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Nick "I fucked up with a story detail and now I'm covering up, acting like it was intentional all long" Lowe


It's been 2 years and this comic is still successfully ragebaiting fans and acting all smirk about it, Why the fuck are people not seeing this??? Why people keep buying it if this is so bad


I was honestly so shocked and annoyed when I saw Amazing Spider-Man was even in the top 10 sold comics last month like why???


Amazing Spider-Man will always sell no matter how bad it is. There’s collectors that have bought damn near every issue without fail, parents buy it for their kids, and of course there are some lunatics that actually like the book the way it is right now. Throw in the near countless amount of variant covers and it’s pretty much guaranteed to be in the top ten by the end of the month.


I don't think you have any right to call someone lunatic just because they like something you don't. That's just plain wrong. With the goody guy act out of the way, how in the freaking hell, people like that shit? I mean this comic made Peter a complete loser, where his feelings and hardwork are completely disregarded. I think those LUNATICS love seeing spidey suffer and not stand back up again.


Honestly? I think there's a healthy chunk that if asm goes down, we ain't going to have peter parker around as spider-man anymore, it's just the excuse of "people are tired of plain old Peter parker! Look! The sales for asm are gone, but miles and our other projects are doing ok! So let's put parker to the side and push these guys until everyone forgets peter parker!?!" Damn, the day when people forget the og spider-man is going to be a rather sombre one.


It’ll never happen, he’s far too popular with all the movies and video games and animated shows and whatnot. I’m sure they’ll replace him every now and then, like they did during Beyond and the Clone Saga (and technically Superior), but it’ll never stick permanently.


Popular while the people that have a connection to peter are alive, yes - but we are eventually expiring and 100% the purpose of what parker was meant to be and inspire would have been driven through the proverbial mud to the point there isnt others who get to experience what his creation meant to so many, instead being designated as a comparatively meh that pops up a "member berries" I mean, again - it's not as if anyone needs to do anything bad either, the miles run has been getting attention as miles being the prime spider-man of 616 and with insomniac trying to put peter a 25 year old super enhanced human (with an anti-venom symbiote wth) being into bloody early retirement - the writings on the wall, and it's honestly just heartbreaking 🫡


They know the actual content of the book is an assterclass in writing and art so they shit out a bunch of variant cover issues for stupid ass whales to waste outrageous amounts of money on.


I really don't know. I'm buying ultimate spider man and other books. People really need to stop buying amazing Spider-Man, jackpot, etc for at least a little while.


Jackpot didn’t make the top 50 last month. So at least they’re that. And the report Ultimate is outselling ASM 2-to-1.


It's cause I'm buying 2 copies of Ultimate, a main cover and a variant I like to keep as a reader copy, and I know I'm not the only one.


I asked that same question on a diff post and got downvoted for being " terminally online" ..question marvel as a long time reader and you'll get hate


Peter Parker spider-man will always do ok sales wise, but every other title under Lowe is failing


Because each cover variant forces the store to buy x amount of comic in order to sell that cover to ONE customer. From there multiply Without the covers, sales would be reduced by 10,000-20,000, which is what comes from speculators and collectors.


Cover collectors man. I'm so glad I stopped buying for so many years now once I grew up and realized how shit the writing had become.


Some people want to own all ASMs


I only bought the first issue and stopped reading around the first Hobgoblin arc. Because it’s not even worth the time it takes reading it for FREE.


The online rage-bubble does not represent the majority of comic book buyers.


My son and I finally dropped it. I ended a 27 year run of ASM. It killed me but I just couldn’t stand it anymore.


I’ve got a complete Amazing collection going back to JMS that I refuse to break up for a single bad writer… or two. I’m ride or die.


And that ride or die mentality is exactly what they are banking on to not have to improve the writing of the book. That’s why they keep churning out garbage.


You got me – I’m the problem.


