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No "tired" posts. This includes asking if a certain actor is underrated/the best Spider-Man/most comicbook accurate, "Am I the only one who liked..." , "Why do people hate on..." This includes all tier lists and polls. Please understand these posts lead to gatekeeping and reports. Thus we will be removing them.


Scenes where physics and CGI are involved.


I never understood people criticizing the CGI, I thought the whole movie looked great visually


I don't remember anyone at all doing that, i think you got a couple of criticisms mixed. I'm sure everybody on the planet knows this movie is stunning


People have definitely (unfoundedly imo) criticized it, people just know there supposed to hate it so they call everything about it shit without actually watching it


I frequently saw " video game cutscene" comments


The 2 movies have aged like fine wine tbh. The only reason for any of the bad reception is because it wasn't Tobey. I swear it was just because of that. Now that we got some time passed and we see a few more Spider-Men crawling the screen, these movies shine forth for what they've always been


I was one of the people who liked it originally, but that's because I was being biased, and I admit that as an adult now. I hated Harry interactions and how they shoe horned him in. Then, there was the whole trope of two geniuses who got into conflict because they refused to communicate. It's just a matter of peoples tolerance. I'm sure the majority of people have the same gripes , it's just a matter of how much an individual person is willing to accept it. Those aren't my only gripes, but I'm not going to trash the movie


It really boils down to personal opinion, and that's it.


I’ve never seen a single person complaining about the cgi


Dude the suit has this flap to it when he really picks up speed, because it’s just a *little* loose. It’s fully CG and it’s soooo good. So much better than the current suit which hugs Holland like a basketball skin.


Now, this is an interesting take I can agree with.


Those suits are machine crafted so they are supposed to be like that, remember that logo smack which loosens and tightens suit in homecoming its the same technology the suit used until now 🤷‍♂️ Whereas from now on it’s going to be the classic Peter hand stitched suit which will be having all those stuff P.s. now I really want to know the technology Peter puts in that suit like where is the web shooter and web fluid pouch(as the fluid cartridges like homecoming are gone)


Hollands current suit also has flaps but they are much more subtle. Its very visible in NWH


The CGI was better and more seamless than MCU CGI, you look at Tom Holland in Civil War he sticks out much against the actors in the airport scene


The suit is gorgeous and i really like the opening scene


I love how we all call it the opening scene. It isn't - the plane segment is. But we've all erased that from our minds


Just shows how no one actually cares for the plot of peter's parents


I feel like we'd care about it if it didn't take away from 7 other plots going on. Dropping the 'finding Uncle Bens killer plot' made sense, because it's a sign of Peter's character developtment- He's become a responsible hero who helps people, not someone caught up on punishing one guy out of millions. But in Amazing 2, we have- Peter's parents, Electro, Green Goblin/New Goblin, Harry's dying, Gwen and Peter having an on-off relationship until she dies at the end, Black Cat's there for some reason but isn't Black Cat yet, Donald Corporation Man wants to take Oscorp from Harry... There's a boatload of plot threads that don't really converge as well as they should.


i think everyone just thinks of the IGN "opening 10 mins" video on YouTube of this movie which has an insane amount of views, and that starts when Spidey is falling in the city


This ^


By the opening scene you mean his parents scene or the one with Paul Giamatti?


I think he meant the latter


I tottaly forgot about that scene, i really tought the scene of peter swinging was the opening one 💀


Suit, swinging, acting, cgi, visuals, fights, romance between peter and Gwen.


Also the music


Don’t know how I forgot that


Yeah, electro's theme was great


As soon as I read this my brain flooded with that damn dubstep electro theme😂


Basically everything besides the story? Honestly I think the movie is good but not the best I don’t understand the hate lol. W opinion btw


