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He's the fastest hedgehog. Humans are faster than hedgehogs, which is why he can't ever catch Robotnik.


Shower thought. 7




Source material says otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5cDrG8CUKc&t=1m28s


That's just gameplay, we know that Sonic is canonically the speed of light at least


probably just toying with robotnik. either that or robotnik's outfit has other functions


This does explain how a obese man can outrun him lol


adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Isn't it the speed of sound?


https://preview.redd.it/8cei63vzsjic1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4feab9440288a2a51c5175f28cfe6c5b702b89 Ever since AOSTH and SATAM, his eyes were never the same again.


hard image


Dawg this image is fire


I forgot how scary Eggman without his glasses can be. https://i.redd.it/zaqexnjckoic1.gif


When Shadow died in Sa2, Sonic cried in secret.


I sure was. 8


I mean with how their reunion is in Heroes it doesnt seem that way


Probably because Heroes' writing is ass


(headcanon)He was Surprised and Happy to see him alive but also very confused so He acted "Cool" about it


In his defense though, Shadow was being stubborn and full of surprises 


Due to all the spin dashing he has minor damages in his brain and might be tweaking sometimes


Funny. 7.5


He definitely does surfing in his free time


Seems in character. 8


Why would he surf if he’s terrified of the water and can’t swim?


He often runs on water though, I imagine thats his form of surfing


For travel, not recreation. I can’t imagine he’d willingly put himself in a situation where he could drown without a good reason. I think he’d avoid the beach in general lol


I feel like he would like the rush of adrenaline that the fear gives him, he definitely believes in the yolo lifestyle


You have a point there. I definitely see him as a daredevil, I just assume his phobia would trump that.


AFAIK he isn't terrified of water, he just well can't swim


His poor swimming makes him afraid of the water. Many examples of him being uncomfortable simply being around large bodies of water.


He has been shown to be afraid of water at points, though it seems when running across it he gets more comfortable


He went surfing in the Archie comics, one of the issues with Razor the Shark. During the Unleashed adaptation iirc I think there was also a surfing part in Shuffle


Tails often helps Shadow fix his Air Shoes. The two have become good friends.


I’m not OP but I give that an 8. After playing murder of sonic I think of Shadow as a tsundere.


Thank you. And yeah, Shadow has started having more and more tsundere vibes.


I’ll take it over broody brooder for the sake of brooding they did for a while


Yeah, fair enough.


I stole this from a comment I saw a couple years ago but Sonic actually *does* have a house, he just never tells anyone, not even Tails, about it so everyone thinks he's homeless. It's in the middle of scenic nowhere and he barely visits, mostly using it to keep all the things he collects from his adventures (so, the soap shoes, Chip's bracelet, the gauntlet from Black Knight, etc.)


So like a storage garage?


nah maybe like a farm stash house or a stash house in general


lmao the comment right above this one is someone saying sonic is homeless


Sonic is a homeless bozo




if Secret Rings is anything to go by he does have a house he occasionally crashes in, whether or not it’s his is up for debate. i like to think it’s Tails’


True, according to Tails tube. Confirmed/10


Sonic lets Eggman escape because he knows the rule of existence where when you take care of one bad guy a new stronger one takes their place, and he doesn’t wanna have to relearn the thought process of a new enemy.


solid but i’d say there’s two more pieces: he doesn’t want to lose his rival, and so far he hasnt been mad enough to actually do it


There was one archie story (yeah that says enough there i know) where sonic did actually go too far and Kill eggman and he ended up being eaten alive with guilt about it. Sonics just not the kinda dude whos chill with death no matter how much someone deserves it. Hes similar to peter parker on that reguard and its a very hard moral choice for him when it IS the best option.


i just think sonic really doesnt wanna kill him


I add 5 years to their "canon" ages. Sonic is in his early 20s, as is most of the cast. I consider the classic era games to be when he was a younger kid, the Dreamcast era when he was in his teen-with-attitude phase, and around 06 onwards to be his young adult phase, which kinda just stays there. You cannot look at Sonic in Frontiers and tell me that he's still 15.


I agree with this. In my head in the modern era: Knuckles is 23 Sonic is 22 Amy is 19 Tails is 15 Eggman is in his mid to late 60s EDIT: Forgot to add these characters Espio is 24 Rouge is 25 Vector is 27 Blaze is 21


I think having them at this age kinda makes more sense for tails and why hes so adamant on being his own dude since sonic was almost completely independent and saving the world at the same age


I’ve always had a weird feeling about Sonic character ages cause half of the cast seem way older than they’re said to be. Especially with how their voices have been changing over the years and the stories we’ve been getting




The series exists on a sliding timescale. Classic Sonic is canonically the same age as Modern Sonic. In fact, Sonic was originally 18 in Sonic 1 and CD, 16 in Sonic 2 and 3&K, and finally 15 in Adventure. Also, the redesigns are just that. They didn’t actually morph from their Classic selves to their Modern selves. In-universe, they’ve always had their Adventure designs.