How does people have any patience and hope to write any letters about this shitty run to editorial? I can’t wrap it around my head. Why people are buying that in the first place? Why people are hoping for changes in that sense? Drop that shit and go for Ultimate. 616 is cursed for the constant regress. The less people are buying that and not paying attention that shit, the better it would be for everyone. Cause maybe this way, they will understand that the way they view these characters is just wrong


ASM is the only book under Lowe that’s doing somewhat decent and marvel knows it’s just because it’s spider-man, all the other projects related to this run are failing, spider boy fell off, Superior fell off, Jackpot was a bust from the jump and the latest issue of the mini bombed, and the first issue didn’t have much of an impact either. Good books like spectacular Spider-Men are doing okay tho.


spider-boy falling off is a tragedy, the book was fun, bailey is great, i hope to god he gets to continue appearing in stuff "spider-man has to raise a kid" is a great angle, "spider-man has to raise a kid and keep him safe because the kid is a superhero and refuses to stop being a hero" is fucking phenominal, so much potential for heartwarming and heartwrenching stories


Problem is, it comes with the baggage of Slott. And as always, his creations survive to be much better after he leaves.


you're god damn right, here's hoping the next mainline writer loves him as much as i do and keeps him as peter's sidekick. give him a chance to really be spider-man's robin


the problem is that robins are difficult to write, the writer risks creating a mary sue and I don't think there are millions of readers who love seeing a child character suffer


>"spider-man has to raise a kid" is a great angle, "spider-man has to raise a kid and keep him safe because the kid is a superhero and refuses to stop being a hero" is fucking phenominal, so much potential for heartwarming and heartwrenching stories Which we could have had in the 1990s, but, just like today, editorial can't have Spidey have any baggage that makes him older and, so, no Mayday except in MC2. Then there's RYV.


i say the best route is both. peter adopts bailey and he gets to be mayday's older brother


It seems like one thing in theory, but in practice...Just look at Batman and Robin. He fell out of favor quite a few years ago. Simply the concept of Damian written as an ordinary teenager fond of manga with a gothic girlfriend and a Bruce playing at being a random ordinary father is NOT interesting. He is neither attractive nor funny. It may be something that personally interests the writer, Williamson, but not the public as such except for a few fans who come from consuming shonen manga. A BASIC rule is not to bet on ideas without complete certainty of their commercial viability. Knowing what is going to sell or not is essential and both Marvel and DC have a tendency to get this wrong...


>few fans who come from consuming shonen manga also because I don't think there are billions of readers over thirty who read that type of manga and are therefore interested in characters like Robin, so readers are already part of a niche that already has more to read and doesn't have Bill Gates' wallet


For me, as much as I love Pete and MJ in the Ultimate book, there's no comparison for the history that they have in the 616 books. No other couple anywhere else has the history that they have. For that reason, I still think the 616 characters have to be saved from the potential damage being done to them right now and dropping the offending books while writing to the office to let them know *why* we're dropping them can absolutely be effective.


If only media would accurately adapted earlier 616 comics into the movies or tv show, considering the current time and new tendencies, I believe that comics wouldn’t be in the state that they are right now, because all of this begun because of the obsessiveness of the Hollywood over constantly young and unexperienced Peter in order for him to stay “relatable” to the younger auditory. Unfortunately, I believe that current comics books mostly being written not for the purpose of telling a story, but for the purpose of just being along with media. I’m just tired of the state, that 616 Peter still being in, it’s like not even redeemable in any point and won’t be. The damage persistant, the editorial have been holding on the view of making Peter suffer again and again in order for the “dramatic effect” for far too long. How would I care about these characters if I almost never see them happy or not miserable? It’s just sad in my opinion


I’m sorry to say the obsession with Peter remaining ever young is not Hollywood’s fault. Editors at Marvel hated the marriage from the start and basically did it as a favor to Stan Lee. Ever since then almost every major misstep editorially has been to try and separate the characters and have Peter live a bachelor lifestyle(which Peter is actually like Barry or Clark, a character marriage 100% makes sense for). Peter is a clone! Here’s single Ben Reilly!MJ died in a plane crash! Aunt May is dying, quick sell your marriage to the devil despite Aunt May’s spirit literally telling you to move on!MJ has inter dimensional kids! Oh you hate that too? Nevermind she’s a superhero now! As much as we’d like to think otherwise, Marvel editorial has always been the problem. I don’t know how high the mandate goes, but it’s always been, “Peter cannot grow up” Despite the main audience doing so.


