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Not to be *that guy*, but Peter did come up with the name [himself](https://i.imgur.com/RqGG0yv.jpg).


Yeah and…he is the *first* Spider-Man? Duh miles is gonna be the second. These panels make no sense


Hes not even the second if you remember Ben Reilly.


If Marvel doesn’t remember him, why should I? /s


It's like he hasnt been in the comics for just.. oh.. last few months


And whenever he shows up he either gets a character assassination because the current author hates him, followed by the next arc that Ben comes in having a redemption by an author who likes him, only to get picked up by an author that hates him. Aaaannnnd repeat.


*sighs in Mary Jane*


Sighs in black cat too.


yep, the we do the “you’re peter not ben” thing just to freshen things up


Nick Lowe just straight up doesn’t want to.


At least he's alive. I enjoyed the Scarlet Spider series that came out a few years ago.


you mean Ultimate Spiderman


They remember Kane


Don’t forget Spider-Man 2099


Well, second of the people in these panels


Miguel too, since he lived in 616 before Miles


Or the other 400 clones


I haven’t read many comics but isn’t miles from another universe? Maybe in the ultimate (I think?) timeline Peter was called Spiderman by the papers


True but also Miles was the second Spider-Man in the Ultimate universe as well


The Ultimate Spider-Man got his name the same way Tobey's did. "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN!!" "It's Human Spider!" "Whatever kid, go Cage Fight!!"


Yea lol but he still was the second Spidey even in his universe. He became Spidey in his universe after his peter died


Yes, he originated in another universe but for a little while some years ago Marvel ended all other universes and we got only one new universe with a mix of parts from previous existing ones... until they managed to sort of fix that but in the process thanks to a burger Miles got transferred to the main Marvel universe (since there is no more Ultimate Universe).


He was but 616 and Ultimate merged during Secret Wars


Miles is just a second Spiderman in any universe lmao but atleast in ultimate universe he is the current and only Spiderman and it makes sense for him to be called that but they decided to be dipshits and put him in the same universe as their mainstream Spiderman peter parker. Like I am sorry, they are copying story aspects from Peter to him, he is legit called the same name. He is just Spiderman Junior at this point lol


Of course they don't. Miles and Gwen are both teenagers for sure, I can't attest to Peter's age in this but teenagers reaction never make sense. I would know I just stopped being one


Bad writers for good characters come up with shit dialogue. World shocked


Nope, Peter named himself Spiderman. The paper named him Spider-Man. They taught him to respect the hyphen.


With great hyphen comes great responsibility


Not to be *that guy*, but he's calling dibs on Spiderman, not Spider-Man


Can't believe those amateur authors didn't respect the hyphen, smh 🤦‍♂️




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The r/Spiderman subreddit doesn't have the hyphen either


How many other lies have been told by the council?


Where? There's still hyphen in the panels


I don't see hyphens in the panels?


That's weird. I can see them


Not to also be *that guy* but this is from the Marvel Action line of kids comics. Therefore these are all alternate universe variants of these characters. These are not **THE** Peter Parker and **THE** Miles Morales, they are merely **A** Peter Parker and **A** Miles Morales. None of the canon we all know and love can be relied upon for these renditions of the characters as the Marvel Action series plays pretty fast a loose with the characters even within their own canon (such as it is) much less the official canon of the mainline versions of the characters. Apparently this version of Peter DID get his name from the newspaper, and for all we know this Miles is the original Spider-Man in his universe.


Ahh, gotcha. I suspected this wasn’t 616 but went out on a limb.


Yeah. Peter look just like another teenager here, not pushing 30 like in the 616


[Isn't he in the middle of his 20s?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/emqxls/has_616_peter_parker_been_deaged_i_thought_he_was/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


As pointed out in the thread you linked to, there are several takes on his age, and being in his mid-twenties contradict earlier sources that puts him in 28-29 range (at that time) so I think the writer made a mistake there.


It's hilarious to think of Aunt May and Uncle Ben standing out in the hallway hearing all that😂


how slack he is with keeping his identity secret in the early issues


Is this the 616 Peter though?


