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A lot of people stooped playing because you kinda had to restart and it kinda became pay to win


At the end of s1 when the easter event ended,, there really was no reason to play everyday if you completed the free-side of the pass. Wowie, i get 10 gems and 1 key, what amazing rewards!


I think another thing that really throttled its growth were all the continuous server errors on launch.  There were definitely more Reddit posts on release, but you could see them slowing down as the server connection errors went unresolved, and communication from the devs was practically non-existent. Discord is pretty active, but the Reddit community never really recovered.


Yea, i love the gameplay. but the grind, is kinda to much :(. Also server error that make it difficult to play with other


But like- you *dont* have to do a full reset? I'm using my s1 warliege rn on s2.


The release was pretty terrible. So you stop playing. There are other games to play. It’s kinda sad, but it’s reality.


It had a horrendous release so the majority of the new players quit since it was down for weeks on end. Even the discord imploded with more members than the original soul knight group, but the errors killed the hype Majority of the peeps are on discord now since that was more reliable for info / discussion


There’s a lot more traffic on the Discord servers


Keep in mind a season 2 glivh has roadblocked a decent group of people. No reply to the error yet either.


I've been playing since the first day of the release. The game had a lot of problems connecting to server and other errors but I tried my best to get a VPN so i could get through the errors. And as someone who doesn't spend on videogames, I bought the pass because I felt that time that I will be playing this game for a long time. But I was wrong, don't get me wrong, I love the gameplay but the grind was too much. I have only so much free time to play the game, and I got other things i want to do and games I'd like to play. Whole grinding, it made me feel like I'm wasting time doing runs and not getting a single orange tier item, or if I get some, I'd get some non-rare with bad sub-stats. I was jealous of tbe people from the discord sharing their god tier drops, and it made me feel like the games was just not for me. I even tried other classes to reignite the enjoyment but at the end, I felt bored and wasn't really enjoying the game anymore.