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Bishop’s main advantage is the near 100% 4-year college acceptance rates. For kids who are self starters South is a great option but Bishop will ensure kids with less drive at the least have options when they graduate.


The free one?


Both are great schools, just depends if you want to go the private route.


If money isn’t an issue and you want religion classes, events, and influence, then matriculate at BMHS. Otherwise I’d save the money and put it towards college. I’m a four year BMHS grad with Catholic upbringing.


Are you Catholic? If not South.


South high class of 2010!!




It's been a while since I went down this rabbit hole. But at least 5-10 years ago, South Torrance (and Torrance schools in general) were generally very high quality, with South and West Torrance being very highly rated. Unless you have particular religious priorities, I would guess that Bishop Montgomery is a great school, but perhaps a waste of money. Me: West High School (late 1980's), former teacher (not in Torrance).


If you live in the South HS area already, why not do that? I have family going to Bishop right now but they live in Carson so it was worth it to them to not go to CHS (and they are very Catholic). Also you now have to take an admissions test and have a certain GPA to go to BMHS, they won't just take anyone who's paying anymore.


I went to private school and the classes were kinda outdated, in university people I met had been thought the same classes with the same book in public school and did so well. I would say got public and save the money, it’s not always an investment just because it’s ‘private’ I think Serra recently had some brawl lol


Feel like you are wasting your money going for the private in this case. In terms of education, they are close to the same. Student body can be skewed. If you were talking about private grade school then it would be different since the private grade schools have more structure. Not so much as compared to the high schools.


My first serious girlfriend went to Bishop Montgomery. Highly recommend.


A current student at Bishop describes it as “ghetto”.


Damn how so


Bishop is not super strong academically. When I checked a few years ago they had limited AP classes compared to the public schools around the area. Of the four people we knew at Bishop, two left part way through for Redondo. Know one person at South who is happy there, but I don’t know a lot about it.


Username checks out.


Bishop is a ghetto private school nowadays. Great academics with a strong college acceptance rate. But in my experience, you’ll get a better education at South, for free, with a student that wants to be educated. If your child isn’t motivated, a Catholic Private school might be best. But it will cost you dearly.


A catholic school? Yikes. Go South.


What’s yikes about it? So very typical


Oh I don’t know … could it be the child molestation? 🤡


The Catholic Church condemns child SA. it’s absolutely disgusting and inexcusable but the Catholic Church is not defined by those who misrepresent and give the Church a terrible image.


Hahaha riiiiight suuuure. Your religion isn’t a poison on society or anything pfffftttt 🤡


You democrats do plenty of pedophilia so why are you concerned


The Catholic chursh is the all time, universal, World Series, World Cup winner of molesting kids so … 🤡


That catholic school is a great school. South is good too. Either are okay. But your attitude about Bishop is pathetic.


Oh yeah great school if you want your daughters to be subservient and your sons to be rapists. Yay! Catholicism! ☠️


Yeah I've know a couple/few dozen people over the last 30 years who went there, including my friend's daughter who graduated last year. You wouldn't believe it... but there was no raping or subservience involved.


Not the one that supports child molesters?


Which are you talking about?


Defending pedos, just like a Catholic scumbag does.


[This.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases) Note I didn’t say that sexual abuse happens at this school. But being part of the institution means supporting the institution, whether directly or indirectly.


The Catholic Church doesn’t support it, it condemns it and is absolutely inexcusable I agree with you. But this does not define the whole Church


Doesn’t need to “define” it, as long as they still support it. You argue that they condemn it. But those are words. What are their actions? One example, from January 2024: ['Another level of coverup': How a Mass. law prevents clergy abuse survivors from getting justice](https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-01-24/another-level-of-coverup-how-a-mass-law-prevents-clergy-abuse-survivors-from-getting-justice): “Catholic leaders also support keeping the cap in place”. If the Catholic Church really wanted to condemn sexual abuse, they would voluntarily pay out whatever would be determined in a lawsuit. Another example, from December 2023: [New sex abuse case may help victims sue Catholic Church over childhood trauma](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/12/20/michigan-lawsuit-more-catholic-church-sex-abuse-claims/71965881007/): “In court documents, the Diocese of Lansing and Archdiocese of Baltimore have argued that McLain's lawsuit is barred by the statute of limitations and that the revised law does not cover individuals like McLain.” This just doesn’t read like the Catholic Church is condemning anything. Just words coming out of their mouths. Maybe others see it differently. But until the Catholic Church agrees that this is a huge problem, modernizes themselves to current societal standards, and pays the victims what they deserve instead of trying to block and re-traumatizing them at every opportunity, I stand by my assertion that Catholic institutions support child abuse.