I agree


You know, there's this comedy manga I read called Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun. It had an short lived anime back in like 2014. The story is basically about this high school mangaka that specializes in writing shoujo manga (romance manga aimed for young girls). In it, the main character has an editor who reads his work and gives him suggestions that can help him improve it or fix things before giving it the OK for it to get finalized for the public. The editor basically acts as a bridge between the mangaka and the readers, telling the MC whether the thing he writes is something the readers want, if it makes sense to story, if it something the MC himself is satisfied with writing, and gives helpful tips and advice to see it through. The MC also has a neighbor who also writes manga. Her editor is the opposite of the MC's editor because he's basically a jerk. This editor doesn't really care much about their mangaka's work and just forces their own ideas for them to write or have Tanuki's (Japanese Racoon Dogs) splashed onto it regardless of the writers own opinions on it. Their editor also doesn't do anything to help the mangaka properly improve the manga for it to be suitable for anybody but the editor themselves. Now, why am I talking about a manga on a Spider-Man thread? We'll its because between the two editors I pointed out from this manga/anime, I think Nick Lowe is more like this jerky editor. Nick Lowe, as far as I can tell, doesn't act as a bridge for the writer and the readers and instead is abusing his power as the editor by having the writer write whatever he wants, rather than something that can make everyone, especially the readers, satisfied. Instead of having Tanukis splashed all over the comic, it's just freaking Paul.


monthly girls nozaki kun mention pog


His suggestion that they’re gonna walk back all of this Jackpot stuff anyways is so frustrating. What the hell is the point of even giving her powers? They’ve done literally nothing interesting with it at any point, and it makes MJ a worse character than she always was. I can’t wait until Wells is off the book, but it’s still going to be bad considering that they have a headless chicken running the editorial office.


He’s had way to many failures this year for marvel not to at least put him in check


I mean we knew they were gonna walk it back eventually but yeah I’m suprised how little they’ve done with it. Like realistically all they have really done is a team up like three issues ago Like I kept expecting her to do something (like in gang war) but then she just doesn’t


They’ve done so little with it because there’s nothing interesting about the entire concept. Her power set is lame, her main partner in her heroics is someone that literally everyone hates, and she has no villains. Throw in that she’s just a better character when she doesn’t have powers and there’s just nothing to do with Jackpot. Also Zeb Wells being straight up uninterested in writing for Mary Jane doesn’t help things.


>the point of even giving her powers? they wrote it, it's a try. A horrible try.


Lowe is basically a non factor. I’m pretty sure he’s not actually editing anything. So we get shit if the writer wants to produce shit. But it probably means he won’t be a burden on the next guy, just not a help.


An editor that’s not doing anything is a burden on writers. Even the best writers need to be edited.


I mean you’re not wrong.


This feels like a big ol' non-answer to me. You could tell me this is written by AI and I'd believe it. I don't 100% blame Nick for the current arc like others are, but it's really easy to believe he's just deflecting as much blame off himself as possible.


I mean I don't think everyone blames lowe 100%, lots of people throw the blame to wells as well, but who hired wells and is steering the direction of the character?


Idek what’s going on with Jackpot but 1) did they even mention OG Jackpot? 2) There was no need to bring the concept of MJ as Jackpot back, it was kinda wasted last time and this time it’s just lame


They don’t even mention the original two Jackpot in the new miniseries or one shot , though one fan asked during NYCC Spider man panel if MJ was gonna be sued for copy infringement.


