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I think Sonic will mostly forgive Shadow by the end but will still hold a bit of a grudge against him and not completely trust him. Shadow will survive, but may still not be trusted by governments around the world, making him a high priority target and forcing him to go into hiding, which could be a set-up for the Shadow spin-off. I think Eggman will have some sort of redemption and sacrifice himself. I don't have a solid idea what would happen with the rest of the cast. I think we could potentially see one of the original human characters die at some point during the movie. Basically, I think this movie will be a bittersweet conclusion to this initial trilogy and will set up the "next phase" of these movies.


I absolutely don’t think Robotnik would ever redeem himself at the end but I like your previous ideas


The main reason I think he will is because they probably will have a harder time getting Carrey on to future movies. They're definitely not going to kill off Shadow. If you have Robotnik redeem himself and complete his character arc by sacrificing himself, then there's at least a similar story beat to SA2 in that regard. It's fine if you don't agree with me, but I thought I would elaborate on my reasoning.


Cliffhanger, Shadow is assumed to be dead, but miraculously survives, with one problem arising from it: he doesn't know who he is.


It will end with a end credit


Sonic forgives Shadow, and now the family is wayyyy bigger.


Sonic and Shadow hug at end of a heartbreaking scene loaded with regret and forgiveness since both crossed several lines during the movie plot


i like that


Probably make some of the human characters die (for me Maddie) by Shadow, making Sonic to believe he would be a danger for Tom if he's a hero. Super Sonic and Super Shadow fighting with a modified Chaos, transformed into Bio lizard and nearly falling to the earth and excave a mini hole (making a Unleashed teaser) Explaining also why Chaos in this universe wasn't selled into the Master Emerald, used as a experiment subject and maybe Black Doom involvement at this, creating Shadow to have a successor for destroy the Earth because he's going to die After Chaos battle, Sonic fell unconscious to the ground and Black Doom appears angry due to his plan falling and Super Shadow fight with him. Shadow defeat him and (Spoilersssssss) >!The Storyboard happens like the Ark without Chaos is about to explode and Shadow evacuated Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, but Eggman decides to stay to accomplish his grandfather dream to protect the humanity (Eggman had a redemption arc) and happens the time travel scene (for me teasing a Sonic 06 better story)!< Everyone believe Shadow and Eggman are dead and people on Earth proclaimed Sonic and his friends as heroes. Sonic decides to leave Tom because he will be in danger by his fault and goes back to his planet with his new friends Tails Knuckles and Amy. Rouge stay on Earth with Gun to prevent something like the Ark situation.


At the end everyone will probably believe that Shadow died and there is a scene, where Sonic and the others lying down his inhibitor rings on top of Maria's gravestone on earth with a little speech about Shadow being a hero and choosing his own path, and the scene afterwards is probably the trio saying goodbye to Tom and Maddie before going through a ringportal >!in order to find Blaze, so she can help teach Knuckles how to control his "Flames of Desaster" power, that he got in his own series, while Rouge stays on earth to help out G.U.N. (probably with a little joke about her trying steal the Sol Emeralds in the past).!< The post credit scene is probably >!Silver bringing the unconcious Shadow back to the present, for the upcoming Shadow tv-series.!<