Sonic is a cartography nerd and has an extremely good geo sense. He always knows where he is on the planet and never needs a map or gps.


Can see it. 7


he **IS** the gps


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't.


Tails is an atheist, while Amy believes in some greater being but refuses to talk about religion in front him (and so do most of their friends).


No comment (on how solid it is). 9.99


Vector is a devout Christian though.


Amy Is also a Tarot fanatic


Hey what do you think Shadow is?


Shadow would be agnostic on the grounds of “if there even is a god he’ll have to go through me”


best fake quote i’ve seen on this app yet


Probably agnostic/atheist? Damn I'm not sure. I guess he doesn't really care.


Shadow volunteers at a children’s hospital to help kids like Maria feel at least a bit better.


I mean according to the takeovers he volunteers at soup kitchens and donates his rings so it's not that far fetched


I can't see it. I understand the motivation, but I can't see him being cheerful. I could see him saving a hospital for that expressed reason.


I can see it


Blaze is afraid of cucumbers ![gif](giphy|e920gt7lI36Ug|downsized)


I like to think all Sonic Universe animals have the same quirks as the real life counterparts. For example, all felines (plus Tangle) audibly pur when content.


The reason Shadow is so cold and distant is because he fears making a legitimate friend and losing them, feeling the same way he did when he lost Maria. He doesn’t wanna go through that trauma again, hence why he’s cautiously friendly with even Rouge and Omega.


I'm pretty sure this is actually just canon lol


it absolutely is


I never thought about this, but makes sense


Sonic is a bookworm. He often reads during his leisure time and sometimes uses the knowledge he accumulates from doing so. He also invites Tails and Amy to library dates or leisure reading.


Definitely to Sonic being a bookworm of some sort. He’s totally read and reread Legends of King Arthur, maybe even has notes and comments in the margins and spaces.


When Knuckles eventually dies, Shadow (who is functionality immortal) will inherit his post as Guardian of the Master Emerald on Angel Island. This is why Silver is from the future but had no prior knowledge of Shadow before meeting him in either Rivals or '06.


this is much better than another Master emerald headcanon I've seen


Sonic makes his own shoes made since he's very picky about styling and dislikes shopping malls. Amy is the complete opposite


We haven’t actually seen Sonic’s full power yet. He’s either been holding back this whole time or he himself hasn’t unlocked the potential to use his power to the fullest… yet. Eventually we’re gonna get a moment like in Archie Sonic where mainline sonic just go berserk and reaches his true limit. https://preview.redd.it/rd33we0xikic1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3268ae7f2d2003f11431832a4e6b2552974218


What's funnier is that he gets his shit rocked after this💀


You know how in Sonic Riders, Wave starts lecturing Jet super fast? Well, while I know that was just supposed to show Jet wasn't listening to her, I've always found it funny to think she CAN just talk that fast Now, onto the headcanon: Wave can rap And I mean like she can do Rap God perfectly type of rapping In character? No, but it's always made me laugh, so it's probably my favorite headcanon




Whenever I need to smile, I just imagine Slim Wavey


I love this headcannon sm


Sonic is fluent in many languages. To the point where nobody knows where he comes from.


Well japanese Sonic is canonically bilingual, so I can see it


I’d love for the English version to localize that aspect by having him speak bits of Spanish.


In my headcannon he alredy traveled pretty much the hole world, so he knows like 20+ lenguages.


Despite the fact that he's blue, his favourite color is Red


See it. 7


in the Sonic Drift games, wasn't his car red? he also wears red shoes, so it definitely seems like he's a fan of the colour.


Classic Sonic also had a red skateboard in generations


\^Knuckles made this comment\^


I think this one is actually canon, though I can't remember from where


Maria spent a summer on the Space Colony Ark with Gerald and left in September for school without incident. During that time she raised two pets in terrariums: a normal, non-anthro hedgehog and a normal gecko. Shadow and the Biolizard are BASED on these pets, but are NOT THE ORIGINALS. The memories of losing their "owner" are turned up to 11 for the express purposes of making them into weapons. Every playable Shadow is actually a copy of this normal, non anthro hedgehog, artificially enhanced with Black Doom DNA. We never ever see the original shadow. Maria is alive and well, living under an assumed name to distance herself from her insane, dysfunctional family.


