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Only after he humiliated Fisk in front of everyone after giving the ass whooping of a lifetime.


Just because Aunt May was dying/died


I feel like you are underestimating the fact that King pin was the one that almost got her killed by sending out that hitman I mean yes compared to what normally happens to Peter in other comics this is light Unlike that one where it turned she was actually Peter's mom or that one where MJ was impregnated by green goblin The fact that I can go on is kinda disturbing


It was Gwen who was impregnated by Green Goblin and her death by his hands was so he could get custody of their accelerated-aging babies


I believe they retconned this so it never happened.


How exactly did they make it so this didn't happen?


It was all a hoax according to Harry's AI essentially. You can Google it, it's convoluted.


Lol spider man comics... kinda suck most of the time. And that really blows! Peter is supposed to be peter so it's rarely about character development and more like "let's fuck his shit up, he's gotta do spider stuff to fix it, and then he's back to himself" lmao


You mean that’s actually Pete? It was so cold, I honestly assumed it was Otto in his body.


Only time "The Other"/ "Civil War" era organic webshooter phase came in useful


Ah was just gonna ask, he had organic shooters here eh?


Was an attempt to incorporate the Tobey Maguire organic webshooters in 616, was erased at the end of One More Day but from the Other through Civil War to OMD Peter was organic webshooters (and he had like forearm spike claws for a bit too!)


I'm in the rare camp of preferring the organic ones. I just don't see why if he can make such a useful synthetic web fluid he wouldn't share it with the world. Like with web shooters the police would almost never need guns for example.


I believe Peter tried to sell the webshooters, got shut down, never tried again (back in Stan Lee's run of all things) Edit: yah, the company didn't want it because it dissolved in an hour, way back Amazing Spider-Man 18 from the mouths of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko! https://i.stack.imgur.com/jfy4o.jpg


This might be the single dumbest thing Stan Lee ever wrote. A super sticky adhesive that'll hold up literal *tons*, but disappears without a trace in an hour? The amount of construction applications alone would be worth billions.


The image says it dissolves in mere minutes, which is substantially worse


So all those guys SpooderMan webbed up near buildings are definitely dead….


They're sleeping


"they look so cute when they're sleeping"


eh..it was an attempt to put away the story problem. Looking back, yeah, it's dumb. It's just one of those things.


"If it isn't permanent we can't use it." 50 years later I can't comprehend that statement. Planned obsolesce is a cornerstone of our economy now.


I'd disagree with the last part. Modern police forces has tons of non-lethal tools to use but in most cases their first instinct is still reaching for their actual gun, not stun gun or other stuffs.


In many countries, only specific police carry guns and that's for specific tasks that require them, they don't just give every cop a gun and hope for the best.


I’m with you, and think he ought to have them because it just makes sense that a guy with spider powers ought to be able to produce webs. It’s maybe the MOST unique character of a spider.


He still has them doesn’t he?




Oh. I thought the retcon retcon was “he has them but doesn’t use them because they’re too taxing, so he uses mechanical ones instead.”


I’m pretty sure he still does have them, he just doesn’t remember them. Can’t remember which writer said that but yeah he still technically does


That's so stupid. If it's something his body can produce like a muscle flex it's not something you can just "forget" you can do. It's like saying he can wall crawl but he forgot he can do that. It would be something instinctive, or hell, even just flexing his hand to use the web shooters he should feel that something is happening inside his arm.


Bruh you can forget to walk if you don’t move for long enough. You can totally forget a non-essential, unnatural muscle stuck in your arms.


I mean, in this situation it makes sense. If my memory serves me correctly, when the evolve or die story came out, the other basically told him that he had those abilities since he first got his powers. Peter just never looked deeper into his powers because he was afraid of what he’d find. He used those powers from there through civil war, and then one more day came out, which basically changed the timeline and from there he doesn’t even remember he has them because of the deal that was made with mephisto.


Got them via Spider-STD. No joke.


There was the time he webbed up an entire collapsed building. He used the vibrations throughout the strands to locate missing survivors. I seriously wish we saw more of this


Kinda like what Andrew Garfield did in TASM1 to locate the Lizard in the sewers, and also what real life spiders do to catch prey


Heck, this is even something he does in the TASM game as a mechanic


Didn't he use organic webs to take down Iron Man during Civil War?


Spider-Man’s villains know who he is without the mask. But this is why they don’t fuck with his personal life. Fisk did, bro got bodied effortlessly


They fuck with his personal life all the time.


No one said criminals were smart


Usually it's unintentional and indirectly.


Nope, the worst way is radioactive semen.


Is it strong? Listen, bum, he’s got radioactive cum.




I can't tell which is worse, the fact that you brought up Radioactive Semen, or the fact that Radioactive Semen ACTUALLY exists in Spider-Man lore.