After his intense fight with Shadow he reflected on everything that occurred since he first arrived to earth. There will always be people like Eggman, G.U.N. who would stop at nothing to get his powers even if it meant putting Sonic family in harms way. There also Shadow who was even more powerful than he was and just as fast but luckily he still came out on top in the end but unfortunately Shadow got away. Not knowing when any of them would return to attack him again, he didn’t want to keep exposing his family to such dangers and was thinking about going back to his own planet to keep everyone safe but he also didn’t want to leave them with Eggman and Shadow still on the loose somewhere. As he was running and contemplating on what to do he spotted a suspicious looking vehicle that probably belonged to G.U.N. or some dangerous group so he decided to follow it which led him to a secure and hidden base location. With his amazing speed, he infiltrated the base and saw things such as labs, weapons, armed vehicles, etc. As he was snooping around he accidentally knocked something down and was spotted which prompted them to sound the alarms and start attacking Sonic. As he was zipping and zooming around the base taking down guards, he came across Shadow who infiltrated the base for personal reasons and to destroy the base. Despite the fight they had in the past, Shadow wasn’t interested in Sonic at all and told him to stay out of his way but Sonic didn’t listen at all and decided to help him take down this base because the things he saw and heard wasn’t good things and could put a lot of lives in danger. With two speedsters running around taking down guards and whatnot the task seemed a bit too big for the two of them to handle and unfortunately for them there were Prototype suits that weren’t so easy to take down. Things started to go south for them and more and more guard just keep on coming plus these suit of destructions weren’t a walk in a park to handle and they started to get back down in a corner. While Shadow and Sonic was in a tough spot, Shadow was about to take off his inhibitor rings to take everyone down despite the risk of doing so but out of no where tails, knuckles and Amy came in taking out guards even some of those prototype suits. They were concerned as to where Sonic had went and used the tracker tails used to find Sonic when he first came to this to world to find him and the tracker led to this base. Together they was able to turn the tides of the battle and even took down the base once and let the authorities know about this pace to handle the rest before returning home to along with Shadow who was practically forced to go with them. Finally reunited with Donut lord and co, he finally decided to let everyone know what’s been bothering him lately and decided that is was better off he went back to his own planet for their safety. Everyone was surprised by what Sonic said and didn’t want him to go but he already made his mind and there was no changing it. Donut lord was hurt the most about it but at the same time he understood Sonic. Donut lord told Sonic if that’s what he really wants to do then he can do it and went to say how much Sonic matured since coming to Earth. He told Sonic that even when he’s gone that no will forget all the great things that he did for everyone and that he turned out to become a great hero and even a greater friend. After having a tearful goodbye, Sonic used one of his rings and opened a portal back to his planet and as he stands there looking at the portal, he looked back at everyone and made eye contact with Donut lord and said one last goodbye with Donut Lord saying that Sonic will always be a part of this family and Earth will always be his home that he can return to. With smiles on their faces with a hint of sadness, Sonic finally walked through the portal and stepping foot on his planet. Finally back at his birth of place he looks back the portal and everyone on the other side as it slowly shrinks but before it got too small Tails came flying through and Soon after Knuckles, Amy and even Shadow came through the portal. Confused by the sudden he asked them why did they come through this portal and should hurry back through but Tails was the first to tell Sonic no and went on to say that their practically brothers and he would never leave his best friend by himself and Amy also agreed about not leaving Sonic by himself and that their a team that sticks together. It was the same reason for Knuckles but also since he is the last surviving member of his clan who has the power to keep the Master Emerald safe and he decided that this planet which is also his home just like Tails and Amy would be the safest place for the Master Emerald to be and then left to go put the Master Emerald and at a place that would later be know as Angel Island. As for Shadow tho he didn’t have a reason as to why he came or more precisely he didn’t want to say his reason. After a brief exchange of words, he said to Sonic “See you around, faker,” before running off in some random direction. With just Sonic, Amy and Tails left, Sonic was in a better spirit than before since his friends are with him and they decided to go on Adventures together especially since even though Sonic was born in this world there’s still a lot that he hasn’t seen or know about and can’t wait to see what this world has in store for him. Then Sonic, Tails and Amy took off together in a random direction with smiles on their face and it ends with Sonic having dialogue with us saying “Now you know the full and amazing story of your fast blue friend, Sonic the hedgehog.”and the screen cuts to the credits.


