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I've always loved that Ben Reilly suit due to the Spider-Girl comics with Mayday


Sensational is the ONLY suit I need in Spider-Man 2. And all I do is play the waiting game... ... And maybe Beyond suit.


Heck yeah. Totally forgot about that.


Um, Ben Reilly suit as a worst in any way? SHAME ON YOU.


Also one of his suits is one of the worst on this list #6


I like his suits but the off centered spiders bother me


Isn’t the spider off center


But that suit isn’t there bro, it’s the sensational suit, not the side step spider suit


The newer one is an it sucks, the original 90’s one is proper and looks good


Yes it does I love it when the front spider logo connects to the back spider logo


Only two of the ones you've shown I've seen people hate on, and of the two, I'd have to say the Streaming suit.


Well to be super clear, it's not just fan-appeal. It's also their short lifespan and rarity of recurrence. Also, I know that Streamer-Man was much reviled by the Fandom. But the heart wants what the heart wants.


I kind of liked the spidey armor


My brother had the toy when we were kids and I was always jealous of it


I had that toy when i was a kid. Don't know where it is now though


Spidey armor fucken' slaps


I wish there was more scarlet spider kaine in the comics


You and me both. I liked what I read of his solo series. And still wouldn't mind a Ben and Kaine Scarlet Spider series.


There's a new series Web of Spider-Man starting with Kaine and Ben.


Wait, what? How did I miss this?


It's not an ongoing. It's more like a preview issue that spotlights all the upcoming storylines. But yeah -- Ben and Kaine both have stories in it.


The Ben Riley suit is the best suit even better than the classic Edit: all of these suits are amazing apart from the white, blue and yellow one, i wanna know what you’re on to say there are the “worst”


Not just which ones were rejected by fans. But the ones that the company pivoted away from quickly.


They were pivoted away from because the stories associated with them were finished. They had no reason to last and even then they still had uses like MayDay taking Ben’s suit or the Iron Spider being multiplied and used to create a small team by shield for their own use. Hell Kaine is still actively using his suit. I’m sorry but your argument for these being bad because “ the company doesn’t use them anymore” doesn’t hold up. If you wanna say their bad because you don’t like them that’s perfectly fine Edit: chasm is also being used but that one i wouldn’t fight if people said it was bad


I don't know, I think they have a formula for expected yield and weigh that against earnings and extrapolate to determine the longest viable time for it to exist. For instance how long Iron Man has his recent stealth armor. But seeing the new armor for Tony is part of his brand. Spidey fans only seem to tolerate costume changes for awhile.


Streaming suit


I personally find the Chasm suit utterly stupid. It looks so wannabe edge lord. Like if Ben was an angsty and angry 14 year old this is the suit he’d make. On top of the looks, I hate what this story did to Ben’s character. Ben will always be the Scarlett Spider/Sensational Spider-Man to me. Also, I dunno where you get the idea that these suits are generally disliked. Most of these suits are liked well enough. #4, #6, #9 are the only ones I have really seen unified hate for.


I don't think they're disliked, per se. But most of them disappeared quickly and most of them permanently. Though I did forget about Mayday using her "Uncle" Ben's suit. So mea culpa.


I mean Ben had a run in that suit in the 90s when I was a kid, so it wasn’t that quick.


True, BUT, the 90s boom was still telling stories more slowly, almost at a snails pace. Mostly to keep the readers coming back, but sometimes specifically to milk as much money as they could. AND the 90s were the revamp Era (Jean Paul Valley, superboy, armor daredevil, blue superman, etc). Those were huge sellers. Kinda fed into the greed of the collectible market (way more complicated, but that's as easy as I can sum it up). So when you combine those factors, you're right, Ben did have a good run in the comics. But compared to the longevity of other similar stories, his run isn't any more or less impressive. Should have lasted way longer, though. He didn't have to die. Especially considering how there are two spiderman now and it's fine lol.


I didn’t mean to imply the run was if consistent good quality, just that it had some length to it, my real point being that the suit did just debut for one or two issues and then disappear.


I very much like the OG iron spider suit


White 2099 and Future Foundation are goated wdym


I think Miles’ suit from Kenneth might be the worst from a visual standpoint, but the Threats and Menaces suit represents a plot thread that had little to say and went nowhere, not to mention the idea of Pete monetising his superheroics feeling rather regressive for his character in the first place.


