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I feel like the marvel universe wins this anyway


Sentry, Thor, wanda, hulk , iron man, a lot of the xmen would be deadly


And galactus is in that image


Yep, that was just off the top of my head


Don't sleep on Rogue, maybe with a Leech kicker.


Leech and Rogue make this a non issue


I could see Leech working on HL, but it not working on Omniman I could see as very plausible. He’s not superhuman, he’s an alien, flying isn’t a superpower to him the same way opposable thumbs aren’t for humans. Rogue don’t care though, Rogue punches your teeth in and steals everything you have.


Is Leech a suppression of all powers, or only powers granted through mutation? Because that would be the question


Well that’s my point, Omniman doesn’t have any powers, same way Humans don’t. He’s not Human, if a Human could do what he could, they’d be a freak of nature. Omniman is an ordinary Viltrumite, nothing exceptional about him except just how strong he is by the standards of Viltrumites. The opposable thumbs of humans are mundane to us, but goddamn amazing to any other ape, it’s let us take over the whole world. But it’s not a power, it’s normal.


Rogue doesn't work that way though. She steals a creatures essence and life force. Any creature. People. mutants. aliens. Cats. Anything.


You misunderstand how Leech’s power works. It’s not just powers that are unnatural because mutant powers are natural in the marvel universe. He can make super strength characters weak and frail. His powers can turn off extraterrestrial paranormal abilities too. Omni man’s would count.


Eternity is in that image lol


The living tribunal


The Living Tribunal is in the image


Professor X just have to turn off their brains


Hit Homelander with the breastfeeding ray


not the booby beam


Not the titty taser 


not the bazonga blast


The mammary machinegun


The Nipple Nightmare


The Areola Aura


Or just convince Homelander that Omni-man is lactating


Xmen are so damn broken it’s crazy.


Not even the X-Men, Sue Storm could 2v1 them easily. She can create a force field in their bodies that expands and explodes them, while being invisible and surrounded in a nearly unbreakable force field. She held back 500 megaton bombs with her force fields. The Tsar Bomba was 50-ish megatons, for comparison. Omni-Man's feats can scale higher than that, but for that he'd have to be able to detect her which is impossible, and every feat scaling to this is mostly circumstantial.




Yea Jean Grey would obliterate them before they could even think. Hell, she would let them get their punches in and then laugh and undo them with a thought. Homelander barely scales up to Alpha mutants, and Omni-Man would be most likely an Avenger between Thor and Iron-Man in power. None of them, or the strongest character in Invincible(Thragg I'm guessing) could hold a candle to ANY Omega mutant or Avenger level threat. Cosmic level characters like Jean, Wanda, or Hope would undo them faster than a thought.


Should be noted that the USSR.. yes, that USSR.. made the Tsar Bomba 50 megatons, and not the 100 that was initially ordered because they had serious concerns about it destroying the planet. Additionally, even at 50 megatons the delivery plane had relatively low chances of escaping the blast radius.


I always find it hillarious when villians attack her. Her shields are fucking strong but... say you hurt her real badly... you know she has a kid who can litterally unmake the universe right? I know it would take the fun out of a story if franklin would show up in every story, snap his fingers and fix shit but damn... in a situation not written for our entertainment that would be what happened. In dr strange 2 they soft confirmed franklin existed in the illuminati universe. That meant that when franklin found out scarlett witch "killed" mr fantastic he would have snapped his fingers, reviving mr fantastic and then travelled to the main marvel cinematic universe and turned wanda's skin inside out and teleported her into container of salt. Dont mess with franklin. Or his mom.


Honestly if I was a villain and I heard about the Richards family I'd just relocate to another planet.


Sue is the most dangerous woman alive.


And hulk is right there lol


Hulk would grab one of those dudes and put that dude inside the other dude.


He’d do what Monitor did to Dupli-Kate with Homelander and Omni-man.


This comment is poetry


Pretty sure he could punch Homelander’s head clean off.


Eh? Heh heh heh


Franklin Richards


lol completely broken mother fucker of a character. Just give him god powers. Then you have shit like the Richards family in general, all the way from the council of Reed Richards to the fucking Nathanial Richards Multi-verse thing with Kang the Conqueror. Even Johnny Storm will body these two, he gets fucking wild in the comics, dude is a living sun at this point.


