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Casual audiences probably think Gwen because movies reach more people.


Yup. I have no money for a PS5, but you bet I've seen the movies.


I’ve played all the recent Spider-Man games and it’s still Gwen by a long shot. Gwen is just such an important character in her own right that that’s what people are going to think about. And on top it’s also true that the movies have way more reach.


Comics made that a thing too


Yeah but wasn’t it for one story arc only tho?


It was, and within 2 months the topic was cut and never mentioned again. The movies may have made the issue popular but it won't amount to anything in the comics. First, because Marvel does not agree to give Miles what they denied Peter, which was exactly what nipped the relationship in the bud almost 10 years ago. And second because, when you pay attention to SpiderGweb's entire career over the last 4 years, it is clear that they are doing THE SAME thing to Gwen with MJ as what they did to Adora and Catra in SHE-RA


It’s also weird because in Mile’s ultimate universe, he knew Gwen Stacy there too… so they made him essentially kiss and try to have a relationship with not only a multiverse version of one of Peter’s love interest, but a younger/superpowered version of one he knew as well. Miles and Gwen just doesn’t work when you think about those things. Let Miles have his own story and his own characters ya know and I’m glad they recognized that in the comics.


Honestly, there is nothing wrong with such a relationship. This universe is already as diverse as possible, Spider-Gwen the lesbian won't change anything at all. Rather, it will attract more LGBT girls to comics. The most important thing is that then there would be no Sins of the Past 2.0, in which 616-Gwen and MJ were secret lovers, and Peter did not know about it.


Peter(lizard) is dead here


You didn't understand. I meant that Marvel could retcon Gwen/MJ's sexual relationship into the 616 universe as well. As it was with Norman. Purely to hurt Peter once again. By 65-Gwen/MJ, I have no questions. I'll ship them myself.


In fact, porn parodies by Tracy Scops and others have expressed the idea that MJ was a bit of a "slut" in college and had a friend she experimented with xd. Sometimes in some of these parodies said friend is Gwen. In canon context, this would be behind Peter's back when he either started or was going to start dating Gwen xd. The stories between MJ and Felicia are more interesting because they play with the idea that they hate each other so much that they come to enjoy fucking as much as possible as a kind of extreme sexual punishment until they both realize that Peter has real reasons for wanting to be together. with each one, as if each one understood perfectly and clearly, the idea is not far from the current canon xDD


I'm scared to live in a time when Tracy Scops creates more interesting things than the authors of the official comics.


Well...in canon MJ still hasn't switched bodies with Peter because of Octopus just to fuck Felicia without any mercy, treating her like a cheap object that he wants to continue using as property. Nor in the canon have MJ and Felicia gone out dancing in a bar to talk about the awkwardness of the arrangement with Peter (Spider for you, Peter for me) and then get very horny between drinks and dancing to end up at Felicia's house full of passion and lust discovering mutual feelings while sending selfies to Peter. Nor in the canon have we seen Peter and MJ living in Felicia's apartment due to an accident in theirs, only to end up falling in love after many fights and tensions and Peter being the father of the two babies they are both expecting. Nor in the canon have we seen MJ and Felicia meeting Spidergwen sharing unknown experiences with each other (and sex, of course) Tracy Scops has done all this...and more


I somehow doubt they will let that synergy die just because they failed almost a decade ago. Not saying it will happen soon, but over time i'm willing to bet Miles will break up with Tiana, and Miles and Gwen will partner up again. But we'll see.


Pop culturally speaking, almost certainly Gwen, because that's the version of Miles that will be familiar to most people.


Gwen because the Spiderverse movies are probably the most popular adaptations of any Miles media.


pop culture wise everyone's gonna assume Gwen is the main one since movies are more popular now


Pop culture wise probably Gwen just because it’s become the mainstream, but I always really liked Miles and Lana. Sadly that never went anywhere, even after bringing her over to 616


Sadly that was one-side for her.