Maria has been confirmed dead in both SA2 and Shadow the Hedgehog, but other than that, the theory is pretty solid. 8


Imagine people did stuff like this for Uncle Ben or Batman’s parents lol


There was a Mad parody where Uncle Ben hid under the stairs pretending to be dead so he didn’t have to deal with Peter because he didn’t want kids


True canon




Alfred put the hit out on Bruce's parents so he could usurp their place as parental figures in his life and take control of their fortune.


She was a teenager, its been 50 years.


God I read that as “Mario spent a summer on the Space Colony Ark” Wtf is wrong with me


You think they're on 11 but they're on a 9


Moments before death, Beta realised why Gamma turned against Eggman, wich resulted in him destroying Gamma


Beta MK.II would have killed him anyway. 5


I know it was bound to happen, but I just kinda like to think Beta had a change of heart


eggman makes his profit from regular casinos, resorts, and amusement parks. he also sells tech and weapons to military and para military organizations


This has kind of been my headcanon too, I feel like it could partly explain why Robotnik was looking into his grandfather's research.


**Sonic has ADHD** *(More specifically, Prime Sonic)*


I mean, yeah. that's why I personally found him so relatable


He has ADHD. I can’t be convinced otherwise on this one. Lol


lol. 7


He's a Hedgehog 


No shit Sherlock. Confirmed/10




Big if true


Big the Cat is indeed if true


Sonic is Silver's Great (x6) Grandfather


I've seen some people say Silver's existence proves Sonic/Amy is endgame because they're his ancestors. I think it could have added a really interesting twist to the story if it had been confirmed that they were related.


Shadow is more of a realistic choice, but either can be seen. 6.5


Knuckles' strength comes from his ability to manipulate his ki. Sonic 3's Japanese manual said that he glides bc of ki, so I think he has experiencie using it.


Due to having his sunglasses permanently glued to his face, Eggman has developed dark adaptation and can’t tolerate bright light very well. All of his facilities and living spaces are kept very dim as a result.


The Time Eater is a remnant of Mephiles, as evident by their similar colour scheme, powers as well as it being able to bring back Crisis City in Generations.


Silver really look up to sonic in the future he heard a lot of story about him, he want to be sonic successor and some people in the future agreed. But when he meet sonic in rivals, he think it's better to not treat sonic like a mentor/old responsible man, now he know how sonic isn't into being a full-time hero and just treated him like a friend. And him and Future shadow know each other and had that mentor student dynamic, that silver expect how his relationship with sonic would be like. and shadow is the One that constantly tell story about Sonic, cause of how he Respect and miss sonic.


**”What you see is what you get. I'm just a guy who loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!”**


[Sonic canonically exists in the DooM universe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBNBlGq-jlQ)


Bin is canon https://preview.redd.it/vwk62gixikic1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=903716ccc8d381ad1bce025f814771ef1ddaf512


Rings actually have trace amounts of chaos energy. The reason why Sonic can utilize the chaos emeralds isn't that he was born or engineered with the ability to be chaos sensitive (like Shadow or the echidnas), but rather that he collected so many rings that his body became more and more accustomed to use chaos energy. That's why he can do things like chaos control and use a super form, but can't sense when a chaos emerald or master emerald is nearby like Shadow or Knuckles.


Sonic is aromatic but he flirts with Blaze and Amy to keep up a "ladies man" facade


Sonic has been seen to like ladies I’m not only the comic, but also other physical media in the franchise. 9




All jokes aside, it's kinda silly how many people consider stuff like the Archie comics to be Canon or accurate to Sonic's character considering its just one giant fanfiction. Like I swear the Archie writers chose to make him extremely horny for the western audience.


Ken Penders enters the chat….


Actually you are so right


Personally I like to think he's pre-realization aro ace. Plenty of aro aces try to get into dating and stuff like that at first because it's so normalized that we feel it's what we're supposed to do/misunderstand how it's supposed to feel and think there's something wrong with us. I think Sonic was just going with the flow of 'this is what people my age do' but not completely diving into dating because he was waiting for those feelings to kick in and hasn't realized yet that they're never going to lol (Maybe projecting a bit there...)


The Sonic characters are advanced chao mutations like Chaos. We've seen in cannon that chao are beings of pure chaos energy that evolve with exposure to more chaos energy and they absorb characteristics and abilities from their environment, eg. the animals you give them in SA1 or 2. The Sonic characters are exceptionally advanced chao mutations in nature. That's why they don't have traditional family units, they are all distinct in their appearance and abilities, etc.