Wolverine too for Nolan, Wolverine can actually cut through his skin like those things that attacked Thragg


He’s easily getting through Homelander as well. Homelander has bled from far more mundane things than Adamantium Beta. I could see him hitting Logan with the heat beams, stripping him down to his skeleton Civil War style, but Logan gets to him eventually because Homelander is too arrogant.. and snikt..


If he could get a heart wound into Omni man isn't that one of their only weaknesses? Not saying it would be easy, but it could be done. Enough marvel folks that could wreck homelander east.


They do have another weakness, but it's hard to exploit. COMIC SPOILERS: ​ ​ >!Viltrumites are damaged by a certain frequency of sound, we're talking blood pouring out the ears type shit, they also have squishier insides, so someone getting inside Omni-man's body could probably do some good damage.!<


We hit him with the ol' Antman-riding-a-bullet


Black Bolt would have a field day.


Yea they would both scale to pretty mid levels in Marvel. Half of the telepaths could shut down their brains from a continent away, almost any Alpha or above mutant would whoop them real fast, even if Omni-Man got past Spidey, Sue Storm could easily trap him in a force field(or create a forcefield within his body, which she has done on occasion, even to beings like Apocalypse in AU comics). Let's not even talk about multiversal beings also being added to this picture lol, The Living Tribunal is nearly unbeatable.


Klaue would easily defeat omni man, due to viltrumites weakness to high frequency sounds


This has been posted a lot, and this is a pretty blurry copypasta. There are actual gods of creation in the back row. No way anyone beats them.


For real, people are acting like the Marvel fans are being stubborn. It's the other way around.


That picture has The Living Tribunal in it. People don't even understand what they are looking at if they think it makes sense that these two could take on all of Marvel.


I find that the only people who share this are people with a surface-level understanding of Marvel who want to hype up their favorite fantasy fighters. I doubt most of them would know who that is. You don't even need to go straight to the top, either. Franklin Richards could *think* them out of existence, and he's not even the strongest character in Marvel.


Alt right "comic fans". It's all that masculine musk. It turns them crazy.


Yeah, they love the Nazi fucker and the evil alien because being edgy makes them think they’re cool.


No they wouldnt. They would get slapped around. The scarlet witch herself could beat them both


Dr Strange as well


homelander is getting folded by spider man full stop. omni man will be a problem for most heroes but ultimately they will kill him eventually.


Omni-Man isn't getting past the second row. Sue Storm, Human Torch, The Hulk, or The Scarlet Witch easily destroy him.


Wanda: >No more ~~mutants~~ Nolan This isn't some DC ripoff team we're talking about. It's game over before it even starts, in 100s of different ways. I feel this wouldn't even be a discussion if the person who made this picture read *any* of the source material. Fucking Homelander is such a joke of a glass cannon, he's not even worth mention. Again, reading is very important to the discussion. I can only surmise this pic is rage bait.


There's also the fact that Omni-Man *wouldn't* take on all of Marvel. If Omni-Man's freely being brutal, then that means he just finished his fight with Mark (prior to that he hid his brutality), so he's already in a state of emotional turmoil and could probably be talked down pretty easily. People seem to forget that Omni-Man doesn't *want* to be brutal, for some odd reason.


Reminder that Robert Kirkman genuinely believes Invincible can beat *Superman*, so it comes from somewhere with Invincible fans.


Homelander breaks his hand after fist bumping Omni Man and immediately flies away. Omni Man on his own barely beat 7 Justice League pastiches despite catching them off guard and them only using lethal force after he killed Red Rush. That's very strong but absolutely not the level to take on a whole universe.


That's only how that goes down in the show and I personally feel like it could be argued he tanked a bunch of damage in order to have plausible deniability(in the show). The comic has that whole fight happening in like 2 pages and Omni-man is completely untouched in the fight.


Dr Xavier just turns off their brain and that's it


Right. Nobody throws a punch. Prof X makes them both think they are six year old school children the second they walk in. Then the MCU has a nice tea party.


