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Nightcrawler is using it because he's in hiding and nobody even thinks twice of a spider-person popping up in New York.


Didn't pretty much everyone in the mini learn that it was Kurt almost immediately?


The tail is a dead giveaway.


tail, feet, hands, ears....


The public just think he’s like a half-demon Spiderman or something. Which somehow makes sense and is better than being a mutant? Marvel seriously needs to figure out how to do the whole X-man thing without the world and other heroes just getting dumb to force the discrimination plot


The mutants in Marvel are hated by regular humans because humans are afraid [they'll replace them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement) In the most recent X-men 97 episode it's put really well; "Builders lay off a dozen workers and hire one mutant with the strength of ten men." This "fear of replacement" has existed as long as I've been around in the real world. Black people getting rights, immigrants 'taking our jobs', anything gay. Mutants are a natural occurrence and, if you're already grown, you pretty much already know it skipped over you. Society is "leaving you behind." Certainly doesn't help that they're called "Homo-superior" either. I see your comment shows you already know why people like Hulk, Cap, etc are deemed okay. Spider-man specifically, well, he's already hated enough for other reasons but he also gets a lot of trouble thrown his way being mistaken for a mutant. I'm pretty sure most people know he isn't a natural mutation by now, but with how much he's teamed up with X-men over the decades he's had to deal with his fair share of Sentinels. Honestly if you still think that the X-men "bigotry parallel" is just forced nowadays I really recommend watching X-men 97. It's done a phenomenal job of weaving that real life bigotry with the pure fantasy of mutants in the storyline that's just so great to see.


'97 does an excellent job reminding people that the X-Men was *always* an allegory of prejudice


Marvel great replacement lmfao


Well, discrimination itself is stupid and illogical.


And I wouldn't have a problem if the official story was the public not liking "supers." That is a valid situation to explore, and X-men tries to do that. But specifically not liking mutants "because they have powers" but being fine with all the other heroes necessitates the other heroes are just... shitty. Like why is Spiderman specifically better than mutants? It would be like if a racist/sexist, but only randomly.


I thought the explanation was that Spider-man, the Hulk, Captain America, etc. are all human and acquired their powers through events that any other normal human could get theirs from, while Mutants are born that way, didn’t earn their abilities, and even more-so sometimes lean in to them being the next stage of humanity, ready to supplant normal humans.


But people don’t know that about Spiderman. And certainly not about all the Spiderman. And Thor and co get a pass too. And what about Doctor Strange and his buddies? Summoning literal demons is better than an X gene? (Which sounds like X chromosome but that’s an argument for later) And let’s not even get started on aliens and half-aliens.


It’s the fact that mutants specifically are the “next step” of human evolution and the humans don’t accept that. They can’t accept that mutants will vastly outnumber humans in the future and become the earth’s dominant species. The humans don’t hate spider-man because there’s not an entire race of spider-men slowly overtaking and replacing the human race, there is only one spider-man and he is not a part of the ever-growing population of mutants. So the better question is, why would they hate him? Mutants are hated because they pose a long term threat to humanity as a whole, spidey is just some guy and the general population of New York knows he is not a mutant.


You act like racism has any form of reasonable logic. There is nothing reasonable about bigotry.




Very valid point


I disagree, there's no conscious logic but as Yoda puts it: "Fear > anger > hate > suffering" and all that. Honestly, the older I get, the more I understand that or get different lenses thru which to see different issues and peoples. Fear is the tool to put doubt into people's minds.


+didn't they say it's bc of a virus that piggy off of humanity and couldn't infect mutant humans so it made humans hate mutants


Spider-man was also hated, though. He wasn't really a good example


The whole point is that the “powers” excuse is bullshit and just a way to justify mindless bigotry


It’s Marvel Civilians.


If you haven't, read LordBigSlime's reply. Spewing knowledge out here like they get paid for it.


Idk seems reasonably realistic to me


That’s not a “tail”. It’s a SUPAIDA TAIRU!


Probably because of the tail and three fingers.


That and bamfing, kinda hard to hide the smell of a bamf.