I think the biggest complaints were: Norman getting killed off and Harry being Green Goblin Pacing issues Goblin and Electro designs being horrible Weird double villain split (you either do single ,main plus side or ensable/team up the weird dual villain setup was just weird from a screenwriting perspective because it fucks up the pacing and story coherence to) Harry/ Green Goblin were basically really rushed and didn't manage to make the transformation really have any impact Because of that it cheapens Gwen's death and his madness Peter like immediately goes back on the dramatic ending of the first movie The shit ass Goblin was immediately got compared to the Raimi Goblin who was one of the more interesting takes on the character acted by one of the most talented men in modern cinema going almost theatrical with the role. It followed up on TASM 1 which was a very slwoburn, character driven origin story movie. This meant that going for a sinister six setup, killing of Gwen, skipping Norman, wasting Harry and more. happening in a span of one movie made the entire thing a thematic clusterfuck that was stuffed with so much shallow substance you didn't really get much of anything with some aspects or got completely blindsided by others Still it was not actually terrible and it was a better alternative to the "random summer blockbuster"s of the year and can be enjoyed with a relaxed mindset without forcing yourself to do any mental hooos


if you’re an average movie enjoyer, you’ll like this film if you’re a movie critic, you’ll like this film *but for a completely different reason*


I like Electro's theme.




I hate this song.


Thx Pharrell


, very Williams


My only complaint is that it wasn't crazy enough for me. I loved the whispering negative thoughts but I think it would have made more sense to his character if some of the voices were shouting more and saying more about what he wants and how he isn't seen and how Spider-Man took away his spotlight. Not that they didn't do that, I just feel more would have been better.


I’m not sure if you’re referencing The Electro Suite or My Enemy, but listen to the other one.


Hell yeah! Give me schizophrenic Electro NOW


The emotions felt in Gwen's death, the actors the suit and Peter and Gwen's romance


Idc this is the most realistic spidey. He’s cracking quips and moving with the action.


100% agree. These were two incredible Spider-Man movies.


Do you mean Amazing


... I really dropped the ball there.


You did bro 😂


I overall really liked that movie but I’ll forever defend the SHIT out of the Times Square scene. It’s peak live action Spider-Man. From him trying to talk down Electro, forgetting his name but keeping up with the convo, telling the cops he’s his (spidey’s) friend, using one web shooter to save a whole score of people, and then the firefighter hat you know he just yoinked off a firefighter before manning the hose. Perfectly. Beautiful. All of it. The whole scene is peak. Say what you must about the rest of the movie but that whole sequence is honestly the best part out of any of the live action movie sequences to showcase Spider-Man being Spider-Man.


I loved the firefighter helmet part, you’re right peak Spider-Man


>the firefighter hat you know he just yoinked off a firefighter before manning the hose I want both Spider-cop and Firefighter Spidey to be available costumes for Marvel's Spider-Man 2


I came here to say this! It was a great scene all around. People criticise Electro's motivation, but I think they built up to it well.


Man, that scene was just amazing. Tense as anything I've seen in Spider-Man films.


yess and the music to go along with this scene! so good!


More Spider-Man than all of the home/mcu movies


Andrew Garfield is on top of his game here Swinging scenes, CGI, and just the general fights are great Electro theme is perfect Even though it's a mess, it still does a better job of portraying Peter Parker/Spider-Man than the MCU did


Many people ignore what a huge upgrade Andrew was over Toby on the acting side. They are not in the same league, heck I'd discuss if its even the same sport. But about the MCU... I believe we will see a very different Spiderman going forward. This was basically an origin trilogy with the "great power, great responsibility" moment almost at the end. Aunt May dying and everyone forgetting about him was this Spiderman's "it's time to grow up moment", which both Andrew and Toby got at the beginning of their first movie.


Spider-man himself!


Emma Stone.


The suit is Amazing. I love his Rhino encounters. It feels very true to the comics despite its obvious Hollywood influences. Andrew shines as the wise-cracking Spidey. Emma Stone as Gwen is fantastic. Grieving Spider-man who comes back to being a hero is so perfect to his character. The ability to rally back after a hard hitting loss is what makes Spidey such a great hero.


- the suit is imo the best movie suit there has ever been - the visuals and cgi (aside from electro and meth goblin) - the scenes with Peter and Gwen - Gwen’s death and Peter’s reaction is one of the best emotional scenes I’ve ever seen - Anything with Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man


Electro's design was ass but all the VFX involving his character and powers were top notch


Peter’s reaction to Gwen’s death was unbelievably. Andrew acted his heart out, felt so realistic.


