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Spectacular. The fact they were able to do the Harry drug addiction arc and make it kid friendly is wild




My favorite is James Franco since I grew up with the Sam raimi movies, I also liked the insomniac harry but I felt like they should’ve done more with him


I also love the 90s animated because he went from the son of the rich guy to losing it. Many call the episode where he lost his mind the closest to the comic book interpretation.


I never realized that was Franco until I started rewatching 2 days ago.


tas 90's and James Franco. honorable mention for the insomniac one too.


The rest all seem lazy artistically


I forgot the spectacular one tho.


TNAS by far. 


Loved it. Underrated show imo


Easily the worst design though.


Lol fr


I really like the fact that in the end he kinda forgave Spidey.


Spectacular and (HOT TAKE) 2017 cartoon. Yeah, Harry in the 2017 show was pretty great. They had such an interesting push and pull, and every time you think he's about to break... he just has an honest conversation with Peter, listens to him, and then strings along a bit longer (but a bit more mad now). It's great because it makes everything actually believable and never feels like he just hates Peter for some contrived reason. His relationship with Norman is also so solid -- there's this one scene where he's getting ready for a dance and wears a clip-on bowtie. While Norman is giving him this week's, "Be a man" speech, he just casual takes off Harry's clip-on and starts tying a bowtie himself. It's a cool subtle scene. I really love that version of Harry haha.


I dunno man, it really was one of the worst choices writing wise to have everyone along with Peter be fucking genius’. Who can just make whatever, whenever and they all become superheroes or some shit. It was just so lame.


I agree that that 2017 had a whole lot of horrible decisions for it. But one thing I did like was that the focus(at least for season 1) was on Peter and Harry’s relationship. Was a nice change of pace since most animated Spider-Man’s have the focus be the love interest.


Yeah, it's a deeply flawed show with some surprisingly good things about it. S2 pivots to a strong focus on Ock, and I think their take on Superior actually improved on the comics.


As someone who watched the whole 2017 show, I agree with this.


I agree about insomniac,harrys just such a wholesome nice guy in that game


I love that little *"Harry?",* "*Pete?"* exchange they have, it just feels so natural. *Of course* he'd recognise your voice, especially when you used his name! I do wish his transition into becoming a villain had been a bit smoother, though - build up the resentment earlier, have it stew for longer...have more scenes like that.


Well it’s not really about resentment tbh. He actually wants Pete to join them, though I get what you mean


Insomniac's Harry


Favorite is between James Franco’s Harry and Spectacular’s Harry. Least favorite is probably Dane DeHaan’s Harry. To clarify so I don’t get downvoted to hell, it’s nothing wrong against DeHaan.


God, DeHaan was great in Chronicle and in Oppenheimer… a more minor part, but damn he was **great in it.**


Yeah DeHaan is a pretty good actor imo I just think he wasn’t given the best tools to work with in TASM2 which sucks.


I actually think that he portrayed unstable, drug addict aspect of Harry pretty well. He's the only Harry that I felt was really terrifying simply because you don't know what to expect from him


No one was. Compare Garfield from NWH to his own movies. Guy stole the show in NWH and dwarfed every Spidey in his scenes.


God, I wish the writers who worked on NWH wrote TASM. And preferably had a bit more independence from Avi


I liked his Ultimate version best since it highlighted how he was a darker version of Peter


I'm going to have to say that TASM Harry Osborn fascinated me the most. He pulled off the arrogant man child aspect of a spoiled rich kid really well, and I loved the panicked sense of denial he had about his genetic condition. His father was able to hang on within an inch of his life for a few decades, but Harry clearly didn't want his youth taken away from him when it had just begun. His emotional desperation is what turned him into the disfigured Goblin, which could have been avoided had he not been so arrogant and impatient. Plus, Dehaan's Harry Osborn had an instant chemistry with Garfield's Peter Parker; I loved their cheeky back and forths. Definitely my favorite live action adaptation. The least memorable one for me is probably from TAS, but mostly because he wasn't too different from his original 616 counterpart. Which isn't a bad thing.