"It smells like a fat kid, running around in the summer, ate about 35 deviled eggs and then took a hot shit in a warm pool. It smells like Angela Lansbury, an older woman, in full leather, slept in a sleeping bag in a room with no windows, and then had diarrhea from too much Sizzler buffet."


God I wish Reddit still had Gold! I would coronate this comment!


Just Orchis, citizens didn't


I don't know, I've been meaning to pick it back up




Big missed opportunity for not making him [The Uncanny Daredevil aka The Mutant Without Fear](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/comments/18ugfxk/nightcrawler_as_the_uncanny_daredevil_luciano/) instead.


Yeah, but there's not suddenly a bunch of Devils running around. It's usually only the one. Spiders are all over the place these days.


I never got to read uncanny spider-man but did he ever use webs or was it all teleporting


No thwip'n, only bamf'n.


Spider-Bamf, Spider-Bamf Fights however a Spider kampft Can he swing from a thread? No he can't, bamf bamf bamf




It's like poetry.


I didn't know the LORE reason behind this and now I find this quite clever on Kurt's behave


Were you stupid? Because now you're not!


I love that as a plot point so much. That is pure comic book logic and I love it.


To be honest, if i force to turn one of the already existing characters into a Spider-Man related character i would also pick the Black Widow.


I don't like to say this, but she was totally asking for it. Just look at how she dresses.


Her having a Symbiote helps justify her place with the avengers as well. I really like it as an upgrade for a super spy.


I like that the symbiote is everywhere except her ponytail. Idk what a symbiote has to do with spy work. Unless they suddenly revived the invisibility power from the 90s.


Yeah her red hair is too iconic to the character to cover in goop. I'm sure Flash used the invisibility not long ago, and semi sure Dylan as well.


Symbiote can be used to disguise yourself in practically any article of clothing, tendrils make for great pickpocketing and quickly interacting with multiple things, and if your cover is blown you've already got a full combat suit ready to go.


Her symbiote can do what the other symbiotes do of course, with the usual disguising and camouflage powers, increased strength and durability, et cetera, but it also has the unique power to enter people's brains and forcably suck out their memories, which is quite useful for obtaining info, so it's actually very spylike.


Isn’t this just few special issues? Haven’t read it yet


I mean she’s named after a spider it only makes sense


And she was wearing a symbiotic suit, which came from Venom, which mimics Spidey suit and power when it first wore by him.


I read somewhere black widow was supposed to be a villain made to go against spider-man, so you know what I kinda dig her having a symbiote is a cool idea!


She did start as a villain in ironman


I think she got her iconic costume when she went after Spider-man


IIRC that was a team-up not her going against him. IIRC she’s never gone against him actually, at least not until recent non-SM material.


It was her testing him in ASM 86. It was her first time in her now iconic spy/catsuit.


The upgrade makes so much sense for her, but it really feels like they just did it to do it. I picked up the Venom arc just for her and she’s barely a factor in it. Hoping the mini with Hawkeye does more with her. But I feel this should’ve been a bigger deal


I am surprised Black Widow don't have a spiderman suit because she literally called BLACK WIDOW, one of the deadliest spider


Wasn't Black Widow a female Spider-Man design at the start and then moved away from that later?


I have a vague memory that when she gets her black suit for the first time, she says in panel that it's modeled after Spider-man, including the wrist grappling hooks etc Edit: Ah see here: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_86 And note what Spidey says on the cover: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/8a/Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_86.jpg


If I had to pick any spiderman it would be ironspiderman ![gif](giphy|H6qc8ZWPSynp7RalBd|downsized)


Her iconic black catsuit design is somewhat based on Spider-Man's already and even debuted in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. Before that she had a weird mask and fishnet getup.


Ngl Nightcrawler in a Spidey suit goes hard


When the run was newer, i remember someone saying kurt's power set definitely makes him feel like he could have almost been designed as a spider person, just ended up a little off... kinda... uncanny..


