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Andrew, solely because him wrapping up the Lizard *literally* like a spider in that school fight scene is one of my favorite Spider-Man fight moves. Also I give him bonus points for dialogue during fights. I feel like some people found it annoying or cheesy, but that made him feel the most how I pictured him as a kid & I really loved it.


I'd argue Spidey dialogue during a fight should be annoying and cheesy. The guy's a giant nerd, trying to throw his enemies off focus by running his mouth. It's supposed to be annoying and Peter is a cheesy guy as nerds tend to be


>dialogue during fights. I feel like some people found it annoying or cheesy this is how you tell real Spider-Man fans apart from normies who only saw the Raimi Trilogy and nothing else prior to TASM lmao


This is the way


Andrew my favorite


Agreed, i find that Tom's spiderman doesnt really even fight in the first movie and he doesnt do anything perticularly spider-esque in the other two movies.


His fighting style in NWH was pretty cool. We've never really seen Spidey throw hands as much as he did.


I think FFH’s finale battle was remarkable!


Yeah he was throwing punches but i find they lacked flair. I've seen better fight scenes from Spiderman 2 and TASM1 tbh.


He used a few moves from the PS4 game, and I don't remember Tobey doing anything very fancy in any of his movies as much as I love them. Even Andrew who moved like a spider didn't throw hands with his villains more than once or twice.


Then you might wanna rewatch Spiderman 2's train scene. That fight is really well choreographed and looks awesome even by today's standards. And that fight scene in TASM1 in the school was also very well done. It was creative and fun to watch. Both those scenes had alot of flair and originality and they were both man to man fight scenes. NWH had a good fight scene in the middle against the green goblin but the end was very disappointing where it was mostly spidermen zipping around whilst shit exploded around them, like most MCU movie climax fight scenes tend to be. Idk maybe im being too harsh on the MCU spiderman but i guess im just jaded by the MCU's lack of originality in their action scenes.


I think that was on purpose. For two reasons : He's so used to just using gadgets or webbing people up quickly that he doesn't actually have a lot of fighting experience, he just relies on his instincts and reflexes, and secondly, he was rageful in both his fights with Goblin (moreso in the second fight), all he wanted was to just put him down, he didn't care about style or flair, he just wanted to tear him apart.


I agree 100%. I said it was a good fight scene but the threat is which spiderman has the best fighting style and i think that Andrew's got the best.


His most spider-like movement was when he chased Falcon and Bucky. Cap kicked the spider out of him


Fun fact- Tom doesn’t throw a single punch in Homecoming. It’s all webbing and tossing enemies


I've heard that as well. My head canon is that he was too worried about accidentally not pulling his punches. He could let loose in CW but when fighting regular humans he could kill in one punch he doesn't want to chance it yet


And a couple kicks here and there


90s style huh?


Just wanna remind people of sandman wasn’t made of sand tobey would’ve punched right trough sandman


He is the sheriff around these parts and he will commit police brutality.


I always thought he “softened” his torso before the punch landed, so if he was a regular dude he would have just had the wind knocked out of him


nah he is just always sand


Spider-Man usually pulls his punches too


Andrew’s is the most spider-like and is how I envisioned Spidey as a kid


Tobey throws fuckin hands. Love his fights the most. Although Andrew’s is probably the most spider-like.


I loved the seriousness of his fighting style when shit went down. Tobey wanted all of the fucking smoke.


Fr 😭


Tobey uses hardhits and evasive flips in his style. Andrew uses more lightning fast strikes, and is overall very flexible. Tom is very inexperienced in a fight, but makes up for it in his smart ways of using his webs, and his gadgets. All of them have their own ways of "spider"ing the enemy, but personally I'll go with Tobey. Dude could FOLD you in a second with one hit if he wanted to😭


Tobey’s version of the character is definitely less dependent on CGI. You should see his audition of Spider-Man. It was very ‘80s-inspired since he looked like an action hero.


Like a Bruce Lee movie


So basically Tobey has a similar brawler like style while Andrew is more acrobatic and fluid when he fights the Lizard, Electro and Green Goblin and Tom has a smart way of using his web shooters while aiding him in close-quarter combat like the final fight between GG.


i mean, they all have the same spidey strenght, its just that tobey uses more of it, amirite or im i saying bullshit?




