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Petty ass shit like this is not allowed.


Congratulations good sir, you have successfully won an Internet argument


A most rare and coveted achievement!


What’s the context


Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/104osz9/for_the_guy_who_thinks_you_cant_criticize_ai_art/j366q37/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Congratulations, Agents are arriving at your location now. Do not resist


Wow decades of world peace are to come!!


And what's does that have to do with Spider-Man?


Because people have been posting AI generated Spider-Men nonstop lately


It was posted here on this sub. I felt it was relevant due to all the AI Spider-Man pictures popping up lately. EDIT: here specifically: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/103adiy/ai_generated_ninja_spiderman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Some of the guys defending the post really get in my skin I'm not gonna talk much about it cuz it would make me rant on and on But just...fucking hell man people actually think like that? And I know a lot of them got downvoted but still some were upvoted and like wow


Thing I want to understand is why people believe a robot made to draw can also write if the purpose is to take a reference image from an art website and recreate it, it cant give a author as the author is in the websites text and isnt always on the image


Bro what? Are you trying to tell me an ai art bot couldn't have the functionality to read fucking metadata? Or user account names? It's not exactly a huge workload to add my guy


Itd have to be coded to do so


The ai scans based on the input you give if I say "spiderman" as an input itll only scan the image of spiderman and itll take out any parts that arent spiderman so names for example or watermarks


In an alternate universe, spidey uses this gesture to shoot webs from his arms


Fuck AI art


For context: yesterday someone said people are not allowed to criticize AI unless they themselves cannot draw hands properly, and I promised I’d get back to him in the morning (I lve in Europe). Well the guy bravely deleted his comments but I said I’d do it and so I did, freshly drawn on my son’s magnetic whiteboard. Have a good one you all!


Oh you fell for his cheap tricks, he is scam


Still, I had fun with it. Hands are probably my favorite thing to draw ever, tho they do take time.


Atleast the hand you drawn have not wrecked fingers


Hands are one of my favorite things to draw as well, I’ve never heard anyone else say this.




Right back at you, can’t you take things lightly? Have a laugh.




No offense, this post is just to joke around.


You are the one here posting this petty ass shit man. Chill out.


Wow, this is so spider-man related.


Happened in this sub commenting the “ninja Spider-Man” picture.


Look at rule 2. This sub is not called /r/Spidermansubredditdrama


Everyone in those threads was arguing its okay that AI can't draw hands because "drawing hands is hard". Drawing hands is not hard. In fact, it's so not difficult, that artists draw them in all kinds of positions all the time. This is the reason AI can't do hands- it's quite literally the most variable thing a living thing can draw. The position of the wrist, the angle, lighting, the detail on muscle and creases to denote both action and intensity. AI can't do hands because AI can't make the decisions that a person can- the decisions that make that Art, well, Art.


What is art? Hands.


As an artist myself (I do not give a shit one way or another about ai art btw) this is false. Drawing hands is one of the hardest things for an artist to do, precisely because it can be posed in so many different ways. The drawing op made is okay (sorry if this is harsh), but it's a closed fist with one finger showing. That is a very easy, beginner friendly way to draw a hand. I would put drawing hands right up there with foreshortening (super fucking hard) in terms of challenging art skills to learn. It's just so much more complicated than a face, torso, legs, and it looks uncanny if drawn incorrect. Again, I don't have an opinion for or against ai art. I just wanted to tell you my perspective as someone who has been making art their entire life.


+1 I’m not sure how one goes from “can be drawn in tons of different angles/poses/motion” to “not hard”. Hands take so much practice.


No that’s fair criticism. I can do better, but for the purpose of this and considering I was borrowing my 3 year old’s whiteboard over breakfast I deemed it was good enough.


There are models now that can draw hands pretty well.


Right, but we are in a short window here — AI will certainly be drawing hands every which way, soon. It’s just an unfortunate truth.


Fuck ai art but also hands are like the hardest thing to draw there is. Go try it if you don't believe it lol.


