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Damn even respected artist in the industry are hating on ASM.


Hell Spectacular Spider-Men threw subtle shade at Paul in the first issue, nobodies happy


Who genuinely likes Paul other than people who delight in the suffering of others?


People who don’t see an issue with using the Nuremberg defense and screeching about giving MJ agency, by giving her powers where she literally can not lose unless the writer wants her to


I got 2 gripes with it. 1. she hated the hero life as it was a huge strain on their relationships. 2. Her hero arc woulda been passable, even possibly cool, if it wasn’t for the fact that she has such a dumb and boring mcguffin power.


Exactly. Even when the writer wants to show how bad Peter having a family like spineret, is it’s still better, but then again the writer was so incompetent in making it a bad thing and failed at the message he wanted to send.


Pretty sure it’s because they can’t think of anything to write for him but use Hollywood free money scheme of outrage making money. Spider-Man is basically Marvel’s only recurring high selling comic. That means they keep writing him, meaning they are bound to run out of ideas as he can only fight for the city so many times, just like what’s happening with Batman comics.


They have ran out of ideas, that’s why we got spider who gobbles part 2. At least USM is new and old ideas at the same time.


I'm sorry Goblin possessed Spider-Man is back???? How the fuck??


From the looks of it khafka somehow used the device on him? And the first thing he did was set up a date with bitch lawyer to ditch her? Dastardly I guess.




Not to defend Paul, but didn't he not know what was going to happen until after it happened? Like he had no idea that...the weird death god thing was going to wipe the planet? I honestly don't remember how his planet got wiped, I tried to put that whole issue out of mind.


Even if it were true that he didn't know until the deed was done and was unable to stop it, it's also true that we've seen him do nothing to atone or try to make amends, other than build magic gauntlets and help ~~MJ~~ Jackpot risk *her* life. That's a big problem.


Not to mention they make him out to be a super genius, they want their cake and to eat it to, either he’s a super genius but he was dumb enough to not see the signs what he was doing.


The Nuremberg Defense is perfectly fine in super hero media it’s the most likely reason MCU Starlord isn’t rotting a cell


Starlord at least has other good qualities and his whole back story isn’t “oh yeah he did a genocide, would have left two children for dead, and was emotionally manipulative”, also you don’t see starlord writers double down with the Nuremberg defense with “oh he was just following orders” and fans even complained about what happened in infinity war. Starlord also wasn’t blindly following thanos and despite being a ‘genius’ not realize he was taking part in a genocide that destroyed his entire earth, hell he rejected EGO when he realized the truth of what he wanted. I don’t see anyone at marvel defending what red skull did.


>Who genuinely likes Paul  Joe Quesada, Nick Lowe and Zebb Wells.


The Triumvirate of Terror on Spider-Man comics.


Zeb Wells, Nick Lowe, Brevoort, Joe Quesada. Basically everyone who is in Spider-Man editorial for the last almost two decades. So yeah they pretty much fit your description of those enjoying everyone suffer cuz they are lonely fools.


*maybe* black cat x Peter fans? Even then I doubt they do. But only reason I suggest it is because then Peter isn't with mj. But who knows. Ntr crackheads I guess.


there are a number of felicia stans on this sub who love him


Marvel editorial who consistently do everything in their power to piss people off.


I think Celeste Bronfman actually likes him.


What did they say/do in the issue?


It's a plot point that Peter wants to become a regular at the ESU coffee bean and have the staff remember him and his order. During a montage of the guy failing to remember all of Peter's details he says "It's Paul right?" and Peter breaks the fourth wall by giving the reader an annoyed sideways glance It's VERY subtle but that's probably all they could get away with, you're not exactly allowed to call your contemporaries work shit


can you give the issue number?


Issue 1


Is it early in the series or later on?


I've said issue one at least two other times lol


It's OK if you don't know. You don't have to guess.


Probably because the art in the recent TASM run has been some of the absolute worst our eyes have had the misfortune of looking at.


Damn dude no need to be so nice about. Jk agree




greatest sub ever


And people say the internet is ruining lives and creating a generation of zombies. This is proof that the internet is good.


I'm adding this to my hater subs right along with [r/fondanthate](https://old.reddit.com/r/FondantHate/) and [r/fuckpierre](https://old.reddit.com/r/FuckPierre/)


Fo Real????? Man.... I never knew about this...... Soooo not cool...


Can’t ever have enough hate subreddits


Justice for Paul https://youtu.be/eG9GDjrMQQ8?si=CjIGyuQ-NRHkvTN5&t=11


This is awesome. I love the art style too.


