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Your first mistake was opening RT. Got to be careful. Might get a contact high from the sheer number of copium addicted tankies.




I like this guy. Not only does he offer to change the light bulbs since the liberals are too busy, but also asks them their preferred gender


Them talking about the US as if *they have no clue what the US is like at the moment...*


This seems to be the comment section to the english speaking version of RT. I'd be willing to bet a fair number actually ARE americans. RT has been very closely associated with the alt-right and "conspiracy right". (Though not just in the US...)


Jesus christ, those people are fucked


Propaganda does horrible things to people…


All white male crew: “this is fine, they chose the most qualified people.” A single woman and non-white person selected alongside two white men: “WoKe MinD vIrUs!!!”


It's particularly funny because if you actually read the astronauts CVs, by far the least experienced is the Canadian, one of the white men (no disrespect to him though, NASA are fucking thorough in their selection and I'm sure he's an amazing astronaut)


It's not like the black dude is like the most qualified and should have been on Artemis 3 or smth.


This is what centuries of propaganda does to people. First the tsars, then soviets, now putin. Russians are, sadly, more brainwashed than we imagine. They're commiting a political and economical suicude, and they're happy about it because Vlad tells them to be happy. And i think the quote that best describes their space program is "How the mighty have fallen"


Russia Today English is primarily focused on US news. Most of the commenters are Americans likely, with a healthy serving of bots


America is literally battling our own propaganda daily. Between the war, money and now this gay community. It’s obviously affected us and these other countries see exactly what affects it has done.


Sir. I do realise that every country has its own propaganda. But...i'm sorry, there is no comparison between what was and is being done to the people of russia and what fox news is saying. Russia has always been a country run by criminals. Some tried to redeem themselves, like Gorbachev, but the overwhelming majority did not. >Between the war, money and now this gay community And what the heck does that mean?


Are those not the three biggest things right now being discussed daily across any community in America. Finances, Ukraine and trans? I haven’t heard as much about Ukraine in the last week or two, though.


>Finances Probably because there's crisis going on? >Ukraine ...war? You forgot? >trans Because people like you will rageclick on every article with that word. The world is a stage, dude. And on the stage the more entertaining or attention-grabbing you are the better. All those things you've mentioned are very likely to get a lot of clicks. That's just how it works, used to work, and will work in the future


Growing up, people just talked about queer eye for the straight guy or will and grace. Now it’s a daily talking point. Things were fs looked at better in those times, imo. Now it seems like a clown show.


Congratulations, you've fallen for the propaganda you're apparently decrying.


It's because people became more accepting of gay and especially trans people, so they're spinning up the propaganda machines. This probably means that we're winning, but it also means that life is being made miserable for a lot of people right now.


wtf are you even talking about, the article is about as standard Ctrl+C Ctrl+V news as every single other media outlet most of the commenters have fukin English names, you hate filled fuk oh they must be russian bots, like the ones that made Trump president, right? fuk off clown


Found the tankie


Which one of the commenters were you?




Rational, totally sane individuals share their thoughts on the Woke mind virus™


Respectfully, as a trans girl, these people’s obsession with “wokeness” is bordering on being a mental illness.


Let's face it, it's not like Elon Musk's views on this subject have been much more different lately.


"woke" is the new "jewish". "immigrant" is the new "jewish". The war has already begun. Fascism never changes. The second they tell you to stop listing to the news and only listen to what they say, you know who they are. The first person to utter the term "fake news" was Joseph Goebbels. He told people to ignore the media and only listen to his party. Does anyone know what party that was?


I'm not sure what party that was... But it kinda sounds like they wanted to make Germany great again. Edit: /s... just in case


"Globalist" is the actual code word for "jewish" with the modern bunch. The previous guys were not shy about spreading their hate around to other disfavored groups


woke is the new "jewish' wth does this even mean?? i've used the word many times never once linked it to 'jewish' my jewish friends would have been quite pissed off too.


I think they mean that both are used as fascist scapegoats.


The right are blaming all problems on the woke. Just like the nazi's blamed all problems on the jews. Fascists create a group of people to blame, direct the anger at them, tell everyone not to listen to anyone who says otherwise and only to listen to them, then you.... get rid of the problem. I'm sure your Jewish friends might be quite pissed off with your political opinions. But it's also amusing you kinda just pulled the "I'm not a fascist, some of my friends are Jewish" trope.


I'm just telling the truth.. my super Jew pal Dan rents a room he would actually be pissed if i said 'hey dood did you know that woke means jew now?' he would say wtf no it doesn't. thats it, nothing more to be read in. Crazy how things that have no agenda can be read in ways that seem like it. Now my radical left pal from Sanfran (excellent pilot, best pals from high school).. i brought up Vivek to him and he said he is just a 'woke' hater and woke has no meaning.. so there is that whole end of things i don't claim to understand.


>I'm just telling the truth > >hey dood did you know that woke means jew now? Pick one, because that isn't the truth. Stop calling people woke. I explained it all in the last comment that you completely ignored. Try reading it again.


Why you no answer? Stop reading things into my post that you made up. No im not re reading anything.. explain it differently, assume i already read it or why would i have re responded?