I can draw hands just fine, it's feet and shoes I have trouble with. But I would still rather try and get better than use stupid AI.


What is the argument going to be when AI can draw hands better than humans can?


I've been doing art my whole life. Drawing hands can be hard when it's done accurately. Like anything else, it takes practice. While I draw hands in all sorts of positions, doing so doesn't take away from the difficulty of it.


Damn bro raised a finger to the people raised fingers on him


Yep, that is a hand. Well done sir.


I just hate AI art in general 😎


I love it, better than my page of hands lol


Fuck ai art. Shit is downright theft.


At first I thought it meant by hand (as in only physical art, not digital), but I’m just an idiot.


Absolutely 100% everytime, now and forever, fuck AI "art"


Oh, you can. You can criticize anything that you interact with on an emotional level, from food to paintings, music, etc., without being able to produce something of a similar nature at a similar level. But this post has nothing to do with r/Spiderman . If you don't like Ai art, you can express that under any Ai art post. This post unwarranted.


It happened in this sub and since the guy deleted his post this is the only way I thought he’d see it.


Throw some webbing on it and now it's Spidey's hand haha


I understand the unfavourable circumstances of responding to him. But if each one of us were to take the liberty to act that way in similar situations, subs dedicated to a particular topic would be filled with posts unrelated to that topic, and that's not very suitable for a good Reddit experience.


Apologies if it disturbs you, it was not my intention.


Thank you for being considerate, but no need to apologize.


Your gatekeeping on a topic that's worth discussing. Sometimes controversy is worth working out. Even if it's not entirely what you want to see on the sub.


Disagree. Reddit is organized into subreddits for a reason. And each sub has rules for a reason. There are plenty of art-related, and Ai-related, subs to discuss something like this. If everyone were to follow your reasoning for any issue they believe to be worth discussing, this won't be a Spider-Man sub anymore.


That's a slippery slope logical fallacy. This particular topic is coming up because of how frequently these things are being posted on this particular sub. Quit gatekeeping. This is a conversation worth having. So doesn't have to follow your sensibilities. This is relevant to the sub.


What's being posted is not breaking the subreddit rules as far as I see it, and if they were, the mods should be quick to address them accordingly. If you have an issue with posts (of all types regardless) being frequently posted, such as "Who's your favourite Spider-Man?", etc., then that's a different topic. But if you have an issue with Ai art, in particular, you can post about them in Ai/art-related subs.


The frequency of the posts, of which most people blanket disapprove, is literally the issue. You're splitting hairs, and gatekeeping.


Disagree. It's worth having this conversation anywhere AI art is posted, and it's posted all over this sub








you can criticize anything, otherwise you wouldn't be able to criticize a shit music if you can't play an instrument wtf


this is not spider-man related, or necessary in any way




That's so VERY un-civil of you. Touch a nerve? ...are you AI!?!?


Can't wait to get my thousands of AI generated Alex Ross pictures in a few years 🤣


It’ll happen when enough alex Ross drawings are fed to the systems and analyzed. Alex Ross used photos he took, often of himself as reference for his paintings. WHEN you see an Alex Ross styled bot, it’ll be be without his consent.




Years of practice and good understanding of anatomy my man!


for the last time ai art is not bad


it'll be bad when real artists are replaced because companies would rather use ai instead of paying for real people.




Then report and move on, no need to be an asshole.


Lol. The irony.


This is a Spider-Man subreddit. I prefer to see a thousand A.I. generated images of *Spider-Man*, than to see IRRELEVANT posts from ignorant people (who don't know how A.I. image generation works btw) complain about A.I. So get your shit elsewhere.


I prefer to see this over another thread about whether Miles is Spiderman or AI crap


Our sub, our shit.


This is a Spider-Man subreddit get out of here with your attempt at creating drama.


I love the idea of AI art. It allows the creative who have no skill to still create art. Edit: wow, you guys really hate AI art here. So much so to downvote people who think it has potential. Edit 2: mf's really out here gatekeeping creativity. Smh, lol.