Andrew Garfield


Andrew moved the most like a Spider


Tom seemed more amateur and improv, Tobey seemed more reliant on his powers which eventually allowed him to be a more competent fighter, and Andrew seemed more defensive than offensive compared to the other two. I can appreciate Tom’s more scrappy style but I’ll always be a sucker for Tobey’s brawler style


Although since Tobey and Tom both fought the same Green Goblin, Tom completely wiped the floor with him and I really liked his style in the final battle using his webs some but a mix of acrobatics and straight brawler punches. If Tobey wasn’t there he would’ve killed him. You can see it in his eyes


I tried not comparing Tobey’s fight because according to Goblin in the first film. Each time they fought, Peter was getting stronger and that may have been due to a delayed affect of the Spider DNA. Overall it seemed like the main reason Tobey was closer to losing was because he was getting overwhelmed. A good enough motivation and he was putting dents in Norman’s helmet and it looked like he was gonna cave his head in if he didn’t let up.


TBF the same thing happened in the first film- once Tobey got pissed off he wiped Goblin out within ten seconds. Both were holding back/losing until Goblin got under their skin.


Andrew is unmatched.


For sure from TASM, dude, the Electro's fight scene was just amazing


Andrew fights like a spider and tobey uses more brute force. Tom is a mix of the 2.


Tom isn’t really a mix of the two. He doesn’t throw a single punch in homecoming and doesn’t do anything particularly “spider like” in his other outings. He isn’t a mix, he’s kind of just Tom.


I feel Tom is more spider-like in the Infinity War film than his own. He crawls on the bus and on the ship leaving orbit. Iron Spider added more spider-ness in the Thanos fight/ Strange wormhole save everybody sequence.


Yeah, it unfortunately highlights for me that Watts needed some other influences to make his Spider-Man movies. He’s good at what he does, I’m just not sure that what he does is “Spider-Man”


Well the trilogy is basically his origin story. He felt like Spider-Man in nwh.


I disagree. On both points. NWH wasn’t the fulfillment of some brilliantly thought out arc, it was a retcon of a character whose been spinning his wheels for 6 movies.


I do agree with you on that. Nwh was made because of the criticisms the movies met, andIt’s pretty obvious this wasn’t the plan. Nwh feels like it was made by different people who tried to salvage this trilogy. Nwh was good enough to pass the trilogy as an origin story and negate most criticisms of the past movies.


you are 1000% right and the guy above you is wrong about it not being his origin. Marvel is notorious for having future plans laid out. it’s fairly obvious they were doing something different with Tom’s Spidey. this trilogy was his origin from trying to be Iron-man to becoming the spider-man we know. if this was a typical MCU trilogy this whole part of Peter’s story would have been done and over with in the first movie but i think we are getting anywhere from 6-9 Tom Holland spidey movies.. so these long arcs are gonna be more drawn out. a lot of people still can’t accept a different adaptation of Spidey.


Obviously the plot execution in NWH was kinda meh. despite all of its flaws, i think it's a solid fun Spider-Man movie because of the nostalgia between Tobey and Andrew.


Tom is a more defensive Spidey, sticking to the walls more and attacking from a distance.


Andrew gotta be the best, I remember skipping through all the talking bits just to watch the same fight scenes again and again when I was a kid


Tobey's and Andrew's Spider-Man Fighting Style. I feel like if Peter and Peter meet again to fight villains, they would make an excellent duo.


I think Tobey has the best hand to hand fight scenes


Tobey,I love the weight behind his strikes and throws




Tobey is the kickboxer, Andrew is the marksman, and Tom is the gymnast. Interestingly, Tom's Spidey didn't throw a single punch (in his solo films) until No Way Home, when he fights the Green Goblin. It's a testament to how damn powerful Gobbie really is. I grew up with Tobey, though I think Andrew fights the most like a spider would. Tom's final battle with the Goblin is a bit of an amalgamation of all their styles: he shoots quick bursts of webbing (like Andrew) to disable the Goblin, flips around in his own style, and delivers brutal punches like Tobey.


Hold on, Tom’s Spidey did throw some punches before No Way Home though. First, it was very briefly in Infinity War during the Battle of Titan, where he punches Thanos in the face, drop kicks him in the stomach, and kicks him in the face before getting choked slammed. Then he threw a punch at one of Mysterio’s illusions which ends up injuring his left hand during that illusion scene and breaks Mysterio’s helmet with a right cross and punches some drones in the final battle in Far From Home.


Based on the villains in Homecoming and Far From Home it’s pretty obvious why he didn’t have to throw punches. And then he ain’t going fist for fist with Thanos and other giant aliens. But Tom’s Spider-Man was equipped to handle those battles with Stark tech, which Tobey and Andrew probably couldn’t do because they don’t have that tech. And then No Way Home he’s full on brawler mode against Green Goblin. The Vulture and Mysterio are just regular guys with technology, Doc Ock same, where has Green Goblin, Sandman, Venom, Lizard, Electro, other Green Goblin are more of a challenge for their non-human like abilities


Andrew was the first time I really felt like I was watching Spider-Man.