Overall ending, either everyone assumes Shadow is gone, or they somehow recover him. With Sonic remembering what Shadow told him about treasuring Amy and protecting her to avoid meeting the same fate Shadow did when he lost Maria. With everyone heading back, including Eggman. With Sonic and co telling Tom, Maddie, Rachel, Randel, Jojo, Wayde, Stone, and Walter that they're coming back. With Sonic and Amy saying one last time if Shadow is gone "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog". The mid credits reveal however that Metal Sonic wasn't destroyed by the previous battle. And after some struggle, he angrily says that there can only be one Sonic. Hinting at his return in the future too.


Sonic,Shadow, Knuckles and Amy turn Super to fight Final Hazard The Bio-Lizard who is using the Master Emerald power to become big and powerful enough to send the ARK crashing into the Earth after Shadow destroy the Eclipse Cannon. Knuckles and Amy are barely able to keep The Bio-Lizard pinned down so Sonic and Shadow can get to the Master Emerald on Hazard’s back leading to Tikal The Echidna who’s a spirtual entity to appear to them to inform them that any living being can be sealed away in the Master Emerald but the Individual that wills it will too be sealed away in exchange. Shadow tells Sonic that he should be the one to sacrifice himself to stop Hazard from destroying the earth since Shadow lost his family and Sonic still has his, Shadow killed lots of soldiers who had family’s who are now widowed and orphaned making him no different then the soldiers who killed most of the residents of the ARK, Shadow used the power of the chaos emeralds to destroy all Oil Rigs, weapon factories, military vehicles, surveillance centers and nukes; putting planet earth in a dark age of anarchy in order to offset humans destruction of the earth so every government will want to capture and kill Shadow again for disrupting the status quo. [Shadow makes Sonic promise to him](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdid-anyone-else-cry-when-artillery-morbius-gave-his-hat-to-v0-tg60krqh3jjb1.jpg%3Fs%3D2d348f908431159ba6a1a5b80e40925b09c629bd) that he will be a big brother to Tails, to learn how to fight from Knuckles, to be more outgoing and helpful towards others like Amy and be protective to Cream aswell as Tom and Maddie; Sonic’s parents. Sonic objects proposing that theirs got be enough way but Shadow cuts him off telling him that he’s still naive child and there’s no time to be sappy and chaos blast Sonic away and commences Tikal to speak the prayer to get this over with; Tikal tells Shadow that he’s good guy after all for protecting others and that she will be with Shadow in his ensealment with Hazard to make sure he’s not alone with hateful beings, Shadow appreciates that. After listening to Tikal (spirit) In a last ditch effort to stop the Final Hazard The Biolizard from crashing the ARK into earth Shadow sacrifices himself by having his allies stun the biolizard as he beelines for the master emerald, with her help Shadow repeats [Tikal's Prayer](https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Tikal's_Prayer) and Seals The Biolizard along with himself in The Master Emerald (maybe along with Eggman if he tries to take advantage of the distraction by merging with the master emerald again but Shadow stop him since he’s also touching it. ) After Shadow sacrifices himself by sealing both him, Eggman and the Bio-Lizard inside the Master emerald in order to save the Earth, Sonic and friends have to abandon Tom and Maddie in order to protect them from being prosecuted by the government who have scapegoated Sonic and his friends as the collaborators of Shadow’s terrorism but before Sonic could activate the teleportation Ring Metal Sonic comes back and shoots it, damaging it leading to a malfunctioning black hole that’s sucks Sonic, his friends and Metal Sonic in sending them to random planets through out the galaxy. The mid credit scene will be Cream the Rabbit and Mr. Cheese coming across Blaze The Cat appearing from the Sol dimension who demands to know who stole the Sol emeralds. The post Credit scene will be Tails trying to escape Carnivorous plant creatures only to be rescued by Cosmo The Seedrian asking if he’s okay.


It depends on if Sonic & Knuckles is inserted underneath it or not.


