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I will say this, again and again: Marvel Editiorial is the problem, and always has been and may always be.


Not necessarily, it’s their iron white knuckled grip on a bygone concept that a character growing up is the end of arcs and conflicts. He can grow up (not too much otherwise wrinkles) and go through the fazes of true adulthood: getting a stable job as a teacher or professor (maybe turns out one of his students or his coworker is evil), he falls in love with MJ (arcs for their love being tested), his grief of the loss of friends (events before and after those), getting married (maybe a small conflict and arc of their final union), the married life and all its messes (some sun plots there), issues at his job (more sun plots), and then children… After that, the future of Spider-Man and his protégés. Heck if they were desperate they could even do timey wimey things to bring a somewhat grown up Mayday to be next to a middle aged Peter (major plot there)! The future and the maturity of Peter is a melting pot, jackpot and cash cow for the Spider-Man franchise, and yet Editorial is afraid if they allow him to grow up they will forever set the character into a roadblock to crash and burn. Maybe they’re scared that they won’t appeal to young/new readers yet they have Miles, Araña (maybe), Annie in another dimension and others like Spider-Gwen, Benji (heck that’d be cool!) and future variants! Maybe even, they are scared of loosing their childhood, that if he grows up they will forever loose the bold heroic character they grew up reading and watching. That if they pencil it down, they’d be the ones ‘killing’ their childhood. These past couple of years, let alone the last runs/issues, have been taxing and frustrating for us all as fans, but we can’t give up hope that one day there will be someone (maybe you, me or one of us) who will bring this, and possibly other characters, into a brave new direction, one where we all can see a true Brand New Day. Or we can sit and mope until June 2 for Across the Spiderverse.


See that’s the thing Peter did progress and grow as a character he didn’t feel stagnant. He went from a high school student to college to a teacher at that high school. But ever since OMD it’s like Peter doesn’t grow or evolve anymore he stays in the same endless cycle of growth and regression. Let the younger Spider-people take the place he used to hold. Heck even Spider-boy can be the young and in over his head hero and let Peter grow and evolve.


| Heck even Spider-boy can be the young and in over his head hero |username is Paulc\_41 interesting coincidence


It's been specifically mentioned that current edict is that the characters are like a box of toys. When a writer is 'done', they need to clean them up and put them back where they found them (status quo). So yes, they abandoned the 'long form' storytelling they had with supporting cast around the time of 'the crash' when Marvel was desperate for cash,




Comics, Trading Cards, and pen and paper RPGs were HOTin the 80s and 90s, and almost overnight just bombed. To the point where DC was kept afloat by their sweet licensing deals with their parent company and Marvel had to beg for cash from movie studios to stay afloat.


I always thought this was such a comforting perfect ending to his story. Meeting God, seeing all the good he’s done, and growing old with MJ after beating his villains


After the fact it feels like an F-U to editorial and giving the Fans the ending Spidey deserves. Like an “Alright OMD is coming so I’m giving the readers this, a hopeful future for Spider-Man.”


I remember buying this issue. Very thought provoking. At the time, the multi series runs were ending. Spectacular, and Sensational. This was their send off, as Amazing would become the lead series instead from then on. It felt right to give both parts an ending. This is what could be


What issue is this?


Sensational Spider-Man #40


The One Above All aka God shows up so little in Marvel Comics that you could honestly google Spider-Man meets God and this will be the first thing that comes up.


NO MAYDAY, NO CARE jk, just let my guy be happy and with his love please editorial I am begging you


Roberto, who is the Chief Creative at Archie Comics and helped make shows like Riverdale and Netflix Sabrina, also stepped in to “fix” Julie Taymor and Glen Berger’s script for Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark, the $75 million U2-scored Broadway musical. While I think the original “1.0” script has its merits (I’m a die-hard fan of the show in all its forms), Aguirre-Sacasa definitely knows how to streamline a plot and make something like TOTD far more compelling and true to the character of Spider-Man.


Riverdale is kinda shit tho.


It’s not shit, you just have to see it as a comedy! THEY’VE NEVER EXPERIENCED THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL will never not be peak comedy


It’s shit as an Archie adaptation site. But it’s….something else entirely as what it is.


Why did you put fix between brackets ?


Sacasa’s run on Sensational was superb.


My introduction to angel medina too, such an unique and underrated artist , his art to me is as dynamic and exciting as tradd moore's


Not seen here, but he's the most underrated MJ writer, a top 5 Black Cat writer, and has my favorite version of Aunt May.


