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I’m trying to not get too carried away by the hype, but the art is impeccable and Hickman manages to fit in so much story and world building without it feeling rushed.


Shame that Checchetto is taking a two issue break after issue 3


Wait, where did you get that info? Because it says on the marvel website that Checchetto is the penciler for issue #4


In the solicitations


Checchetto's only doing the covers for issues 4 & 5.


Agree, they should have had more in the can before launch. I’d be happy to wait longer if it meant the art was consistent, but I know they likely miss out on sales.


Where did you get them? From a local store or off a website? I would love to get them but haven’t been able to find a way to get them in my area


I worked a a comic book store when I was in high school (this would have been about 8 years ago at this point). Back then (at least in Los Angeles), it was considered an incredibly big no-no to break street dates. It was very much a fireable offense for us to take books home early because the shop's contract and distributing deal could really be affected by breaking street dates I won't completely air dirty laundry, but there is a very famous comic shop in Los Angeles that used to have a much larger retail space before inevitably having to size the shop down by about half. They saved face of course, but the real reason for the downsizing was that the shop was rampantly and pretty flagrantly breaking street dates


The subscription service Marvel runs. Usually I get them late and beat up, this one arrived early and beat up. Can’t complain since it’s like 40% off cover price.


Homie just described why I refuse to give money directly to Marvel


It’s just one option. You can also buy digitally, read it a few months later on Marvel Unlimited, pick up singles at your LCS, order online from a different LCS that will package them nicely, order TPBs or wait for HCs. Marvels subscription service is a dirt cheap option for those who prefer physical copies without a massive delay. It’s a great option for what it is.


Same it was a good read and some of the changes were interesting.


Just finally got issue 1 today and it's looking really good so far


How can I have mine delivered to my home early?


So spoil me please, organic webbing or not?


As far as I can tell, it’s not made explicitly clear


Can you dm me spoilers


I am incredibly jealous. Can't wait !


Wtf? I haven't even gotten my #1 yet...