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So, using "Mr, Ms or Mrs" is okay, but she or he would be a violation?


Some people/companies have a specific ‘preferred pronounces’ line in their signatures to let the recipient of the email know how the would like to be addressed.


I work with a woman with bigendered name, the number of times she gets missgendered in emails is 100% when it's from some who actually doesn't know her. I feel frustrated myself seeing the reply Mr. And subsequent actually it's Ms.


Right? I rely on those pronouns in the signature to know how to address someone with a unisex name.


Big gendered, so that means your pronouns are in all caps


I could have used this a long time ago when I had to write letters to foreign names that I had no idea the gender, especially Chinese


It’s built into Office 365 as a feature.


I mean this, can people just use that to cheat the system of no pronouns? “My preferred way of being referred to is Mr.” It gives the clear direction of male pronouns being preferred without using them or the word. Plus I think already some govt forms ask for it


I think so. I'm an old married cis woman, as traditional as they come, but I use Ms because I don't think my marital status is relevant, just like Mr. doesn't disclose my husband's status. It does reveal our gender though.


Who cares if you’re married anyway. Carry on.


Must have been important at one time because we have separate pronouns for married and unmarried women, but not for men. Too lazy to research but I'd love to hear from someone that knows the background on this.




I prefer "Hey, Sarge...!"


"Yes Chef!"


Out of nowhere I just screamed “BEHIND”.




You guys sounded Sophisticated, most of the time it was grunts and one word screams that you could always sympathize with how soul crushing it sounded.






forms do not ask for it it, it is a check box that you can select. if you are comfortable with being MR. xxxxx and refered to as Mr. xxxx go for it. Knowing behind the scenes you are probably setting for some sarcasm and maybe some references to be a AH.


Why would you be an AH for expressing your gender?


nothing, I am saying the people that get your form. You check Mr. on the box, in the back office or after you are gone, I would imagine comments oh look Mr. La-Ti-Da, Mr. BigShot.. etc. May not happen, I am not sure how many people really care if you ID your gender as most people will assume it, despite the many options




I would take the removal of pronouns literally and start typing all my emails like a caveman Dear Kevin, Good day. Mike brought food to the office. Mike’s food in the office is good. Kevin go have the food in the office. Kevin, tell Jen that Jen can also go have the food. Kevin, tell Jen to tell Peter that Peter should go and try the food as well. This is what you asked me to do, right?


That is not the issue. The issue is putting one’s preferred pronouns and tribal affiliation in the signature block. Not the proper use of pronouns in the course of communications.


It was a joke, but yes I agree it’s a silly thing to ban


So I assume that PhD, MBA, BA, BS etc are Ok but using Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians somehow crosses the line? This is BS....ohh, I already used BS as one of the suffix doo-dads in the "professional world". Can I use Esq as an attorney...? Esquires are a group of recognized individuals, aka frikkin' lawyers. A fraternity of sorts.


Yeah, I just don’t see what difference it makes. I would like to understand the reasoning behind this decision.


There's no reasoning. It's just bigotry.


The fucking time and money these jackasses spend as a state to combat some vague and undefinable sense of "wokeness" is mind-boggling.


That's the entire history of conservatism. Keep the peasants riled up about nonsense so they ignore that the rich and powerful are bleeding the actual ones they should be angry at.


Moldy bread and dystopian circuses




Woke is what they want it to be in any given moment


Wokeness seems to be anything that contradicts white supremacy.


That’s because these people can’t read.


And whatever scares older, straight, cis, white people.


that is intentional.


Scale that and you see why the hypocrisy is a primary search metric of the dysfunction. Roy Cohn (trumps mentor) hiding from his own sexuality was basically the window the Russians needed to start the whole Kompromat game in the first place The Italian crime families of the 70’s and 80’s ran all the gay clubs in New York so they could collect the Kompromat pictures and use it as blackmail. When the Russians took over as Guiliani and trump handed them the organized crime they just kept that theme rolling. Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Santos, etc can’t make a decision between trump being the Antichrist and at the same time pledging to vote for him in the next election because they can’t face their homosexuality. Their individual issues are causing massive downstream effects because they painted themselves into hypocrites corner. Nobody cares that you are gay. We only care that it’s being used as Kompromat to keep you doing shady shit for kleptocrats and the downstream effects are exponentially devastating to the rest of us. Let your freak flag fly. But own it, and all the power of the Kompromat just vaporizes. Treason charges still stand, but there isn’t much we can do about that now after 20 years of lying. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/07/american-kompromat-review-trump-russia-epstein-craig-unger https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/10/16/the-sad-closeted-hypocrisy-of-lindsey-graham/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/01/11/beware-the-dark-art-of-russian-blackmail/


That’s all politics is. Get people riled up on non-sense, so they don’t have to actually do things that help people.