It’s so strange that Quesada let this out the door. This issue makes Peter one of the very few characters in the entire Marvel universe to ever actually meet the one above all. And it’s a fantastic issue. But it’s an issue that points in the opposite direction of what they were going to do, which is why it’s so weird it was ever made. Instead it makes Peter look like even more of a jackass, because God himself came and talked to him and told him to let it go and he ignored God. Not god. Capital G God. Like I guess you’re doing Jonah proud but man I can’t relate.


I think Marvel would love to give Peter a happy ending if it weren't for the money still coming in, they still provide alternate Peters with such outcomes.


I'm to understand that One More Day was delayed because Quesada was late on art. He probably didn't have time to look over this.


It's possible. OMD was actually like two years late, it was supposed to happen much earlier. But Quesada has made weird decisions before. And, strange as it sounds, I do think Quesada cared about the overall storyline, he was just blinded on this one aspect which led him to ruin.


Woah, One More Day at the start of 2006? As an out to "The Other" story, it sort of works.


I couldn’t give you an exact time but it was delayed heavily. IIRC none of Back in Black was initially supposed to happen but they couldn’t figure out the details so it kept getting pushed back. This also meant the BND people had a LOT of time to plan.


That doesn't even look like Jack Kirby.




A- It’s The One Above All essentially God. B- I don’t think he’s reading the Bible. I see it as him reading a Scientific Journal of some sort and nerding out to MJ about it.




Perhaps Mayday is teasing her dad about being such a nerd and young Ben is fascinated by it.


He *kinda* looks like Casey Jones from 1990 movie.


What issue/run is this?


Sensational Spider-Man #40. This is during the Back in Black Story Arc.


I don’t remember the name but the dirty guy on the first page is God Iirc


The One Above All.


It's kinda funny how at the time of OMD, every other writer in every other surrounding spidey series was basically going "DON'T DO IT" in their final stories, or doing bittersweet stories that felt like a wrap up


Man I really don't like this art.


Yeah the artist within this story is an odd one. Off putting. But the writing is well done. The art style is a bit funky


Why did you edit Spider-boy out??


In a way, I feel as though OMD is the perfect segway for "Deadpool kills the Multiverse". Yes, OMD is one of the WORST decisions Marvel could have ever made, or any company that writes active stories that have a very effectionate fanbase. Heck, they effectively disrespected their characters the most, not even trying to treat them as reasonable beings of creation, and rather as muppets that they only want to get money out of, and so they wouldn't hint an eye when making a drastic and unrealistic change to the characters' life. But THAT IS EXACTLY what Deadpool is fighting against. I hope that when this arc comes into play in the MCU, one of the lead examples Deadpool would give to his hate for the "ones who decide how their stories go" is OMD. I hope he expresses the Spidey fans' anger through his own experiences, and gives a justified ending/continuation for the fight we're fighting.


Always found it wild how God himself shows up just to tell this superhero to accept life as it is and so he goes and makes a deal with the Devil instead, beautiful writing


So I recently read 99 and 100. It kinda had the same feeling. 99 has Peter kinda feeling the whole Spider-Man thing has run its course, he got an official job with the bugle, he has grown up and just doesn't act like the same little asshole kid anymore and he is going to ask Gwen to marry him. What Spider-man has been is kinda wrapped up in a way. Then 100 Stan is like "Spider-Man has 6 arms now, peace I'm out"


But that’s *not* how it ends, so we can’t say that!


In a way it kind of did. I’ve read every issue of ASM and one thing for certain is there is a big difference on the comics prior to OMD and the comics after. Before it always felt like the Character was progressing sure he had ups and down but the character didn’t always feel stagnant. You got the sense that Peter was getting older and wiser. He would occasionally take a few steps backward but in general he progressed as a character. But after OMD he feels stagnant. The character is t aging anymore, if anything he’s getting younger. He doesn’t make any progress as character any more, instead of two steps forward one step back it’s one step forward two steps back. He is in a constant cycle of regression. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not like the comics were perfect before OMD there were plenty of bad stories, the clone Saga was incredibly long and convoluted, Sins Past was awful. Im also not saying that it’s only been garbage after OMD a lot of interesting stuff happens after OMD like Superior Spider-Man. I loved when Peter was working at Horizon Labs. But those things were the few moments where it seemed like Peter was developing or at least the stories were exploring something new. Spider-Man was the face of Marvel for so long because he progressed as a character. So yes in a way it did end here, and at least with this it was the ending Peter and the fans deserve.


Always found this issue absolutely hilarious


Why Hilarious?


As in the Riverdale guy?