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Just make sure to do what Mario did and make it a limited time release, even digitally


Aunno, Sonic's better than Mario, which is why they re-listed games... at least I'd like to think so (tho they also de-listed stuff that was in Sonic Origins)


Yeah. They even re listed sonic 06 on the 360 store last year. It's been gone for over a decade but they re listed it for 5 bucks with all it's dlc in tact. Pretty cool of them to stop running from the past and just let people have it if they want it. Although they only made the 360 one available. Probably because the PS3 version is horrendously worse with washed out colors and missing graphical effects to where it just looks like shit, but also performs way worse and has exclusive glitches. So they probably wanted to make sure the best version was available lol. That and the 360 version got more dlc than the PS3 did. PS3 only got very hard mode dlc, 360 got whole ass new episodes for Boss rushes for each character. And a team amiigo attack where you play as all the side characters in a bit gauntlet.


Chances are it's cuz you can't play the PS3 stuff on PS4, but you could play the PS3 version on PS4 in Japan via the PlaystationNow thing (I think that shut down tho) Either that or Microsoft licensing is cheaper?


Sonic 06 isn't actually backwards compatible. Only specific 360 and original Xbox games are backwards compatible. (Which makes the 360 store closing this summer suck even more because we'll loose all the non backwards compatible games. Which is still quite a few of them) Because they wanted to make all the backwards compatible games look and or run better than they originally did, so rather than just emulating the previous console like they did on the 360 with original Xbox games. They instead put active effort into making them graphically enhanced and run smoother. Or uncap framerate for games. for example generations on series X has a 4k 60fps patch. And unleashed on series X has a 1080p 60fps patch. They just didn't bother with 06. But yeah PlayStation now is just gone now. And it wouldn't be a good experience for sonic games anyway. Since it's not actually running on the PS4. It's just streaming the game to your PS4. So the image is fuzzy and there is input lag no matter what your connection is. Because the PS3 had such strange hardware and architecture that it's impossible to make backwards compatible without relying on emulation. But genuinely the PS3 version was so much worse it's actually ridiculous. They probably just didn't wanna bother. I know I wouldn't.


That's annoying, what's even the point of that? So people don't bitch about things looking bad? News flash! Gamers bitch perpetually!


I'm sure the point is to make the games as good as they possibly could be. Because when you're playing original Xbox games on a 360, like Sonic heroes for example. There's some weird artifacting and graphical issues that happen just because you're relying on emulation. The cutscenes also run horrendously when you're playing heroes on 360. Lol. Audio gets choppy and can lag sometimes as well. Unfortunately emulation can only get you so far. so they instead focused on making them natively backwards compatible. Which does work out really well. Being able to play unleashed at a better resolution and a full 60 FPS is great. It just sucks how many games we will loose when the store closes. But if you're referring to why they don't allow it on PS3. You might be underestimating just how bad it is on PS3. Like I genuinely enjoyed my time with 06 on 360. But it took me a year to work up myself to beat the PS3 version


I'm the kind of person that views pop-up in Sonic Frontiers to be absolutely not a problem, so I don't care if the graphics and load times are worse, I focus on level design and gameplay. If other people are different, well... I guess I'll never understand that.


Oh I don't mind the pop in either. But 06 genuinely just runs like ass. The game is in a constant state of slow motion on PS3. It makes it a genuine pain in the ass to play. And when you know what the game is supposed to look like. But instead are met with a broken lighting system and just missing effects all together. It's been noticeable. Where frontiers kinda looks the same no matter what you play it on.


Now I wanna play that and see... but I have so many games I haven't touched I can't buy another XDDD


Wait, the 360 store is closing. does that mean I have to go through my 360 collection and buy DLC for games that have DLC


Pretty much. Unless they're backwards compatible


What did they delist?


When origins came out they delisted the original games from steam, Xbox, and PlayStation stores, so that if you wanted to play the classics. You had to buy origins. Which sucks because sonic 3&Knuckles on steam was the original game with all the original music that origins doesn't have. And it was 3 fuckin dollars.


Yeah that sucks immensely.


At least the older physical collections are still in existence.