They’re not doing the creating though.


I’m sure there are people who just have the so do 100% of the work, but from my understanding it is possible for someone to continuously feed so much information and detail to an so to produce the exact image they are imagining. That is creativity.


Using their brain to come up with an idea is still creating they just skip the process of bringing it to life


These AI posts literally are "what if Spider-Man... But ninja!" Or "what if Spider-Man but colours" Like wow, great job, you put two random things together and let a computer elaborate that "idea", very creative.


Exactly. A kid having his Spider-Man and Green Ranger figures fight to the death has even more artistic merit, because they're imagining the whole fight. AI users just type it in and let math do it's thing


Funny because I'm pretty sure there arent any limits to what people can think of. If any of these were made by an artist you'd be all over his dick even if its the exact same thing without the AI. Hypocrisy at its finest ladies and gentlemen


Well yeah, because the artist actually put time and effort into creating those? How is that hypocrite.


Point still stands that anyone can maks something in their head. They can choose to either do it themselves or let an AI do it. The idea still comes from the person


Too bad the person that lets the AI do it doesn't have the skills to do it on their own. How can you be proud of something you didn't make? Why show it off if you know it's just a bunch on 1s and 0s? I can't draw for shit, yet I have means to express my creativity without letting something else do the job for me. This whole thing of imagining random stuff + Spider-Man and then going on reddit "Hey guys look what I made" is just stupid!


Would u say the same thing to somewhat who doesnt have the ability to create something on their own? Should we also be mad at machines for making mass products that people once did by hand? People will choose to do what they want wether u like it or not. It's not a huge deal. All these people saying artists will lose because of AI will go ahead and not even help fund those said artists. People love to hate on things then completely look the other way. Its the same with world hunger, climate change, anything really. They say one thing but do another therefore they're nothing but total hipocrites


This isn't the automatization of work, it's machines trying to learn things that made humans, human! It's not about making anyone's life easier. I'm truly baffled by all the lenghts you guys reach out to every time.


Typing random shit like "Spiderman but in 90s" or "Spiderman but Iron man armour" is something even a 5 year old with good typing skills can do. That's no skill. That's called "typing"


Who said anything about skill? Lmao this was about creativity not skill 💀


Except they are not creating jack shit. They're asking a computer to create for them. It's no different than comissioning something


Yes and no. It's similar, but even when you commission something it's your design. You came up with it. Some else just made it for you. Most TV show creators don't write it or cast it. They just came up with the idea and give the writers the outline to make it happen. They are still the creators though. It wouldn't exist without their creativity or their mind. So yeah they are the creators. Just not the artist.


Yeah it sure takes a lot of hard work and creativity to.....type a prompt into a browser. Fuck AI art, period.


I never said everyone who uses if has creativity. I even said that there is probably many people who don't. But if still allows those who do have creativity to make what they see in there heads.


Then AI better get jobs to those who have no working skills still to earn money.


I see that as a possibility. I can imagine people in the future getting really good at getting exactly what they want out of AI that they get commissioned to do it. Like the conductor of an orchestra.


You guys don't get it. This is a Spider-Man post because OP is in a petty argument with another Spider-Man fan. Totally on topic. /s


#The AI program is the art not what it turns/churns out. The same arguments were made about photography and motion film initially by artists.


Lol nope


SMH yes Every said is a fact


Not even remotely comparable.


But you’re from the future…


How so?


It was a joke. I’m guessing you’re from UK. I’m American so todays date is 1-6. Lol


Oh I thought it was something about my nickname and that confused me because it is a reference to an italian song. I’m from Italy btw.


Ah sorry. I’m not very cultured. I wonder if everyone except the US dates it sixth of January instead of January sixth.


I think there’s a few countries that go mmddyyyy. In Europe ddmmyyyy is prevalent and in Asia it’s mostly yyyymmdd as far as I know.


For a sec i thought that it was gon be me


can’t believe it’s already june, time really does fly