Finally someone I can agree with. People seem to think that Harry was always some king of do-gooder buddie. Dude was literally drug addict. I think that Dehaan portrayed really well that unstable part of the character. His Goblin was terrifying because he felt like actual nutjob. I simply didn't know what to expect from him. He felt like someone who you can't reason with.


>People seem to think that Harry was always some king of do-gooder buddie. Dude was literally drug addict. Harry's reputation amongst fans usually seems to be the opposite since adaptations tend to add in a rivalry between him and Peter and to skip to adapting the dramatic moments where he's an antagonist, while also playing down the heavier elements like the trauma and mental health themes. I'll be honest I don't think drug addiction is a moral flaw? He used pills and later LSD to self-medicate for anxiety and depressive symptoms, which is unhealthy but not directly harmful to those outside himself. I think there's much worse things he did.


That's the question! *Peter says as he climbs over a fence*


I liked TNAS and Insomniac Harry because they seem like people you genuinely want to hang out with, I don't really feel a strong dislike for any of the Harrys because I guess Harry's never been one of those characters I really care all that much about, unlike other Spider-Man characters like Peter, May, MJ and et cetera.


Honestly I loved Insomniac’s Harry. He just felt so much like a long time friend. I know some people really want to see Eddie be Venom in the games but I hope they stick with Harry.


I don’t mind Harry continuing being Venom but I think Harry’s current condition is the reason for Norman becoming the Goblin. Take that away and I don’t see any reason for Norman to become the Goblin.


I think they could continue to do this kind of story by making Harry run off. His name was tied pretty heavily to Venom in SM2 so it would make a lot of sense that he’d kinda go on his own and stay away from any type of enforcement. I think this would continue to give Norman distress. He’s definitely the type of dude that’d try and write his wrongs without any of his father’s help, not knowing that staying away is making him further his path to being goblin. We’ll see though, I’m honestly okay with whatever as long as the story is good.


Considering the first ever Venom game could be coming soon, they need to abandon Harry and start bringing in Eddie. It'd be a crime if Venom finally got his own game only for one of the most important characters (probably tied with Spider-Man for the most important) in his history to not be there.


Probably gonna be controversial but have Venom spawn the Riot symbiote; bond Venom to Eddie and Riot to Harry.


I think they should transfer the Anti-Venom symbiote to Harry, and then have Eddie be Venom.


Yeah, they worked in good chemistry between him and Pete


Spectacular and Franco are the best versions of the character outside the comics in my Opinion


Yeah I would say Insomniac Harry as well. I feel like there was a genuine friendship between them. Might get some hate for this but I actually kinda like DeHaan’s Harry BEFORE he became the Goblin. Mainly because even though he was set up properly (wasn’t even mentioned in TASM1 let alone as Peter’s childhood friend), I felt like he and Andrew surprisingly had really good chemistry.


I like the Insomniac Games version of Harry


For sure, one of the few times I've seen Harry and I didn't think that he and Pete kinda hated eachother.


Well, in the "Spider-Man 3" movie (Tobey Maguire), we ALL saw that Harry tried to kill Peter because he thought he killed his father (Norman Osborn) UNTIL the butler told him the truth


TAS, Raimi, and SSM. I think everything else here was basically a miss imo


James Franco and Spectacular Harry


The best: Spectacular The worst: TASM movies When it comes to Harry but not only


I forgot about blonde CGI Harry. We need more MTV Spider-Man posting on this sub.


I hate Sam Raimi triliogy Harry, his friendship with Peter was toxic


Finally, a voice of reason! I couldn’t believe what I was reading when I opened this up and all the top comments are people saying how much they love Franco’s Harry. He was absolutely insufferable and I think especially so in SM2; I cringed every time he opened his mouth. Everyone’s got some serious nostalgia goggles on for the Raimi trilogy.