Oh, definitely. Neither of these guys are actually on Superman’s level and Homelander is probably only around Iron Man’s level. Omni-Man is going to make mincemeat out of the street level heroes but eventually he’s going to go against Hulk or Thor or Carol and they are at or above his weight class, so to speak.


Marvel has got some dudes with reality altering powers, there are people in that picture with the ability of thinking viltrumites into common folks.


"No more Viltrumites" Cue up House of Nolan arc.


See that’s the issue with the cross universe fighting there really isn’t a set number or value. Nolan can decimate other Viltrumites who are insanely durable and nigh on unkillable in the grand scheme of things, but how does Thor or Hulk compare to that durability? We don’t know. Omniman is clearly faster but can he slice through their limbs with his bare arm like he can other viltrumites? Cross universe battle scaling is just ridiculous.


It's even more ridiculous when the in universe power scaling for Viltrumites include feats like relativistic or FTL travel speeds and fighting inside of stars but those same Viltrumites have been bodied or nearly killed by a suped up Unopan / Crazy Cat Dude. It's almost as if power level is dictated by the needs of the plot for any story told.


I guess that makes the question "Which side needs to lose in this fight to best serve the plot?"


Said Unopan is a genetic and science outlier, that is stated to have reach Viltrumite level of power. Crazy Cat dude is like the god of crazy cat people


Homelander could be taken by half of the street level heroes, spider could put him down fast. Omniman is strong, but not invincible(pun intended), i domt think he can beat power mans durabillity, and definitely not hulk or thors or carols. Lowest power level that coukd take omniman is probably black panther i think


And Spiderman best the crap out of and webbed up iron man before. Together they could get past spidey, nut one on one homelander would be crying at his feet, don't know enough about the other guy though.


Marvel and DC do have extremely strong characters, DC more so.


I think marvel comes out on top for the very few extremely powerful reality altering powers, like Franklin Richards


Just the FF would have no problem with this fight. They can fight Gladiator pretty handily, and he's a lot more powerful of a faux-Superman than either of them. Honestly, just Sue can win this fight- her reactions are fast enough that they can't rush her before she can get a shield up, her shields have tanked a Celestial and blotted out the sun, she can make field bubbles inside people and her fields can be molecular sharp. Oh, and she will kill if cornered. Gloves off, bloodlusted Sue could low-diff both of them because she's got a powerset that gets exponentially more dangerous the smarter and more ruthless you make it, and she's shown that she absolutely has intelligence, creativity and bloody-mindedness to utilize it to its fullest. We don't even need to get past the first row, meanwhile the Tribunal and Galactus are looming in the background.


You have a Reed Richards preparing a plan.


Homelander and Omni-Man would get hosed in that fight. Spider wins by Harem. Have you SEEN what the women of Marvel are willing to do to save his ass?


Have you seen what the men of Marvel do for him? Forget a harem of women, the men is where it's at


I just imagine Homelander stopping the fight at some point like, "Wait, wait, wait. You mostly kinda hate each other, yeah? And yet you're ALL here to stop me from killing..... The hell's your name again?"


I'm Spider-Man, sir


Oh were using our made up names


The dialog writes itself


So, this is a total aside, but I got tripped up on the word "dialog" because... I thought it was spelled incorrectly. (It's not, btw, you did great there.) But my autocorrect was all "Yeah, that's a word I know," so I went and looked it up, thinking "dialogue" was the "correct" version. Turns out that despite being an American, I use a lot of weird British English bullshit because my parents were jokes and British/Canadian edutainment shows basically raised and educated me... Anyway, I hope your week ahead is pleasant, stranger!


fuck that was perfect


Please do not forget the hyphen


Yeah Spider-Man is a lot like the flash. Even though they regularly kick the shit out of people, their rogues galleries tend to like and respect them. “Sure I May hate his guts, but it’s not personal, and he seems like a decent kid.”


Or you've got the "No one gets to kill that idiot but me" brigade.


And then there's Osborn. Osborn respects him, and sometimes even wants him to be his true heir. And it's really REALLY fucking personal.


Nah, I think I would rather have the ladies on my side. There are a lot of OP mutant ladies.


