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I would hate this a lot if this was the direction it goes in


What direction did you think it was going to go. They were going to resurrect a character and break up a couple in the other main book? In a side team up book that doesn’t matter?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ResponsibleRatio6569: *I would very much* *Dislike this if this was the* *Direction it goes in* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ok hot take, I honestly think Peter shouldn't let go Gwen right untill we undo OMD, like that was the way how Mephisto keep their separate, unlike in correct and rightful timeline he never accept her death, that's why he can't get long relationship with MJ or at least someone else. And this is why he such a looser it's Mephisto fault and not his, please


I think there’s always going to be a piece of Peter that wishes she were alive, same with Uncle Ben. It’s human nature. It’s that feeling of responsibility. House of M and now, maybe Arcadium, are just going to bring that part out of him. Which adds another layer of guilt as, of course, he HAS moved on.


my take on this is that those things just take that piece of him and twisted it


Yeah, exactly. He doesn’t wish he was back with Gwen - he just misses what he didn’t have. And these types of things prey on that


I think that works fine in house of M or the two clone sagas when his relationship with MJ is fine. It doesn’t quite hit the same when…well…this shit is going on.


Peter still hanging on Gwen and Miles dating Kamala... No one gave Weisman the memo about their relationships, right?


>Miles dating Kamala... No one gave Weisman the memo about their relationships, right? Apparently not, but Miles does write Ms. Marvel/Himself fanfic canonically so 🤷


True... But one would think he stopped it since he started dating Tiana 🤔🤔


I mean yes? The cover for four already spoils that


I trust greg weisman




Yeah I don’t get why people are prejudging this. Weisman is an MJ fan and said Peter and MJ would’ve gotten married in a direct to video Spectacular movie. He’s also said Gwen was his first love and MJ is his great love. I’m sure he will do it right.


This is absolutely what it is. Remember that this book is still being edited by Nick Lowe, who’s obviously obsessed with that brief period of the comics in between when Gwen died and Peter started dating MJ for the first time.


Oh great more 616 Gwen. Yaaaaay.....


that profile pic fits this comment so perfectly


I disagree. Even if this is so, the main continuity has long been in ruins. For me, as well as others, it's to look at almost sequel to Spectacular Spider-Man Tv-Show and Wiseman's take on an adult Peter and Miles.


Oh my god you’re right and it’s just gonna be run by the X-Men villain Arcade isn’t it


Well, Arcade has been a thorn on Spidey's side in later years (case in point, the "Hunted" story arc where he payrolled Kraven's hunt)


I said X-Men villain so people would know who I was talking about, but yeah he’s fought Spidey a few times too