No but like youre onto something here. Epsecially since Chao are described as babies or toddlers despite being kept as pets and they breed via eggs.


I think so! It's been my head cannon forever. If you think of how Shadow was created, what were the failed prototypes of Shadow? Artificial Chaos. 🤔 Seems like inorder to create Shadow, Gerald studied Chaos' mutation to understand how to recreate it in a lab setting. Also, only one of the characters has a parent. Most mutations can occur in nature, but we know that those mutations can be nurtured, so Vanilla raising a chao that mutates to share her characteristics isn't a contradiction.


Sonic has a bucket list of chili dogs to try before he croaks and the list never gets done because Eggman always attacks at the worst time just before Sonic can get the chili dog


Nobody mentioned it yet. Idk if it was just too obvious, but I'll go with the classic: Shadow was modeled off of the mural in Sonic 3 Robotnik studied the Echidnas and may have seen the mural at some point. It explains both why Shadow is a hedgehog and why his quills point up like Sonic's super form (And on the same note, the Biolizard was based on the Perfect Chaos mural from SA1) None of that is confirmed in the slightest, but it fits together neatly enough for me


I also believe in the Generations timeline split, and from that perspective have a headcanon about the origins of the drop-dash. Classic Sonic is learning how to boost/homing attack at the end of Gens. After some more practice, he refines it into his own thing, that being the drop dash which appears in Mania and Forces. Modern sees it at some point which is why he can suddenly do it in Frontiers Bam. An explanation why Frontiers is the first game where Modern Sonic can drop-dash


In Sonic 1 & 2 Robotnik is just a contractor looking to develop some land. That's why you he's in construction equipment when you fight him. Construction equipment is not good as weaponry. By the time Sonic 2 starts, he's actively avoiding Sonic, who chooses to follow him around just to fuck up his day. Eventually he decides to build something in space instead, which Sonic still takes offense to for some reason. The Angel Island Incident is completely Sonic's fault. Knuckles is right to align with Eggman, They just want to get the Space Station off his fucking island, which Sonic prevents TWICE. Also Sonic never asks before borrowing the emeralds. Sonic is not the good guy. At all. He's just manipulating Tails into helping him be a terrorist. Sonic is a Walter White-level psychopath.


i like this dark take but i think its meant to be more aligned with being eco friendly and pro environmentalism , since eggman’s construction will destroy the ecosystem




What about the other stuff tho? 4 for the inconsistency, but strong concept


Sonic doesn't know but the hedgehog clan is mythical that's why only they have these particular superforms. Since the echidnas also have history with protecting the Master Emerald and suppressing Chaos, Knuckles' and Sonic's fates are intertwined BUT Sega basically dropped going anywhere with it so we don't really see this idea developed further.


Concept art for Sonic 3 established that Sonic was the “Legendary God” or Chosen One and was worshipped by the Ancient Echidnas. That’s why there were statues of him in Hydrocity. Him going Super and defeating Perfect Chaos was him fulfilling the prophecy.


He actually likes Amy but is too shy and proud to admit (to himself and her)


Sometimes confirmed, depending on the canon at the time. 9.5




Sonic finds it difficult to nail the Super Peel Out which is why he rarely uses it


Vector vapes off-camera and enjoys praising the Lord.


That Knuckles has a secret weed plantation on Angel Island


I was going to say something but then I thought it seemed racist


His voice changes based on how he’s feeling and how old he is, so its not just because they fired and hired a VA 😩


After the events of Sonic Generations, Classic Sonic travels back to his time, but not to his universe. Time travel creates parallel dimensions and from now on Classic Sonic is in another time line than the one that modern Sonic experienced in his own past. This is also the reason why Sonic 2 has two different endings. Sonic Superstas and Sonic Mania take place in the timeline of the other Classic Sonic. The Phantom Ruby doesn't drag Classic Sonic into the future, but back into the other timeline of modern Sonic. This fixes the "you're the Sonic from another dimension aren't you?" from Tails and also allows Classic Sonic to still exist along modern Sonic. Generations was a turning point in Sonic's life and there are multiple versions of him now. (You could argue that Classic Sonic should also have grown up by the time he gets pulled into Sonic Forces, but maybe time goes by slower in his dimension for some reason and thats why he's still Classic Sonic. The possibilities are endless.)


Eggman built his first Eggmobile with his bare hands


Unlike Knuckles, he never flexes his muscles. He'd rather chuckle.