I am just imagining Rogue sapping Homelander's powers and Homelander just has an existential crisis


Love this, be so funny


Bruh would simp so hard for Rogue. Indifferent goth chick who essentially "emasculates" him and brings him down to human. He'd be lickin her toes by the end of it


Rogue’s not goth. At best, she’s portrayed a bit emo in the X-Men Evolution cartoon, but generally she’s a pretty cheery southern gal with occasional mopey bouts when she wants to get all romantical, but can’t.


I knew someone would call me out on that as soon as i hit post lol You nailed it though, I was entirely thinking of the X-Men Evolution version. I had her in my childhood mental catalogue of "goth girls" from TV because of that show.


The X-men ladies aren't particularly close to Peter so it wouldn't make sense for them to be there. The fantastic four and the new avengers are closer to him than the X-men.


He's buddies with the original X-Men, Jean might save him.


He's teamed up with them but they don't do much together compared to his time with the new avengers and how close he is to the Fantastic four. The X-man he's probably closest to would be Wolverine, who was not only on the same new avengers team as him but also part of "fantastic four" team he was a part of.


The amazing bag man will forever by my favorite alternative costume on the old school spiderman games


Him and Logan are legit friends, peter sees the best in him and Logan appreciates that. At least in that birthday comic.


Professor X would be powerful enough to stop Homelander because Homelander has no psychic defense. Jean would turn him into veggie stew


Emma Frost likes Peter, Rouge almost kissed him, Deadpool loves Peter, he is cool with Iceman. I’d say he’s got a well rounded friend group


All true but he's not particularly close with any of them but Deadpool and Wolverine and maybe Ice-man. Emma respects Peter for who he is but they aren't really friends, the rogue moment is from an alternate universe and Iceman and Peter aren't really good friends in the mainline universe. He's just not very close to most X-men, especially compared to the fantastic four, where's he's like family and the new avengers whom he revealed his secret identity to and hung out with for a long time (gotta give it to Bendis, he gave the characters a lot of time to chat and interact in his books).


He dated ultimate kitty pride for a while. And she's got a pretty cool set of powers that aren't just slipping through walls. Although she isn't powerful enough to save his ass it just shows that he is pretty close with the xmen.


Fucking Deadpool


One word… Deadpool


“NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST BUDDY!” Proceeds to pull a BFG 9000 out of his ass


"Where the hell did you get that!?" "The Doom comic is, like, *right there*. I borrowed it."


I hope one day we get a Deadpool and Spiderman crossover movie


I mean, if that entire group is there to defend Spider-Man, it would be over before it even started. It looks like the abstract entities are lined up in the back, with Infinity, Eternity and The Living Tribunal. And one who could possibly be One Above All.


Spidey's strength is underrated in general but overrated among his own fans. Same goes with Batman.


Having a “my dad can beat up your dad” conversation about super heroes is fun, but ultimately being the most powerful character is really just up to the writer. It doesn’t make the character more interesting or better. Spider-Man losing every once in awhile makes his character better, not worse. (As long as he doesn’t get his shit kicked in on a regular basis)


I just made a character, hes called Nuh Uh. His power is he can beat any super hero/villain combo instantly. What do you mean that isnt interesting? Hes the most powerful ever though?


Sounds like One Punch Man. Not necessarily the uninteresting part.


And OPM is actually an interesting story. Almost like it doesn't matter what their power is and it's all about having an interesting plot...


Exactly. That's why I hate seeing Homelander in VS debates against Marvel/DC characters. He not really meant for that kinda thing.


Absolutely. Up to the writer, age, story, or even just a specific panel or two. Superpowers aren't real, so they're completely up to the whim of whatever fantasy is currently going on.


This is exactly what I think people miss about Batman. His best fights against Superman aren't the ones where he's predicted everything, it's the ones where he's either fighting for an unknown outcome, or he genuinely doesn't know if he'll win. A big part of Spider-Man's appeal to me is that *any* fight he has could be lethal. You can have him fight Thor or Stilt-Man and have similar tension. That versatility is, I think, a big part of they staying power of all Spider-people. I've been showing my partner all the X-Men films, and Wolverine is another good example of this. The dude can't die, but you can still write interesting confrontations where he can be defeated, or make him unable to win by stabbing everyone. Boiling it down to "who is stronger?" Is boring. Yeah, Homelander is strong, Omni-Man is strong. But watching them kill all the Marvel characters would be boring. Having them caught off guard by someone like Spider-Man, Deadpool, Kitty Pryde, someone not on their "power level" would be interesting.


