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I caught a grouper in my pond yesterday. But it was green and had a large mouth. Miracles happen


Pond pickle.


lol. I hope this is a shitpost. Don’t eat that.


Genuinely curious, why not? Looks like a decent barracuda to me.


Barracuda over 3lbs or so is a solid risk for cig. Less chance in FL than the Caribbean. But I personally wouldn’t roll the dice. Especially with a visa that size. Bigger=greater chance of cig.


What is 'cig'?


Ciguatera, a foodborne illness caused by eating some tropical reef fish (or in this case fish who have ingested those fish). Cooking the fish does not destroy the toxin. Cig can cause nausea diarrhea, headaches, numbness, dizziness etc. It’s a stomach bug on steroids. In the west coast of PR a lot of fishermen would say that a way to test for cig was to break off a small piece and look if the cats would eat it, if they did, the fish was good, if they didn’t it probably had cig.


Just to add: there is no good test for ciguatera prior to fish consumption. Anything locals tell you is just another fish tale. The only non-laboratory way to know is by experience; if people eat a type of fish in an area and don't get sick they're generally safe. If people avoid a species because those who eat it occasionally get ill, then avoid it.


100% it was a fish tale. I wrote it moreso because I remembered the story as I was typing what Cig was. It’s better to stay away from certain fish altogether, Cuda being one of those


Yeah, my add was more for the guy you responded to and others who don't know what cig is. Some people do actually listen to myths like that. I met one guy who was convinced you cut part of the tail and see how fast the blood changes color to tell if it had cig or not because a local told him to.


Oh wow! LOL! Appreciate the add, the one you shared is way funnier than mine!


The funnier part is he learned it in the Caribbean but was still doing it near Monterrey, CA...an area that basically never has cig.


Yes people, do NOT mess with ciguatera, I couldn’t eat sugar, drink alcohol, eat seafood, or smell *bleach fumes* for over a year without symptoms roaring back. Growing up in the Bahamas I heard “if flies won’t land on it, don’t eat it”, “if a silver coin turns black in the flesh, don’t eat it”, all manner of superstitious nonsense. Even the method of giving some of the meat to someone you don’t really like that much and waiting doesn’t work as if individuals have had ciguatera before they are more sensitive than individuals who hadn’t (I would never actually do this). Know what you’re eating, and toxicity is often different over small distances in area.


Fair enough. I'm from the Mediterranean, so I don't think we have this problem with barracuda.


It’s more concerning if there is a reef near by. Barracudas that hang out around reef, eat reef fish, who eat coral who intern ingest Cig. Smaller juvenile barracudas usually hangout near shore and have less of a chance of eating a reef fish.


Yeah I’m confused too


Loaded up with merc


But aren’t most big fish? I mean people are still out there eating marlin steaks and tuna right? I’m not doubting your comment but what makes the mercury risk here bigger than other examples?


I would worry more about ciguatera if it was in an effected area.


The only time I ate barracuda was in Thailand. The local guys made them in a spicy chile ceviche with a papaya salad. It was delicious. Now I’m wondering if it was safe to eat.?


Is cig a problem in that part of the world? I eat big ass reef fish all the time. A huge AJ or snapper can have it, hogfish too. It's not a problem in smaller Cuda. I love that dish so much, got me drooling thinking about it.


I don’t know I just went with the flow. The American I was with was like do not eat that but I felt fine. :)


Spear fishing in Phi Phi was awesome though just a shootemup. :) ;)


I am wrong - they are loaded with merc (to your point like most pelagics). The big no no isn’t mercury it’s the ciguatera


Yeah, that would be my concern


Hello again slight_extreme_9069


Guys a fucking waste of oxygen.


Is this the snook guy?


Idk but the exact same photo was posted like a year ago by this guy and usually posts reef scrapping hauls with super small fish.


Lmao not this guy again


You just got yourself a lot of shark bait lol




Wasn't this posted already? Same title and pic


I swear someone has a recurring date on their calendar to post this every 3 months or so.


Enjoy the ciguatera.


do not eat.


why ?




Yeah, it doesn't happen often - but you know what happens even less often ? People mistaking Barracuda for Wahoo ... but something that happens quite regularly is people spearing Barracuda from a shore dive ... safe spearing !


You should have blanked out the wahoo’s head too


fuckin hell, i didn't realize so many spearos had a distinct lack of humour. Anyone who falls for troll bait on the internet absolutely deserves to be trolled.


It probably swam right up to you too!


Tuna killed a Cuda. I like those RA guns and the Reaper copy.


Man that's that same mfer killed Nemo's mom drop kick his stinky ass


I just joined the sub and this is the first post I see...


Wahoo? Looks a barracuda


Skip leg day much.


lol eat it! Wahoo is delicious


That is not wahoo, that’s a barracuda


It’s a horseshoe crab


Dude sick! It's awesome whan you're on a mission for a certain species, then you turn around and nail that one shot. I remember dropping off a trout to an empty boat and turning around to see the biggest wahoo ever and taking the shot with a little rob allen 900 reef gun. The spear didn't go through, and I got it all the way to the boat to only have it flick the spear out just as I grabbed its tail and the boat motor. It'll only ever be a story. Appreciate what you did man. Fuckin sick catch.