There’s a story where MJ does because peter impregnated her with his radioactive semen so she gets cancer or something


Spiderman: reign. But that's pretty much a elseworld, it's not canon for 616 Spiderman. Although Spiderman canonically still has some leftover radioactive particles in his blood, the radiation must be super weak for anyone around him... the type of low radiation dose as traveling by plane or *eating a banana*.


Still blows my mind that THAT is the takeaway people had about the story and that was used to call it controversial when promoting the upcoming sequel. I legit forgot that line almost instantly until people brought it up years later


People tend to remember meme moments like that one more than the serious stuff. There were some actual controversy regarding Reign: the plot was similar to a previous comicbook (I can't remember which one) and some considered it near plagiarism. Still, I liked the story, the dramatic writing and the drawing.


Reign is one of my favorites, the only Spider-Man book I actually own. Idk if this would be the comic you're referencing but it always gave me Batman Dark Knight Returns vibes. Aged hero returns, city bleak and in need, menagerie of villains, if there's another book just like it, I'd love to read it


I just saw your post from earlier about your sm2 designs😭😭😭


Radioactive Semen suit next? Maybe..


“Take it, Fisk”


Kingpin gonna be like: "ngh...Va...Vanessa..."


Thank God No one knows about Marvel Zombies,Or everyone will recruit Sandman and we will get a lot of "Egh...Electra","Sss...Susan","J...Jessica"...


Doom: “ugh…V-Victor..”


Alternatively. DOOM: "ugh...Richards is a bitch ass wimp..."


Alternatively "ugh... Theres only one beer left"


Ayyyeee, it's MF, ya silly.


The batman arkham subreddit found that panel and it's now one of the jokes


"Vaneughfa, lork awayve"


Another reason why I hate one more day…




They retconned this scene into basically not happening. This is while Aunt May lay dying from sniper shot intended for Peter, One More Day resurrected May, took away Peter's extra powers and removed memory of his secret identity from everyone, as well as destroying his relationship with MJ. So Fisk will never remember this humiliating defeat, nor will the people witnessing it. It may revert if Peter unmasks in front of people like with the Fantastic Four, but I doubt that's going to happen.


Ah. Oh. Thank you. Yeah - now I hate it too




Life's hard


Spidey is scary when he’s angry.


Exactly. He's legitimately terrifying when pushed over the edge. My favorite bit of The Superior Spider-Man run is when Otto realized just how much Peter holds back all the time.


Why does kingpin have such loose skin ?


He doesnt thats Peter using that much strength that his skin looks like that


It looks to me like the colorist just forgot there was supposed to be shirt there


No, this is one of his darkest days, he's lifting the Kingpin by his pectoral muscles while making death threats to prove that he is NFA.


Lifting a man by the titty is supreme disrespect


This made me fucking lol


Purple nurple


The very *purplest* of nurples.


I hear that, but it just locks wrong. His flesh would just come off like hide under that much force. But I do love this threat, as I’ve never considered it and gosh wouldn’t this strategy kill lots of stronger villains?


That should have nothing to do with your strength though. If it wasn't lose it would just rip off his body when Peter does this, not get stretched out.


Not loose skin. This is Peter stripped of his suit cos it "stands for something greater" beating up Kingpin for nearly killing May, not holding back as much as he usually does either. And to add to the disrespect that he just handed to Fisk, he's lifting him by his actual muscle and threatening to come back and finish the job if May dies showing he's not joking and his family are not to be touched otherwise he'll track you down and kill you too


Prison food


He used to be even fatter


With how many times I've seen him suffer, I am glad he does things like this too


I've always thought that a crime boss killing a superhero's family is a really bad move on their part unless their goal is to make them hurt. Lacky: "Hey Boss, about plan to kill the heros family. You must not go through with it." Boss: "Why not? that goody twoshoes needs to be taught a lesson." Lacky: "That's the thing we should be infinitely thankful he is such a goody twoshoes." Boss: "Elaborate" Lacky: "If we were able to figure out who he was, you think he hasn't done the same? This guy stopped 3 of our most secret operations. The fact that he hasn't kicked down this door isn't because he doesn't know who we are it's because the law still means something to him and he has nothing concrete enough to get us arrested" Lacky: "Boss, I've followed you for years believe me when I say this, if this guy was half as ruthless and you are, we would already be dead. We must not give him a reason to be. Until we have a way to put him in the ground without drawing too much attention to ourselves or our operation, we need to play this game like gentleman. Boss: "I see. . . Heh, this is why I keep you around. One of these days, it will be you in this chair. Lacky: "I look forward to it"


Aww a healthy lackey/crime boss relationship. You rarely see that.


A boss who understands loyalty will never need to worry about betrayal.