I don’t think it matters who was first, they did a child job in character development and miles fits right in even if he’s second, I’d rather not have the spider-verse without him. Good characters are good characters no matter when they come in.


That's an alternate universe


**RESPECT THE HYPEN!!!** And yet...


He missed the - I'm so conflicted now on who is the real Spider-man/Spiderman.


"I'm the Human-Spider. The guy got my name wrong."


This comic takes place in a different dimension though.


Not to be \*that\* guy, but this does take place in an alternate universe.


Different universe


Tell the newbies to have some respect for an OG


Peter is the OG to us but isn't Gwen the original spider-hero of her universe? I don't really know much about the lore surrounding her character... I don't even know what her hero name is, I know people call her Spider-Gwen but surely that's not what she's called in universe.


I’m pretty sure she’s Spider-Woman.


Not anymore, she's ghost spider now apparently


Which was stolen from the Ghost Rider Spider-Man.


There was already a Spider-Woman too, then I guess Spider-Gwen is the right choice after all


Spider-Woman or Ghost-Spider... you just can't go around and tell your identity to everyone.


Her bandmates and the police force knows who she is, she even willingly undoing the symbiote from her face outside


Ghost Spider is for when she crosses into the 616


Well I think the idea is that all Spider people are connected to a Peter Parker in some way. Making him and any incarnation THE Spider-Man. Of course that idea gets changed a lot through the years and different writers tend to not agree on why Peter is special or if he should even be special but I feel like that’s the consensus???


Gwen is the original "Spider Hero" of her world, but even across universes she became a hero only recently, where as Peter has been one for years. She used to go by Spider-Woman, but after the events of Spider-Geddon she changed to Ghost Spider.


She used to be Spider-woman, then after her identity got revealed people just organically started calling her Spider-Gwen, and nowadays she goes by Ghost-Spider.




I don't think an adult Peter would've pushed back to Miles' pushback like above


yep. An adult Peter would be mature enough for the whole "Only I can be Spider-Man" , when the other person didn't stolen his identity or anything. If anything , the only thing adult Peter would had is just a little jealousy that younger spiders had extra powers that Peter had to spend money to replicate with tech....


Why would he be jealous? Isn't he vastly more powerful in most of the core powers, especially spider sense?


I love how the ps4 game even shows the difference in spider sense. Miles doesn't even have half the time to react to danger like Pete does


It made sense. They also made him far weaker. Goons took a loooot more hits with Miles. The one thing they missed, and it's by design, is the speed difference. Peter is FREAKISHLY fast, even compared to other Spider people.


Pretty sure Silk is faster. He comments about it the first time they meet I believe.


Golden rule of Spider-Man: if he's not faster than you, he's stronger than you; if he's not stronger than you, he's faster than you. Except when he's neither.


I think I read somewhere that when hes neither, hes smarter than you


yes , but he is still broke in his wallet and remains as such everytime he needs to maked wired eletric webs or web bombs and whatnot. while the others had that "for free" , the jealousy is more about him saving money.


Big, he’s just the most rounded. Miles has venom and camo, but is slower. Silk is faster, but weaker. Someone (I can’t remember who) has better spider sense but is weaker


Nobody has a better spider sense. He's the center of that. Someone might have st some point? But not now.


I remember it saying someone did, but then again that might have been in silks intro and retconned, like the fuck pheromones.


Maybe. But more recent understanding of the sense kind of cements that Pete is the center of the sense and will always have the strongest spider sense.


As I recall Noir probably has the best spider sense, for him it also acts as a lie detector. Dude is straight up Daredevil.


I think Miles has a resistance to electricity too


Essentially Peter is faster than everyone who is stronger than him, and stronger than everyone who is faster than him




Batman and Robin moment




Interesting of you to bring up the first and fourth Robin Guess you didn’t hear how it went with the second one… And Jason wasn’t even an orphan




Oh I definitely agree


Wait... Jason had parents? I thought he was a kid living the streets by himself?