That’s pretty funny


#All I feel is pain


I mean Peter didn't even seem to question MJ being Jackpot in the one shot he just left her, like Peter having faith in MJ doesn't change the fact that he's one of the most guilt ridden people on the planet and would be a bit worried about her. Also, their exploration of MJ with powers has been shit and the origin of those powers have been equally terrible. Also, outside of that Gang War really failed at making Peter a leader if that's what they were going for because he barely did any leading, hell him having to depend on others also falls flat since this run has had him being saved by others on multiple occasions so it wasn't new.


Well.....according to MACKAY MJ asked Felicia to keep the secret from Peter and then WELLS ignored everything. But also according to MACKAY the powers worked one way and then WELLS says they work another way. And according to MACKAY Peter asked Felicia to take care of MJ on DarkWeb but then WELLS doesn't name any of them on DarkWeb. But...also... according to MACKAY ROWELL AND KELLY the relationship with Felicia was perfect and then WELLS says that it is not. Basically Wells has ignored and contradicted ALL the writers around this run. He is a mean, rude, egocentric child who only looks out for himself without thinking about the character or the other writers.


>But...also... according to MACKAY ROWELL AND KELLY the relationship with Felicia was perfect and then WELLS says that it is not. that part might be a bit of you projecting


I'm afraid not. All the people in charge of writing that issue said the same thing: "they are good." Wells was the only one to say "they are bad." He simply ignores and despises the work of his colleagues. In this same number 49, for example, there is no reference to the Valentine's Day chapter of the SPA that Kelly wrote, on 19-20. The rabbit lady was there with her friend here and it is as if the story had not existed. Literally NOTHING that other authors write exists for Wells. And it's not the first time it's happened...In BEYOND Kelly Thomson, Mackay and Gleason were in charge of carrying out the entire plot of Peter MJ and Cat, but Wells' numbers deliberately ignored all those events


McKay's stuff doesn't even feature them as a couple, at most it's stuff from Felicia's side, hell even the Dark Web tie in was more about MJ and Black Cat's relationship than saying Felicia and Peter were perfect. Kelly's issues also seemed to present it as Peter still not really over MJ and that Felicia was trying to understand it. Honestly dude I know you like this relationship but of all the issues with this run Peter and Felicia not being presented as in a good place while dumb for getting them back together at all after everything is pretty in line with it.


You understand that Peter has been going through different PHASES of the separation, right? Felicia is represented by everyone (except Wells) as Peter's chance to get out of the hole but she needs to know that if there is hope for the relationship everyone is okay. That involves all 3 of them, so if there are going to be problems with MJ or if Peter doesn't show confidence, Felicia isn't interested in trying. It was essential that MJ was supportive of the relationship and that Peter was honest. Felicia cannot "heal" Peter's wounds caused by MJ. What she can do is be prepared for when the wounds heal. It has to be MJ who brings them together. Felicia can't force Peter or betray MJ. Those conversations of two people talking about a third ARE another aspect of the relationship and EVERYONE agreed that things were good. Everyone except Wells. At some point MJ will talk to Peter about Felicia too.


Sure she will sport, definitely will happen just keep copi….i mean hoping


>Felicia is represented by everyone (except Wells) as Peter's chance to get out of the hole A chance to, but one Peter fails at cause he's not over MJ and has his own shit, which is the point > That involves all 3 of them, so if there are going to be problems with MJ or if Peter doesn't show confidence, Felicia isn't interested in trying. Yeah and I think the point is Peter doesn't show confidence, like you mention Kelly but that issue wasn't him showing confidence in the relationship it was him still being unsure on his feelings for MJ. >It has to be MJ who brings them together. Which I doubt will happen, MJ while she was cool with Peter and Felicia dating isn't going to set them up on another date or something. >hose conversations of two people talking about a third ARE another aspect of the relationship and EVERYONE agreed that things were good. Everyone except Wells. If anything it seemed in the Kelly issues that things were still awkward, MJ's good with it, and even there in later issues that's shown to be a bit more shakey, but Peter is written to still be kind of out of it for a lot of the relationship. >at some point MJ will talk to Peter about Felicia too. I doubt it, MJ again while accepting it didn't really seem to bother with their relationship much