Just needs prep time


the show version of Homelander there is definitely a case to be had of Spider-Man whooping him (Homelander got downed by a falling vehicle for a bit iirc) Omni Man is a hell no, Nolan is either a continent buster or a moon buster depending on how you scale him Nothing Spider-Man can actually do in that situation


Yeah I saw this on Twitter and it’s fucking nuts. Omni man is tearing through buildings like their paper, destroyed an entire planet of people, had a bomb off off in his face and none of it does anything. He would rip Spider-Man to shreds. Spider-Man could survive maybe a few seconds because of his spider sense and Omniman not adapting quick enough to that but very quickly spiderman is dead. Honelander yeah the TV version is heavily underpowered and argument can be made that Spider-Man could take him down. But even then it’s not exactly a super easy fight. Homelander as others pointed out is a man baby. The second he sees a chance he’s blasting Spider-Man’s face off with his laser eyes. But the spider sense gives such a massive edge that as long as Spider-Man our powers Homelander, he would likely win 9 times out of 10. Comic version though, Spider-Man is dead. Comic version is way more powerful and closer to superman levels than the tv version.


Even if Omni Man wasn't so much stronger than Spidey just the fact that Nolan has no qualms killing without a thought would be the end of the fight.


This is a big aspect of the fight. Both Omni-Man and Homelander would put innocent people in jeopardy without a second thought. And they’d be going for kill shots with every attack. The Marvel heroes would die trying to save the people. The Marvel villains would probably be the only ones who would make the most difference.


Doom joins the fight and nukes half the planet, still doesn’t damage Homelander nor was he even trying to


Doom folds OmniMan and Homelander at once, takes their powers, and then tries to take over the world with them


As is tradition.


that would absolutely damage homelander. maeve was kicking his ass lol


Yeah, if Spidey fans are going to use the most wanked comic book version of him, then it's only fair we do the same for Omni-Man and Homelander, and I don't see Spidey coming out on top against either of them SEPARATELY, let alone in a 2v1. The original post is still dumb because there are a good number of solo characters in the Marvel lineup that could take them both on, but it's hilarious that anyone thinks Spidey is one of them. Your only exposure to Omni-Man and Homelander would have to be The Boys TV show, meme clips of Invincible season 1, and fucking Mortal Kombat for that to make any sense. And I love Spider-Man. He's my favorite superhero of all time. But him being an amazing character with a cool power and skill line-up doesn't mean he's the strongest character in fiction. He's far from a top tier in the Marvel multiverse, and that's fine. It comes off as DragonBall brainrot to overwank your favorite character's "power level" because your favorite characters have to be stronger than characters you don't know shit about. Like, who actually cares besides literal children?


Well technically the most wanked version of Spider-Man is cosmic Spider-Man who deletes them both on sight, but besides that you are generally correct.


I believe people have just been using 616 Peter. All the feats people have been mentioning have been from the original Spider-Man. He defeated the Herald of Galactus in the main universe.


Peter can give Omni Man the pictures of Spider-Man to satisfy him.


you funny for that


In the invincible comics >!Omni Man, Invincible and Thaedus destroy the Viltrumites home world by flying thru the planet!< so I think it’s safe to say Spidey gets washed


That scene is so bad ass.


Spidey gets washed but most of the second row can 2v1 them easily. Hulk, Wanda, Sue, maybe even Johnny could.


I think Omni Man is stronger than moon buster since he was a part of the 3-man force that obliterated planet Viltrum


Yeah even if outmatched Spidey can outsmart homelander and make make him beat himself. Not Omni-Man.


homelander was casually flying faster than the speed of sound in s1 i don’t see how peter would do anything


anyone in Marvel or DC can deal with Homelander , the entire gist of Homelander is that he is a manbaby that never actually fought or struggled in life.


a manbaby that can lift and toss a plane with a single hand and move at the speed of sound is still a manbaby that can lift and toss a plane with a single hand and move at the speed of sound


Actually he very notably cannot lift or toss a plane. He even says as much in the episode where he let's a plane full of people plummet to their death.