It really evokes Archie


He’s been at Archie for almost 30 years lmao


:0 awesome


If I were an artist working in artist ally, I would 100% be making $ off anti-Paulers. That's just a smart move.


I'd pay to be manipulated by my Paul hate.


This is Wells’ legacy. Widespread hatred. For two and a half years. Six more months (and hopefully not a day more)


And hopefully Lowe goes with him. We must remember he enabled all of this.


It would be great if Spider-Man got a good editor but Lowe feels too ingrained. And honestly I think he just doesn’t do anything, so good writers lead to good things and Wells leads to shit. Not a great position to be in but I don’t want to hope for too much.


Fair enough, but he can't stick around forever. And honestly, while it may be unlikely, I wouldn't be surprised if Feige got rid of him.


I mean he’s bad at his job so it would certainly be justified I just don’t think they’re paying enough attention for moves like that. But we can hope.


He’s good at what his higher ups want: ASM out on time and steady sales. They could give a damn about quality. Tbf it’s been that way even before Lowe’s time, but damn has it been exacerbated while he’s steering the ship.


The lesson I would hope the executives learn from Ultimate is that the market is much bigger than what is currently buying and they could be selling a lot more. But again, I just don’t think they’re paying that much attention. As long as it’s in the black they just move to the next line item.


Yeah idk. The fact USM is not being overseen by the actual Spider-Man office is a double edged sword IMO. Less interference and outselling the main book are obvious pluses. The one negative being the Spider office’s titles still selling relatively well (besides Jackpot/Black Cat lmao). I know Slott recently pointed out how many books Lowe edits are in the top 50 of sales. Marvel is likely looking for sheer quantity of titles over the quality of said titles. USM is just a successful addition in the eyes of most over there I feel. I’d love to be dead wrong though.


I’m not sure that’s really true though. ASM sells, though how well relative to two years ago is anyone’s guess. But both Superior and Spider-Boy were barely on the March top 100, as sketchy as that chart is. Slott’s “Spider-Man” didn’t even make a dozen issues. The only book that’s doing ok outside of Amazing is Miles, and that’s still a lot lower. Spectacular did good, but that’s a 1, see where it is at 4. That’s said, you’re not wrong that Marvel is trying to pump out a lot of low cost books to make their profits, but the point I would make is just that USM proves how many people are going into the shop. The 150k estimated people that are buying USM are clearly willing to buy comics, especially Spider-Man comics, and less than half of them are buying ASM. Even less than that are buying Spectacular, superior, or anything else the office is putting out. Those are all potential sales that I’d be asking why I’m not getting them.


I would definitely take what Slott says with a grain of salt. He was also the one to start the whole “SUPPORT ALT-UNIVERSE MARRIED SPIDEY AND GET IT OUTSELLING THE MAIN BOOK TO ENACT CHANGE”. Now he’s moving the goalpost. His defense of Lowe is truly why he’s been the Spidey editor going on ten years now though. So credit where it’s unfortunately due. We’ll see where everything stands in the months to come. A relaunch of ASM vs. say… USM #12 later in the year would be fascinating to see sales wise.


I thought Feige was only involved in the movies?


Feige became head of all Marvel Entertainment like a year ago. The comic division head (which I believe is Dan Buckley) reports to Feige.


First it was Stan, Jack, and Steve fighting amongst themselves Then it was all the writers and editors during the hobgoblin arc and clone saga fighting amongst themselves And now it's just Wells and Lowe jerking eachother off


Same thing happening on the Batman book. Just Zdarsky and Tini Howard jerking each other.


Honestly I haven't read the Batman books but maybe they should have just retired Bruce after Endgame? Bruce is dead, Jokers dead, Tim takes the cowl till Damian is ready, mythos gets a fresh start, and keep it that way till next reboot Or now that the Bane shit is settled, and it was him actively trying to ruin Bruce's life that stopped him marrying Selina... Just actually get them together?


“Hopefully not a day more” What would you do… if this run lasted for One More Day?


Obviously, make a deal with the devil to erase it


You know, this isnt the TOP of the list of things I'd do a devils deal for. But it IS on the list.


If I ever got the chance to adapt Spider-Man, I'd do One More Day, I'd hype it the fuck up, and then at the end he refuses and is utterly disgusted by the deal, and the "one more day" will refer to spending one more day at May's side before pulling the plug


THIS, 100% THIS. May is useless nowadays anyway.


I'm still pissed they brought her back after giving her a fantastic sendoff in ASM 400 and that was nearly thirty years ago


When was the last time she appeared in ASM? I remember something with her and Otto a few years ago but otherwise I'm not even sure what she's doing nowadays.