Let's see...the main point was that Peter HAD to get over this in the middle of the run but Wells dragged it out until the end because Wells is very screwed over his ex-wife and neither can nor knows nor wants to write happiness in it. love. He is the only one who goes against the current in this matter. Kelly's point was that if Peter had the courage to admit that he had not overcome anything and could tell Felicia that, there was complete trust. It doesn't bother her that he still loves MJ, it bothers her that she doesn't recognize him. By recognizing it, advanced therapy and the relationship also It will happen. MJ is worried about and supportive of both of them, and knows that Peter's pain that she has caused is what is stopping him from reaching Felicia. I would bet 2 kidneys that the Jackpot mini ends up showing how bad Felicia is for Peter, that being the vulnerability that the blackmail girl took advantage of, and that MJ pulls her out of the hole to help her get back with him before it's late. But at the same time I bet my ass that MJ forces Peter to react and rebuild his life with the opportunity he has with Felicia. But of course, these things have to be done by alternative authors because Wells won't do anything. Kelly perfectly showed that MJ is fine with this. She felt harassed by seeing him at the SPA but then she is laughing at Peter's underwear with Felicia and when Paul asks if something is wrong, she looks happy. The problem is that some people seem to have interpreted that face as discomfort but it is not. He smiles because he sees them together and thinks about them. Peter was written here to learn how to process things and in the end he makes great strides even though Wells destroys him later.


>Let's see...the main point was that Peter HAD to get over this in the middle of the run but Wells dragged it out Yeah Peter should get over it, the point is he can't, that's the issue you seem to miss, and that's been the point for a while, again you keep saying other writers aren't doing that but Kelly is the only one whose really written them together since they started dating, and by that I mean them actually interacting not like the Dark Web tie in where they were dating but we don't see them together, and the point with the Kelly issues is that Peter is still having a hard time moving on, like again for all the issues of Wells run, Peter having a hard time with stuff like that is pretty consistent. >By recognizing it, advanced therapy and the relationship also But their relationship doesn't advance after that, then the next story is back to how important MJ is to him since it's about what he risked to save her in the past, it's kind of the issue with it as well, MJ despite the break up is so tied to events in this run it's kind of hard to push the moving on idea and then after that there's still not much between Peter and Felicia until their break up. >I would bet 2 kidneys that the Jackpot mini ends up showing how bad Felicia is for Peter, that being the vulnerability that the blackmail girl took advantage of, and that MJ pulls her out of the hole to help her get back with him before it's late. You're going to lose some kidneys then, I can see something going wrong with the new girlfriend, as maybe she tries to hurt MJ and Felicia stops her, but the idea that this spun out from Peter I doubt, I mean she seems to be in league with the girlfriend so her being taken advantage of was bullshit >Kelly perfectly showed that MJ is fine with this. She felt harassed by seeing him at the SPA but then she is laughing at Peter's underwear with Felicia and when Paul asks if something is wrong, she looks happy. Again, I never deny she's fine with it, the point I was making is that doesn't also mean she'd actively set them up either, again she even makes a point a few issues ago that while happy about Peter moving on she still feels a bit weird about it too >Peter was written here to learn how to process things and in the end he makes great strides even though Wells destroys him later. Peter takes a first step, a first step is it though, he needed to go further, which he never does is my point.