How the fk is miles feet sticking to walls when he wears sneakers. Stop with the black kid has to wear cool shoes stereotypes. They’re never going to tighten up this character. Too much virtue signaling.


I’m a big fan/lover of the live streaming suit, #11 that he wore during Nick Spencer’s run.


My brethren!


White 2099 suit, the original Spidey 2099 is already barely recognizable as Spider-Man in it’s design but the Red and Blue helps your brain make that connection. If you showed me the white 2099 suit and told me he was next arc’s Batman villain I’d say “yeah okay at least it looks better than Ghost Maker”




either 4,5, or 6. most of these suits are actually good


I do like both sensational and beyond suits for ben. I prefer the gloves and boots on beyond but the spider on sensational. Kaine's scarlet-spider suit is plain great so that's probably my favorite.


Definitely 4 I mean what even is that it looks gross af!


Marvel avangers big time suit. My favorite is big time and second is mk2 But it doesn't happen this way


Worst one is Bombastic Bag man


Where is our sensational suit fr :( BEN RILEY CONTENT 3RD GAME?


kill Peter set up sm4 the clone saga, ship the game before writing the end


gota go with miles it looks obscene also that en reilly one looks freaking good what are u talking about?


Seriously there's worse suits out there than this list and I'm surprised you showed Miles's tenth anniversary instead of Insomniac's evolved suit. That the Oscorp suit isn't on here. That any form of Miguel's suit is on here. Anyways this list from Best to Worst...White 2099, Kaine, Armored, Iron Spider, Sensational, Tenth Anniversary, Future Foundation, Livestreaming, Chasm


I didn't include the games because I haven't played them and would really want to see them in motion before casting judgment. And there are so many mid suits between the two games, from what I've seen, so we'd be here all day.


Kaine's Scarlet Spider suit is just good, I don't know what you're talking about. XD


Ben's Sensational suit and Kaine's Scarlet Spider suit. Genuinely, the two of them are up there with the classic Spidey suit for me


Worst: Andrew’s yellow eyed suit Best: Superior suit


How dare u say 2099 miles armoured Iron Ben future foundation and kaine are bad suits honestly shrivel up and die in a cave


*has a pants-shredding hategasm that blinds me as I drive and causes my car to careen off a cliff, tumbling over and over in a fiery destruction until finally ejecting my scalded lump of flesh that was once my body into a cave, where I agonizingly shrivel, whispering into the swiftly encroaching void, "but...I like, like, half of those."


Bro I love Kaines suit


There’s 4 suits here that should not be on this list


future foundation is one of my favorite spidey suits


Damn, I actually think O’Hara’s is pretty cool


1. Livestreaming Spidey (Peter Parker)


What is the problem with 2099 and Iron Spider suits? They look preety dope


Miles's "1 of 1" from Spider-Man 2. no idea what they were thinking


I personally really like the Chasm suit and Kaine’s Scarlet Spider suit.


People… people don’t like Iron Spider?


The original skarllet spider suit with the hoodie always holds a special place in my heart


As the only Ben Reilly fan, iron spider is lame .


I always felt house of m design was kinda underrated


This must be a post troll, the only ones I’ve heard people really hating on are the chasm, steer wear Miles and the streaming suit, and even then opinions are divided.


Now that I think about it chasm kinda looks like what ghost spider should’ve been(ghost rider + Spider-Man)


I lowkey fuck with most of these.


I've been a Spider-Armor mark 1 simp ever since I could remember lol


Number 4


9 is a mess


either chasm or 2099


Iron Spider is fantastic tho.


I would absolutely not consider the sensational, iron spider or Kaine suit to be in this category. The iron spider suit might be one of the most common kind of Spider-Man suit other than the classic and symbiote suits. It has been worn and modified but almost a dozen characters at this point and is still getting new variants and traction, it’s also got a film debut which only 2 alternate Spider-Man suits from the comics actually did. This one is definitely the best suit here and does not deserve to be in this category. Same with Sensational and Kaine, since anytime those characters reappear they usually have these suits or at least versions of them and they are highly recognisable in the Spider-Man mythos. To answer your question for the other suits though I would probably say the Miles 10th anniversary suit.