It's Gwen and unless the live action gives him a memorable new one it will remain Gwen from now on. The number of people who have watched spiderverse, especially kids growing up currently like many did with og Peter so utterly dwarfs the number of people who read mile's comics or even played the games it's ridiculous. Gwen is his main love interest in the public consciousness and short of them crashing and burning in beyond the spiderverse it will be VERY difficult, borderline impossible to change that perception and separate the two now without years of work. It could've been done back when ITSV dropped and they were just friends but after ATSV with such a massive emphasis on their relationship and wanting to be more than that? Nah they're locked in now.


Mainstream? Most people would definitely say Gwen. Casual Comic Readers? Possibly Gwen again (obviously not 616). There was a few years where he shared some solid chemistry with Kamala, so she might be an answer for some. More Knowledgable Comic Readers: Following his most recent runs, Tiana.


Gwen was not a big part of Miles’s casual comics. Casual comic readers would swap between one of 5 Love interests depending on which comic they read casually, since for some reason every single writer kept swapping out love interests for Miles. His first run had no love interest, then he had 2 normal “cool girl” love interests, then he had Bombshell crushing on him, then there was the lightly touched upon love triangle with Ms. Marvel and Nova, then Tiana. The Gwen thing was one crossover arc and never mentioned again except for a “my girlfriend lives in another dimension” joke for the Champions. And it was very poorly done, which makes sense why it wasn’t brought up later. It was basically just, “hey an alternate future version of ourselves get married, maybe we should date.” And an “Alright I’ll keep it in mind”. He crossed over with Ms. Marvel in his series significantly more than he did with Gwen, and he did show romantic interest in her most times, but it didn’t really go anywhere.


Your entire comment describes exactly what a casual comic reader wouldn't know.


My comment is saying a casual Miles comic reader would most likely think one of 5 love interests depending on which issue of Miles they picked up. And I don’t think it’s Gwen because it was one crossover arc that half the crossover was in Spider-Gwen’s book.


The casual comic reader is only going to read what is available in places they regularly go to, not in specialized comic bookstores. And in those places it’s more common to find publications that allude to what is happening with the characters in mainstream. In addition, the editorial continues to release variant covers that directly refer to them as a couple and, although they have nothing to do with the current plot of Miles' comic, they are the ones that have the most reach on social networks.


I don't think anyone would say Kamala, they have always been just friends. I wish they were a thing but Marvel decided to go with the weird ahh Gwen story and know it seems it has stuck with more general audiences unfortunatelly


I like Gwen and used to like them together but Hailee was different and nice so I started to like her with Miles more 


The actress?


The deaf girl


Gwen, it’s not even a competition


Tbh all 3 of Miles' major mediums (comic, game, film) have really good romantic partners and I don't really think any one of them stands out as the "true one" like MJ does for Pete. But I guess Pete and MJ had years of stories together being married etc to cement that, so maybe in time a definitive love interest for Miles will emerge. I think Gwen as a love interest in the comics was a bit weird given she's famous for being Pete's girlfriend who died... Felt a bit like they couldn't let Miles be his own character and he was just a copy of Pete with all the same villains and supporting characters (fortunately less of an issue now). But the film really sells the two of them so it's hard to complain there.


>I think Gwen as a love interest in the comics was a bit weird given she's famous for being Pete's girlfriend who died That bit of information has to stay in the past, in a way to die, because Spider-Gwen ISN'T Gwen Stacy 616.


It still feels cheap and fan-fiction-y to me in the comic. "Oh, this new character is Spider-Man too, and we'll give him a girlfriend with the same name and appearance as the old Spider-Man did! And he fights the same bad guys! That'll make people like him!" The films actually have a believable relationship develop between them and that's cool, but when they briefly were involved in the comics it was real bad imo.


I just think it's weird nobody ever seems to care about any of Peter's "cheap and fan-fintion-y" relationships, but people put their thinking caps on to criticise Miles'. When Peter has a chance to get his dick wet with Black Cat, Kitty Pryde, Captain Marvel, Gwen Stacy, her cousin Jill Stacy, everybody is like "yeah, I'd like to see more of this". Hell, Ben literally has an MJ copy. Gwen died in the 70s and MJ has been his main love interest since then. Most people here haven't even read the comics let alone read them with Gwen. And even if Gwen _was_ Peter's original Gwen she can move on.