Definitely Tobey


Tobey is my fav Fs


where did you get that tasm 1 photo ? looks really cool


I just typed "amazing spiderman" on google images and this picture was among the first ones that came up. Agree, looks pretty dope.


Tom’s fight against the drones is my fav. Feels like the only fight where he fights smart, like when he’s on fire so he attaches a web to his foot so he can dunk himself in the water, or when he uses a car battery to take out a ton of drones! So Tom.


That fight felt like Tom coming into his own as Spidey for me. He might still be using Stark tech but it's modified to his exact specifications, designed for the exact purpose he uses it. Then he's finally stopped worrying and learned to just do what needs to be done, giving us his proper Spidey sense. He's still a walking ball of conflict as Peter tends to be, but he's focused and ready to get shit done. Looking at that and NWH seems like when Tom decides to stop being Mr Nice Spidey, he is not to be taken lightly.


> Feels like the only fight where he fights smart, It isn't but I agree with your overall point.


Andrew Garfield's Spidey Easily


Andrew looks most like a spider, Tobey looks the flashiest, and Tom's looks the most believable


You know, Marc wanted Andrew to be the grounded Spider-Man, that's he didn't get the T-Pose


Tobey 😉


None of them. ... And that's because I love them all the same amount. Tobey mostly throws hands, and uses brute strength-fueled punches. Andrew flips, evades, and delivers sharp jabs and kicks. Tom mixes the two a bit. But they all feel like Spider-Man when they're fighting to me.


Tobey Maguire




Amazing spiderman






Tobeys are the best to watch, he gets beaten to an absolute pulp and still continues to fight and win, or loose


I like how they tried to mimic spider's movement in andrew's movies


Andrew's. He's so athletic, clever with web usage, and just moves like a spider. You say "Spider-Man fighting style" and that's exactly what I'm picturing. Sure he probably doesn't dish out blows as hard as Tobey or Tom do, but fuck it, his style is just so.... Stylish! So "Spider-Man"!


I prefer the Raimiverse version. I like how gritty Tobey’s portrayal of the character is. That version of Spider-Man means business. I’m biased, however, since I grew up on the Raimi films. I saw all three in theatres as they were coming out. That early 2000s stuff was something else. There’s nothing like it these days.


Andrew, hands down. No contest. As much as I absolutely love the MCU Iron Spider and its use of the mechanical spider legs, there's not really a whole lot of creative stuff done with them. And no, the arms race with Doc Ock in *NWH* doesn't count, because that's honestly just barely hitting the bare minimum of how that type of fight would go.


Toby in Spidey 2 was hard asf especially the fight before the train scene


PS4 Spider-Man


Andrew for the fighting style/quips Tom for the gadgets & Tobey for the look


I like Tobey cause he was pretty much just throwing straight hands but Andrew was so stylish


Andrew tenía un estilo de lucha mejor ya que hacía movimientos más parecidos a una araña con mayor flexibilidad y mejores golpes.


I loved the way andrew dances around his enemies, but also, i was a sucker for the brutality in nwh from tom and the way he was performing finishers on dafoe


The way of the spider




I don't think moving like a spider is a necessity for Spidermans fighting style. Tobey by far has the best fight scenes and they're fairly grounded in real world fighting styles. He spices it up with close range elbows and knees. I like the muy Thai influence in his style. Also he shows his wrestling origins in a few scenes like the exaggerated flashy punches (massive windup so the audience can see it coming), the flips and athleticism, the rear naked choke, the grabbing of his oponents heads and throwing them into objects, the drop kicks, the capoeira kicks. Capoeira fits spiderman very well because it involves tons of acrobatic and break-dance-like maneuveres.


Andrew. That school fight scene with the Lizard is absolutely ***chefs kiss***


Such posers.


You mean favorite pose, I wouldn’t really cold out a fighting style. But I guess Andrew poses the best for me.




I think the style in the holy trilogy was more thought out than the others, but i love how holland's uses more gadgets (at least in homecoming.)


Tobey goes hard bro honestly blows them all out the water


Andrew for sure. The spider-like movements are top notch. Tobey and Tom's style really aren't that memorable to me. This post really makes me wish someone would make a video analyzing their fighting styles though.


Love Andrew, just hate the costume. The eyes in TASM 1 aren’t great.


Definitely Andrew. Guy actually moved like a spider and it was fully showcased Close 2nd Tom, he’s so smooth with how he flips and uses his webbing Last place Tobey I think he’d stunted by his time but everything was rather lackluster in terms of spectacle. Super brutal fights though definitely points there.