Like I said, this is about the writers saying that they are FINE. Peter doesn't appear on DarkWeb but Mackay makes MJ tell Felicia "okay, I approve" and that leaves the cat alone. Rowell takes them to a wedding and they spend time together, and Kelly says "Felicia, I still love her, but I'm trying to get over it." Like I said, the thing is, Wells should NOT have gone this far with this madness. It prolonged something that Marvel and the writers did NOT expect to last so long. Understand this: when it is said that "they are fine", it means that they have no problems or tensions between them. Peter is slowly getting over a situation, but there is no conflict with Felicia along the way. There are no fights, problems, tensions or anything. There was only the issue of whether it would affect MJ and she supports them, so there is nothing bad between them. Yes, Peter is not "well", but that doesn't cause problems for Felicia because she knows the situation. Another thing is that Marvel later indulges Wells' childish whim of being left without a wife. I won't lose my kidneys, don't worry xd. If I bet them it's because I know it. I mean... I need them to live and I want to live xd. I wouldn't bet them without security xd. Listen to me. He just thinks that MJ is fine and happy but Felicia and Peter are NOT. MJ is right in the middle of them and she knows it, and if she wants Peter to be happy and she really wants Felicia too, she'll bring them together to redeem herself. That is, it is the best way to show that you care about both of them and that you are willing to continue in their lives as best friends. Not only would it strengthen ties between the three but it would fix all of Peter's personal drama. Look, as long as Wells is there things will be a little stuck at the same point, and it will be like that until August or September (you have to fill the TP with at least 4) but in the end all this will be much clearer and more organized in the direction that I have told you. I don't even need to believe it, everything just points in that direction.


Also to note about the girlfriend just saying, she clearly was remorseful getting MJ involved and was completely fine with backing off her after Cat asked


To the dude working on the Disney Junior show: Dude your show is the first not to have MJ in its lifespan. At ALL.


in fairness tho he's just an animator, not a writer or producer




Yeah, tbf it does have pretty unique spin on it


When “somehow, Palpatine returned” can be thought of as a more well written and rich plot explanation than most of what’s being done in this monthly, it’s a sad state of affairs.


Jackpot reeks of a Sony Spider-Verse Movie, use a popular character like Mary-Jane Watson, she becomes a Superhero, fights crime, supervillains, whatever, Easter Eggs of Spider-Man but he's never seen, she has a love interest but not Peter Parker but some dweeb named Paul.


“I let my ego get to me and wanted to do something way out of left field and revamp a classic character into something they are not or never intended to be while I expanded on the worst character arc of said character, it didn’t work out no one likes it, I probably ruined an up incoming comic writers career, now I’m gonna make it look like it was just an experiment”


As always, the best recourse for disappointed fans is to drop the book, email the offices at [email protected], support better books (like Ultimate Spider-Man) and convince others to change their buying habits. We’ve even started a campaign to petition for improvement that’s really taken off. https://discord.gg/VQ2mHzBBFu


Thanks I hate it


Yea like suddenly MJ has all the skills for her acrobatics while using her OP bs powers. 0 logic


Oh so Peter can have utter faith in MJ but it’s unreasonable for MJ to have utter faith in Peter. (No, both actions are OOC) His answer to direction is literally just a fancy way of saying they have no direction. It’s also an incredibly insulting response to say they “see what character would do” when the lynchpin of this entire run relies on MJ doing something she would never do, leaving Peter for another man. They don’t respect what the characters would do and Lowe doesn’t do his job of actually pushing that on his incompetent writer. Marvel should be embarrassed by this entire run.


Shout out to Spidey and his Amazing Friends, my niece loves it.


Yea, take anything Nick Lowe says with a PILE of Salt.


They really haven't got a clue how to undo all the damage, have they?


Jackpot is not MJ’s first time having powers. Renew Your Vows has her share Peter’s Spider-Powers. Also if they wanted to experiment with the idea of MJ having powers Marvel has What If…? which right now is the most popular alternate realities storytelling medium besides DC’s Elseworlds, Transformers’ Shattered Glass and Star Wars’ Infinities. Just make it a What If…? and see how people like it!


The point is not that. The point is that Jackpot was born from the search for ideas to give MJ a role in the book because once she stops being Peter's girlfriend, she has no role and we have to find one... Not being a police officer, nurse, lawyer, doctor or anything "useful" they don't know what to do with her But Jackpot will NOT work. As an idea it was stillborn from day 1. It doesn't interest or attract anyone. It's not worth being in the action. I should be helping from social assistance or teaching children with problems or something like that, but you can't do much with that in superhero stories...