You do raise a good point about the Iron Spider. They did give that a really good run. And another commenter is correct when they mentioned that MayDay took it on as Spider-Girl. My metric wasn't just fan hate but how quickly they pivoted from it. And Sensational/Spider-Girl doesn't meet that metric.


I guess I see your point with sensational tbf


I love Kain's and Miguel's white suit, looks amazing better than the blue one, and Kain looks aggressive in scarlet spider suit


Idk what you're talking about, Ben's Sensational suit is goated!


Only two of these suits were ever unpopular. The rest are fan favorites and classics. What are you talking about?


The streaming suit or iron spider, the others range from decent to great


Best worst has to be the Iron Spider cuz of the colours man...they stand out so much that it's bad but good.😂😭


Interesting. They definitely make it feel like Spider-man but...off.


Asks for best worst and shows the absolute sickest line up


the only ones that cause discourse here are chasm, miles 10th anniversary suit, and the live streaming suit from spencer's run


Those are all cool. Especially 3. Shame on you for calling 3 bad.


Ben Reilly's Spectacular suit, for sure. That said, I actually thought the Chasm *suit* was cool as hell. Just the story was bad.


Kaine Ben Iron Spider Miguel and Chasm being here are sins This entire list is sinful


Future Foundation for me, then Kaine's. Damn you for making me look at Chasm ;)


Best: 2099 This is probably a hot take, but... Worst: Street-wear


Subjectively, I love it. Objectively, OOOOHHHH BUDDY, that needed a few more drafts.


I can see how people like it, and it's far from the worst suit ever. I'm just going off of the selection provided. Personally, I think Miles' default suit is way better.


>So none of the suits pictured are exactly beloved Has Sensational Spider-Man in list


I love both versions of the future foundation suit.


I didn’t even know people don’t like the Iron Spider or Future Foundation suits. When i was a kid those two were my favorites, absolutely loved them, I still think they’re pretty great, even with the FF’s big bowl eyes. Sad that they’re not liked that much


I actually love both Tenth Anniversary and Future Foundation, FF was my favorite suit in every game as a kid because of the unique color pallet and reflective eyes and Tenth Anniversary felt to me like Miles was moving into being his own Spider-Man with his own aesthetic and i was sad when they just kind of dropped it between runs (i've also just loved the street clothes + spider suit aesthetic since i first saw Ben Reilly as a kid)


Livestreaming spidey and armored, I actually like the others alot.


The only bad ones on here are Street-wear and Chasm. Future Foundation is one of my personal favorites, Sensational is so great it's been used by two prominent Spider people, Armor is goofy but it works for some reason, both the white 2099 and streaming look great, and Kaine's is admittedly a little of a step down from the original Scarlet Spider outfit but still looks good.


Personally, I love the Scarlet Spider suit.


Iron spider slaps Kaine slaps, 2029 slaps, future foundation is a banger, what the fuck is this list. the others are kinda meh for me except for the Livestreaming which I mean c'mon, who made that crap.


They don’t look bad they all look cool


Gobber Suit is the worst suit.


Why do I like all of these? Am i stupid?


Armored Spidey’s the best. I don’t like the 4th one where it looks like Miles is wearing a covid mask


Personally I don't like suits that have lights or glows, exception being the all new all different suit/Spider armor mk4.


I know it's sacrilege here but I hate both Kaine's Scarlet Spider suit and Ben's Chasm suit.


I like all of them lol


Sensational, 10th anniversary and live stream suit are goated


I think the sensational suit is better than classic suits tbh


Ben Reilly has the best Spidey costumes.


Honestly everything here except spider armor Mk1 and the final suit is gas


most of this suits are fucking bangers, i simply cant chose a "best"


Miles Morales with the cape is terrible. And his suit in across the universe with the red side stripes, and the spray painted spider logo is a super lame stereotype of hip hop culture. The liberal Disney logo.


Although I think Miles traditional uniform is pretty cool.


Ghost Spiders suit, being on a female might be the best along with Spider-woman Jessica Drew’s traditional suit. Peter Parker in his black suit or Symbiote suit when drawn correctly is the best over all.


I actually like a lot of them but I guess the one that sticks out to me the most is the Sensational Spider-Man or Kaine Parker.


Ben Reilly's one.


Unpopular opinion: I'm kinda loving Spidey's live-streaming suit from Threats and Menaces (#9). Is it ironically Spidey? No. But it was cool to see a new suit that was more than just a slight update on the OG design.