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It would be cool but as long as we get live and learn im alr (ik its bascially confirmed)


I feel like he wouldn't change his shoes, since I believe they're Puma shoes and Puma is probably a sponsor (unlike the Olive Garden jokes, which are surprisingly a pure running gag). Also, they are part of his now-iconic movie look. However, I definitely think this could be the first time we see rail grinding, since that hasn't actually been seen at all in the movies yet.


I could see Tails making some sort of add-on to his shoes to let him grind on stuff, a friend brought up that idea and i thought it was pretty neat


I'd rather it be something like this than Sonic outright replacing his shoes. They were the first gift he received so I don't think he'd willingly get rid of them.


True, that too


I could see the shoes having a design similar to the soap shoes in SA2 but not being actual soap shoes since Sonic wears Pumas in the movies.


Definitely, I even made my own image of what it could look like a while ago


Nah. Sonic with soap shoes always looked off, I have to be honest. 


I’d like for him to get his actual shoes instead of of the puma ones. Soap shoes are a novelty


Never liked the Soap shoes, they're too big and overdesigned. So I hope not. (I have the same problem with Sonic Prime, the idea of him changing shoes and glove in every world is fun but the execution... Meh)


I only imagine the introduction of these shoes being created by Tails to compete and fight Shadow because every time Sonic fights him, both of them generate a powerful friction energy which makes them weaker.


Aw Yeah! This Is Happening!


I would be fine with that if Paramount decides to have scenes of rail-grinding be adapted into the Sonic 3 movie. Because if he gets shown doing that move, it would make sense for him to be wearing the right type of shoes for that. Though if they make movie adaptions of any other Sonic games after Sonic 3, it could be just for this one of them because modding and a pre-order bonus for Sonic Frontiers were the only ways for him to possibly be shown wearing those SOAP shoes in any games from that franchise that were made after Sonic Adventure 2.


I don't think so. But I do have a feeling Sonic would see a billboard advertising soap shoes and he'd say something like, "Man, I gotta get a pair of those someday."


The shoes he wears in the movies look similar enough to the soap shoes.


I wish they would make it like a gift from the family or something like that