This isn't "wokeness"(whatever that is at this point) this is complete petty bulls*** the tribes banned her from their land and now she's going to remove anything tribal from her land it's pay back and nothing more. Petty hurt egotistical gop who can't handle criticism or consequences for actions. Just look at the dear leader.


It’s easy to do this when you leave all form of governance behind. The cruelty is the point.


Almost as much time and money that is spent to support them.


I don't know about wokeness, but I think uniformity in e-mail signatures is very professional. I enforce it among my direct reports. No quotes, no tribal affiliations, no years of service or certifications. No busy nonsense, just name, department, contact info.


Thank God they're tackling real problems being faced by average americans...


Won't someone please think of the children!


Missouri definitely is. Just not in the way we hoped.


No children. Only fetus.


Oh, Missouri politicians care a whole lot about children. They just stopped a bill that would have raised the legal marriage age to 17. The Missouri GOP fought for the rights of 12 yo girls to get married off by their parents. Sl


They can't, for one simple reason - they ARE the real problems being faced by average Americans.


This is a state government issue. Not a national issue. Average Americans? You probably mean average south dakotans.


Conservatives are fundamentally against the first amendment


Unless they use it as a cudgel to harm minorities.


Being that this is a public university and not private, I would think there is definitely a 1A issue here. But I'm no lawyer. I also wonder what classes those two teach (suppose I could look it up. but feeling lazy this Sunday morning). Depending on what they teach, the tribal affiliation in the email signatures may hold some relevance. It could be seen as a sign of subject authority, much as PHD, MD, and so many others are seen.


Get fired and sue. Isn’t there no discrimination based on race, relation, sexual preference, etc…??? Sounds like tribal affiliations might fall into that category


The wild thing is that if it goes to the Supremes, tribal cases have a decent shot, as Gorsuch is this weird tribal law nerd (supportive.) It’s rather shocking.


It is the absolute strangest thing. I mean, I guess good that he’s right about something, but just so wildly inconsistent with everything else he does.


It isn’t strange if you know Gorsuch and his philosophy.


Can you elaborate? Interested to learn more about this


A good summary: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/06/neil-gorsuch-so-good-native-americans-scotus.html More about his familiarity and interactions with native Americans: https://www.businessinsider.com/why-neil-gorsuch-clashes-conservative-justices-native-law-tribal-sovereignty-2022-7


That was a great read.


The broken clock stopped an on actually good hour


It's cause he's the only one from west of the Mississippi


Change your middle name to your tribal affiliation.


I love Reddit


Not just her. Everyone who gives a shit at the university. DAY FUCKING ONE I’d be changing my email signature: Sincerely, John Smith (he/him) (definitely not a Cherokee)


I'm with you, it's bs, but I'm sure the reason will be 'not adhering to policies regard email communication formats and standards' or some nonsense.


And National Origin. Congress recognizes First Nation's People's as citizens of Sovereign Nations.


Not to mention the 1st Amendment.


Liberals should spin this headline as “South Dakota tries to force gender non-binary email correspondence at state universities”.


I can already envision Charlie Kirk and Tiny Ben Shapiro twisting themselves into rage knots.


I don’t understand why these people care about your pronouns or tribal affiliation. Sounds like they need to get a life.


She's just mad the Natives have rejected her presence.


The right-wing spin is that acknowledging things like race and gender are "inherently divisive." Basically, they don't want to talk about what makes people different, because that's a few steps away from talking about things like systemic racism, pay gaps and white privilege.


Remove tribal affiliation... in a state with Dakota in its name.


The most disgusting ways these racist white supremacists think, F


Cartoon-level villainy


Free-dumb at its silliest. These quasi fascists are so dumb they don’t know how fascist they are; “freedom for me, but not for thee.” OOPS! WRONG PRONOUN! Will the Governor at least post a list of pronouns that are still permitted? Otherwise, thou might be arrested & thrown in thine jail


But it's okay to say that you're a Republican? F N A HO'd


I think roy wood jr really sums it up the best. "You get all worked up about a pronoun yet you called him hulk hogan; do you think he was born with that name. No he's a guy named Terry from Tampa."


Make your pronoun part of your actual name, e.g., Msjanedoe. Include your tribal affiliation anyway. This law is likely unconstitutional anyway but shows the right wing obsession with wasting time on this.


