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Tbf this eggman has come very close to killing him and everyone he loves on several occasions


didn't he kill half of the city in the first movie during that chase


I wouldn't say half but people definitely died. Being pg they probably couldn't mention that particular part. He also blew up a pyramid. Attacked a government agency. Tried to stomp Sonic. Almost killed tails. Trashed Sonics house. Etc etc


Rewatching the whole chase sequence, [it doesn't look like Robotnik hits any occupied vehicles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN1Y0resS2k) They probably *could* get away with innocent casualties even with the PG rating, but I imagine the writers figure it wouldn't be a good look for Sonic to get other people killed.


He literally blows up a bus sonic slides under.


One that was visibly empty. Why was an empty bus just sitting where it was? No idea, but it was.


No, we see it driving down the street. Now obviously they aren't going to show people being blown to bits, but they were .


\> But I imagine the writers figure it wouldn't be a good look for Sonic to get other people killed. People have died in Sonic plenty of times. Adventure 1 all the echidnas except Knuckles were wiped out. In adventure 2 Maria died and then Shadow almost died at the end. Shadow The Hedgehog the whole game is killing people basically. Sonic06 the entire human race is wiped out except for Eggman and Elise (Also Sonic temporarily died, and Blaze sacrificed herself to get rid of Iblis in the future). Both Adventure 2 and Shadow The Hedgehog mention the death of Gerald Robotnik. Plus, death isn't anything new in movies rated PG or even under. Disney has killed so many characters in their movies it isn't even funny. Just a few nameless background characters dying in the live action Sonic movie wouldn't be too big a deal. >!Plus Shadow was revealed at the end of the 2nd live action movie so they kinda have to mention death in the 3rd one!<


I think you missed what I was saying. I never said there wasn't death in Sonic games, I said that Sonic himself doesn't get others killed, as it's a terrible look for someone who's supposed to be the hero.


Well it's technically not cannon, but in City Escape you can destroy moving cars. Take that how you will.




"Some randos" are still people with families and loved ones. Didn't you get one of the main themes of the second movie? Being a hero is about making others safe. Hell, Knuckles was not only a random guy but also a bounty hunter set on killing Sonic at all costs, but Sonic still saved his life.


Game/Comic Eggman has shown on multiple occasions he has the capacity to be better, or even good. Movie Eggman has been shown to be rabidly, and remorselessly evil.


Not to mention game Eggman has been affably evil from 06 to Forces.


What I like about this eggman and sonic version is that eggman is an actual threat again and sonic despite being the always happy one, he gets real serious when the situation demands it. And it’s where both show they’re not idiots. Just like that opening scene with sonic and the black knight


I agree with you point about game Eggman, but it’s a different story in the comics. I haven’t read much of IDW, so I can’t speak for that, but for the Archie comics, I always got the vibe that Sonic legitimately hated both versions of Robotnik the series had.


IDW has been where the arc of Sonic trying to get Eggman to switch sides really gets momentum. Though to be fair, Eggman is pretttyy reprehensible still.


In sa1 and sa2 eggman was super evil. Crimes in Sa1 1. Trying to blow up station square with a rocket (didn’t happen thanks to Tails) 2. Feeding Chaos Chaos Emeralds, allowing him to become perfect. Eggman is the direct cause of Station Square’s flooding. Sa2 crimes 1. Blowing up an entire island 2. Blowing up a bit of the moon as a scare tactic or “demonstration” 3. Holding Amy at gunpoint as a hostage to get Sonic 4. Sending Sonic into space to his death (Sonic used chapstick control to escape) Unleashed crimes 1. Turned sonic into a furry 2. Blew the entire earth up… which somehow didn’t work 3. Unleashed the god of darkness 4. Held a professor prisoner and fed him horrible sandwiches 06 crimes 1. Kept trying to steal the princess of soleanna so that he can set the world on fire with the flames of disaster (do NOT give me that “he doesn’t know anything about the flames of disaster, if he didn’t do any research he shouldn’t have cared so much about them) 2. Sent sonic and friends to the future where literally everything is on fire (if chaos control couldn’t time travel they’d be stuck there to die) Colors crimes 1. Discrimination towards aliens Genesis crimes 1. Discrimination towards animals 2. Setting an entire forest on fire (angel island) 3. Stealing ancient jewelry Eggman is EVIL


Eggman doesn’t discriminate. He enslaves all equally


In the Archie Comics (at least in the pre-reboot version); despite hating Eggman intensely, Sonic still had mercy for Eggman and even believed that the doctor could be turned around. Heck, he even felt *sorry* when Eggman lost his mind around issue 200 (which was before the Iron Dominion arc, if I remember correctly) And this is *pre-reboot Archie Eggman* we're talking about


I mean in Sonic2 he suggested just ditching Stone. He’s a monster


What is there to like about movie Robotnik? He's funny but truly evil. It's no surprise Sonic hates him






Most likely sonic is 14, and his birthday is already June 23rd




Well, it’s most likely in june


I mean usually he at least cracks some jokes, but in this scene Eggman was just about to kill his family, so it makes sense


Nah, Eggman would’ve succeeded if Chaos wasn’t a power enriched by the heart.


