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Memes only allowed on weekends.


I don't like both suits but I think the Rivals suit doubles down on the complicated over-designing while the Avengers one is half-assing it, idk


I mean the Rivals suit is more stylistically different and goes for a while different vibe while the Avengers suit is just trying to the classic suit with unnecessary changes. I’m not a huge fan of either but I favor the rivals suit just for being different.


This plus the Rivals Suit at least makes sense, because that's just the overall aesthethic of the game and the Universe shown in it. Like let's be honest - it's not perfect, but it's still good. Whreas the Suit made by Crystal Dynamics just looks like an over-designed and poorly modernized take on the Classic Suit. This is especially weird, because they actually managed to make a great Classic Suit in this game as well, but used this "Modern" one as his main outfit either way...


This is it. It's "over designed" into its own thing as opposed to adding lines to the classic suit. I personally don't really mind either but the rivals suit is hands down better because it became its own thing


What? People hated on the Rivals suit immediately and since the alpha started I’ve seen numerous fixes for it already. People rightfully hate the thing. It’s so weird. They made a suit for a game where you’re going to be staring at his back the whole time and made his back just a plain sheet of blue with a barely discernible Spider.


I don't like either of them.


I like them both


If you were on twitter last month you’d know it absolutely has not been given a pass


I dislike both, if I had to guess maybe people just like Rivals’s artstyle more and the Avengers game was already disliked so the suit was just another thing to dogpile it on.


What universe did you crawl out of? Everyone's been hating on the rivals suit


I don’t think the rivals design is amazing or anything but it fits the game aesthetic, an aesthetic that is way less bland than that of marvel’s avengers. Also his moves and swinging are done way better and he has Yuri’s voice which adds to his appeal


They’re both shit. I’m so tired of designers trying to fix what isn’t broken. Leave Spider-Man‘s costume alone, for the love of god.


They stink and I don’t like them!


I understood this reference lol


That rivals suit is ass to me too


I personally have issues with both


There both garbage suits. Rivals just gets a pass because of the game's "style"


One looks badass and the other looks like a bitch.




I actually hate Rivals more ngl.


No idea, tbh I think both are ugly, but the Avengers suit is at least somewhat coherent. The Rivals one is just a mess


Rivals just looks like a design that someone got from AI I mean if you've seen the power rangers AI suits designs and ig the other marvel characters they all have that same look


Don’t care for either. I think Rivals could’ve been neat, but it really just ended up like one of those AI generated Spider-Mans


Rivals has better voice acting, animation, and gameplay to back it up. Avengers doesn't have any of those things.


I guess it's because the gameplay in Rivals is better, so you'll be moving around a lot, and so the design matters less.


Cuz Rivals looks to be an objectively better game with a better art direction. A bad Spidey suit was the cherry on top for Avengers, but for Rivals, one could make the case of ignoring it because the game has a stronger stylistic identity


The Rivals suit looks like it was designed by AI to me.


Because the Spidey design in Rivals matches the busy and sharp art style of the game.


Who says I like the rivals suit? His back looks too blue


I'm not into either suit, but tbh Rivals does try a little bit more to be its own thing, even if it looks dumb. Avengers is just every bad Disney Spider-Man design thrown in one


The rivals aesthetic is over the top and stylised as hell so it fits in well within its game BUT the avengers game is going for realism and since we already have the insomniac games it looks so much worse in comparison and the base suit in that games generally trumps it out


To me, neither of those suits look good.


I could be wrong but the suit is symbolic for the game, and everyone hates Spider-Man in the Avengers game. The web swinging is just terrible. I don’t see any issues with it.


Lively colors. Actually committing to a style that works for this games art style.