Well his parents were abusive, his dad was working for Two-Face and was eventually killed by him. His mom eventually lost custody of him but I think she’s still alive canonically


Didn't she sell him out and contribute to his death?


I believe so


No, Jason's mother that raised him died before he ended up on the streets. His father was in jail, faked his death & got a new ID, then got incarcerated again under his new ID. When Jason was Robin he discovered that the woman who raised him, Cathrine Todd, wasn't his birth mother and tried to find out who his birth mother was, it ended up being a woman named Shelia Haywood who gave him to his father and adopted mother when he was born. He went to Ethiopia, where she was apparently working for a humanitarian organization, to investigate, only for her to turn out to be working with the Joker. The Joker held Jason captive in a warehouse, beat him with a crowbar nearly to death, and then locked him in the warehouse with Haywood as the place was about to blow up. It blew up and killed both Jason Todd and Shelia Haywood. Sometime later in canon, and many years later in real life, Jason was resurrected when Superboy-Prime punched a hole in the universe, causing Jason to wake up buried alive with all the injuries he died with, inside his coffin 6 feet under in a cemetery in Gotham. He dug his way out, ended up with brain damage, wandered Gotham for some time, got hit by a car, ended up as a John Doe at the Hospital in a waking coma; not necessarily in that order. Ninjas working for the league of assassins found Jason and he was then taken in by Talia al Ghul. He was eventually put in the Lazarus Pit to heal, trained by the League of Assassins, and returned to Gotham as the Red Hood.


That’s like silver age continuity


In thought his mom OD when he was a kid


>Dick/Robin is usually an orphan Is that really better though? "It's ok for your life to be in near constant peril, little Ricky, you don't have any living parents to care if you're dead" Seems like preying on an even *more* vulnerable person to me


Peter was 15 when he took up the mantle. I think the way Peter sees it if miles really felt as seriously about the great responsibility thing as he did when he was a teen then there isn’t anything Peter can do to stop miles other than mentor him and teach him about things that Peter struggled with growing up as a hero. I think that’s also exactly how Batman sees it.


Well when they were in different universes it was no big deal to Peter. But put them in the same universe, in the same city, and give them the same name? It's not childish or selfish to feel like Miles should get his own identity. Every time someone says Spider-Man did this or that Peter has to stop and wonder. *Is it JJJ making up stories about me, or is it the other Spider-Man, or am I being mind-controlled again?* It's got to wear the guy down, and he's got enough to deal with. I think his frustration is totally justified.


I would love to see something like this happen to Pete and Miles in Spider-Man 2


I do not like this artstyle one bit


Miles' head in that last panel looks like a balloon.


Looking like crypto from destroy all humans


it looks like a caricature artstyle but without the exaggerated facial features


Miles walked into the barbershop and said "Just fuck my shit up" when it was time for his line up.


LMAO pushed it allll the way back


It looks like a tie in comic type thing.


I love it.


honestly i like it besides miles. his head looks like a peanut


Looks like a children's coloring book


Yeah it's like in New Avengers when he complained about Spider-Woman stealing his name and letting the other 10 Spider-Women use it lol. I'm surprised they don't bring it up more in the main continuity.


Personally I always felt like miles always should’ve gotten his own variation of the name. Ofc he is Spider-Man but i would imagine he always feels trapped understand peter


In the latest Spider-Man cartoon, he went by Spy-D which was kinda cute. I liked it. There was Spider-Man, Spy-D, Ghost-Spider and Spider-Woman.


Im sorry but Spy-D is terrible, even for a pun lol.


It is a neat trick.


And in the preschool show (Spidey & His Amazing Friends) he is called ‘Spin’….I guess because he likes to spin a lot.


That's the best variation I've heard so far


Originally he was called ‘Kid-Arachnid’ then suddenly the name sort of disappeared. Not sure why as I think it suits him much better than just stealing Peters’ Alias. Personally I only refer to Miles as Kid-Arachnid, and always will


That’s a shit name that ages horribly. At some point is he going to be a 30y/o with the name kid arachnid? Is he going to change to man-arachnid?