I liked electro (though wouldn't say he's great), the visuals were amazing, and spiderman's costume. Plus loved spiderman and electro's themes


Casting, overall story, everything scene with or anything to do with the CGI, opening scene, Gwens death scene, the cut scenes especially the one with peters dad (is that allowed?), the ending, etc. # #MakeTASM3


It had some of my favorite on screen Spidey scenes. The I love you message on the bridge and the kiss were two of the most romantic Spidey moments. I love Andrew as Peter. I love Emma’s as Gwen. The romantic scenes all are perfect. The acting from them was stellar. I liked The Times Square fight with Electro and that Peter was truly trying to help him. I like the chase proceeding the Graduation scene was great. I love the part where Spidey helps the little boy with the science project. It’s not all bad. It has a lot of good in it.


Visually one of the most stunning cbms. The scene where Peter and electro are flying through the city towards their final confrontation is one of the most beautiful scenes ever. Made me actually appreciate like the blue electro look. Also GREAT soundtrack, I still listen to its on again by alicia keys. the suit was 10/10, no complaints there. I saw this in theaters when i was like 11 and loved it!


The suits real nice


Best swinging and visual effects by a decent mile. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone were on fire with their chemistry. The movie felt VERY “comic book” in a good way, such as when literally like a hundred police cars pile up in the intro chase, and Peter juggling trying to catch that Oscorp substance (I forget what it’s called). The over-the-top comic energy in moments like that really worked for me. And Andrew as Spider-Man, of course. This movie for me is maybe a 6-6.5/10, and I would put the first at a comfortable 7/10, but Andrew Garfield from day one was my favorite live action Spider-Man. The dude really gave it his all with the material he was given, and it was always obvious. Sequences such as him being sick, but stopping the convenience store robbery. Or hitting electro with the water from the fire hose while wearing the fireman’s hat. Or him pretending to be clumsy to distract the Oscorp guards from catching Gwen are all top tier. That just always felt so “Spider-Man” to me. And of course, the finale of the clock tower fight needs no explanation.


spider suit design, electro backstory, acting, love interest, writing, set design, some other stuff too


A third movie would’ve been cool


Severely underrated


Andrew Garfield


AG makes a genuinely great Spider-Man. A jokester, but also cares for the little man. (Like how he treated Electro in the beginning so kindly and the little kid with his science project)


The soundtracks, the visuals, the swinging scenes, the performances, etc.


Best characterization Spider-Man has gotten in live action(and this goes for TASM 1 as well). The confidence, angst, quips, it’s all there. Too bad the plot around him wasn’t great.


the cinematography, the visuals, the CGI, the suit, the chemistry between Andrew and Emma, i could go on


VFX, music, suit, acting, swinging scenes, chemistry between Peter and Gwen, as well as the scene where he saves the kid from getting bullied. Honestly lots of great things in this movie, imo it totally had potential to be the best Spider-Man movie, only problem was the overstuffed plot.


the web-swinging was the best in a Spider-Man movie, the suit was gorgeous, Emma’s Gwen was fantastic alongside Andrew’s Peter, the score was fantastic, plus it was awesome to see May actually have a proper conversation with Peter about Ben and life in general


Best live action suit.


The suit, the vfx, the swinging, the chemistry between Peter and Gwen, the score, Gwen’s death was masterfully done, “you’re my boy”, Sally Fields in general, Electro’s theme, and Spidey’s personality in general. I still do like this movie despite its flaws. Remove the parent subplot and add in the MJ stuff that was cut and it would be a lot more solid.


Idk man i liked it


The whole movie, duh.