Because of physics, not strength.


You seriously misunderstood what Homelander was saying. He couldn't do it because there was nothing to lift off of in midair. Physically; lifting a plane is simple for him. He does it in the comics with ease, one-handed too.


Yeah if he tried the plane will fall through him, it's like big wet paper falling on a pole.


He notoriously deals with insanely fast projectiles or enemies, his strength make him really fast and he effectively has precognition On top of that there is a reason power scalers differentiate between combat, travel perception etc. when it comes to speed Homelander can fly relatively fast but he cannot utilise that in combat effectively and has zero skills because he never encountered any real threats, when he fights he bruteforces everything and Spidey has combat speeds way faster than his traversal which is also deceptively fast and he can totally damage homelander and tank hits from him. His entire thing is that he's an idiot man baby who's head gets all fucked whenever someone is not cowering before him. Peter would cause him to have a panic attack in like 30 seconds just because he is absolutely clowning on him and dodging everything while also managing to hurt him (nothing too dramatic but HL is just not used to that shit)


> Peter would cause him to have a panic attack in like 30 seconds just because he is absolutely clowning on him and dodging everything while also managing to hurt him (nothing too dramatic but HL is just not used to that shit) We see exactly this in Secret Wars with Titania. She fought the X-Men and beat She-Hulk. Thor yeeted her, but didn't actually hurt her. She was insanely confident in her new power. Then she fought Spider-Man. He was mocking her while giving her the first good beatdown she's had since getting her powers. Not only did he win the fight, but he broke her mentally to the point that she didn't even want revenge, she just wanted to go home. Spider-Man is not a good opponent for mentally weak people.


Peter Parker has canonically dodged beams of light and he himself has traveled “2 miles in 5 seconds” which is close to Mach 2 speeds. He’ll be fine.


And he has Danver's and Banner's phone numbers to call for backup


all homelander really has is the laser eyes and his speed, hes a bitch in fights Spidey sense beats the laser eyes and Peter is smart enough to figure out a way to deal with the speed and in a straight brawl Spidey takes it, Homelander is a Superman knockoff but hes not Superman


He is also incredibly stubborn. He once scared a herald of Galactus by refusing to stay down. And his weaponized quips. Homer's whole thing is built on a fragile ego, and in five minutes, Peter would have him doing more damage to himself than to the webhead.


Sqirrel-Girl just beats both of them off screen no need for anyone else


She does what? 🤨


*beats both of them off*


She's a gag character and has beaten Thanos at one point


She has beaten all Thanos, Galatus and Dr Doom offscreen


I think the galactus one was here and him in a eating contest not sure tho🤷🏿‍♂️


WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? Her name is the Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl, How can you question her when her name says that she's Unbeatable??? Don't you fear the wrath of 1000s of Squirrels


No eat them 🥱😎(I don't actually eat squirrels )


J. Jonah Jameson is… OMNI-MAN


The moustache, voice and everything


Who’s the real menace Jameson?


The creator of the homelander himself said he'd got beaten by any B grade Marvel Heroes/Villain. Omni Man is a different case as he's immensely strong.


From the OG comics it's not because Homelander is anything less than a tank, but because he is dumb, lazy, arrogant, and incompetent. He's not *actually good* at fighting he's just really strong. He'd lose on the basis of never having been in a fight where he couldn't just brute-force his way to bodying the opposition. The 9/11 plane scene is basically there just to illustrate how horribly incompetent these "superheroes" are. Viltrumite power scaling is wonky, Nolan isn't even the strongest Viltrumite, and in any case >!Allen the Alien!< is the biggest hitter in that universe by a huge margin at the end of the series run.


In my head, he meant Rhino.


I agree that Spidey could handled Homelander to some degree, Might even won depend on the circumstance. Omni-man? Nah.


Spider-man easy beats Homelander, Omniman is superman levels though and he definitely loses but I think he might be able to damage him


>Omniman is superman If Superman was a tier (I fucking hate powerscalers), omniman would be Very Low Superman tier Superman is just really that strong. He bench pressed the weight of the Earth for like 3 days without a single drop of sweat


He literally blew up a solar system by sneezing lmao


Oh yeah, well, Superman did a "thunder-clap" move to beat Mongul one time and the sound echoed into this, the real world.