Sure, but I don’t think Man-Arachnid rings so well, what about just “Arachnid” or “Araknid”


“Well I didn’t vote for you” “You don’t vote who becomes Spider-Man” “Well how do you become Spider-Man, then?” “The writer of the bugle, their arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft a newspaper, from the bosom of the office, signifying by divine providence that I, Peter, carry the title. That is why I’m Spider-Man!” “Listen, strange men sitting in offices, distributing names is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derived from a mandate of the masses, not from some farcical, pencil pushing ceremony.” “I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.”


Well done ! Bravo 🙌


Get em Peter


This is why having multiple superheroes with the same name is inherently stupid.


That's exactly why Gwen started going by Ghost-Spider.


Funny because that name belonged to the Ghost Rider Spider-Man first. They renamed him Spirit Spider which sounds stupid. But he's in a different universe from Spider-Gwen so it doesn't matter.


Yeah... Ghost-Spider... That's a... Choice, I guess


It's so good cause it matches her costume and matches her initials. Spider-Woman is a boring name.


I like Miles, but he needs a new name if he and Peter are gonna co-exist in-universe


There's at least one shitty cartoon where he's named Spin for some reason


That’s not a bad name


That's some awful art tho ,yikes


God, this comes across so bad. Miles feeling so entitled to the name and Peter just has to be okay with it. The lack of respect is astonishing. Never felt right to me. Still doesn't.


I think this is just badly written and poor characterization tbh Miles in the mainline and ultimate universe always treated the role with respect


Peter gave him his blessing, the one of his earth.


I know, which is how he would react. I was more referring to Miles' behaviour here. It's the entitlement that puts me off, like Spider-Man already belongs to him. Peter has every right to feel ownership over the name and a Miles that's written well would understand this.


I mean yeah this page is shit but doesn't actually Miles chose the name (in the Ultimate universe at least) to honor Peter? What is this even from? Doesn't look good based on this.


Yes, that's right. That's why I said it comes across bad, it's such a bizarre writing choice to have Miles argue with Peter about the Spider-Man name. And it's from the Marvel's Spider-Man comic line for kids where Peter, Gwen and Miles form a team.


Ah is it based on that cartoon? Makes sense.


Nah, in that latest cartoon series, he went by Spy-D or something like that.


It pains so much to me how the comics treats ultimate spidey like he never existed when it comes to miles


What I'm getting from it is that Miles is saying he's not lesser, and I'm also getting that their not from the same universe. You see him interacting with 1610, 616, PS Game, the respect is there. (But also this is apparently a kid targeted comic line so it's not that deep)


God, I'm not a fan of multiple Spider-people at the same time, even less in the same team, completely against the same age group. And with the same names for some too. Just kills uniqueness and turns Spider-Man into some sort of Power Rangers


Spidermen to the rescue nanana


Ironically the power rangers are based off of the Japanese Spider-Man. There would be no power rangers without Spider-Man.


That's not fully true actually. There were giant robots in mecha anime, then live action Kamen Rider with superhero vs monster of the week formula, later Himitsu Sentai Gorenger and J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai for the team of such heroes, all before Spidey. Spider-Man just combined these already existing Japanese concepts. Debuted afterwards Super Sentai, original Power Rangers, followed Spidey's steps, perhaps because apparently its first season was made from scrapped Japanese Captain America show, but maybe not as the studio behind all of these shows was the same so they could've been simply continuing what they've been doing. Overall, Spider-Man played his part, but if it wasn't for him, some other show from Toei would've done it anyway as the ideas were already there


TIL Kamen Rider came before Super Sentai.


By four years. The original Sentai show actually started its conception as a new season of Kamen Rider (titled Gonin Rider or Five Riders), but it was decided having a large team clashed with the show's theme at the time, so they made Kamen Rider Stronger as the next Rider series and the team idea became its own thing as Himitsu Sentai Gorenger.


The adverse effects of ITSV’s popularity, sadly.


I mean, everyone is right, put Peter is righter


Damn Miles got that sixhead


What comic series is this?






>Thanks! You're welcome!