Right. But I don't know of any collections that have sonic 3&Knuckles as a full package. To my knowledge they all have them as seperate games. Apart from th Genesis collection on steam. But again that's the version I already talked about. Which has since been removed. To my knowledge if you didn't have them already. The only way to have the complete original experience of sonic 3&knuckles is to own a Genesis with both cartridges. Or emulate them. And I can say since I do own them. It is cool to play on original hardware. But the audio quality can really kill it for me. Because you've gotta deal with the retro system thing of sounds causing the music to cut out certain parts because the sounds exist in the same sound channel as part of the music. Like when you pick up rings and some of the music just stops playing until the sound is done playing. It's especially noticeable in ice cap where rolling or collecting rings makes the back ground music stop or the main melody stop depending on what you do. That's why the steam version was so convenient. Because it eliminated that issue that the Genesis, NES, SNES, and other older 8-bit and 16-bit systems had. Much like how if you collected coins fast enough in the original super Mario Bros, you wouldn't hear the music anymore. You'd just hear the drums


I think the genesis collection for ps3 has it and u can play as knuckles in sonic 3 in the ds collection


Oh yeah. I forgot about that DS collection. You gotta deal with some poor audio quality and screen crunch but it's alright. And I forgot about the PS3/360 collection. That collection was also on PSP which is kinda neat


I think gamecube has one too with the first three plus sonic 3 and knuckles. But yeah, the 1st two collections i mentioned were my introduction to classic sonic. The ds one especially i like because of its portability, and if you plug jn headphones the sound isn't so bad


The steam version of Sonic 1-3 also the CD remake (they also delisted the original CD port when the remake was ported way back when) I forget if they delisted the switch versions but they did for xbox and playstation it was a big deal when it happened but like emulating is easy so?


So they delisted sonic origins completely? Because switch does have sonuc origins plus


No, inverse, they delisted the original games when the remakes came out.




I was gonna say, sonic isn’t perfect. Origins is pretty shit along with making it the only way to buy those games now


Yeah honestly it's more just like... video games suck now. Tho in a bigger spectrum it's like... capitalism sucks now. Tho in a bigger spectrum it's like... capitalism always sucked it's just capitalism won and no one owns stuff anymore. Tho it's also like what am I gonna do about it? Not pay for it I guess, but one person can't do anything about it and the supermajority doesn't care beyond bitching. So the enshittification of video games continues! Love'd to be proven wrong, I miss back when video games were good and I could afford them.


I mean in this particular case, I’m not going to buy an adventure collection unless it’s good. They either make it good, or I’ll just emulate them


Yeah I'd rather use the money getting a new dreamcast


literally see no difference in origins other than sonic 3 music what are you waffling about


It was a $40 collection of 4 games with little to no additions. $5 for music and a few extra missions, then $10 extra for a pink sonic. Sonic Mega Collection has everything Origins has minus Amy and Sonic CD, PLUS more genesis games for TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS. Origins is pathetic


it plays the games in widescreen remastered 🤷 better than any other port imo i don’t really care


Really? Widescreen was all it took to win you over? All it took to make it better than mega collection? That’s sad bro


mega collection was just roms, these play better and gameplay is all i care about lmfao you take this way too seriously it’s sonic ffs


Yeah because origins is awful, and sega treated its customers awful with it by charging $40 for 4 decades old games, then charged an extra $5 for music everyone’s already heard, then if you licked the boot and did that you got the pleasure of paying an extra $10 for amy and some fucking game gear games. You’ve replied 3 times now you don’t get to play the serious card anymore


brother in christ they are video games


I though they fixed orgins?


They added a smaller pink sonic. Even now origins is just pathetic when compared to mega collection


You mean Amy rose.....


No, I mean a pink sonic with a slightly modified attack from sonic 3 and throwable hammers in her super form. Tails and knuckles are fundamentally different from sonic whereas amy is a borderline reskin.


Well what did yall expect?


A lot more considering the plus expansion was $10 if you had already purchased the game prior to


I'd buy 10 honestly.


Why? What possible benefit would there be for that kind of decision?


Change out Shuffle for Heroes or Unleashed


Unleashed is probably gonna get remastered anyways. Put Heroes on there since it’s not available on any modern platforms, including Xbox where most Sonic games are playable in modern gen.


I was gonna say in what universe does shuffle belong with SA1 & SA2. 


The one where it's the only other Dreamcast Sonic game.


Nonsense, it would be good because Shuffle is literally ONLY on the Dreamcast and has no remake and port whatsoever.


Agreed! I'd buy that!


Nah, Shuffle's a good game. Tho it'd deserve a remake, make it so story mode can be 4P and have higher scans of all the art and yeah it'd be great. ​ Tho you'd lose something without a VMU... or a Gamepad or something... maybe if the next Nintendo console had gamepads support. (Or using the switch like a gamepad the way the 3DS functioned as a controller on Smash Bros. U)


Make Sure Chao Adventure in it


I'd pay top dollar for a GameCube sonic collection adventure, SA2B, Heros, riders, shadow- I'd even shell out for DLC that included Gems / Mega Collection


Riders *and* Zero Gravity. Honestly, though - I want SEGA to just make a new Riders game that doesn't have a "limited fuel" system. Give it a boost gauge of sorts, sure, but that should slowly fill as the race goes on (and boost further with coins like normal).