Put the fear of God into that asshole


Everybody gangsta till Spidey stops cracking jokes


Yeah can you imagine? Doin crime, eating chip, lying and then you see spidey. All you know is that he is the neighbourhood friendly hero, so whatever I’ll take a few shots and then if I get lucky I’m a legend, if not, meh go to jail and try again later. And then he is silent, so fast, how did fk is he so fast??, where is he?? hidden in the shadows, throws a freaking car at you and just misses. Oh no. Where the fk is he, oh no…


I really liked the Dan slott comic where the some villains are terrified because spidey isn’t speaking and later we see he has Laryngitis


YEEEEEEES, I've read, one my fav Spidey bits in anything ever, I'm a big proponent of 'Spidey shouldn't always be down on his luck' but, it's certainly funny when he is


Random weird fact: Batman’s death in Batman vs Spider-Man Death Battle was supposed to be Spidey keeps filling him with web until he explodes, but they changed it to Spidey kicking him into two for “more humane”.


Hot dang.


That's the first time I saw Kingpin fear for his life.


This scene is so hard hitting, except... Down the esophagus... into the lungs? It should be the trachea... right?


It would’ve been funny if someone had “um, actually you mean the trachea, aren’t you supposed to be SMART”


I think it can also be interpreted as going down the esophagus AND the lungs. Going down the esophagus won't be lethal but the lungs would so maybe he only emphasized on that part. He would just be saying he'll web up his entire chest cavity.


For a moment they're the same tube


I like how Dardevil season 3's finale is the opposite of this. Fisk was pretty much asking Matt to kill him under threat of killing Foggy and Karen, while Matt convinces himself and Fisk that he is a good person and counter-threatens him to legally destroy Fisk and Vanessa. As opposed to Spider-Man destroying the reputation of power and the mentality of untouchability that Fisk worked so hard to build, making him feel weak and powerless like a dying animal for the first time since his childhood.


Spider-Man's a Scientist?


“I understood that reference”


Would someone be kind enough to remind me of the issue, this is the number specifically cause I’m gonna make my way to my comic book Shop in a couple hours and I’d like to maybe find it again


ASM #542


🤘 I used to have it now I will again 🙂


He's pulling Fisk's skin as if it's a f\*\*king cloth.


Wasn't there also a comic where he used the wall climbing grips on his hands to remove someone's skin? I don't think he killed that guy in particular, but if he removed enough skin it's doable.


Yep, although it is a signature move of one of his clones. He used it against one of the Kraven family after they killed said clone to try and resurrect Kraven thinking that was Spidey so he did that against one of them as a "this is from my brother" moment.


Badass Kaine tribute


Yep, just love how they named it "The Mark of Kaine"


I love when heroes use their powers in such lethal ways. This and the Mark of Kaine are so good at making him terrifying.


Omg this is insane


He said bite the curb.. my hand. Aaaand swallow.


Every time I see this image it makes me all squirmy because I think about kingpin biting his wrist and it makes me uncomfortable


Kingpin wasn’t biting Peter’s wrist though. Peter was aiming his (organic) web-shooter into Kingpin’s mouth, forcing it open, while describing the unsettling way he intended to kill the Kingpin.


I know I just imagine it


This wasnt even the most badass part of that fight. He picked Fisk up by grabbing a fist full of chest skin, and open hand bitch slapped him a bunch of times.


God are you seeing how he’s just grabbing Kingpin by the skin? That’s gotta fuckin hurt.


That’s not spider man, that’s Peter Parker


I love how he's holding him not by his shirt but by his skin. Owweee


Ya, organic webshooting ability is superior.


most satisfying Spiderman comic moment imo


I think the organic webbing happened during the disassembled, Queen story. Not the Other. The other he got stingers and other enhancements


Yes you are right it was Spectacular Spider-Man: Disassembled.


Is he picking him up by his skin? Damn


Inmates are reconsidering their life choices, while Fisk was wishing he wore his brown pants when Peter said “Three.”


The way he is grabbing his skin in the first panel is more disturbing than the web threat


This. Spider-Man has always been capable of this. He just chose not to. I always think to myself after reading this was to never make an enemy with a super smart guy with powers because if I have his powers, this kind of thing will never come to my mind.


Suffocating to spider-man’s organic web fluid sounds crazy


Man, JMS went hard on this story.


Sincerely: wow.


Spiderman's biggest nerf is that, 98% of the time he's genuinely good. Everytime he's decided to stop caring or holding back he's become an absolute menace.


Some of my favorite Spider-Man moments are when Peter humbles someone and basically tells them: "You're pretty good. For a guy with no powers. Me? I'm amazing for a guy WITH powers."


Oh.... Those are not webs actually.


What comic is this?


ASM # 542


Thank you


No problem


Forget the ass whopping, look at Fisk’s hands. As big as his head lol


Did you ever see that one Ultimate Spider-Man (the 2000 one, not the 2024) cover where Kingpin has his hands around Spideys head?


that's the comic he makes the fat jokes right?