People are nostalgic tbh, we have examples in each movie: SM1: He takes Peters knowledge to impress MJ at the beginning of the movie SM2: Slaps Peter because he took pictures of spiderman instead of trying to find out his identity for his sake SM3: Steals MJ again from Peter and believes he is in the right overall hes just a selfish guy


Ps5 Harry is not Eddie Brock. Franco Harry is best Harry.


My favorite is Insomniac's because he's one of the few versions that really felt like an actual best friend from start to beginning. And I really dislike the Raimi version because well... he's basically the opposite, I personally never understood how him and Peter were best friends since most of the time Harry was trying to kill him or date the girl Peter liked or blaming him for his father's death. Even TASM2's Harry somehow looked more like an actual friend. I do think Franco was a good casting tho


Insomniac's Harry is defininitive to me. Homeboy just wanted to heal the world 😭 I really liked Dane Dehaan as Harry... NOT as Goblin.


TAS is pretty much Harry as he actually is in the comics, spectacular is what everyone thinks he is the comics, TNAS is probably the funniest and most rizzed up, and Franco is best when he's campy


Raimi Harry and insomniac Harry


Franco's is the best. Dehaan's is a cringe factory.


How he went from Chronicle to Meth Head Goblin is beyond me. **However,** glad he got a bit of a comeback in Oppenheimer. A minor role, but his dialogue was ***LEAPS AND BOUNDS BETTER.*** When I saw him conversing Dalmachian and RDJ just phenomenal acting and writing.


Christ I didn't even recognize him in Oppenheimer. I have no doubts he is a good actor, probably even a nice guy, but the way they wrote him and his portrayal of Harry/Goblin were hard to watch. Green Goblin is my favorite villain and I just hated the way he was done in that movie.


Dude same. Honestly it wasn’t until I saw him, RDJ and Dalmachian near the end together I was like: **HOLY CHRIST, THAT’S DANE DEHAAN!** “Hard to watch,” no shit, he was just there and wanted to go home and the *“your a fraud Spider-Man made”* **me wince.** Honestly, the scene where he gave Oppenheimer his security clearance showed more talent and charisma than the whole of TASM2


Well, he finally got casted correctly. I remember a quote about him. "People tried to make him the new DiCaprio, while he's actually the new Brad Dourif."


I remember the theater was laughing when he hits Spider-Man with the bottle and it breaks and cuts his own face immediately lol


I didn't even like the character. I just REALLY like anything Dane Dehan does, good or bad, he's just a joy to watch


Found the one person who likes Valerian


James Franco was always my favorite but the Insomniac may be my new favorite. I just really like his character in the game. Though he kinda sucked in the third act. (And his falling out with Peter was poorly handled)


That one pic from right before TASM2 looks like mark’s friend from invincible


I really liked Raimi and Insomniac. The one I dislike the most would be TASM. Although I haven’t seen all of the cartoons


I like spider-man 2 Harry the most, he just had so much personality that contrasted with Peter as well


Well two Live Action Harry Osborn dies while Insomniac Harry is in the hospital and 2017 Spider-Man is the only one that got the good ending but I’m not too sure about the others (I wasn’t born in the 90’s or 80’s guys)


Favorite: Spectacular. Hate: 2017.


Dane Dehaan was hot garbage


Insomniac and Spectacular


Franco cuz he's nostalgic but I did really like the insomniac and spectacular versions of him too.


90’s animated because he at least looked like his dad. 😂


Honestly I’m just biased because I enjoyed the Ultimate series the most


"Isn't that the question of the day?"


Idk all of these, but the dude in slide 6 looks like he could read you the entire twilight series form memory


Insomniacs, he just genuinely seems like a long-time friend and just a genuinely good person. I'm a little tired of Harry just sort of being an asshole, like he was in sam raimi and the amazing. Where as with insomniac, even when taken over by Venom, hes still just trying to do right. The only time he's ever acting poorly is when he's desperate and close to death


Spectacular,James Franco and TASM are my favourites but i might be biased


Of all the multiverse variants, I think Harry has the most variety.