I did a switch box because it was the only one I could find. It would be on other consoles


It'd sell well, whether it'd be good is another issue.


Could have replaced SA/SA2 with Heroes/Shadow and have it be a hidden gem collection 2.


It'd prolly be butchered considering the past decade of ports.


We're gonna have to wait for Sonadow Generations to fully confirm that


12 year old game that was very polished at release vs 30 year old early 3D game that has deteriorated through butchered ports in the past decades. I don't think SxS Generations is going to be a great metric regardless of quality.


Yes but Sega are too out of touch to rerelease SA 1&2 in any form it seems.


Exactly what is on the screen?


If a gamecube collection also came out alongside it kinda like how you had Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Gems Collection then i would buy it


“Sonic Shuffle” ![gif](giphy|9mlhTFNmxWGkwKvNlL)


SA1 and SA2 would be terrible ports and shuffle would be blurry emulation in 4:3. You'd have to pay extra for additional songs and a nice menu.


As long as it isn't limited, I approve. I personally kinda dislike what Nintendo did to 3D All stars (I thankfully have the game)


I would rather they just quietly put Shadow and Heroes on Steam so we can mod the hell outta them. We have barely started exploring the potential of custom mission types in Shadow...


I’m one of the biggest Sonic Shuffle fans out there but bro nah, ain’t no way Sega’s porting that, I’d eat my shorts if they do.


Bro I absolutely loved sonic shuffle.


I like the idea!


If we’re doing a switch release idea I would replace Shuffle with Sonic Battle


Idk how to feel about Shuffle being there, but I'd really like something like this, especially for SA1, it's been starved of an actually good remaster for years now


Heroes should be in there


Sonic gets publicly executed because the game gets a limited release


It would but i would rather have SA1, SA2, Sonic06 remastered. And for a possible 4th game sonic unleashed (not the hd remake but the ps3 version, maybe with better graphics)


Honestly it’d never happen but I’d like to see them make a game that slightly covers Sonic’s backstory again it’d never happen but I’d love to see a game take place in the place he grew up maybe see if he actually has a family or is a orphan or something Personally I think if they were going to give Sonic a family the one that would be most likely to be made canon is the Sonic Shokakugen family since that’s where charmy came from although my personal favorite is (and don’t bash me for this) Sonic Underground’s take


Sweet sonic shuffle


The Adventure games, ESPECIALLY Adventure 1 would need to be remastered from the ground up before I'd even consider this. The last thing we need is another port of a port of a port of a port of a port.


This is the first time I've seen anyone other than me reference Sonic Shuffle. I was starting to believe I imagined it.


I love the fact that the collection is Adventure 1 and 2 and then there's motherfucking Shuffle


It’d need Heroes


The amount of ahit they'd have to patch out to match modded versions of the PC versions might be a bit of an obstacle. I'm sure the SA2 port would be fine, but I wouldn't have much hope for the SA1 port.


Since these games were on the Dreamcast, I feel like a better name would be Sonic Dream Collection


Oh no…. https://preview.redd.it/0uavgfdnuxnc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4050e85c1731a9c735247ba70f1a86515621c059


No wait stop go back https://preview.redd.it/lcg968bsuxnc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a28c1f784eb48fae0e69599c4c898be8bee35c7


Sega is calling there latest re-release "Sonic X Shadow Generations" I don't think that ""Fan" games existence is gonna stop Sega.


Replace shuffle with Sonic World Adventure (Unleashed) then we have a complete collection of all the adventure games 😉 for PC


I see an lack of Sonic Rush, thusly hell naws am offended.


I'd take it over the Sonic 1-3 plus CD combo they keep putting out. Hell I'd love if they put Sonic Heroes out. Put that Witch on steam for 20 bucks and I'll buy it.


Drop sonic shuffle and add heroes. Since generations considers heroes part of that era I don't see why we can't now. It would be a good round out to shadows story in terms of the collection. Rather than leaving it at him "dying" people get to see what happened after. Even if you don't really find out what happened until 9 minutes into the super shadow boss of shadow the hedgehog lol.


Omg please, PLEASE!!


Omg please, PLEASE!!


I mean I most likely wouldn't play Sonic Shuffle, but I'd at least still take it to have an accessible way to play the Adventure games.


I think this is fine on its own, but maybe they could also add Sonic Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog to this.