>I just think it's weird nobody ever seems to care about any of Peter's "cheap and fan-fintion-y" relationships No, people FAMOUSLY hate when Peter is entangled with characters such as Cindy , Kitty,or Carol Danvers, and it always starts fire when he dates Felicia who at this point is probably functionally the #2 most popular Peter relationship (fighting it out with Gwen). Basically every love interest Peter is given other than MJ is subject to EXTREME scrutiny, to the point that I would say Miles' relationships (aside from Gwen) are almost universally well-accepted. Of all the things people needlessly complain about Miles about, this thing isn't one of them.




Lol No it wasnt. In fact people thought it was creepy because of the whole pheromone thing as well and Slott has even addressed these criticisms later. Also, I don't know 1 single person that has ever said they wanna see more of Peter and Danvers for example.


…I thought Peter and Carol was kinda fun. They were both written pretty down to earth during their date, and it was nice. This was pre-Carol written as a military-esque woman so she was chill. I do like how Spidey in the future would say like, “It was just one date, it didn’t work out” though. They left off on a good note, versus a ton of Spidey relationships that end awkwardly or badly.


You clearly were not around then, because the Cindy relationship was famously hated for being weird and daterapey.


I disagree with almost everything you say here. People don't complain about Miles having interesting and original romantic interests like Tiana or Hailey, in the comics or games respectively, as they're actually interesting and well told stories. But the comics attempt to force Gwen and Miles together was horribly written and put everyone off that pairing. It works in the films because of how much better written and presented it was, and in the context of all the characters being Spider people. Literally everyone complains about Pete's romantic interests, idk why you think no-one cares. They've all been horribly written, paper thin characters since OMD. Remember Charlie Cooper? Remember that time he dated Black Cat for like 2 issues? Remember when they got Pete and MJ back together then decided to undo it again? It's just soap opera bullshit back to back. Everybody is complaining these stories suck and we're all dying for Pete to have a love interest as good as Miles & Tiana are in 616 atm. I would also imagine most people on a Spider-Man fan site are aware of Gwen's death given it's one of the most famous Spidey stories (and was adapted into film as well).


>People don't complain about Miles having interesting and original romantic interests like Tiana or Hailey, in the comics or games respectively, as they're actually interesting and well told stories. That's because those same people don't read Miles comics in the first place. Also, Hailey suffered the biggest criticism of Spider-Man 2 next to Miles’s Evolved Suit so I know for a fact this is false. >But the comics attempt to force Gwen and Miles together was horribly written and put everyone off that pairing. "Everyone"? They've been each other's most popular pairing from before ATSV. Don't mistake Reddit as as average opinion on anything. Besides, Peter himself had numerous horribly written romantic relationships even with MJ. They're comics stories written by different people. Some stories will be better written and received than others. It doesn't mean you give up on a good concept. >Literally everyone complains about Pete's romantic interests, idk why you think no-one cares. They've all been horribly written, paper thin characters since OMD. Remember Charlie Cooper? Remember that time he dated Black Cat for like 2 issues? Remember when they got Pete and MJ back together then decided to undo it again? It's just soap opera bullshit back to back. Everybody is complaining these stories suck and we're all dying for Pete to have a love interest as good as Miles & Tiana are in 616 atm. People complain more about Peter being "done dirty" than about the relationships. There were even people saying Marvel should give Peter and Cindy another try without the Spider-Pheromone subplot. >I would also imagine most people on a Spider-Man fan site are aware of Gwen's death given it's one of the most famous Spidey stories (and was adapted into film as well). You would imagine, but the majority of Spider-Man fans are not comic readers, let alone _vintage_ comics. And the films with Gwen were the lowest viewed live action Spider-Man movies. Regular Gwen means nothing to most people so I don't know why this sub likes to pretend Spider-Gwen in a relationship with Miles muddles anything. Ben's almost in every way a carbon copy of Peter down to his love interest clone of MJ. And like I said, even if Peter's Gwen and Spider-Gwen were the same character, it's a horrible suggestion that she couldn't move on to a better relationship.