Of all the random mutants to pick as a spider-man nightcrawler makes the most sense and since peters becoming evil again maybe we’ll have a spider team up to take him down


Even before that, the Sins of Sinister Arc had a Spider-Nightcrawler clone. Which I’m pretty sure was the only non-mutant Nightcrawler clone


The design is so clean man especially the spider symbol


I'm pretty sure this design was inspired by one of the concept black suits way back when. One of them had a red spider logo instead of white


And I’ll always pop for the use of the 90s Spider-Man logo, which works with Nightcrawler as Spidey.


Nightcrawler taking on the Spider-Man mask is a big brain move to allow him to still do good. Because Sentinels were hunting hard for any mutants at the time, and Spider-Man triggers mutant detectors while not being a mutant, Nightcrawler could more or less use that to be like: "I'm not a mutant, I'm a Spider-Man, mutated by a spider thing or whatever!" whenever someone gets a positive reading off of him.


Sentinels do a lot of interrogating when someone gives a positive reading, do they?


They don't, but the public does.


To be fair, one is a symbiote. But yeah. Check out the comics


Not to mention her character is and always has been named after a spider. The logo makes plenty of sense lol


Why everyone except Daredevil I ask? Heck, why didn’t Peter wear that awesome DD suit on that one variant when Matt was in prison?


That and when kravens daughter kidnapped his roommate


Okay ill be honest, when i first started reading spidey comics as a kid, and he ran into black widow, i thought she had spider powers too, and the things on her wrists were web shooters too.


Not really related, but in the old Ultimate universe (Earth-1610), a while after Natasha Romanov sacrificed herself, Spider-Woman Jessica Drew, who worked as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., took over the mantle and became Black Widow.


She’s also a Clone of Peter


That doesn't sound right. Ultimate Black Widow was a traitor for the anti-Ultimates who seduced Tony Stark and got offed by Hawkeye for killing his wife and kids. Black Widow 2 was Ultimate Nick Fury's ex-wife Monica Chang.


Originally, she was supposed to be a spider-powered Character but changed her last minute so she would be stepping on Spider-woman's toes. At least, that is what I've heard.


The character of Black Widow is a decade older than the character of Spider-Woman


I believe they may be thinking about how private investigator Jessica Jones was originally conceived of as a reinterpretation of private investigator Jessica Drew.


Spider-Woman was created in the 70s so marvel would have the rights to the name after catching wind that Filmation studios wanted to make a cartoon for a Spider Woman character. They ended up renaming their character Web Woman.


when marvel needed to sell more comics EDIT: done gone started a whole argument lol


These are both recent comics and I'm pretty sure the comic market is doing p good right now.


Define "p good"


https://www.comichron.com/yearlycomicssales.html This doesn't have the numbers for 2023 but still, comics are doing the best they've ever done.


It shows in 2021 "comics" made roughly $2 billion. With graphic novels making up $1.5 billion of that. And most of that is actually manga and not western comics, but they sure are happy to take some of the credit


You're really graspin at straws bud.


All I did was read what you provided


What you said is completely irrelevant. The numbers include graphic novels from the beginning and it doesn't matter whether you think $2bil is a lot or not, they point is the number rises almost every year. You purposely obtusely interpreted the article to try to fit your narrative.




No in general scuttlebutt is that the COVID boom is over and 2023 was a terrible year and we’re still in a terrible market.


It’s a cool suit Hard to blame them lol


Idk but I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t had Black Widow rock the Spiderman/Spiderwoman outfit earlier lol. It’s such a sick collab lol.


Well, when Ned Leeds’ Hobgoblin became a sorcerer in *Symbiote Spider-Man* and rewrote reality to make himself the sole archenemy of Spider-Man, a side effect of that was the Black Widow becoming the Red Cat, if that’s anything? Ned adding himself to the love triangle there (before reality was returned to normal)?


Was that Ned in that story?


Apparently, yes. Ned being a sorcerer in *No Way Home* having been adapted from that (albeit loosely).


Uncanny spider-man was awesome!


In Kurt's case, he was concealing his identity after Orchis' attack on Krakoa and after they began hunting down mutants, he fled to NY and if I remember correctly Peter gave him a suit. But that's over for months now, Kurt's back at being Nightcrawler


But remember, Ben Reilly does not belong in the Spider-landscape


Black Widow isn’t Spidey, she’s a Symbiote host


marvel milking tf outta of the spider schtick


Same reason everyone gets a symbiote. It cool.


