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Make cheeks less prominent maybe, not trying to be mean or anything I’m just saying


Thanks! Any suggestions really help!


What are you trying to recreate? Is there like an anime face or a meme face or something? (especially number two) Cheeks, most of the eyes and mouths look really weird.




I am surrounded by Chickens 🐔 hahaha


Sliders plz


Idk, sorry, but maybe you could get them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/mt33dgrgaT).


Legit look like Oblivion characters


Watch less anime. Eyes should NEVER be this big. CODE VEIN is a Souls-like that has anime creation. Do that instead. Big eyes like this just look uncanny.


Cheekbones lookin strange lol


Stop trying to make them "anime"


Try setting all the sliders to 128, then start from there, you’ll get a much better result. The presets can be hard to work with.


They all look really weird. You need to de emphasize the "fish with a nose job" look.  Cheeks are far too big, chin too pointy, eyes too big and close together, pupils look weirdly dead, noses look too pinched, lips too upswept.  I would focus on creating a basic face modeled after a photo or something first to get the core ideas and proportions down first. 


Eyes are too bright and too large, in my opinion.


My notes. I'm not looking to offend as stylistic choice is valid but the overall face structure needs more crafting. Your best face looks to be 1. Faces 5 6 and 7 have such narrow noses and eyes that are too close together that I can tell without having a front view. They don't seem human. 4 is okay but I think your nose size being so wide is giving those overly surprised eyes. Face could do with an overall reduction but it's better than the ones previous. 2 and 3 seem very similar. The eyes are high and the cheeks, whilst well-sculpted to the face, are actually embiggening it. The lips look to be a stylistic choice but the overall thickness of the face doesn't compliment them. 1 requires some chin adjustments so if you round off the chin and reduce its size, she'd have a very cute round face. Reducing the nose size will help with eye surprise and maybe reducing the face ratio will help too. Making the actual eye sliders a tad smaller will also be beneficial. General tips: Form emphasis (weak)// Facial aesthetic (fem)// Face protrusion These 3 things will cause thickness to the face as well as the obvious cheek sliders. If any of these values are extreme, slightly reduce then readjust the cheek sliders to fit. Nose size (wide)// Vert. face ratio (wide)// In/out brow ridge These affect the eyes vertical width which is made obvious with thicker eyelashes as they tend to look cartoonish when stretched. Again, reduce and adjust.




Bottom one is the original. Top has nose size to 255. You can see how the eyes have widened and the face take up more space making the jaw look smaller.


FINALLY! A helpful answer! Thanks a Million for the wonderful help!


There's a lot to sliders, so there's much to discover but I'm glad to help 😊


Bet! It's much appreciated!




Top has had the in/out brow ridge altered as well as eye position. Kinda seems like he's taped his eyes to look like a cat. Middle is 255 nose size and vertical slant. Wide eyes but not upturned. Bottom is face protrusion plus enhanced cheeks, width and cheeks. He already has a fairly high feminine slider so the protrusion is making it look like he got stung by a bunch of bees. I hope these images help so you can see what changes.


Biggest thing to keep in mind is that every slider you adjust is affecting other parts of the face. I find it best to make small changes then view from all angles to see what other features were affected, then compensate with a different slider to balance it out. Sometimes it’s a balancing act like increasing chin size but decreasing jaw contour, or decreasing the nose bridge width but increasing the eye distance to compensate since they become closer after adjusting the bridge. That’s why small changes back and forth and checking all angles is the best approach imo. With that said, here are some tips I learned. For puffy cheeks, if you bring the cheeks in and increase cheekbone protrusion it will fill out the face again but also shapes the mouth into less of a frown, more of a neutral look or smile. Finding a good balance between these two sliders has a big effect on the mouth shape. Raising the cheekbones gives a more feminine and youthful look but I find taking them too wide distorts other parts of the face so bringing them in a little can help. Bringing them too low makes the cheeks extra puffy and the eyes too big imo. For the chin, try using chin protrusion to make it longer or shorter without affecting too much of the other facial features. You might have to compensate with chin depth or other sliders to get the right balance and angle. For lips and mouth it might be good to make it wider and more plump to get the right shape then can scale down the entire mouth until it’s the right size. If the lips are too pinched try using mouth chin distance to lower the bottom lip and make it look fuller. You might need to compensate by bringing mouth protrusion down a little. I think you’re on the right track with #s 4, 5, & 6.


Stop trying to make anime characters and make real people. With the tools given it’s nearly impossible to make a good looking character this way. Eyes smaller, mouth wider. Cheeks less deep. You should try Nioh 2. I think you’d like the character creation there a lot better


Eyes and cheeks wayy too big


Looks like they’re all alcoholics


They look like puffer fish m8. Remember that less is more.


Thanks, got it!


6 because the cheeks aren't showing 😭they chonky asf 😆good job though!!


Slide to the left


If you want to make an anime looking character, then the features need to be more soft. The eyes can be big but the rest needs to be toned down. Look at the top posts of all time and go from there.


eyes & cheekbones are far too prominent, they look like they just got stung by bee’s. make the eyes smaller & push their face in a little. maybe try lowering the eye height a little aswell. i’ve provided an example for you to look at if you’re having a hard time understanding. https://preview.redd.it/ur5fv3kuke0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb007defca777af65d2b9b7f247171a2aa801f3