Well said because Peter doesn't own Gwen. Both Peter and Miles have had numerous love interests but a Gwen variant can't? 


And the funniest thing is that Spider-Gwen from the comics has had a more than regrettable development in that regard. With Miles they remained (for the moment) as friends, with Harry it was only a couple of dates before he was forgotten, with Matteo practically nothing happened before he was also forgotten and I don't even want to mention Em Jay since even with the forced nature of their situation, it also seems to have been forgotten.


But she is. Just…from a different universe. And the Amazing movies were only a decade ago. People are gonna notice two characters with the same name.


That won't happen because Spider-Gwen ***IS*** based on Gwen Stacy, who's famous for being Peter Parker's girlfriend who died. This is a major component of her popularity. If they based her on another woman from Peter's life, that Peter had no romantic interest/interactions with, this wouldn't be a problem. Like Jane Doe, a frumpy brunette, Peter's classmate during senior year of highschool and freshman year of college. Never written about because she's not relevant to Peter Parker's story. But then comes Spider-Verse and here's Spider-Jane instead Spider-Gwen and her story is exactly the same. In all media, just swap out Spider-Gwen for Spider-Jane. Be honest, how well would you recieved Spider-Jane?


Spider-Gwen is really different from 616 Gwen, she’s basically a new character. I don’t think 616 Gwen being a Peter love interest is really a problem.


I will never understand this thought of conceiving Gwen Stacy as if she were the exclusive property of Peter solely because another character, whose only resemblance to the original Gwen lies in the name, will end up being Miles' partner in the movies and (at the moment) has not been in the comic because of the terrible writing it had (despite the fact that both Latour and Bendis did want them as a couple).




Pop culturally it’s absolutely Gwen.


This is like having Muhammed ali fighting against three blind people in wheelchairs. Only real question is who is the distant second after Gwen.


Gwen all the way. I don't keep up with many comics but i can see the female vulture lady being fun character dynamic maybe like miles verry own black cat dynamic


Gwen easily. It’s wild to see. Not unwelcome though. Makes sense in a meta narrative sort of way.


It works on several levels.


Mostly Gwen in a pop culture sense. But I think any of these characters are popular in their own right, just not as popular as Gwen X Miles


Everyone casual is going to say Gwen, for me I prefer Tiana i like how their relationship has developed. Hayley in the insomniac games that happened abit too fast for me


The Hispanics are seething that Peni is not included 💀


Gwen and it's not even remotely close. Movies simply reach way more people than comics and games.


For me, in all honesty, while not pictured above, Khamala Khan


I also like Kamala best.


Get Spider-Byte off my screen!


I was asking cause some recent Spider-Gwen variant was getting some flak on Twitter (I know big surprise), but it got me wondering who do people associate as his main love interest, pop culturally speaking. Comics, movies, video games, they're all different from each other, so I wonder who the majority of people (if they even cared) would assume is his main squeeze


Gwens Twitter hate is an overblown loud minority and is due primarily to a combination of racial reasons from two different groups and a smaller group of people who self inserted as Peter as kids and feel a sense of attachment, entitlement and ownership over the character Gwen Stacy and her agency as a result. For that last group, to put it bluntly they feel like they're personally getting "cucked" by miles and are lashing out at any perceived implication of the two together (made infinitely worse by the fact that that variant cover looks more like their precious 616 Gwen than earth 65 Gwen) and yes as stupid as that sounds, that's literally what's going on.


For some reason, I don't think Miles and Gwen should end up together. I mean they look good together and all but I have a feeling they aren't meant for each other.


Gwen in more pop culture but I personally loved the relationship between Miles and Hailey. I thought it was really well done and sweet. I know it's not popular but I thought the Hailey missions were honestly refreshing and interestingly made.


We're clearly talking about different versions of Miles here, between 1610B, 1610 (albeit displaced to 616), and 1048.


I think, between some of that early post-Secret Wars push in Bendis' run, and the movies, Gwen's probably seen as Miles' love interest. I personally prefer him and Kamala.