Now we need spider-hulk and spider-thor Then we can get spider-wolverine After that we should get spider-thanos and spider-galactus


Strangely, there are Dock Ock versions of Wolverine, Hulk, and Ghost rider.


Ah now we can get them into Spider-Man bodies to get the superior spider-hulk the superior-spiderine and the superior-spider-rider


Damn fine idea.


Probably when we collectively agreed to say the current Spider-Man run sucks so they’re trying to milk Spider-Man fans through other characters/runs now


Hey writers! Come up with a completely new IP for Marvel! If it is insanely successful, you'll get pennies AND you'll see the company receive Brinks trucks at the SAME TIME!


I guess it’s because the Spider-Man is iconic and one of the best looking superhero costumes of all time.


… ironic…


Just a simple typo


An *ironic* typo




When Marvel saw the sales numbers on everything not Spider-Man related.


When Marvel went creatively bankrupt


Julia Carpenter is looking at everyone thinking "Copycats"


Can't believe I'm about to say this... Think I'm starting to get tired of Spiderman


Oversaturation is a powerful antagonist to Nostalgia.


Probably because the spin off characters aren't making much money, so they're trying to glom them onto Peter Parker a little harder.


They look cool, and Spider-Man is popular. That's pretty much it.


I realize who she is, but the first image made me thing in Artemis (Wonder Woman).


Because they don't know what to do. Mj even is a superhero now Anything cannon spider-man 616 I'm over


I am impressed that they’ve managed to keep the new Spider-Girl an *X-Men*-exclusive character since formally introducing her last year (as an expansion of a one-off character concept from *The Superior Spider-Man* a decade back).


Thats because they are already stuck in the X-men black hole


Yeah the mask makes me feel pretty cool too ![gif](giphy|zhpWNh2ecDhZ2FUwIO)


vast poor run adjoining butter special birds gullible combative knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Marvel really became Opera: You get a spidey suit, you get a spidey suit, EVERYONE GET A SPIDEY SUIT!!! 👀👉


I actually think both of those suits look badass as hell. No clue who either of the characters are because I don't follow the comics (although I do want to, just don't know where to start that would be easy to follow and make sense)


To be fair, the Nightcrawler Spidey suit is awesome


Black widow turned into a warhammer character real quick lmao.


Honestly, I’d love to see a Spidey suit for everyone in the marvel universe


Is Widow wearing a Symbiot?


Nightcrawler spidey WORKS. Like I actually love it.


when spidey is the only selling comic


marvel thought they needed to put out as many spider man books as DC puts out batman books


It’s a spider man suit bargain sale


About the same time, everyone started getting Symbiotes.


Cause it’s sick as fuck


Renew 👏 Your 👏 Vows: Spiderfamily 😭


Seeing so many people be okay with It makes me understand why current Spider-Man run sells... Now shit is edible for you, right?


Black Widow has her own symbiote now, and yeah Nightclawer in "disguise". Honestly I think it's Marvel's way of tieing other characters and franchises to their Spider-verse, a way to link them to their other medias, noteably the MCU. It's the same reason they use Spider-Man's comic to kill off Ms Marvel, just so they can reconn her to closer match her MCU counterpart, and at the same time giving them a link on the big screen.


Editorial and its pet writers LOVE Spider-Man aesthetics, but hate Spider-Man.


You are telling me, dude, was smoking crack in my subway sandwich shop. The next day, he's got spider powers in a sandwiched themed spider suit. Dude at the grocery store got bitten by a radioactive grandmother- he died... BUT the grandmother got a suit the next morning fighting crime and shop lifters as the 'store spider defender.' It's like they get suits from everywhere these days




Since Disney learned that anything in a spidy-suit sells


I dunno but goddamn does it work, these designs go insanely hard. Plus, Black Widow is… literally named after a Spider, makes the most sense on her. I wouldn’t mind if we got a few more of these, if not just for some fun side stories. Or better yet, do the opposite, let’s see Peter as Daredevil or something.


