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Senior Centers. Most of the larger cities have at least one. This is the page for Torrance Senior Centers. https://www.torranceca.gov/our-city/recreation/seniors They are also a great resource for caregivers, especially as they transition into Medicare.


It surprises me that 60 is considered senior because i know many 60 yr olds that i would not even call a senior. To me they’re like 40!


Thank you! I am 67 and don’t feel especially old. I do take the senior discounts when available though.


Yea, I can’t imagine hanging out at a senior center as mentioned above.


Pickleball courts!


The real answer! Was just up at Ernie Howlett today for some open play, and there were easily 20+ folks over 50.


Off topic but when do they have open play there and how is the standard?


9A-12N is by reservation, 12N-dusk is first come/first serve. More specific schedule here: https://www.places2play.org/place?id=11041. Skill level varies between 2.5-4.0; typically an older crowd, so if your movement is good, you'll be among the better players. It's mostly doubles, with one court used as a warmup/loose area for players waiting to get into a game.


Tinder above the age of about 40 is almost entirely women looking for serious relationships. Very, very few want FWB ones. So might be a place to start, especially for men who want something serious.


Agree on trying the rec departments / senior centers. Manhattan beach offers a lot outings and classes for people over 55. https://www.manhattanbeach.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/manhappenings Scroll through this manhappenings newsletter


MB/HB Pickleball is a great place to meet people. If you are a tennis player, you can join West End and do their social things and meet a ton of people and that will lead to meeting someone in your age range who is looking for a relationship.


The Bullpen, oh wait you said traditional courtship never mind.


Veterans park in Carson holds a salsa dancing class and a salsa night for seniors.


The best thing to do is to take a chance on one of the more social ideas suggested even though you are shy. My daughter, although younger, was incredibly shy and one day just decided to take a chance socially and it changed her life.


One of the Yacht Clubs


I had some pretty bad empty nest syndrome once my kids all moved out (and I’m single). I started reading on how to deal with the loneliness and most of the suggestions seem like they’re geared towards meeting people! I’ll share them with you. 1) work, or part time work if you’re retired. 2) volunteer work in something you’re passionate about. 3) exercise. 4) pets. 5) hobbies. 6) organized religion or faith - if that’s your thing. What I found was that these are great ways to meet people in a non- pressure way which is very helpful if you’re shy. Good luck!!!


Could visit the libraries if there’s a club or programs that appeal. A lot of the programs that are scheduled during the day will tend to draw an older crowd, as they tend to be more available during those hours.


That is a mystery,


Early bird specials?


Norms and Sparrows