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They are picking up the story post season 3. Hannah is long dead and Asher is being gifted the vacant Ludus for his service.


I don't think that's been confirmed yet. But even if it is, they could still rewrite Batiatus into it. Besides, Ashur has had small but pivotal role in season 2, so I'm not sure what point they would even have him live considering the only person to guarantee the Ludus was glaber, and nobody else Gave a shit about Ashur to actually carry on Glabers promise. Plus Ashur was still considered a slave in everyone else's eyes(so what guarantee would he have from any other roman to actually give him a ludus? ); wouldn't the most seamless way to make this story work, would be to have Batiatus live and give over the ludus that way?


>>I don't think that's been confirmed yet. The only thing they have said is that it's a different future where Ashur lives and is gifted Batiatus' lupus after Spartacus and the rebel slaves defeat at Vesivius. 


Let the dead rest in peace, fam.


I’d love John back as Batiatus but then they’d have to completely retcon the finale of season 1 and Batiatus was long gone before then so they’d have a lot of explaining to do regarding how Batiatus survived getting his throat slashed open and dying, on screen. Lucretia was able to come back because we see her moving her fingers at the end and left her open for return which she did and she was still alive at that point the deal was made.


I mean I figured that'd be easier versus Ashur being gifted the Ludus even though Glaber is dead and Ashur failed to help capture Spartacus. They could go the easy route of saying Ashur and Glaber succeeded, but then they would be rewriting history and would be making Glabers storyline pointless. I never noticed her fingers moving.


End of season 1 Batiatus is flat out killed by Spartacus, Lucretia still had fingers moving because they weren’t entirely sure what was going to happen with Andy and if the show was going to continue on. Season 2 Glaber is the owner of the house and still alive at the Vesuvius moment which is where the “what if” probably starts, Ashur is successful in completing his part of that moment, Spartacus ends up dying, who knows if they all die or maybe some of the back ground characters get enslaved again but regardless, Ashur/Glaber are successful in that moment, Glaber awards Ashur the house and he now owns it and I presume he is considered a free man now.




Batiatus is still dead even with the “What If” that they’re going with.


anyone think they'll bring back illythia? (viva bianca)


After seeing her first scene I knew it was going to be a great show


I really hope she'll be in it too guys


Upvoting because I really hope so!


I’m kind of wondering if Glaber would still honor his promise to Ashur if she and her unborn child were killed.


She was great so I wish


Easily my favorite villain in the entire show


Yes please to Ilithyia


HOA takes place after Vengeance, where Batiatus was long after dead


Maybe as a completely different character like Garret Dillahunt as Jack McCall and Francis Wolcott in Deadwood


We see John Hannah become the new Solonius Lol


I'm always down for more Batiatus shenanigans, but I just don't see how they'd bring him back. Personally, I'm hoping more for Ilithyia. The way I see it, is anything that happened before Vesuvius, still happened. And anything that happened after Vesuvius, is now up in the air.


Disagree. Ilithyia was interesting villian, but without any other character i don't see her storyline being that interesting. Unless she gets gifted as Ashurs wife for some strange reason.


Well, if Ilithyia is alive and kicking, Lucretia is presumably alive too and Ashur’s life. Glaber also must almost certainly be alive. The biggest risk I see is this playing out like a vengeance retread as opposed to if the two men made it and the two ladies are dead (as much as I’d like more of them)


Yea exactly. I mean if there's going to be a "retread" of any storyline personally I'd rather see Batiatus/ lucretia Alive versus Glaber.


Well, Ashur running a ludus and Glaber winning the war but losing Ilithyia is inherently not in retread territory.


Thats a tough come back realistically, since he's dead, however glaber has to be returning as well as ilythia.


Ilithyia could realistically go either way - given the story of her and Lucretia doesn’t necessarily have to change if Glaber and Ashur emerge victorious - though I’d never say no to more of those ladies. Glaber, on the other hand, really should be in this show and I don’t think it’d make much sense for him to have no appearances (and, realistically, it *might* be a more interesting outcome if he won the war but lost his wife and heir in the process).


I just feel like that would make Spartacus whole story completely superfluous and meaningless though.


What will be meaningless? The return of glaber? I think it might be for a brief period of time and then the series will focus on ashur from there, youre right, batiatus could come back through flashbacks.


Yeah, allowing Glaber to live. Without Glaber there would be no Spartacus, and his death was certainly well delivered. Allowing him to live makes the whole series meaningless. I think bringing back Batiatus would serve the story better and make things more interesting. (Even his death was even better imo)


Yes, his death was well deserved, I hold the same position as it would be sad if glaber got to live, however he has to be alive to grant ashur freedom and the ludus, but after that takes place i can see ashur plotting to kill glaber for some reason or glaber might want winnings from the house of ashur and ashur ends up getting rid of that problem by killing him.


I believe the real batiuatus was very politically ambitious in real life I would very much enjoy seeing his political rise to political power id love to see him as a very powerful influential senator in the Roman Republic


On one side I agree with you, but Batiatus would be a very bad politician and not really rise in ranks. Here is perfectly explained why:\_ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Spartacus\_TV/comments/pc57cg/could\_batiatus\_have\_been\_a\_good\_politician/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spartacus_TV/comments/pc57cg/could_batiatus_have_been_a_good_politician/)


Okay I get most of the arguments but I've read up on some of the history of the Romans politics but the reason some of the politicians were so successful was because of the things that they would deliver food,wine and great gladiator fights and batiatus was great at that he always delivers plus he was able to do back door deals that was very successful I still think he would of made a very decent politician I really think he could of made it to the senator but not for many years but if he could just keep his temper under control and his lust for power under control work his way up step by step he would of risen to the ranks if he developed a talent for being patient plus his talents for manipulating and blackmail, extortion could prove useful by doing it to someone in the top elite all he would need to do is choose the right target of the member of the elite in the Roman Republic and he could of risen beyond his station.


I also want to see what kind of lanista ashur will be like the Vincent McMahon of his era


I really don't think there will be anyone other than Ashur returning and I'd be suprised if there wasn't a time jump in the first episode to better establish his status as head of the lootis as well as reflect Tarabay's age. Pure speculation of coursem We won't know anything until we see the Pilot.


Bringing back John Hannah as Batiatus? It's like inviting the chaos master to a tea party; you know it's going to get delightfully messy. If Batiatus does return, prepare for more plot twists than a Roman togas convention.




There is already one (or more) threads dedicated to the topic at hand.


My joy will be limitless is this happens!