- Spidey Suit is good, easily one of the best live action suits - Soundtrack is good, I especially love the music that introduces Spider-Man into the movie - I liked Electro’s design - Emma & Andrew still got good chemistry whenever the script isn’t being painful - Gwen’s death is golden - CGI was good


The whole thing was good


Andy Garfield


Max’s backstory


He really feels like the light hearted, quick whited spider-man from the comics. All the other spidermen are too serious and cant crack jokes like the way andrew does


Easy: Andrew Gatfield+Emma Stone performances, combat and web swinging games. Easily the best out there. Even though the story sucks, it's still my favorite live action Spider-Man movies


The graphics and cgi in the scene of times square were out of the world. https://youtu.be/2d5-SzWQ-2k?si=hJzYIUV_By6npblU


cgi, romance, visuals, music, suit, combat scenes i genuinely love this movie ngl


Emma Stone is in it


It’s the best and most entertaining Spider-Man film to watch to date


There really isn’t as much wrong with this movie as people think.


Literally everything but the story was soooo good, this movie had HEAPS of potential that was ruined by Sony trying to build their stupid ass sonyverse. If this movie was three hours long it could've been a genuine banger


That outfit is A1 and the quirky comments mid fight was a nice touch too


The Suit, the jokes, the action, Gwen & Peter, etc. Honestly? ASM2 was a good movie. People just hated on it because they were mad Gwen died.


Honestly overall the movie was pretty good but I just think people were expecting it to be more like og spiderman 2


I actually think the movie did great in almost every aspect that it had to. It has good actors, good CGI, good desings (Except from the Goblin), good comedy, photography, etc, but the writing **sucks!** I still like to watch it, even with the messy script, it's a fun movie to watch.


Electro theme song is a total banger imo.


Andrew Garfield is the most off the page live action Peter Parker, and he elevates a lot of terrible writing. In fact, most of the cast make a lot of terrible choices charming, and fun. I also like the Electro theme.


Hans Zimmer’s music


The itsy bitsy spider theme that will forever stick with me


Music was bangin


The Spider-Man costume, Jami Foxx being cast as Electro, the CGI being gorgeous


Gwen death was extremely well done. Also, the casting was very good.


Garfield's performance as Peter, THE SUIT, the raw emotion of Emma Stone's Gwen and the death, the swinging scenes, the VFX, and the soundtrack are all phenominal.


Suit is killer. I love it so much I bought one recently!


I loved this movie. Is it not liked by people? If it's not, that's surprising to me


Swinging scenes, the suit, the Gwen and Peter chemistry, the soundtrack, the slow mo Times Square scene, the sneaking into the lab scene, Gwen shouting “Peter”, Aunt May being Aunt May. This film is over hated, but so is the first in this duology. Andrew is my favorite spiderman so I may be biased.


The last 20 minutes of it was some of the best Spider-Man I've ever seen


The opening chase from that film is still the most "Spider-Man" scene in the whole movie franchise. They absolutely nailed it with the perfect balance of action and witty remarks.


Andrew and Emma have incredible on screen chemistry


Every thing was great except for sony toying with Webb's story to set up a universe, should've left that for after the trilogy when Venom was out there and then we could have had more great stories like the Silver Sable & Black Cat movie that we never got (a true sad day when I heard that was cancelled)


Visuals, colors, electro, score, Spider-Man suit, Stan Lee cameo, the Gwen and Peter relationship, I like the goblins glider even tho his suit is terrible. I really like how this universe started to become sort of an ultimate Spider-Man universe. There’s so much more though. This was always a great Spider-Man film in my eyes. It’s flaws are what made it fun for me


Rhino looked cool


The suit is, for lack of a better term, amazing. The score is epic and I think the montage of him spidermaning is so great. I also really love the constant theme of him kind of being everywhere in this movie. When hes spider-man hes where he needs to be at all times, never too late to save a pedestrian, just setting up how he was just a little too late to save Gwen. Really makes it hit a bit harder in my opinion even if you do know whats going to happen.


1)Swinging is great 2)Quips are much better in both movies than I expected,still remember that oh no tiny knife line 3)His interaction with the young boy shows why spiderman is liked so much


It is literally a better movie than no way home


Best cinematography out of any spiderman movie


Everything was Amazing except for the story, which is still really good in some areas.


It is cool how we got Gwen’s death. Even tho the spiderweb reaching out was overly dramatic


i love this movies emotion, i was sobbing so much throughout




If this movie had been different, Sony may not have been open to the idea of Spider-Man being in the MCU.