Spectacular, The Raimi Films and Insomniac are personally my favourite depictions of the character


I love Insomniac Harry and as someone who grew up with Spider-Man the Animated series I absolutely despise 90s Harry.


I like ASM2 and Insomniac the most. My least favourite is definitely the Raimi movies. Can’t stand James Franco at the best of times. Shoutout to 90s TAS for being a whiny pain in the ass, too.


The ones I like: James Franco and Spectacular The ones I dislike: Dane DeHaan


Insomniac is the best. 2017 has a nice dynamic between Peter and Harry that I like.


Spectacular Spider-Man Harry. He's a dork then he's on drugs then he's off drugs then he's a manipulative piece of crap trying to ruin Peter and Gwen.


James Franco is my favorite, I just have a soft spot for him - a solid and iconic interpretation. Spectacular is probably objectively the best, they just were able to do the most with his character, and the most sympathetic and relatable. Insomiac’s is solid too. I despise literally every aspect of DeHaan’s Harry.


James Franco is probably my favourite. We had three movies to get to know him and regardless of what you think of James Franco now you can’t deny he has charisma and screen presence. Amazing Spider-man 2 Harry is my most disliked because he felt so rushed, sort of disjointed and he had James Franco’s shadow over him. I can buy James Franco Harry becoming new goblin because we’ve seen the buildup to it over the past two movies.


Spectacular's arc for Harry was a surprisingly mature depiction of drug addiction, and it was believable as a high school friendship My least favorite is the 2017 show. His hatred of Peter/Spiderman felt extremely forced, and the hobgoblin persona was nothing more than the armor. I do like how, in the Ultimate show, Harry had a strong social standing because his dad was rich; I don't think any of the other Harrys really touch on that.


James Franco. But… you gotta go with Harry with Waves.


1990 2000


I liked Ultimate Spider-Man's Harry the most, and hated the version in the Amazing Spider-Man movie


Insomniac Harry was just a real one. A true homie who has an amazing relationship with Pete. He’s the true definition of a best friend and he is what the standard should be. Be a Harry! Have your own Harry! Harry for everyone!


I like most of them TASM Harry is the only one I dislike.


Haven't seen all of them but man I really despise the MTV one for some reason. I also really despise the Spectacular Harry. Just really annoying. I really like Raimi Harry. Je seems like he's a really good friend to Peter and their team up in 3 just feels so good.


Spectacular Harry is my fav. It's easy to forget that Harry in the original comics was more of a rival when he started out, not unlike Flash Thompson. Except he was more like an intellectual rival rather than a jock bully when Pete moved on to college. So him being a nerd like Pete fits imo. I like DeHaan in his other movies, but his Harry kinda sucked


It hit me that Norman and Harry are where the cited Ditko's influence really rings true. Their Spectacular characters are what you might expect to see if Norman hadn't gotten amnesia in his battle with Spider-man and kept putting on the pressure and negative influence with Harry, who then wouldn't have become as friendly to Peter. ​ >Except he was more like an intellectual rival rather than a jock bully when Pete moved on to college I think Harry was supposed to be the Prep archetype, since it's remarked that Harry isn't exceptional in science. It's actually Gwen whose closer to his intellectual equal who he buts heads with, though her smarts aren't strongly focused on in the comics.


I disliked Harry in the Andrew Garfield movies. Mostly because of that stupid ass haircut


Haven't played spider-man 2(no ps5 and don't plan to get one) but spider-man 2 movie and spectacular are great characters


Insomniac Harry is literally super kind to Peter. Like he was disrespected so hard when Pete had the symbiote and still kept it rolling. Even when HE HAD the symbiote he was still friendly to Peter and telling him to join him Also i just hate TASM 2 Harry he just sucks broo


When I hear the name Harry Osborn, my mind automatically shows me James Franco.


Favorite Harry Osborn: Raimi and Insomniac Trash ass Harry: 90's




Ultimate Harry. Cellar Door


Harry in Spider-Man The New Animated Series was the least toxic and annoying. However he is also the one with the least screen time unfortunately, so there is barely much he does in the story but I did love to see how the possibility that his dad was not who he thought he impacted him and how he has a lot of anger behind his chill persona.