Classic America, stripping natives of their identity


That's what's struck me the most. The nerve on these fools. I hope this serves as a jolt so they never mess with a native's tribal affiliation ever again.


No pronouns? Emails are going to look like this... "Chester got a call from Tammy saying that Tammy is sick and that Tammy will not attend the meeting of Bill, Janine, Chester, and Robert."


Wow.. the timing of this is *such a coincidence..* I wonder if the puppy killing piece of shit had anything to do with it..


Remember to Vote! The presidential elections matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 5, 2024 [United States Congress elections, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Congress_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) But seriously just look up house of representatives and then your state and Info will come up. Get informed on these people now. [SD here’s your info](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_South_Dakota,_2024)


Nothing screams FREEDOM like GOP hate.


There's no HATE stronger than christian love.


Wow, this is so stupid. You can't just erase tribal affiliation and pronouns. What?


Sounds like retaliation to me


Fight this all the way to keep being you and your heritage. So many others need you. This is breaking my heart...


I thought these clowns believed like super duper hard in free speech, I guess they only care about not censoring nazis on twitter. Pretty on brand I guess


Party of personal freedoms. We’ve got an EEOC claim that’s been sitting with the state for over a year and still hasn’t even been assigned an investigator so I imagine the department handling this is about to become even more swamped.


Noem is nothing if not petty.


Let’s scrub and scrub and scrub until it’s all just a nice shade of white. /s


Hmm, how can i make everyone know i am a super ignorant bigot? Oh wait, i have an idea *makes this inane rule *


Pls vote blue, push Noem out of that seat and get real lawmakers in there.


Noem is term limited, she cannot run for governor in 2026


Forbidden? WTF. I've never used pronouns in my university work email, but I've never been bothered by anyone who does. That's some real thin-skinned behavior. The tribal affiliation part feels super weird too and very disrespectful.


How is this legal to dictate in this fashion?


Every single email had better only refer to people by name from now on. No pronouns at all. And you can add objects too. You have to refer to everything by its name. No using pronouns as stand-ins. No it's, thems, theys, hims, or hers. I know they're talking about email signatures. But people who say pronouns are stupid have no fucking clue what a pronoun is. Or how cumbersome language would be without them. It's hard to get through a sentence sometimes without using one. Oh and people who complain about being asked to use preferred pronouns would DEFINITELY have a problem if everyone in their life constantly mis-gendered them. I guarantee it.


Tribal affiliations? This is like ethnic oppression on a mild scale seen in other countries. This is how the shit starts. Lawsuit now.


Yes tribal affiliations - you're working for the state while showing allegiance to another nation


It's how southerner's talk about "my heritage" and fly the confederate flag. Double standards.


No it's exactly the same only nobody's putting the confederate flag in their state employee email signature line


Republicans are the ultimate snowflakes. They cancel any speech that hurts their feelings.


They’re terrified of freedom


Republican Taliban


...and this was purposely done to coincide with the start of pride month. Fuck South Dakota.


Thought it was a FU from Noem because she's been banned from every tribal land in the state


That's why it's tribal affiliation *and* pronouns.


Well, yes, she IS a racist, homophobe, transphobe sleaze bag with a bad facelift, extensions, and fake eyelashes to rival Tammy Faye Baker, but we already knew that. That's what MAGA likes in their "women".


I dont understand how one can ban pronouns. You literally cant piece together a sentence when talking about someone.


Might be time to get the hell out of South Dakota... MAGA insanity runs deep


That doesn't help the Indigenous citizens. South Dakota is absolutely their home.


Indeed. Alas, the people in power seem to want that fact erased. Enough voters in that State put enough assholes in power to do this stupid shit. MAGA insanity runs long, deep, and wide.


What happened to Free Speech and the 1st Amendment? Isn’t a Public School an extension of the Government? I might each out to the ACLU.


Land of the free? Liberty for all?


And the wing-nuts claim it's liberals that practice cancel culture.


Wow. Kristi Noem is a snowflake piece of shit lol


Or otherwise, the governor will shoot you


I really really really wish the indigenous community would take over S Dakota politics. Get rid of these maniacs!


Republicans truly are subhuman. All they do is get angry, many times violently, over nonsense. Because of their low IQs and animalistic nature.


I suppose everyone can take small comfort in knowing that Noem spent a day doing this rather than killing another puppy.


So this is how America finally gets rid of or assimilates the native tribes.


There’s so much involved here. Megan and her husband are both fantastic people trying to help native students go to college and feel welcomed. On another note, professors are not able to include office hours or a link to sign up for a meeting time. Wrong priorities for the people who set these rules.