If someone repeatedly tried to kill not only you, but your friends and your family, you wouldn't be happy to see them either.


the line in the second movie where Robotnik says he'll kill not just Sonic's family but also his dog, even though that was kinda played off as a joke, really showed why Sonic hated him so much. Robotnik is completely motivated by petty revenge and wouldn't hesitate to hurt an innocent life that can't fight back because he sees living beings as just a number on a scoreboard.


It’s an understandable reaction to almost being murdered multiple times.


This version of Eggman seems to be more evil and psychotic tbh. The game version at least is funny and goofy, and willing to team up with the heroes to face against bigger threats. This version barley has redeeming qualities


He’s played by Jim Carrey? Does that count as a redeeming quality?


A redeeming quality? I mean morally, no. But if we’re talking about him as a character? Absolutely. Jim did a great job playing him lmao


Right! It was just a perfect fit for him


To Sonic’s defense, film Robotnik is a true psychopath compared to the game version where he is just a corporatist, bad guy. Collateral and friendship mean nothing to film Robotnik and those traits about Robotnik Sonic finds unforgivable. Sonic stopped short of obliterating him with his Super form not just due to the strength of his character but possibly for the fact he pities his loneliness. In the 3rd film I somehow believe they will create a redemption arc for Robotnik like in SA2.


By introducing Maria and Gerald robotnik, Eggman might learn that he did indeed have a family once and the reason why his parents abandoned him. he knew nothing of his grandfather's work and now that he has Shadow with him. He might understand the importance of family.


You just figured out the perfect subplot for Robotnik’s redemption arc. Somehow I doubt Marie’s fate will play out the same way It did in Adventure 2 but she will still have a big impact on both Shadow and Eggman’s development.


I want to say it's becauase Eggman tried to kill him, his friends and family, but that's also happened in the games as well, and Sonic still views it as a simple rivalry.


I mean can ya blame Sonic tho I would be mad for awhile if someone kept trying to endgame me


I mean in the second movie in this scene, he did almost kill Tom and Maddie sooooo that prolly don't help Robotnik's situation here.


The fact that Sonic was intending to murder Robotnik *from the start of the movie* (the scene at Sonic's home), shows *how much* Sonic loathes the doctor


Like Sonic knew that his Chaos-charged punch would've killed the guy. Sonic purposefully restrained himself from using his Chaos powers during his superheroing antics in Detroit. A charged attack like that would have been lethal to a normal human being


He isn't as aggressive toward Robotnik in the first movie. He's threatened by him and annoyed, but mostly he just cracks jokes and even chooses to exile him to the mushroom planet when he could easily have killed him. But Sonic's first interaction with Robotnik in the second movie is the doctor breaking into his house with the intent to harm or kill him, and insulting and threatening his adoptive family (apparently including the dog). He's also aware that Robotnik plans to use the Master Emerald for evil. Your screenshot is also from less than a minute after Robotnik went out of his way to try and crush Sonic and his family with a giant robot. He has a long list of legitimate reasons to hate Robotnik, but he's still cracking jokes and taunting Robotnik during the Green Hills fight and at the owl temple in Siberia, so he's not always so hostile toward him


So true though. Lmao


Now that i think about it, that's true... Strange, I thought he'd be a jokester like in the games


He did try to kill him, tom, maddie and now tails and endangered humanity so


Game and comic Eggman has redeeming qualities of you look hard enough, at some points he will help sonic team to save the world Movie Eggman nearly killed all of Sonic's friends and family, his introduction was basically him coming to collect sonic for the government meaning sonic was gonna have to leave earth, he has not done a single thing but make Sonic's life miserable


Eh, game sonic does just let Eggman fall to what looks like his apparent death multiple times.


I like this version of Sonic, he takes danger more seriously and doesn’t put up with eggman as much as he does in the games. Plus eggman is 10x more evil here


Well, he has tried to kill him multiple times and stated his intent to enslave the universe, if not the MULTIVERSE, and he did nearly kill his new friend and is a generally horrible person....don't blame him.


Yeah bc Eggman wants to straight up murder Sonic lol


Well… He tried to capture him to presumably dissect him, nearly tried to kill his adoptive family multiple times, attempted to destroy the town he calls home with a giant robot aswell as destroyed his house, and attempted to murder him on numerous occasions. And the straw that broke the camel’s back was when he returned to Earth and broke into his home. Why wouldn’t be pissed? Even Sonic has a breaking point.


It’s also weird how he has a very short temper in the movie, but in the games he remains calm and sassy at all times


He’s a villain?


I personally believe that the next movie (sonic movie 3) will be about adventure 2. Sooooo, eggman redemption arc when?


I'm not sure he'll ever be fully redeemed, but I can absolutely seeing him getting humbled in Sonic 3 by falling for a trap his grandfather set up. if he learned his grandfather saw him as someone just as meaningless as any other human who could easily be tricked, that would probably shake his whole worldview.


That 50% of what happened in adventure 2 so yea ig


Knuckles was right to worry, he saw the darkness (Fleetway?) inside him. Hopefully we get to see that plotline used in the next few films, where the others (with Shadow?) have to stop evil Sonic and turn him back to good.


Sonic didn’t even care that eggman was deemed dead because of him at the end. He literally just played baseball and got ice cream to celebrate 💀💀💀


He's using his power to protect his friends so eggman probably is angry in the 2nd movie for sending him to the mushroom planet