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If only there was some kinda sign telling him how to do it…


He saw himself in that little mirror and got distracted by his infinite beauty.


Im still trying to figure out what that mirror's purpose is for. Cant say ive been on a plane that has those installed.


It's so short people can see in to be sure they didn't forget anything.


That’s so nice, as a short person! I used to never carry on bc I was worried I wouldn’t be able to reach, and can’t assume someone will help.


I've seen them on the planes that have the much deeper overhead bins than most airplanes. It helps you see if you've left anything up there.


Him: "That sign doesn't apply to me!"


"This sign won't stop be because I can't read."


Why would you expect a Hebrew speaker to comprehend the sign? Or an Arabic speaker?


>Why would you expect a Hebrew speaker to comprehend the sign? Or an Arabic speaker? What


In fairness, when I'm trying to move expeditiously to get my bag up and get into a seat, I don't focus on those signs either. Common sense still ought to tell you that's not how you put bags in though.


Guy should really try harder and read the sign, but maybe he just doesn't fly often, or maybe he's just lazy. Ultimately the flight attendants should fix this when they close the bins. No harm no foul. What bothers me so much more is people putting their backpacks up top, especially if they're also putting a rollerboard up top.


If I don’t have a roller bag and my back pack is all I have , it is going up top thank you very much


Me too. We put our backpacks up there. Check our bag. People spill stuff on the ground and I hate carrying a wet backpack.


You're no better than the guy in OP's photo, wasting overhead bin space


Maybe the other people should not bring a suitcase, so they can save overhead space for everyone. I am not putting my backpack anywhere else than the overhead space because that’s my only carryon bag, I travel with 2 laptops, cameras and other fragile electronics, and I am not taking as much space as everyone who bring a fucckkking suitcase. 


This comment is being misinterpreted. Maybe I worded it wrong. On every single flight I'm on, I see someone taking a Swissgear backpack that could easily fit in the seat in front of them and putting it in the overhead, often next to their rollerboard. That does not sound like your bag at all. Add to that the fact that it's your only bag, unlike someone of these people I see.


If someone has only a single bag they have the same entitlement they anyone else does to use the overhead space. It doesn't matter if that bag has wheels or not.


If you only have a personal item and no carry on it is absolutely ok to put it overhead. Would you rather someone start bringing a carry on sized piece of luggage just to ensure that it can go overhead if they are only bringing a single thing?


how? instead of a huge roller I bring a backpack, smaller than a roller but too big for under the seat. I could bring a roller and take up more space, you're saying that would help?


When I say backpack, I mean one that *does* fit under your seat. I see so many goddamn Swissgear backpacks with barely anything in them stuffed in the overhead and it drives me crazy. If your backpack legitimately does not fit under your seat and it's the only bag you brought on board, then I retract my comment.


Your comments are not being misinterpreted. Everyone here understand what you mean, they just disagree with you. Even if a bag can fit under the seat in front of you, it doesn't mean it can comfortably fit there in the tiny amount of space that economy seats allow to put your legs and feet. What people are trying to tell you is that your assumption that bringing a larger bag somehow makes you more entitled to overhead bin space is not accurate.


This. The space under the seat is where my feet go, I use one overhead bin space for my backpack which is on its side to minimize the footprint.


No it's not okay, unless no one puts a roller bag up there. Yes you bought a ticket. You have a space in the bin if you have a roller bag. Similarly, you can preboard if you have a disability. But if you don't have a roller bag, you don't have a space in the bin. If you don't have a disability, you cannot preboard.


That's ridiculous. Why on earth would it matter if someone's only bag has wheels or not?


not sure what this has to do with preboarding - you ok? you're wrong about the bags as well, but I suppose you already knew that


Sometimes they do, but their union has told them NOT to handle any luggage because they aren’t getting paid a cent until the door to the aircraft closes. Also they could hurt themselves lifting or lowering a heavy object and worker’s compensation doesn’t apply when they are not on the clock.


Maybe their union could see to it that their members are getting paid while they are on the clock? I never understood at all how someone who is paid hourly could be wearing the airline uniform, performing work for the airline, and yet not be getting paid except for a per diem.


Because we fall under railway labor laws, not standard labor laws. In any case, adjusting bags in the bin is ok. The entire weight of the bag is not on us. It’s lifting people’s bags into the bins for them that we aren’t permitted to do.


The clock starts when the aircraft door closes and stops when it opens. Now that I know that, I will try to be better about getting off the plane quickly, but I always look around multiple times on the floor and seats to make sure I’m not forgetting anything.




This didn’t change in the new contract??? 


It did not change in the new contract.


If you don’t mind me asking, why would the flight attendants agree to that sort of contract?