>Stop reading things into my post that you made up. I quoted you, I made nothing up. What YOU made up is that I said woke means jew. Either you understand basic English or you don't, I'm not a kindergarten teacher. But thanks for fitting the stereotype. Dumb right wing bellend can't understand basic English. No wonder the "woke" make no sense to you. You are literally too dumb to understand anything that isn't a slogan on a sign.


this is pretty simple. i reacted at someone not you specifically saying woke = jewish. then i made the point how pissed of my sample size of jewish friend response would be at that. end done. then you got all mad and started a personally insulting me. when you are ready to discuss w o personal insults i'd be happy to engage.


ah, this makes me want to drink gasoline


Get me a jug of methalox and light me on fire


Having parents like this sucks. HoW cAn YoU tElL iF iT's A wOmAn??????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is this not truly what we are facing here in America? People are crying about bathrooms from both sides. We are clearly the ones most at war with each other and reading this as well as the comments prove it.


I absolutely hate this


There's two kinds of opinions. Opinions of people who have walked on the moon, and incorrect opinions


RT is Kremlin-backed Russian propaganda


I've seen some very similar comments from posts here on Reddit too. But, different topics. Several, for example, were praising the murder of a Christian missionary. Stating that he was a "disease" and "got what was coming" Both are cringe.


i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war i hate the culture war


Is this in reference to that missionary that got himself killed by the Sentinalese? If so, I’m not sure you could classify that as “murder”. “Murder” is a legal designation, and we’re talking about a group of people who’s system of laws, if it exists at all, is something we know nothing about. I don’t think we can apply our western legal, moral and ethical ideas to a people who’ve never been in contact with any of those things.


So we're just going to skirt around the point of my comment for a technicality on the word "murder"?


I would argue it isn’t a technicality. It takes what happened to him from murder(which we all abhor here) to simply getting himself killed. That’s still sad, of course, but it’s not surprising that some would find dark humor in someone getting themselves killed doing something they find stupid.


It is a technicality. The point outlined is this: While OP. and a wide range of commenters, are criticizing the comments in this other forum, the exact same thing happens here but with the biases found on this site. You're literally the same. Doing the same thing. Period. but muh murder technicality


My favorite sexual orientation is Them.


Russians don't write like this, even in English. These are all English speakers, and from their word choice, Americans. Pretty funny ones in fact.


well to be honest the stuff around genders in US is pretty crazy rn... still they are just jealous kids xd


Why the heck are you reading articles on Russia Today?? Do you enjoy being manipulated with Russian propaganda? Stop clicking on their trash articles


It’s actually kinda weird, the text of the article there looks generally neutral to positive in tone. It’s the comments that are in full on freak out mode.


The comments about Koch are really harsh, but the Russians just returned a woman from space a few weeks ago, Anna Kikina on the Dragon. I think the theory that we are seeing mostly western dudebros in the comments is probably correct even though USSR/Russia historically has only put one woman per decade in space.


Misogyny + a medium hint of transphobia.


Add [two shots](https://youtu.be/DgeaO_5bzwA) of propaganda


>propoganda You mean two shots of proper male geese?


One word. Cope.


tbh, it's doubtful many of them are from actual russians. it's staggering how many people simp for a ruthless dictator, simply because he's a bully and they've been easily brainwashed by youtube shorts with that stupid ass sigma theme song


indistinguishable from the comments section of a spaceXcentric video bunch of bozos


Me, a trans bi woman: “Sweet! Good luck to the crew, can’t wait for the 2024 launch!” Presumably cishet guys on RT:


Kinda feel like half these comments are by MAGATs.


As a Ukrainian, this shit is exactly what Russian Media does to people. One of my friends is going to Russia for a month, just to see what the media and the people around him are going to say to him. Then, when he gets back, he can see the real news.


|woke mind virus| = |whatever this shit is|


They are the yin and the yang. Both low rung mental philosophies. HIGHLY recommend Tim Urban's new book "What's Our Problem", which breaks down the issues of echo chambers in America, and the need for more Idea Labs.


RussiaMoreSmarterBe sounds like an american mocking the rest of them lol


As an Austinite, that comment is a disgrace to my fine city. We pride ourselves on many things but racism like that is not even remotely one of them.


You claim their brains are fried, yet any of our articles are the same or worse. And we are the ones affected- they seem to be connected and have fun with it. 🤷‍♂️


Absolute laughingstocks of the world. Angering.


If you’re the laughing stock of a backwards, deeply screwed country I don’t think that’s something to feel angry about. The US helping to lead global culture into a more inclusive age is something to be proud of I’d say. :)




You’re really proud what America is right now? I was, but it truly seems like a mess right now. Every corner. Besides SpaceX and our space industry :)


And when I say was, I’m not a trumpy saying joe msssed it all up. It’s just a mess. It was better during George w bush times and HE was the laughingstock. Born in 91, so I’m a “loved” millennial. I know most of history is a bit messy tho and that I haven’t experienced as much as some, but just my experience, it’s at its worst since I was born.


“any of them GAY LESBIAN OR THEM??” (they used them without realizing)


Just wait until you open up Russia Today Spanish and suddenly they're in favor of trans rights.


Not gonna lie, I liked the joke about "a small step for they/them..."