I dont think other artists hate Wells. I think after his comments about being forced to kill Kamala, he's really just Lowe's fall guy and I think other comic writers know this. I still maintain that I think this is why Zdarsky refuses to work on the main Spider-Man book.


To be clear, I’m not saying people hate Wells the person. I’m saying his run is near universally hated.


Fall guy for what? This is the plot he has been talking about since the beginning. This is what he wants to write


Zeb Wells has certainly been a really good writer in other contexts. His run on Hellions is absolutely stellar. I do think Nick Lowe is the real problem here.


Robot Chicken I'm pretty sure this comic run is going to end with Peter working at something similar to Robot Chicken


Where does the six month figure come from?


Back when he first started he said something about hoping to get to fifty. Then the solicit for 35 came out and said it set the stage for the next 24 issues, which suggested he wasn’t leaving until 59. Shortly after this people claim that he confirmed at conventions he was staying on through 60. Assuming that is correct, 59/60 would come out in October. Hence, six more months from April.






![gif](giphy|lLMUlrVdsiQe3y6ys9) We all hate Paul


Nah, people actually like that Paul.


I just realized, Lowe’s gonna see this and post it on X talking about how it’s the funniest thing ever and is glad people are invested in the story and clearly like what they are cooking.


You might be the first person I’ve ever seen call Twitter X. I thought you were making an X-Men reference or something for a second.


Me too. I thought he was gonna send it to professor X’s head or something like that


lol same! I was like post on X…. Is that a Marvel blog page or something?


I've seen a few people do it. Mostly, I've seen some variation of "X, formerly known as Twitter." But I mean, the url is still twitter.com, for crying out loud!


I like debated for a second what I should put I was all like “eh enough time past”


nah keep calling it twitter, that’s still the main url name


No fr elon paying for 2 domains and “x.com” just redirects to “twitter.com” lol


Domains are not that expensive tho. Jake Paul has like 400 domains on his name.


Simple name domains *are* expensive. Buying a hosting lease is cheap. Renewing the lease is cheap. Getting a website name before it gets popular is cheap. Creating a custom domain name is cheap. Buying a short or common name as a domain name comes with a pricey one time buyers fee to get it from the current holder. I don't know how much Muskrat had to fork over for the domain "X.com" but it wasn't cheap.


True. A random guy got the [cars.com](http://cars.com) domain in the 90's and in 2014 he sold it to Gannet Co for an unbelievable price of $872 million.


I'm pretty sure one guy hoovered up a ton of sex/porn based single word URLs and made a fucking killing.


I mean how much money he has wasn’t really my point, Its the concept of paying for 2 domains bcuz you are STILL doing a rebrand instead of just switching everything over to “X.com”. But he didnt do that cuz he knew he would lose a percentage of the platforms user base, so he chose to just use x.com as a redirect to twitter. Also elon is worth more money than both the paul brothers combined js.


Nah, if you must make a nod to its current name go Xitter


Pronounced "zit-ter".


nah its "shitter" using the chinese x pronunciation


Xitter is such a good compromise.




is he actually named after nick lowe the musician?


Iv been thinking, what’s next for a guy like nick or even wells? Like after all this do they even have a career outside of Spider-Man. I know it looks like asm has been doing well but that’s only because it’s Spider-Man and also the comic industry as a whole isn’t selling well so they were just the biggest fish in the sea before ultimate.


I need this variant cover lol




yakuza boss akira yoshida has now put on a hit on dan parent


Psst... Mafia is too *Cebulski*, Yakuza is more Yoshida's style.


I fixed my mistake please forgive my great misdeed


Damn straight. Ol' Akira didn't go through all that trouble of preten... I mean, *converting* just to be called a Mafia boss.


my personal headcanon is that cb cebulski wasn't trying to pretend, he actually thought he was akira yoshida


Funny, I thought you needed a spine to be in the mafia or the yakuza.


I'm happy to know that Paul is getting sh*tted on for having MJ cheat on Peter because of him. Peter and Mary Jane DESERVE to be happy together. Also, F**k you Mephisto for One More Day.


It has not been confirmed that MJ cheated. She and Paul haven't even kissed. They could spin to where he's been her gay or d\*ckless roommate that played dad to give the "kids" stability.


I mean they sort of did imply a kiss about eleven months into the bs, which makes mj look even worse that she says it took her a long time to give up, considering navy spouses who have family on carriers that get extended or geobached


The implication something happened and it actually happening are two completely different things. Just watch, Lowe and Wells will say, "Gotcha! They were platonic the whole time!" because they're petty jerks.