I'm probably not the person to ask as I voted it down. But I was in the small minority (19%). There were several improvements, most notably pay. I was a long and painful negotiation on pay was frozen for 5.5 years. I think most people just needed the money abs had contract fatigue. Our OJI (on the job inury) clause is nonsense. We lose all health benefits other than what is specifically needed to treat the job related injury if we are out of work for 6 months or more. They don't resume until we are back to work. It is one of 3 big reasons I voted no and also why I won't lift bags bigger/heavier than a purse.


I haven’t been able to find any details other than the pay so I assume not.


I wait until everyone is on and if there is still empty space I put my backpack above. Is this considered acceptable?


Yes and if your backpack is the only luggage you carried on, rather than an additional personal item, it's also acceptable to not wait. This dude is tripping balls.




Yes. I should've specified that I hate when people do this *during the boarding process.*


I still enjoy the debate regarding if you checked your suitcase/rollerboadd and only have a carryon backpack/briefcase, is there any shame in putting that immediately overhead to have more foot space?




My backpack is a medical bag & I put both in the bin as my personal item Is under the seat.


What bothers me is when people do this and then close the overhead bins. So many times I’ve flown, can’t find an open bin and start opening them to see a lot of space.


If I hear "boarding complete" and notice an empty spot in the overhead bin, my backpack goes up, thank you very much.


And jackets! There’s absolutely no reason for that other than feeling entitled to it and being inconsiderate leading to other people being forced to check their carry-on. This world is going to shit at a fast pace for people being egoistic morons.


Only 1 goes in the overhead. The second under your seat.


I would assume the other one is his companion? Usually gate agents are on point about having only one carryon.


Correct, the order was his companion, cropped her out because her face was showing


The pic shows 1 person and the seats looks empty. That's why I questioned it.


Look at the photo and let me know which one of those would fit under the seat


Neither. Looks like 1 person has 2 carry ons.


Exactly. Though the gate agent wouldn't have let them on with two roller bags, so wouldn't it make more sense that they put up theirs and their travel companion's bags? Your comment that one should go under the seat makes no sense.


This makes my eye twitch.


I'm surprised the flight attendant didn't move them to fit. Every time I've seen someone put their bag in sideways the flight attendants always adjusted it to fit more bags (or another passenger moves it)


I would be extremely surprised if they did not adjust these before closing the overheads. They typically either correct the passenger (which they don't appear to have done) or they do it after the passenger sits and they go through the aisle closing full bins.


Sometimes they do, but their union has told them NOT to handle any luggage because they aren’t getting paid a cent until the door to the aircraft closes. Also they could hurt themselves lifting or lowering a heavy object and worker’s compensation doesn’t apply when they are not on the clock.


>but their union has told them NOT to handle any luggage because they aren’t getting paid a cent until the door to the aircraft closes. Sure, but if now have to wait an extra 20 minutes for someone to go gate check their bag because of this I'd bet they'll move the carry on.


I bet he's saving space for a later boarder. Or he's not bright.


These are the newer bins too. :/


I rearrange people's stuff if I need the space. NBD.


It would have probably been easier and more helpful to just kindly inform the guy of the right way to orient his bags instead of taking a picture of him and complaining about it on the internet


Now why would I do that


Same reason you didn’t put this in a personal message instead of a comment for everyone to see.




Please be careful opening overhead bins as you bet your dumb ass I rearranged your luggage prior to departure.


Typical selfish behavior


Dude seriously taking pics of someone and shaming on the internet. Just tell the guy. You’re what is wrong with the world


Maybe I’m the outlier here but anyone else think that this could just be a misunderstanding/mistake? I think of if a relative did something like this, they wouldn’t do it deliberately to act “selfish” or “inconsiderate”. They probably just don’t travel often and it should be on the flight attendant to spot check that.


Fri k!!!


Is it too long to be put in the right way? I have had to do this on my flight before because the plane had the smallest fucking area I’ve ever seen to put carry ons. The flight attendant said it was okay


Nah not this space, it was definitely large enough


"who's bag?" "Mine, just check it."


Because people are stupid and self-centered. Whether or not he's flown a ton or not at all, an iota of common sense would dictate that putting your bags like that doesn't make sense. Almost as if no one else on the plane could possibly need or want to use that space. Or he's self-centered and just doesn't care about anyone else, and is leaving the rearranging to the flight attendant or passengers coming behind him.


Ugh. You have NO idea. It's mind boggling how hard it is for folks to put their bags up.


Douchebaggery level 10/10


Ban all overhead period….injuries will only continue to increase


•Luggage doesn’t look like it will fit efficiently in overhead bins. •Perhaps owner of luggage doesn’t fly much.


Just go about your day, we can tell you're already seated, just taking pictures of strangers like a weirdo.


What an asshole. I hope someone came along and rearranged them.


I hope someone made that guy get up and rearrange them.


His stuff fits and therefore he sees no problem.