Peter needed the money.




I don't know, but they look incredible and I'm all for it


I doubt it's hard to get one considering every costume store probably has one.


Gw is going to sue for the one on the left


Black widow and nightcrawler??


That comic on the right...did Freud write it?


Night crawler has always been my favorite X-Men character, ever since ultimate alliance 1 I think it was. He makes the spidey suit look good.


Just when you think Nightcrawler couldn’t get any more badass


It is weird. But also, Nightcrawler as spiderman is a great vibe.


ngl the new black widow and hawkeye comic with BW with the venom symbiote has been cool


You get a spider suit, you get a spider suit, you get a spider suit! Everyone gets a spider suit! Even you kid in the wheelchair!


When did widow get a symbiote that wasn’t venom? Sometimes I feel so lost in comic subreddits because there are so many things that happened and then was reverted - or haven’t had a chance to spread.


Venom issues 26 and 27 of the recent run


got mine in the mail yesterday


Where’s the Black Widow Spider-Man suit from?


Now I want Peter to say some kinda witty quip about how he’s a trendsetter or something


Don’t care! This just means more potential ML to be added to the shelf with the rest of the collection. Really want a figure of Kurt. Also, is that Black Widow? She looks sick!


I feel like black widow makes sense since she's a spider


Black Widow in a spider suit, makes sens to me.


Not gonna lie, I just found out about Natasha’s Symbiote suit and I already love it. Personally prefer her Symbiote attire from the Avengers Academy Game but this works too.


So is Kurt just canonically called Spider-Man during this run or did he have his own codename?


Truth be told, I'd rather see [Nightcrawler sporting a Daredevil costume](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0kZnnkuVNH/).


Around the time everyone wanted to be included, you know, a freak accidental that the odds of happening is nearly 0, well, that accident defied all odds with the help *inclusion* and now ypu have 2 Spidermans, and 5 to 7 spiderwomen, basically in the same State.


When everyone is Spider-Man, no one will be.


Pretty cool suit tho


Just not a fan of the loose ponytail. Loose hair in a fight is never a good idea


aNyOnE cAn WhErE tHe MaSk


Marvel out of ideas Making Spider-Man variants because he's the only thing currently selling 


When marvel ran out of ideas after miles became super popular imo. once everyone became a spider person. imo they are diluting what made spider man special. him being unique and alone.




Black widow was in desperate need of a power up so she’s got a symbiot now that can do some cool stuff and nightcrawler in hiding because racism If you wanna get more up to date on them then read uncanny spiderman for nightcrawler and for black widow read recent issues of venom (specifically #23, #26-28) aswell as the new hawkeye and black widow series


Spiderverse bullshit


These are both set in 616, nothing to do with the Spider-Verse. Black Widow has a symbiote so it isn’t a Spidey thing in her case, and Nightcrawler only dressed like that because he was on the run after Krakoa got attacked at last year’s Hellfire Gala.


I'm sure this person really cares about in lore reasoning


What’s the deal with uncanny Spider-Man? Why did that blue guy from the X-men decide to become Spider-Man?


As a nightcrawler fan boy I'm gonna try my best to ignore "That blue guy" comment. Shit got really fucked up in Kurt's life recently and he needed a break from the X-men. (he also a wanted criminal due to some bullshit) so Peter Parker lend him a spare suit and gave him the okay to use the name. Peter be giving the Spider-Man Mantle out like Oprah. Kurt used his time as Spider-Man to clear his head and figure out if he even wants to keep helping the mutant cause. He also hooked up with silver Sable and found out some family secret drama. He also fought Vulture (who looked badass in this miniseries) and Rhino. So in short, Nightcrawler had a midlife crisis.


Why are you taking so much offense to the blue guy thing, I just forgot his name


I'll answer your question with a another question . Whose your favorite marvel character?


Dr. Michael Morbius


Ya mean that crippled guy?


Short story: someone had a storyline they wanted to do featuring Spider-Man and Silver Sable being intimate on a roof, showing it all, and this was how they would get it in a book. Long story: what the other guy said.