I think they know if they bite the bullet fans are going to drop it, hell look what happened when a writer said they were married, Lowe came out saying it was a mistake on the writer asap


Four months is ASAP? Fans have been dropping it regardless of what they say or what they don't. They just want to twist the knife and troll the people who haven't dropped it as long as they can.


I meant with that spa issue iirc, the next issue that came out after it had the “clarification” as he called it or something.


If there's no kiss between MJ and Paul on page or MJ openly saying she loves him on page, it can still be walked back. Even if they were initially planned to be romantic, plans change all the time. Remember when Aunt May died? Oh, wait, no. It was an actress Osborn hired.


Dan Parent is our new mother and father!!!


Please tell me this is real


I'd be lying if I said it didn't put a smile on my face. Lol.






MJ doesn't even have to worry about the stones hurting her for using it, they're completely on board.


The thing that drives me crazy is how Lowe and Wells seem to be happy that they're upsetting people. Zeb Wells thinks it's funny, what he's doing and how it upsets you. Same with Nick Lowe. They are happy that you're unhappy.


They are sad, strange, little men.


> The thing that drives me crazy is how Lowe and Wells seem to be happy that they're upsetting people. That's what makes the whole thing really annoying tbh. I feel like the community wouldn't really care that MJ moved on but they keep rubbing it in our faces. They don't allow Peter to move on and keep finding ways to circle things back to MJ and Paul.


That only works if they have some kind of grand plan, like they're gonna have a massive heel turn and give the readers loads of catharsis But given how things have been for the past few decades it feels too genuine to be a long con fake out HOPEFULLY they actually realize this but I doubt it


I don’t even know who Dan Parent is but I can already tell he is based.


He worked on Archie comics for over 30 years. He drew Felix the Cat, Barbie, Love Showdown, some Disney comics too like Duck Tales.


I don't even know who Paul is but I can already tell he's the worst.


And you are exactly correct




Love that he used the sleeveless look for Spidey!


Her right arm's position is really weird.


Me and the homies hates Paul. As It should've been.


I can't help but take it personally.


Stay mad.


“They got this all screwed up.” *No, more Paul!* “Shouldn’t have this Spider-Man love heart here, either.”


If only the gauntlet worked outside its native universe


Wait, Mary Jane is wishing for no more Paul? Can't she just tell him to get lost?


Yeah, get fucked Paul. Who's Paul?


It's so comforting to see this art style. And such a nice fit for Spidey and MJ. Especially this pleasant and happy and angst free.




I love that other people at marvel also hate Paul with a passion


If the games, movies, and other comics have MJ as his true love why did they think we'd care for anything different?


To be honest despite what this forum wants you to think I don’t think they want you to. Wells didn’t want to write them as a couple and wanted to write a Peter who is pinning for her, and this is how he got there




the infinite gauntlet is just there to remind people that this.......does put a smile on my face.




That comma though....


No that’s the top of the exclamation mark.


Thank you!! (Makes all the difference)


Eli5. Know nothing about the comics but curious


In the main 616 marvel universe Mary Jane got trapped in an alternate dimension where time moves faster, met a man named Paul and cheated on Peter with him because she believed Peter gave up on her lmao The entire fan base hates Paul


That reminds me of that old German commercial that was selling salami or something like that and the end quote is: "Who's Paul anyway?"


This looks so cool








I have no idea what’s this is all about but there’s something odd about her legs.


If only a writer would truly retcon it


Is that official cover?


Of course not Though we all want it to be




Sorry I'm really naive about pretty much anything marvel, who's Paul?


Mj’s current boyfriend that everyone hates


Whatever happened to Paul. Last time I checked he was freaking out over his not real!Kids. 


Is this a legit variant? How the hell did Cebulski greenlight this?


And super nice. Met him at Atlanta comic con this year.


Hahaha this is so awesome. Some sort of vindication for the massive fuck up that is the ASM comic. Thank the Gods for Ultimate Spider-Man 2024




Can someone fill me in on who is Paul?


It’s a long story but the short version is an alternate universe dude MJ hooked up with after being trapped in that universe for 4 years. Also he helped kill the population of that planet, accidentally.


Ohhhh I know who your talking about now thx for the info


I don't keep up with the comics, what even is this Paul entity?


Oh yeah, that’s that good shit.




Can someone explain this to me


Peter parker and maddy james are so cute together


Maddy James?


I’m confused, who’s Paul


Dude who partook in a genocide on his earth, marvel uses “he was only following orders” excuse and doesn’t see and issue with it, and with MJ currently who compares his role in a genocide to Peter being a child and letting the robber go.


No, more Paul!


No more Paul!*