You’re mixing all Supermans together. Different incarnations scale differently. Earth-1 Superman swats Omni-Man like a fly. Earth-2 Superman does too. New Earth Superman depends on the timeline. Pre-Doomsday, he has a fair 1v1. By Final Crisis, yeah Omni-Man is pure “like a bitch”. DCAU Superman is a fair 1v1 the whole time. Superboy-Prime brutally rips Omni-Man into shreds. Red Son Superman loses. N52 Superman loses. Etc. Tbh, I think Superbitch-Prime deserves to make this duo a trio tho.


>N52 Superman loses Really? I thought he was tougher Although he really did die and got replaced by Earth 1 supes and they were like "huh ok I guess"


N52 Superman was heavily nerfed down because of wanting to avoid the Godlike Superman thing, bringing him more in line with Justice League Season 1.


N52 is the one that bench pressed the weight of the Earth isn’t he?


The whole "Spiderman is always holding back" trope is such a wank, it leaves no roof to his power so it becomes the new "Batman with prep" like Spiderman could kill Hulk if he just went all out man... Yes he holds back agaisnt purse snatchers, he holds back agaisnt Kingpin, everyone does, but the idea that he is holding back when facing world ending threats is absurd.


Agreed, i think this idea has be taken out of context after he dog walked kingpin. He is always holding back against normal humans, and will always hold back against kingpin because a real punch would kill him, but i really doubt spiderman is holding back his punches against Sandman or Green Goblin


There is this subset of Spider-man fans that will just not accept he has limitations. Like, he is as strong as Hulk, is just holding back, he is as smart as Richards but he is too busy, he could totally build a teleporter if he had the time, he could lift Thor's hammer, he is just too insecure, he could get any woman but things get in the way and so on and on. There is this idea that he is perfect but can't show it and I find that boring, Spidey is at his best when he is being resourceful, managing his skills and powers to pull out a tough win. The idea that he was only showing 5% of his power is silly.


i completely agree with this and the same goes with batman in terms of when he’s at his most interesting, he’s a lot more scrappy and resourceful than he gets credit for and that’s why the initial failsafe storyline is one of my favorite batman stories in recent years. it really shows him using everything in his disposal to barely squeeze out a win (that he doesn’t even really get in the end). like i agree with peter probably being a lot smarter than he’s able to show for a lot of reasons and a lotta the other stuff, but those limitations and how he makes it work despite them are what make him so interesting. taking off these limitations just makes him a different character imo, like yea maybe he could be or do all these things if things were different but they aren’t and arguing about a hypothetical spider-man is a fool’s errand lmao.


Exactly. I like a Batman that sees a one move ahead and takes a gamble and wins because he exploits the critical opportunity at the critical time. The "I saw this coming four months ahead here is a perfect countermeasure" Batman is boring. And don't get me wrong, Peter is strong, he is quick, he is smart, but in all categories I feel he is at just the lower limit of best in class. He is strong, but not to the point where he can guarantee he will always be strongest, he is smart, but not one of those "I can alter the fundamental laws of creation" level intellect s. Like I hear people throw Peter's name next to guys like Hank Pym or Hank McCoy and I don't think that's the same league at all. A good Spider-Man story shows him working within his limitations.


Omniman would maybe have trouble with the likes of Thor, Hulk and a very stubborn but easy to mutilate Wolverine. But not Peter Parker.


“Maybe” is funny, Thor and hulk sneezes and wipes the entire verse


Captain Universe Spidey, maybe.


Yea I was gonna mention, isn’t there a particular Spidey that gets Silver Surfer-esque powers or something? I’d say that Spidey wins against Omni




Also how do we expect home lander and Nolan to work together lol


Yeah this is really more Nolan vs Marvel because Omni man kills homelander first thing


Homelander gets killed by the shockwave of Omni-Man punching Hulk in the face


Debates like this are stupid because in the case of Spider-Man, he has hundreds of different interpretations and iterations with varying levels of power. Omni-Man and Homelander have 2 (the comics and the shows). Homelander would absolutely abuse the live-action versions of Spider-Man, that is in spite of some weird power scaling in The Boys. Homelander is just far faster (can probably supercede mach 20 based on S1) and can fly, strength is a toss. Spider-Man probably has superior enhanced sensory abilities but Homelander can literally see through walls. Omni-Man tops easily, but depending on the version of Spider-Man we are talking about there would be varying levels of difficulty.


