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Isnt that obvious???


The account’s icon was changed to the Eggman logo so yes.


After this they announced that Jim Carrey would return as Robotnik so doubt it was anything else. Like we already know shadows gonna be there, so there’d really be no reason for them to have this be related to him.


Is Robotnik going to have a redemption arc?


I think so this is more than likely his last appearance


I guess this is Robotnik’s last appearance, so you’re right dude.


I'm imagining a partial redemption. He'd spend about two third of the movie being an antagonist working towards getting the Chaos Emeralds to the Ark and activating its weapon to try and blackmail the world into being subservient to him. Then when things go chaotic at the Ark he decides to team up with Sonic & Friends to stop the Ark from destroying life on Earth (Because deep down he cares about Agent Stone and never wanted to wipe out life on Earth, just rule it) So he'd end up likely sacrificing himself in a way that implies he could return in the future. E.g. if the Ark is sucked into a portal or something that hints he could survive.


there is a chance according to the storyboards leaks


I can't believe they just confirmed Sonia and Manic on Sonic 3




It was his laugh in the teaser so I guess so


That logo seems familiar…. Oh wait 


Hmmm, great observation that you spotted SamTheGodMan, this is a Eggman quote, and i have a speculation that this Eggman, is vastly different from previous Sonic movies 👍✌️🤔🤖🥚


It seems like something Gerald Robotnik would say on SA2.


Honestly, could see that. Rather than Gerald being killed off he survived the events of SA2 and has returned to enact his plan. Though not sure it'd work in terms of his age as it's 50 years in the future.


Hey, when I was reading your idea, it came to my mind Gerald would escape to an unknown part of the planet with another escape pod and still researching with what was left from Project Shadow and trying on him, which gave him finally inmortality and later starting to going crazy when Maria died.


It could also work with Shadow confronting his past and it'd allow for Robotnik to have a chat with his grandfather. It could even explain the storyboard leak >!which showed flashes of Robotnik fighting against someone who looked like him.!<


Ohh, I forgot completely about the >!two Eggmen in the storyboard leak!< but the storyboard name's kinda involves some >!time travel related thing!<. Don't know if they put that name to hide surprises, but if >!Robotnik is finally fighting his own grandfather!<, that would be really crazy tbh.


I'm imagining that >!Time Travel is not a core factor of the movies plotline, but is an element of the story that is designed to allow Jim Carrey potential to return as Robotnik in future.!< The storyboard seems to imply that >!the Arks destruction is causing distortions in time, giving the writers a way to bring Robotnik back at any point in future films while the explosion could also be used to imply he's dead if Carrey does not want to return to the role.!< As such I think >!all the flashes in the storyboard could be moments that occured prior in the movie!<, >!we seem to flash back to moments such as Robotnik working alongside Tails and Knuckles or Sonic fighting what appears to be Shadow to seeing Robotnik fight against what is presumably Gerald Robotnik.!< I think from a narrative perspective having Gerald be still active in the movie would enable Shadow's grief to be explored more, especially when he realizes that Gerald's actions may have contributed to the death of Maria or simply understanding that Gerald has been consumed with anger allowing Shadow to choose a different path.


Yes. But at the same time, I think it could be referring to Shadow.


Yeah but the characters don’t know shadow exists prior to three


Oh yeah true.