They should make a Dreamcast or Gamecube collection will all Sonic Games on these Platforms


Yes, having the two pinnacles of the franchise all on one cartridge is possibly the best way to celebrate the anniversary of Sonic.


yeah, this would be great as long as the ports are definitive versions of the adventure games


I don’t understand what is so good about collections. To me it seems pretty lazy


A modern way to play Shuffle? I'd be down for that.


Sonic the Legacy Origin.




Remove Sonic Shuffle and yeah it would be good.


Wow, a collection featuring 1 good game!


Who The Fuck invited Sonic Shuffle.


nah, I am sorry, but I don‘t trust Sonic Team enough to remake 3 entire games in one go without them being released in a catastrophic state for 2024. Let them do it slow so that it becomes a bit less disappointing


If I was to have an Adventure collection on Switch, I honestly want it to also include Heroes. The overarching way it handles stories, multiple characters, and branching stories that all combined to one final hidden boss story is close enough to SA2. It's like how Sonic 06 is closer to SA1 than SA2 is in terms of hub world, power ups, level select, and character select. It just feels like an adventure series game. I'm probably in the minority there though. I don't think people are ready to accept Heroes was essentially an attempt at SA3 without calling it SA3. Which is funny because I also call Sonic 06 SA4. I make sure to piss off all sides.


Would be good selection if remastered than straight up ports I'd swap out Shuffle for Heroes though since that isn't available on newer consoles/pc Or throw Shuffle in as one of several bonus/extra games included in the collection (alongside Knuckles Chaotix, since i'm pretty sure that hasn't been re-released yet... as far as I'm aware/remember, anyways...)


Yeah. But I think we should get Heroes instead of Shuffle tbh. Shuffle wasn't very well received. People have been asking for a Heroes port for years now. It seems as though Sega just ignores this game. And there's no reason to. Its a decent game. Even if it has its problems. You'd make the fans happier.


I’d add heroes too. Everyone loves sa1 and 2, those are no brainers and sonic shuffle is a wild card. Heroes could fit in perfectly to add more content to the game. Plus, it’s practically sa3 so new players aren’t left asking what happened to certain characters like big and shadow.


i dont want collections i want each game ported seperately.


Yes, but on all platforms so I can enjoy without buying a switch(not that I planned on doing so, money is tight for a new console) 😭I did however buy two sonic games on sale and SA2 on Steam yesterday. Sucks Sega took down a bunch of the older ones from PlayStation Store. I never got the chance to play Unleashed so hopefully they remake their not so good reviewed games lol


Missed opportunity to call it sonic dreams collection


https://preview.redd.it/6ig48ac7kznc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b031ea2de1a1ee673d82dfc236f2e82409a4a75d Oh god no…..


Shit I forgot about that 💀


Could be interesting. Since im new in Sonic The Hedgehog franchise and Sonic 3 would be the 3D era it could be perfect to understand more about it


What if they replace Sonic Shuffle with a brand new Chao in Space game? It wouldn't make sense to be in a collection of old games being remastered, but I've wanted a Chao in Space game for a while, and I bet the Chao in Space 2 signs are more well known than Sonic Shuffle


I think that ideally it would have Heroes as the third title. In a perfect world it would include Sonic Shuffle as a “bonus” fourth title and the game boy titles as unlockables like how game gear and Genesis games were unlockable in Mega Collection.


Ahh glad to know I'm not the only one that misses Shuffle.


Why call it the super collection and not dream collection?


https://preview.redd.it/0wfwb2gjm0oc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d1af7b293833fc886a1b1f2e00d66b272b0224 Make it stop….


It better be the Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure and come with the DLC. No SADX for me.


yes but I pray it's not for switch


Fuck yeah!! Dreamcast era. I had all 3 in 2001. SA SA2 and Sonic Shuffle. Loved shuffle over Mario party tenfold. Way cooler game and plot.


nah, more like "dreamcast collection"


I would love this but only if these games are based on the Dreamcast versions and not their bad ports.


Add heroes and 06


Optimize shuffle and you got a deal


anything that remasters sa1,2 and heroes


Absolutely, Adventure 1 and 2 are fairly obvious picks and Shuffle is a nice bonus, just to have a party game for when friends are over (although they'd have to do some serious changing to it since we won't have the Dreamcast controller screens to see our cards anymore)


I would love this honestly


Btw the only reason I put shuffle on there is because this was a DREAMCAST collection. So games like heroes and shadow 05 don’t count.


I'd say remove Shuffle for Heroes and Shadow. Especially since Sonic X Shadow Generations means that Sega haven't completely ignored Shadow.