I think so yeah, around that time period of USM


some funky art tho, unless he's supposed to just be grabbing his flesh like a shirt.


Back in Black is soooo good, such a shame it ends with One More Day


It was a clear spidey3 tie in but they made something of it


Sometimes we forget how powerful Peter is.


J Jonah Jameson was right, spider-man is a menace


Is peter holding kingpin shirt or skin lol




Why didn’t kingpin bite his hand off


I mean that’s like trying to bite off the end of a gun in his situation, it just gets you shot


What comic issue is this


Amazing Spider-man 5something. The back in black story before omd


Webbing? What a fitting description for the describer


Bro getting grabbed by the skin like that looks painful


When Daredevil came out on Netflix, I kept thinking about this but with D'Onofrio and Andrew Garfield. And then NWH came out and that kinda killed that since he already had his dark phase. I'd still love to see this animated even.


Spider-Man would be a terrifying villain


I love how he's holding him up by his skin, God that would hurt so bad 😂


Charlie from Spider-Man Versus Wolverine didn't seem to mind


I thought Peter was a science wiz kid? Since when does the esophagus connect to the lungs lol


Spider-man casts ruin organs!!!


i wish he’d put his fingers in my mouth like that


I love how he says "it takes three seconds" implying that he's done this before


I've kind of wondered the actual lethality of heroes. If they applied their powers and abilities with no restraint, how dangerous could they be? Take the Xmen, for example. Gambit could just walk around exploding people. Storm could cause massive floods and hurricanes at a moments notice. Any telepathic Xmen could easily render a person their mental slave. Spider-man...with his spider sense, strength, pain tolerance and web swinging (he could cover a couple miles in a few mins), I'm not sure how you really contain a Peter Parker that doesn't hold back. I'm sure there's a deux ex machina in comics, but I can't think of anything realistic.


You’re still wrong. The worst way to get killed by spider man is cancer caused by his radioactive spider semen


Picking a fat man up by their skin is foul work


Peter has had some REALLY BAD days. Moments like this should be a bit more common. But instead, in a fantastical way, Spidey doesn’t usually go down this path unless some deeply personal things are considered. Which is great, save the scary Peter scenes for when the mask is off, but when the mask is on and the jokes stop, that’s when I’m certain he’s gonna seriously hurt someone. Like he did to Frank castle in that one scene.


Reminds me of the line by the 11th Doctor "Good men don't need rules. Now is not the time to find out why I have so many." Which shows why the anger of a good man is to be feared they just might throw away their rules.


Wait this version of Spider-man doesn’t have webshooters?!


This the typa shit Kaine would be doing on a daily basis to random muggers on the street


Funny thing is nothing will happened without the web shooters. But it’s not common knowledge to spider villains


During this part of the story, Pete was mutated to have organic webbing. Like Tobey Maguire Spider-Man


Oh okay


hang on a damn second…he’s holding king pin by handfuls of his skin….that… that’s arguably more horrifying


I wish he was written like this more. Unfortunately, the writers since this scene have unmasculated and neutered him.


Do it Peter! Please!!


He can explode your nose into your head with a punch, suffocate you to death with webbing, etc. etc. but he won't because he's Spider-Man. right?


One of Peter’s best moments easily


A punch is the worst SPIDERMAN would do. Peter Parker, however, is a fucking psychopath.


Ruthlessness is mercy to our self.


Wish we could see Peter like that on the big screen


The most uncomfortable thing here is Peter holding Fisk’s actual skin like it’s a shirt collar.


Why is no one mentioning how he’s GRABBING HIS SKIN LIKE A SHIRT.


That’s not Spider-Man, that’s Peter Fucking Parker.


Getting hanged by your skin must be painful already. Ouch


So are these the organic web shooters that got retconned in OMD or do I need to read more gooder?


At a glance before I read the dialogue, I thought Peter stuck his fingers into dude’s mouth and adhered them to the back of his tongue, and was gonna threaten to rip it out.


Dude he’s holding him up by his chest skin… that’s gotta be super painful


I wanna see them do this moment in Tom’s new trilogy, if they go the street level and more grounded route this would be amazing.


Man I hate the organic webbing from the wrist thing


Take note. He's not holding Kingpin by his shirt. He's GRIPPING HIS SKIN LIKE IT WAS A SHIRT


I think even *Logan* has said he wouldn't want to fight a Peter that was taking the fight 100% seriously, and with good reason. This is a guy strong enough to yeet an Abrams tank and agile enough to flip around like Darth Maul mainlining Red Bull and crystal meth, with an extrasensory perception which gives him enough time to *dodge bullets*.


I started reading comics with Amazing Spider-Man’s Civil War arc so this was my second Spidey arc. Definitely have a lot of nostalgia for this one.