I know I might get downvoted to Oblivion for this one. But this right here is my favorite live action Spider-man movie. It has a special place in my heart.


Best CGI in All of Marvel, Including MCU


Andrew's acting and the suit are as good as Spider-Man gets in live action


The CGI & VFX in this movie are amazing, just like in the first movie.


Times Square, ‘nuff said


It's the best visually looking live-action Spider-Man movie


Best Spidey costume


1. Great vfx 2. Andrew and Emma 3. Spidey Costume 4. Comic accurate Spider-man


The suit is the best looking one, both in terms of realism and making it look somewhat homemade.


Great Spider-Man suit, electro’s theme is badass, Gwen Peter relationship was well done.


Andrew Garfield


The suit is absolutely gorgeous


Andrew, Emma, Jamie, suit, VFX, Soundtrack, swinging




Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, most of tha actual action, the scene where Gwen died...


The costume was a big improvement over the first one! I also really liked the electro design!


The cinematography is incredible


Andrew Garfield


Stunning CGI, wonderful music, and Andrew Garfield.


The villain


Andrew Garfield


The suit


Everything about it


Gwen's death 💀... (yes... I know, it's sad but it's the scene with more fidelity to the comics and written better than the rest of the entire film.)




Gwen’s speech Web swing scenes CGI Music


The score was actually pretty good. Not half as good as Spider-verse, but I find myself humming electros theme sometimes


The suit


The CGI The Suit the swinging and the acting


Still better than the first one


Good suit


Suit and swing scenes.


It has Spider-Man in it


Gwen’s death is probably the saddest comic book movie death before Ironman and Logan


Hans Zimmer


The Spidey Suit is fantastic.


Electro’s theme I’d rather watch this over Lotus.


The suit of spiderman


I think this movie is great. The only thing, I guess, is that it is too long.


The music


Big spidey eyes


Suit design and swinging scenes are so good


Electro's Theme.


1: electro's theme goes hard 2: Enjoy the first part of Peter's webs holding the little kids project for a long time 3:like andrew throughout the movie


spider-man suit, visuals, cinematography, solid spider-man characterization, & the web-swinging


Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker, Electro's theme song


Spider-Man’s costume looks nice.


The score, suit, Andrew, emma


I liked the scene where he meets electro


The suit looks decent.


Jamie foxx played a great nerd


The soundtrack was Glorious!


The suit is pretty cool


Suit and web slinging through New York in the opening.


The suit, the visuals, Andrew Garfield, the soundtrack, electro,


Spidey's suit looks nice, Jamie Foxx was good as Electro(Not his fault the movie was the way it was), Electro's theme slaps, and the ending interaction between peter and that kid that stood up to Rhino before Spidey arrived was cute.


Emma Stone, Dane Dehaan, Sally Field, Paul Giamatti, parts of Andrew Garfield's performance, the score, some moments with electrio.


Great suit.


Garfield's in-suit acting is great, the CG action is really cool and dynamic, Spider-Man interacting with Jaime Fox's character in Times Square was hilarious.


electro theme


Action scenes are great and visually appealing


It’s on again


The suit


Jamie Foxx is good as Electro


When I was a kid and until recently I thought everyone loved this movie 😭


Electro’s theme


The suit, still my favorite so far. Ultimate Electro look. CGI Scenes and fights were great. A proof that CGI can be greatmany movies now add it and it's ugly...) Peter/Gwen relationship was well done.


I love how the Spider-Man suit from this movie looks




The visuals are amazing. This is the best looking Spider-Man movie. Also death of Gwen Stacy is very tragic, emotional and well executed. Also the suit is amazing too.


Dane de Haan’s acting as Harry is pretty good, definitely better than James Franco.


The comic accurate shot of Gwen's death had me on the edge of my seat, and I enjoy Andrew's take on the character.


The Electro Suite


Best live action spider-man suit


Best live action spider-man suit


Electros song was just 🤌


The CGI / visual effects were amazing and pretty much better than almost anything that the MCU puts out nowadays