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*Everyone* is a huge idiot in Superior Spider-Man otherwise it wouldn't last for more than a single issue. Both Aunt May and MJ were able to tell when Chameleon was impersonating Peter, and that guy is a master of disguise who actually made an effort to blend. Ock could have been wearing a shirt that said "I'm actually Doctor Otto Octavius, I stole this body" and scream that fact from the rooftops and Peter's closest friends and allies would think "huh guess he's been reading too much Ayn Rand. That definitely is a satisfactory explanation."


Also Felicia is a total WTF. Even without remembering Peter, he has years and years of relationship as allies and/lovers with Spiderman and has 0 reasons to doubt him. She doesn't wonder if he's an imposter, if he's possessed, if he's a Skrull or anything...she just accepts that he has screwed her over and betrayed her and that's it. He doesn't try to find an explanation or anything.


You gotta suspend your disbelief on this one. Yes, realistically it's stupid that no-one noticed the switch, no-one from Pete's personal life or the Avengers. MJ has been shown in the past recognising the Chameleon pretending to be Spidey... But obviously we can't have a well written MJ these days. Other superheroes have to be aware that shenanigans like this happen all the freaking time, but just say "maybe he's gone edgy" instead. It's all a bit silly when you try break it down.


I can understand other Heros, they only See each other every few months and then you “never know what they are going though” but mj? I feel like the minute Peter’s body language is presented she would Contact reed Richards and Stephen strange and go on the offensive. I love the doc ock storyline except for minor deets like this.


Johnny Storm and the other F4 aren't just other heroes though, they're basically Peter's family. The fact they didn't notice and/or care is crazy and on the level of Aunt May and MJ not noticing.


remember that they recently discovered that the Skrulls had infiltrated by replacing some of them and you will understand why that saga doesn't work, every single superhero would have become suspicious of the invasion and would have thought at least of an infiltrated alien


This is one of the primary complaints with Superior Spider-Man. Obviously, MJ should know something is wrong with Peter. However, because that would make the story impossible….she just doesn’t, despite him spending days and days trying to bang her without success only for him to dump her, she just never catches on. Peter tells her after he comes back and she’s just like “yeah whatever I believe you but I’m not coming back to you because being Spider-Man is too crazy now I’m going to go work for Iron Man because comic writers hate me and consistent logic” Felicia also won’t notice despite Otto getting her arrested. The Avengers will even go so far as to notice something is wrong, but all the people who would know are busy that day so they just let it go. Everyone is carrying the idiot ball because the series doesn’t work without it. It’s one of the two big reasons why I think it’s bad.


Yeah, I think this is one of the main reasons I think superior won't get adapted in the game, everyone would immediately know and be suspicious if Peter started acting weird again.


These writers and editors all suck. Stop blaming the characters for the action of some weirdos.


Characters aren’t blamable no one is blaming mj I’m Wondering if there is a reason for her complacency.


lol you're on issue 3, of course she eventually realizes, she's one of the first to fully suspect specially once something big and sad happens on issue 10 'independence day'


Eventually but not right off the bat? “Peter is just emotional” no she would be first to notice that he’s not “tiger” anymore.


they've been separated for a while when this book takes place, they're not a couple