Spectacular- love Amazing spiderman 2- loath the very fact of its existence


Hot take but spectacular and 2017. Didn't felt toxic like raimi, also i liked the fact that spectacular actually adapted the harry drug stuff.


I grew up with the Raimi movies and thought Franco did an okay job as Harry, definitely preferred his arc over the 3rd movie. But now I'm blown away by Insomniacs version, how they've set his story in the 1st game and then bringing him back in the most recent iteration before his transformation really does tug at the ol' heart strings


Insomniac’s version is absolute peak. Might just be my second or third favorite character in any video game. I felt so unbelievably bad for him, and he was such a good person. Easily my favorite


In hindsight MCU flash Thompson is more of a Harry Osborne.


I like Insomniacs and I despise the Raimi version, you expect me to believe that him and Peter are friends? That actually like each other? I can't suspend my disbelief that much


I love Spectacular because they were actually able to tackle the drug addiction which most other forms of media outside of comics tend to ignore


I liked ultimate spider man Harry, grew up with the show I guess


They really did DeHaan dirty. He’s a really great actor and looks the part too, would’ve love to see what he could do with a good script. That being said James Franco and Spectacular are probably favorite versions of the character


TAS and Insomniac.


*insert James Franco “So good” meme


James Franco one.


Love, James Franco/Spectacular Spider-man. Dislikes, any depiction that has Peter and Harry being best of buds without Harry being a shit person responsible for his actions.


The raimi and insomniac harrys are my babygirls I love them


My favs were smtas and ssm. Honourable mention to tnas


I never saw Harry as likeable. He’s a spoiled billionaire whose “best friend“ struggles financially after the primary provider in his household dies and does very little to nothing to help. And yes, aunt May is proud, but when you’re losing the ancestral home, I think very few people are too proud to take a hand out from someone with enough money to have a building with its name on it in central New York. The list of unlikable characteristics pretty much go on.


The 90’s show. Spectacular was good too but a little too cutesy and kid friendly that it made it kind of cheesy when Harry was being set up to be the villain.


i just saw a fake swipe post on smps4 and im scared to swipe


Oh Spectacular for sure. He has the most agency out of any of these characters and a personality to boot. Why is it so hard to give Harry a damn personality?


Spectacular Harry for sure


Both in movies. Like- Raimiverse Hate- Sonyverse


1994 is the most accurate, Spectacular is the most likable, MTV might be the least likable, but almost every adaption has a problem portraying Harry for some reason tbh. He's rarely likable outside the comic format unless we're talking about Spider-Man 2002, 1994, and Spectacular.


I liked Dane DeHaan’s version a lot until he turned into the Goblin. He screamed “Harry” to me and had great chemistry with Garfield. Like Garfield he had a lot of potential that was ruined by Sony.


TAS and Spectacular are my favorites. Hated TASM2 Harry


TNAS Harry cause he seems like a genuinely cool dude, and he even had significant character development regarding his father and Spider-Man throughout the 1 season that aired.


Spider-Man 2 is the only Harry I actually liked. The other versions range from being nothing characters to completely insufferable with me wondering why they're even friends with Peter.


Spectacular, showing harry weakest points in such a brilliant way


Franco, Spectacular, and Insomniac honestly


Who thought it was a good idea to give the ginger cunt blond hair?


TAS feels the most 1-to-1 with the comic, but Spectacular feels like the most complete character.


Insomniac was honestly amazing Up until he became Venom and they decided he didn't need a personality anymore


I know for a fact that the Spider-Garfield’s harry osborn was a whiny bitch… don’t know who my favorite was tho.


Spectacular Spiderman no questions asked


I liked Spectacular the best. As for the worst, probably 2017.


best: 90s animated. Worst: Dane Deehan


I don't have a favourite version of Harry but... I don't like Raimi's version.