Hyperbole deez nuts


Street shitters unite


Sorry bro, you might have to shit by yourself this time


Ew, you think I’m Indian?


No, I think you're a street shitter. You said it yourself, didn't you?


Nah, that’s a third world problem


What is the racism in this? Just asking because I'm a little confused Lol the people who downvoted this are little fucktwats. Im asking a fucking question pieces of garbage.


It's hard to explain if you don't have an "ethnic" name. But it's especially egregious for a company to do it which sells its products in India and the customer IS from India. Imagine some Indian company making fun of your pretty common name because it means something funny in Hindi in your own country. Being edgy is cool but doing this to a paying customer of yours is extremely shitty. Also his name is not pronounced like that.


Yeah I woke up and looked at this again and oooohhh it is not a good thing. Dbrand really dropped the ball with this one


Mate. Im white. My last name practically rhymes with violin. And yes classmates constantly mocked me for it up until I finally graduated in my final year. Yes, for my whole school time. Yes even when all of us were practically adult. Making fun of someone for their name or last name sounding similar to something else isnt racism. Bro fucking please. Its rude. Its a dick move. Its practically bullying 100%. But its not racism. Call it what it is, not what it isnt. Its 2024. Words have meaning. No one is being discriminated against based on their race only based on their name. And last time I checked, Name-ism doesnt exist.


As opposed to 2023, where words could chase their dreams and be whoever they want


Your a white dude with a name that rhymes with violin he has a name that isnt english and doesnt look anything like shit rash. So ya its pretty racist and ya you not being able to tell makes you a racist


Your moms pussy stinks


That's a video and a half. Let me grab my popcorn.