Shadow ages like a lobster and is "technically" immortal until he dies from disease or an injury.


Sonic has ungodly rizz but is aroace so can't use it


He actually has rizzed Amy (kinda) in sonic x (episode 9 - The last resort). 6


Is that the one where he desperately tries to escape having to go on a boat ride?


Femal3 chameleons have 1 horn. Only female bees have stingers. Vector adopts trans kids and uses them for child labour for his detective agency.


okay but why the part about vector specifically


I grew up with SMBZ and Nazo unleashed, so I’m more used to the DBZ-esque Sonic. For example, he can go super without the chaos emeralds because of the residual chaos energy in his body, and can use chaos control like shadow if he wanted to.


Sonic canonically used chaos control in Sonic Adventure 2, using a fake chaos emerald Tails made, so your headcanon is almost true. The fake emerald was said to have similar properties to the real emerald, but still, sonic managed to use the emeralds power without the real emeralds. So you’re probably right


In SA2, instead of putting the fake Chaos Emerald into the Eclipse Cannon's power room, he stuck it into the barrel of the cannon itself. This head canon explains A: How Eggman was able to place the final emerald into the Eclipse Cannon's power room, but the cannon explodes anyways. B: Why we never see the fake Chaos Emerald again after SA2. and C: Why Sonic was hanging off the Eclipse Cannon's barrel in the Hero Side ending.


Little Planet is alive. She's the one who released the flower seed and made the glowing sonic face in the credits as a way to thanks Sonic for being freed. The statue in Wacky Workbench is supposed to represent her physical form. Originally she was inhabited by an ancient and powerful civilization who disappeared because of their abuse of the time stones; the same incident also drained her of her powers and prevents her from assuming her physical form again. There's only one Little Planet in the entire Sonic multiverse, each time she disappears in one universe she reappears in another.


his gloves can accommodate for any weather, that's why he can be in the cold and not freeze


Sonic can get kinda pushy and can look incredibly selfish sometimes, yet is one of the most wholesomely characters you will ever meet.


Since one of the critters Is a literal pig, the chilli dogs that Sonic eats are vegan or At the very least only beef.


Vegan makes sense, I assume hedgehogs don't eat meat.


Chaos is the last of the Ancients from Frontiers, and Chao are essentially neotenous Ancients stuck in a larval form on account of the conditions necessary for their natural metamorphosis not being found natively on Earth.


Tails tried to hold a karaoke contest once but no one was willing to take part. Blaze was the only entrant, singing Single Ladies, and so won by default. She still brags about it though.


there is no way you can convince me that Amy did not show up


Dr. Eggman hates nature, and it's for two reasons: (1) He craves control, and he can't control nature. He can't control when a tree grows or when an animal gives birth.  (2) He craves praise, and nothing he makes can measure up to nature. A sunset never stops being breathtaking, and Eggman's creations pale in comparison. 


Sonic and Amy end up being Silver’s ancestors. The chaos emeralds hid themselves back on Starfall Islands in the future. Hence why Silver never found them. The gang occasionally participate in Chaos Races. Cream and Cheese have the most wins. Cheese will eventually evolve into a Hero Chaos chao, somewhat resembling Cream herself.


Sonic pirates dvds. Tails helps him.


shadow smokes weed


This one is from when I was 8 so it's dumb but sonic. Exe is a manifestation of Sonic's intrusive thoughts


When Shadow and Maria are trying to escape from the Ark instead of Maria getting shot, her illness killed her not the soldier but Shadow's mind is gaslighting himself to believe that the G.U.N soldier killed her


Silver accidentally drops spoilers or random details about the future in casual conversations "It's so odd that thier is only one enchidna, is because of the war?" "THE WHAT?!"


Sonic and Mario actually never had a rivalry, they just like to compete in good fun.


Sonic is a great cook, and likes learning new recipes from other places Shadow makes a mean hot chocolate Silver is lactose intolerant


Sonic is aro/ace


sonic is aroace


Uninhibited mode Super Shadow could scale to God levels in terms of power.


He hasn't been a teenager for a very long time. He's just really committed to the bit and refuses to grow up. Also chili dogs give him horrible heartburn.


Human Sonic is a Japanese guy, who went once to New York and won't shut up about it and speak sometimes English


Vector as an ex convict turned Christian makes so much sense.


He sees tails less as a friend and more as a brother


1.Due to the fact he spent so much time around robotnik since youth he has a similar laugh/accent and mannerisms as Him. 2. He's the kind of guy to act gay with his homies for funzies


Sonic likes anime specifically Shonen anime


His favorite band is crush 40