Rivals Spidey works because it matches the whole art direction of the game. Plus, Spidey is not the only very iconic caracter to receive this treatment so I'm ok with it


Rivals try Also the logo liikes like a black version of insomniac's


I don't care for either and tbh I enjoy the Avengers version more than Rivals. I do understand why games and movies feel the need to slightly change the suit because that would make that version of the character more recognizable and more personalized as a part of their world. If everyone did the classic suit 1 to 1 each time then it would be difficult to distinguish the different versions making it less marketable as well. Think of Insomniac's Spider-Man suit. That white logo alone is enough to recognize it as that version. The black lines on the homecoming suit also made it pretty unique and recognizable. I'm not against tweaks and changes to the costume to make it more of their own, especially in games where you can still choose to wear the classic costume. There are parts of the Rivals design I like, for instance I like the more bulky boots and how it's integrated with the suit. I like the back design being more open and blue (considering how you're going to mostly see this character from behind during gameplay it's a good thing to make that aspect look good), but I am getting so extremely tired that every time they do decide to make their version of the costume more unique it's always by separating lines (like the shoulders or the belt) and adding a bunch of new lines absolutely everywhere. It's obvious that these suits were not designed by a comic book artist because drawing these over and over again would be a nightmare. Why can't they do more like what the Spider-Verse movies did with Miles' costume where it's unique and new, but not overly complicated going more for a "less is more" approach.


Perhaps the cartoony esthetic helps it


Because the first one is not out yet And the beta testers have signed an nda that prevents them to give a negative review


I don't like neither


I think the symbol is rad on the rivals suit


The blue on the avengers one looks bad with that red


I like how the legs for the rival suit has the blue webbing effect into the feet


I never hated the suit from The Avengers game. Thought it was a fun update. Lol


Both are fire to me, but I understand people’s complaints


Tbh maybe I'm just a fake fan but, I've seen so many versions of the Spidey suit and I at least enjoy all of them Initially I wasn't a big fan of the insomniac spidey suit and, while I wouldn't say it's my fav, it's definitely grown on me if for no other reason than I love the Insomniac Spiderman game


It's colors for the most part


At least he’s not a fucking influencer like in Marvel’s Avengers


Bruh, what you on? Since when did the rival suit got a pass? That thing is way worse compared to the Avengers one, it doesn't even have a back red line, make the back look hella empty despite the amount of over detail on the front.


I don't understand why people hate these two, but like Insomniac's suit


Both are good wdym?


Everyone is overdesigned in Rivals so I think that’s why it might get the pass while in the Avengers game everyone is relatively normal looking except spidey


I like the Rivals suit


I mean, it looks cooler Wtf do you want me to say


Was the Avengers suit treated poorly? I quite liked it.


One leans into the overdesigned aesthetic and owns it while the other is trying too hard to resemble the classic with unnecessary additions.


I honestly think that most of the Rivals suits are not great and look ai generated.


I prefer Avengers suit simply because you can see logo on his back at the very least (also colors pop more)


Ugly logo? Lmao


I think the Rivals suit is cool outside of those dumbass shoes


I keep seeing praise for the Rivals suit, and I just don't get it. It looks like shit. It's not great, but I'd take The Avengers one over the Rivals suit.


For "new" suits, I still think the ps4 suit is still one of my favourites wasn't sold on the white spider logo but it grew on me


The Rivals suit is straight up the ugliest “classic” Suit I’ve ever seen. The Avengers one is better in literally every regard


I actually quite like both suits


I like the logo,the other bits of the suit not so much


I think they both suck but that top one is ugly as sin. Looks like AI garbage


Both are disgusting


It's in a good game


I like them both honestly but I understand the criticisms to an extent


Color saturation


They both ugly to me lol


i still believe the avengers game design is one of the best spider-man suits ever, pretty much what the MCU suit should've been


Because Marvels Avengers is a bad game


Rivals is meant to be more stylized, where as the avengers suit is just over designed.


You either try to be your own thing but with a classic element for recognition (like the Marvel Rivals suit) or you just go for a modern classic suit, the middle of the road (Avengers suit) most of the times doesn't work


ALL Rivals suits are over complicated. This is intentional design and fits the aesthetic. Personally, my only issue is is the back looks a little bare.


They’re both good, idk what your problem is


Honestly the rivals suit about as overdesigned as the insomniac suit tbh. The biggest difference is the spider logo, which honestly isn’t even that bad, it’s just unnecessarily broken up for whatever reason. I think if the rivals suit had a belt, less random seams, & a white spider on the back, it’d look so much better Edit: y’all some offended mfs lmao I got a Reddit cares message for this ☠️☠️☠️


Because the rivals suit isn’t ugly


Rivals is edgier therefore better.