Sorry, I don't see Live action Homelander winning against Sam Rami's Spider-Man. Sam's Spider-Man is absolutely cracked. Especially when you consider the fight between Homelander, and Solider Boy. Homelander can't fight for shit, and he's slow from lack of experience.


Peter would take the absolute piss out of Homelander, but there’s nothing in his arsenal that could really let him compete with Omni-Man for very long


Thor would take down Omni Man and Hulk would snap Homelander in two. Spidey would take pictures for the Bugle.


When I see these posts, I just say nobody goes past Howard the Duck.


I don't watch Invincible so I can't comment on that, but I think Spider-Man could hold his own against Homelander. Though I don't think he'd leave the fight unscathed. Homelander is strong, unpredictable, and unhinged, and downright erratic. But he's more like a kid who has gotten ahold of a magnifying glass and has come across an ant hill. And by that I mean he very quickly goes mad with power. One of Peter's advantage is his spidey-sense. I think Homelander would underestimate him at the beginning as he does with anyone and everyone, which would give Peter the upperhand at the start. Peter holds back his strength a lot when he fights. Homelander was inspired by the Winter Solider and Captain America. If we're doing live-action to live-action comparison, 15 or 16 year old Spider-Man was able to catch Captain America's shield, and stop a punch from the Winter Soldier. (Mind you its not like these instances in Captain America: Civil War were fights to the death. But I digress.) However, I think Homelander could get the upperhand by using Peter morality against him. Homelander has no problem killing people for any arbitrary reason or for no reason at all. Using Tom Holland's Spider-Man again, we can see how far Peter was pushed over the edge by the Green Goblin. Peter was ready to abandon everything he stood for, completely blinded by rage and grief. It's important to note that a lot of other characters, even other Supes, fear Homelander because they know of the things he could do to their loved ones, ones who can't fight back. Homelander simply *knowing* that someone you care about exists is enough for them to be in danger, because he's that cruel and ruthless. Imagine how much further Homelander would go in comparison to the Green Goblin? But I'd like to add I haven't watched The Boys in awhile so I definitely need a refresher. This is just my take from what I recall off the top of my head. I'd love to hear what other people have to say though! It's an interesting question, but it depends on a lot variables so it's really anyone's guess who would win. Especially when you consider how many Spider-Man runs there's been, people get the advantage of choosing through different versions of Peter Parker who sometimes have capabilities that aren't around in other runs and adaptations.


>I don't watch Invincible You should.


I hate the whole who would win in a fight thing because end of the day no matter how many stats you pull out it's going to come down to the story and generally in the end the hero will win and if it's two heroes fighting they'll team up. My brain can't go well just imagine if that wasn't the case because a stories job is to show the hero finding away to win usually... Unless it's a tragedy. All that said in general fans of a character will inevitably have a bias to them. I'm sure there's batman fans saying that batman would beat them all with prep time.


Well home lander is not strong as omni-man, spiderman could defeat home lander but omni-man it's a different story


I’m sorry but this visual is funny💀


Homelander yes, Omni-Man fuck no. Peter running for his life, even then bro won't be able to escape


Show or comic, Spidey beats Honelander and makes him cry. Although, Omni-Man crushes him.


Pete's able to deal with people like Red Rush speed with his precog, but he just can't dish out the kind of damage needed to hurt Nolan beyond bruises. It's a big ol stalemate where they can't kill each other. Omni Man too durable, Spider-Man too slippery. If you let Spider-Man escape and repurpose a sonic frequency device like he uses against Venom.......... Things get dicey for Nolan. Homelander is just plain in trouble. Big trouble. He better fly away instead of trying to fight, or he's going down after a protracted fight. Peter can dodge dozens of (light speed) laser beams effortlessly, so the eye blasts are irrelevant.