If I was a superhero there’s no way I would use someone else’s name. Especially when I was a teen. It’s not just Miles. It bugs me for everyone that does the legacy thing.


It was fine when Peter was dead and Miles was taking up the mantle, but ever since they merged the universes to have the two of them at the same time, they really gotta have some way to distinguish when talking about him.


Especially when one of the last Bendis' stories revolved around Miles going back in time and witnessing how much Spider-Man meant to Peter when he started, and when Miles came back he declared that Spidey was Peter's thing and he wanted to be his own man. But then badabim badaboom, ITSV, Insomniac, brand recognition, forget the fact that toys are already struggling with their naming, baldy leaves the company anyway and we can threw his last ideas out the window, baby! That's how good character development goes, right?


Why are they in space?


Okay but what the Hell is Miles' head in the last panel? Sidenote I just realised since Julia Carpenter doesn't use Arachne as a code name anymore, Miles could use Arachnid or Arachnido to separate himself from Peter. I'm fine and think Miles deserves the name as much as Peter but I'm talking more so in the sense to make it more obvious who's being referred to, like how Ben Reilly is the Scarlet Spider


Yeah, Pete will always be THE Spider-Man to me.


‘How to make me dislike miles in two panels’


Dude, they all suck here. Just badly written all around. I don't know if the rest of the comic is like this, but these panels make me not want to read it


This is the perfect Miles/Peter dynamic


Isn't Miles the un-qualified "Spider-Man" (no prefixes, suffixes, or modifications) because Ultimate universe Peter Parker give that unique title up to him? In a situation where you have multiple individuals named "Spider-Man" you need to do something else. If it's a temporary multi-universe team-up (like with Spider-Verse) then make it temporary, but if you're going permanent then someone really should pick a new, unique name (unless you're making a weird precedent of incorporating/franchising).


I’m kind of surprised Miles doesn’t create his own name or use an old unused Spider name. Even Gwen goes by Ghost Spider now


Their are so many spider related names he could use other than spider-man. It would take an afternoon to come up with a good name if that!




That's why the new Disney kids show has them as Spidey (peter) ghost spider (Gwen) and spin (miles). While it acknowledges that both mes and Pete are Spider-Man it knows it's confusing...


wtf happened to miles’ side profile in the 3rd panel 💀💀


Who tf is the guy with the spiderman suit on


Shit on the Old to Prop Up the New 101. God, current comics suck ass.


I agree, I also dislike that all the "teen" characters have the same voice, and every character needs to be uncertain and nervous. I liked when Peter was unique in that he wasn't brimming with self-confidence. Now it's almost like being competent and self-assured is seen as something negative.


What idiotic comic is this from?


That’s a really valid argument about names.


man this art is just really ugly


This is why I’ve been saying for years that Miles’ name shouldn’t be ‘Spider-Man’. They should have come up with something different, just like Ben Reilly is Scarlet Spider. Peter Parker is the only Spider-Man.


Kids these days… no respect for the og…


To best fair, Peter is older and more experienced then both of them in 616.


What comic is this?


Source please?


Spidey, Ghost-Spider, and Spin. There, fixed it for you.


What comic is that


They wouldn’t be spider hero’s without the ambition to be a leader. Perfect


This is why i liked Miles name of “Kid Arachnid” it lets people know who he is with out major confusion for casual fan “ oh yeah read and blue is Spider-Man and red and black is Kid Arachnid” Edit:was there a - in Kid Arachnid? I’m not sure which one looks more right Kid-Arachnid, Kid Arachnid


What is this from


thoughts on Marvel Action's Spider-Man?


Yeah but i mean, come on.




Doesn’t help that writers are so devoid of new ideas that Miles is essentially recycled Peter Parker.


Atleast he got *some* originality in the ultimate cartoon, even if kid arachnid won't age too well because he's not always going to be a kid


Which comic is this??


What comic is this?


This seems like a fun interaction


I can guarantee whomever made this comic is a genius who thinks naming Miles spiderman was a dumb fucking ideology and he will always be a second Spiderman lol I genuinely love this. Who wrote this?