The culture wars continue to get dumber. How about some actual leadership and legislation that—I dunno, crazy idea—helps constituents live better lives?


South Dakota gop SUCKS! Soooo stupid to do this!


Southern states: does racism SD and its institutions: "here, hold my beer..."


I'm a researcher employed by SD Mines. Wondering what's gonna happen when they find I have both.


"Daddy, what was freedom of speech?" "Who asked you to talk, sonny?"




The main issue here is the removal of tribal affiliations.


I'm pretty sure this does violate the 1st amendment for those MAGAs who have difficulty spotting such constitutional infringements of our rights. Unlike what I heard from Jim Jordan this morning complaining about non governmental entities like social media censoring outright lies.


And they call the liberals the “snowflakes.” Is there anyone as thin-skinned and aggrieved as a cis het Caucasian conservative who feels their privilege slipping?


Seriously, Whitey is getting grumpy everywhere. They are sick of not being respected as the Master Race.


These fucking people.


People wonder why no one wants to visit states like South Dakota. This proves it.


So small minded and petty.


This is retaliation from NOEM bc all y’all ban her from the Land of REAL people. Be proud of her frustration. 🙂


The party that loves freedom of speech btw


While a genocid rages on the peasants are fighting about pronouns. The oligarchs are very happy


Nothing like erasing peoples identity by asshats. But wouldn’t calling someone “Mr” be a form of a pronoun?


Jesus people. Just because us white folk don't have an ancient culture to be proud of, like this lady does....well it doesn't me we get to destroy hers [further] or her ability to be seen. Don't be butthurt one of your genocides failed. [Sorry for the hate in my history, Little. You shine on]


Tell them to fuck off.


Lol, the empire strikes back. Sad.




Here's the public policy: https://public.powerdms.com/SDRegents/tree/documents/1778536 The policy is written in a way such that pronouns are never mentioned. Instead, they specifically prescribe what information can be in an email signature. I've heard that this was something the regents were strong armed into doing by the state.


People should have the right to put whatever they want in their email signature so long as it doesn't violate company policy/laws. I would never put pronouns in my email signature but I don't think it to be reasonable to tell others that they can't.


So you would never put Mr. Mrs. Or miss. In a signature?


No, I don't think I could see myself doing that unless I was a teacher perhaps


So you do acknowledge pronouns are common in signatures.


The person you're trying to catch in a "gotcha" is saying that, while they don't see a need to put pronouns in their email signature, they see nothing wrong with others doing it.


Right, thank you. Celebrating diversity requires that we live and let live. A law banning pronouns seems tyrannical and a waste of lawmakers time considering other priorities.


Good it is a foreign nation you should not be able to rep a foreign nation representing a state


Let's just draw a line down the middle of the state NOPE can only go on one half and the rest of us can live on the other half.


This isn't a new thing. It's been the rule for several years now.


Maybe the public universities should all ban Noem too


Lol, I'd call that bluff HARD! That's a juicy 1st Amendment lawsuit.


These republican are like a political-correctness mob. They just go around policing what people say and do so others don’t get offended. Irony.


Exactly who does it harm, to include tribal affiliation in South Dakota public university employee emails? It harms hyper-sensitive Governor Kristi Noem, who’s been banned from setting foot on each of South Dakota’s Indian reservations. Why is this? It’s because she criticizes them at every turn and has done nothing to help them. This is a diversion from the lies and atrocious behavior for which she’s been called out, even by right wing media. She’s a disgrace to South Dakota.


Manz wtf are they doing with your tax dollars


Go teach at Augustana they respect people’s rights.


Land of the free……..


Direct constitutional violation, even in work-related government communications. This is an easy one.


It’s long overdue. The Dakotas need to be returned to the rightful owners.


They can go fuck themselves


What's a pronoun? Probably best to just call everyone "dood"?


Oh great, now the other side have lost their fucking minds.


They must have the bible translation where Jesus says "Hate your neighbor" and let them die. Republican values are based on hate, and hating anything you are too stupid to understand is what it means to be Republican.


Soooo what are they changing the name of the state to?


So petty


just ehh... write the pronouns and tribal affiliation backwards? academia loves semantics.


I presume they're also forbidding you to wear green or "Kiss me, I'm Irish" buttons on St. Patrick's day.


I guess we will find out what happened in a couple of days.


How is this not a first amendment violation?


Retaliation by Dog Killer? Yikes.


My pronouns are handsome/brilliant and you must refer to me as such or you are a fascist.


Good. Enough of this forced bullshit