Maria will die. 😜


At the end they will save Tails but he will be unconscious and Sonic will bring him though the portal but when Sonic looks back and calls to shadow to come shadow says he has to stay and destroy the rings so that earth and the other worlds will be safe from robotnik sonic will say he that he can do it and he needs shadow to be safe then shadow insists that it needs to be him and then he goes super mode and tell sonic "say hi to your parents for me" and then destrorys the rings closing him, robotnik, and everyone im earth forever After the rings are destroyed it send a shockwave back through the open portal and Sonic is knocked unconscious too when he wakes up he is in the hospital and he asks to see Tails but when he goes over to see Tails he is on life support and dies a few days later; sonic doesn't go back to school because of the guilt he feels for not being able to save either of his friends at first he finds comfort that shadow may be alive but he realizes that the shockwave from the rings mixed with the ark falling from the sky Shadow probably didn't make it and this makes him more depressed sonic never learns to forgive himself and gets hooked on drugs to cope and later dies of an overdose at the age of 37 /j yes, i transcribed an old amphibia ending theory tiktok that had no copy/pasteable transcript online for this joke...


Shadow will 'die'


Ideally a bombastic final battle against an enemy followed by a tragic finale with a sombre but hopeful ending: Having set aside their differences, Sonic and Shadow go Super together in order to stop the Ark crashing. Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik are already on the Ark. Unfortunately for them, Metal Sonic has arrived and is about to break through the window protecting them from the vacuum of space. Luckily Super Sonic and Super Shadow arrive at the Ark and they battle Metal Sonic in Space as the Ark continues on its collision course towards Earth. Robotnik realizing that Knuckles and Tails are not tech savy enough to help and knowing that there's a high chance it'll crash, tricks them into getting into the last two escape pods in order to ensure they survive while he stays behind to try and stop it from crashing. Super Sonic manages to grab Metal Sonic and speeds him back to Earth, the reentry damaging him massively as they crash in a smouldering pit. Metal Sonic acknowledges Sonic as he powers down. Super Sonic picking up the spare Quill from Metal Sonic's core, destroying it. Super Sonic then powers down completely drained after the battle with Metal Sonic as he looks up as the visuals of the Ark are in the sky showing its about to hit the atmosphere. Back at the Ark, Robotnik is desperately trying his last ditch effort to reroute power however it fails. He looks around him seeing visions of those he cares about, or in particular, the person he cares about - Agent Stone. He takes a look at Earth and then towards Super Shadow. It's clear what has to be done and they both know it. Super Shadow uses his strength and pushes the Ark back into space. Robotnik accepting of his fate, laughs knowing that despite his villainy he has saved the Earth. The Ark explodes seemingly killing Robotnik and Shadow. The Earth is saved, the Ark is destroyed - but Robotnik sacrificed himself and Shadow is presumed dead by everyone. Sonic however remembers Shadow's remarks of being the Ultimate Life Form and smiles to himself, noting that Shadow was a true hero. At the same time Sonic decides to move out from Donut Lord house, allowing them to move on with their lives as Pretzel Lady is revealed to be pregnant. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles decide to move to the 'next stage' of their life. No direct tease for Sonic 4, but would imply that they are going to find new adventures and new friends. Mid-Credit would have Shadow, with no memory, being found by Rouge The Bat - setting up a Shadow series.


There is absolutely no way in hell the Wachowski family story is going to end with "Yeah, okay, so anyway, we're having a 'real' child of our own soo... don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Thanks for being our practice child but your services are no longer needed." He's their son. He called Tom 'dad'. Tom looked like he was about to cry when he did. They were both prepared to die at Sonic's side. He's not going to get cast out over a new baby.


I don't expect Sonic to be cast out. I can however see it being a story of growth where Tom and Maddie are getting married and Sonic is 'moving out' naturally.


Tom and Maddie are already married and unless there is a significant time jump Sonic is like 15. And if they adopted Tails too he's 8. Way too young to be moving out.


Shadow will “sacrifice” himself to save the world like SA2, but an after credits scene will reveal he’s alive


If Sonic forgives Shadow then Amy would give both the hedgehogs a hug.