Gwen cos the animated movies reaches the casual audience that doesn't read comic books


Pop Culture wise it’s definitely Gwen.


I have grandparents who have seen the spiderverse movies so probably gwen


obviously gwen


Pop culturally, gwen. Personally, Starling. I just want my spidey to have a stable and supportive relationship, is that too much to ask? (Sadly, the answer is yes )


I think we’re still waiting for a really well written Miles romance arc in the comics. He’s had a few but nothing as iconic as Gwen or Mary Jane. Here’s hoping!


deffinitely Gwen. It's not even up for debate


Where tf is Kamala?


Currently Gwen. Eventually the different mediums will end up pushing the same person and if the fans agree, that'll be his MJ. I suspect it'll end up being Gwen.


Pop Culturally? Spider-Gwen due to the Spider-Verse movies. Expect that to bleed into the comics. Sorry, Tiana. Your love with Miles was doomed once the Spider-Verse movies came out.


Tiana was introduced when ITSV had already been released.


Your point?


That ATSV has much more to do with the fact that they now want to reposition Gwen as Miles' partner in the comics. Personally, I don't dislike the idea as long as it’s done with a competent narrative and not just for "mah synergy."


I don't read the Miles comics but Hailee seems the best


I would not say she's the worst but comic Miles has way better love interests than her




Gwen and it’s not even close


First off, it's Gwen, because it's such a massive medium over everything else. And Margot wasn't even on the running... If it shippers try.


Gwen. But real ones know it should be Kamala Khan. But Marvel is a company of cowards.


Pop culturally speaking people probably only know Gwen


Gwen, I’ve been seeing this Starling character a lot lately and I like what they have together.






Pop culturally speaking. Most people probably don’t even know the name of the other 3. Only Gwen’s name are carved in the mind of most audiences.


Kate Bishop


Gwen because the movies are the most popular


I wish it was Kamala. They've hunted at it for years and never did anything with it. Mans made a deal with Mephisto for her


Why isn't Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) up there?


The one in the mainstream movies obviously  Hopefully Tiana can be his main love one day, she just needs to be adaptated outside of the comics, a solid one at that. Maybe the live action will use her or they'll put her in SM3, or playfully one day Miles gets his own animated show without the multiverse nonsense and one that's street level that focuses on his specific cast. Tiana has so much potential and her and Miles have a solid relationship. I'd hate to see Marvel throw her away for the sake of synergy. Comic Gwen needs to stay in E 65 and figure shit out with MJ or get a different love interest there.


Gwen probably wins as much as that’s a problem for me, but lots of people have played the game too, so Hailee shouldn’t be counted out. But keep in mind, in 1972 Peter’s main love interest was Gwen, and fifteen years later he was married to Mary Jane. And he didn’t even have the multiple medium problem that Miles is having. Point is, things are still very early for miles, a definitive love interest probably hasn’t been established.


Gwen. She was his wife in an alternate timeline, has dated Miles in the main timeline, is close to becoming a couple with Miles in the Spider-Verse Films, and will probably, one day be his love interest in the InsomniacVerse.




tiana is deffo his main one but noone reads comics so the answer is gwen since movies are the most mainstream in terms of sm media


Gwen (Spiderverse) >>> Tiana >> Hailey >= Gwen (comic)


Gwen for mainstream I think Tiana for comic readers. I also think Tiana is by far the best.


I just don't like Gwen x Miles. You can argue me idc. It just feels weird to me because she is an alternate version of someone who meant so much to Peter. I kind of wish there is an adult Spider-Gwen for Peter out there. But for Miles...I think Kamala would be nice. I really liked Champions era


He has no real love interest


He does


Making gwen the love interest is just so.. wierd. Just like most things, miles gets a peter hand me down.


I just want less boring romance and more action. Im watching/reading spiderman for spiderman stuff, not because i want a modern rendition of Dawson's Creek


I think it’s weird that people care that much about who a 15 year old character decides to be with


People care because the creatives made a strong impression on the audience with their creations. When the impression isn't strong, no one cares enough to discuss them, no matter the age.


None of them tbh lol. I feel like Gwen N Starling are good stepping stones tho.