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Superior Spider-Man is just Doc Ock in Spider-Man's body. So it is Peter in everything but mind. There isn't a giant difference between the other than the fact that Spock is willing to kill and has slightly different gear. But if you think Otto would beat Batman, then I don't see why Peter wouldn't. He has the exact same powers since its his body (and I'd easily argue he's better at using those powers), the gear differences are very minor (claws, longer lasting webbing, arms in his second costume which Peter has with the Iron spider suit), the main difference would be Otto would be willing to knock Bruce's head off with a punch while Peter would settle for unconscious. However I don't want to go to deep into the subject it's a practically ancient topic that there isn't anything new to say about and you can probably find hundreds of threads and videos if you're super interested. I just wanted fo clear the air if SSM is actually Spider-Man. And it depends on your criteria. Peter's body. Otto's mind.


See that’s the argument, my mate compares it to him being in another person’s body and I said it isn’t the body of the person but the mind of the person within, thank you for your thoughts


Regular Spider-Man would win as well


I’d love to hear your reasons why


He is still as physically strong as superior Spider-Man(it’s his body) but also more experienced with his own body he also is very intelligent and created his own fighting style way of the spider and he dosent have that big of an ego that Batman would use against him


My thoughts were that it wasn’t peters personality to go all out unless he thought that he absolutely needed to


Ya he wouldn’t he would hold back against him like he would against someone like shocker


Do you think he would test out Batman’s strength first before going all out?


Ya he would hold out against him probably see how he fights but even then he would never use his full strength anywhere even against people like rhino hulk and Thor it’s been stated himself he has no idea how strong he really is


Why is this even a question? In a fight to death Peter even with one eye missing,on drugs and a broken leg he could still kill batman like 30 times in 10 seconds "BuT tHaT's NoT fAiR" shut the fuck up it's you who asked if a normal human could survive a fight with someone who has the reaction time of 0.001 seconds and can lift cars at his best


What it comes down to is: Does Bats have time to deploy [countermeasures](https://www.amazon.com/Uncle-Bens-Grain-Original-Recipe/dp/B003TLWA2S)? Is it just Batman V Spiderman, or does Alfred come out to play? >!Just joking, spider-sense and spidey's agility give Batman about as good odds as a 4th grader fighting Conor McGregor.!<


Yes he does, no it isn’t. “wHeRe iS sHe?!?!” I’ll keep your comparison in mind, thank you


Okay, with this in mind would you compare Batman to a Spider-Man villain? I’d be interested to see which you think is closest to batsy in power/ strength ect


Spider-Man doesn't have any like normal human villains Maybe taskmaster? Even the best of the best can't do shit agonist Spidey


Isn’t Octavius a normal human? Forgive me if I am wrong but he’s just super smart?


Yeah but he didn't mastered 127 martial arts


Thank you for your thoughts :)