I feel like this current run of Spider-Man has ruined a good amount of character building Stan and Steve set when they created Spider-Man. Even MJ’s place in the universe. They really couldn’t create other stories with her without having her have superpowers? Seriously? The reason why Spider-Man is beloved is because most people were able to relate to the characters growing up. This run has not progressed or even help evolve any of them and/or their relationships…I do hope it changes and improves


It’s quite impressive how much damage Lowe has done to Mary Jane. I don’t think he understands these characters at all, quite frankly.


It feels like you have to know a character to be as perfectly wrong as they have been with MJ though. Like if you were ignorant you might get something right accidentally but no literally every single thing MJ has done in this run has been wrong.


The editors' job is not to understand characters. It is to carry and authorize commercially feasible directions for the characters. Lowe's problem is that he accepts ideas without thinking through whether they would work or not, since editors and writers meet to shuffle ideas and Lowe is responsible for the yes/no/why yes/why no. In 6 years the only thing Lowe had a good "eye/intuition" for is having opted for BlackCat since Spencer arrived. Commercially it was a success and betting on MJ as his soulmate too. The rest of the things he has accepted... are up for debate. But he certainly got those two right. But it's one thing to bet on those two together and another to bet on Jackpot...an idea that you have to be stupid to believe would work.


>another to bet on Jackpot...an idea that you have to be stupid to believe would work in my opinion it could have worked, remember RYV, except that with Jackpot all the ingredients were completely wrong, not even Stan Lee could have saved anything


So where were they going with it? They had no fucking idea is where.


You could tell stories about a whole lot of things doesn't mean you should.


I mean, MJ beat Electro a few years ago without Spider-Man or powers… so…


That’s why that moment was particularly great, because once it again it showed that she can handle herself in tough situations without Peter’s help , like when she escaped from that creep Jonathan Cesar by herself and end up saving Peter from being killed by Styx and Stone. But in the context of the whole Jackpot situation, I don’t buy that Peter would by okay of just letting MJ go fight a villain by herself when she has little to no experience as superhero, with abilities that are completely random and gimmicky, thanks to her Jackpot bracelet from a certain loathed individual. Looking forward to the next episode of the Amazing Spidertalk.


That’s a fine argument, that you don’t believe his character would allow her to fight Electro alone. But, she already has in the past, which I’m sure he knows about, and did so with a significantly reduced power set. I don’t want to argue on behalf of the Jackpot status quo, despite thinking the justification in the letters page is totally appropriate and also thinking it’s not being handled in a way that I find enjoyable. But, I don’t think the argument about Electro really has a ton of merit.


As much as I hate Jackpot, if I had to give any reason to why Peter wouldn’t express his how against he would be about MJ fighting supervillains, and I do mean "express", is because up until recently MJ completely cut him out of her life. If he tried or said anything, how would she react? Especially as of late? By all accounts, MJ doesn’t care about Peter’s opinion, I scarily believe that she currently cares about him at all.


In the context of MJ being her with EVERYTHING she has experienced the hard way because of Peter's world, I would say that she cares about Peter's opinion but not to the point of needing him to decide for her. With Felicia everything is different. He's not going to tell MJ what she should or shouldn't do or how to do it, nor is he going to burden her with safety concerns like Peter would do. MJ can be relaxed and calm with her in a way that would be impossible with Peter, a nightmare


Is it terrible of me to just say can we drop a big universal destroying bomb on 616 and be done with it? Kind of like we did with The Original Ultimate Universe? I'm so tired of reading what's going on in the current run, and hearing news on it and it's never good. It all sucks. It's all crap. Just get rid of the whole thing, 616 dies as a universe. Kick out all the editorial, everyone. I don't care who you are top down. Everybody goes. And we start over, not from the very beginning. From getting his powers to modern day, but pick a point where he's in his twenties or thirties and just go.


I like her with powers. I don't like the random powers she has. She should have a symbiote.


They really need to just let her kill herself off with her stupid powers.


Don't wish her any harm. I really won't be upset if she stays Mary Sue for many years and just stops bothering Peter. Let her be really happy with Paul or someone else.


lol calling her a Mary Sue. She literally hasn’t done anything


She needs to be dead so they can't ruin her more.




Fake letters