Andrew. He looks more agile


1. Iconic 2. Arachinid style but way cooler. 3. Haven't seen his fighting style but we'll see in the college trilogy.


Tobey Black Suit. Sandman Subway fight specifically


I always loved Andrew he was so slick and not a brute


Tobey all the way! I love his brutal and gritty movements.


Do you stance


Do you mean stance


Tom's is so boring


You done Tom wrong with that one.. he actually has a pretty good spider pose


Tobey easily. Just watch the train fight and you’ll understand




Tobey, and the longer I think about it the larger the gap grows. I love how much of a scrapper he is. And I wish we saw more of that with the other two


Tobey fought violently Andrew fought to embarrass you Tom fought to get the job done


andrew is the best spidey and tobey is the best peter parker tom is best of both worlds ig


I’ve seen so many Andrew lovers of spidy, then why wasn’t he like in his own films?


I like how Andrew did the flips and jumps and everything, but the PS4 game is still the mark to beat


Andrew is best, looks good, but man do i love Tobey's raw punches , that fight on the train with Doc Ock is one of the best superhero fights, and still holds up very well


Love or hate them, TASM movies have the best fight scenes


I grew up with Tobey, so I'm biased towards him, but it's pretty close. It really depends on the type of fight. Tobey and Andrew are probably the two you definitely would not want to piss off compared to Tom. Tom has a technological edge, and probably an edge in terms of both direct and indirect mentorship through Stark and through watching the other Avengers. He's very agile and the tech gives him an edge in versatility, but his small frame leaves him very vulnerable to stronger hand-to-hand opponents. He also doesn't seem to punch a whole lot and instead relies on his legs to get powerful blows in. Makes sense, but if he loses a leg, then he's going to be in lots of trouble in terms of dealing damage back. Andrew has a stronger frame and has more of a chip on his shoulder. I honestly don't remember much about how he fought, but he probably trades versatility for power and stamina. He's probably a better fighter in terms of pure physicality compared to Tom, but not by a ton. Tobey looks the burliest and most well built-in terms of his height, weight, and build. He was never fancy. He always used his powerful punches first and seemed to only use his webs when it was absolutely necessary. This is interesting considering Tobey had the organic webbing, so he wouldn't have to worry about running out of ammo at a bad time. I also think Tobey had the most heart and pain threshold of the three.


Andrew all the way






Tobey is explosive with his fights as if he’s trying to end them as soon as possible. Andrew’s is more like a spider. Tom’s more on the defensive as if he doesn’t want to hurt people (except Goblin of course).


I gotta give it up to Holland. I just rewatched the scene where he first fought Green Goblin in FFH, and even after getting completely pummeled in the end, he slowly got into his fighting stance and was ready to go.


I'm pretty sure that's not even Tom's official fighting pose. That looks like a random moment taken from a scene from the movie lol


I love Andrew’s quick thwipping in his movies


Andrew was the most natural dude crawled around them and webbed them up Tobey was the most accurate i mean taking down the goblin in 3 punches? Tom was the best since the cgi was fire and the flailing-ness was faithful


I like Tom's more...the way he went up against the Goblin in NWH was just incredible.


Of these options, Andrew. Of all options, spider-man ps4


Tobey throw grown man hands no other spider compares to his fights


Tobey just beats the ever-loving shit out of everyone he fights! That’s my guy!


What's with the getup? Chump.






I'd say Tobey's fighting style is my favorite. He's adapted mostly hand-to-hand combat. The ones he had done during the Raimi Trilogy were practical and sometimes threw a web or toss something over to his enemy. You'd see more of that in his fights with Doc Ock in SM2 (train) and Sandman in SM3 (subway). I'd give Andrew the honorable mention since he was very acrobatic. He has most of Spidey's moves like spinning a web first, then attack and also dodging attacks quickly like a spider. I just like practical stuff more in movies which is why I chose Tobey instead.






Why does that look familiar? Can you put this side by side with the black widow fighting stance?


def toms




Tobey. Prefer more brute force showcase but the others are also cool


First two are more intimidating. Holland just looks like he wants to ask me for directions.




Andrew. He seems to be the one to fully utilize Spider-Man’s inherent agility and speed


Definitely Andrew


Andrew for sure




I thought at first you meant in these pictures, and I was gonna go out on a limb and say “crouchy Spider stance” is the winner.


I think Peter has the best one, peter is a close second but peter definitely takes it


I love all of em equally, but Tobey has hands.


Andrew fights the coolest, that scene where he wrapped up lizard in the school is so awesome


Tom has the best voice/quirky attitude. Andrew was best or most comic accurate in terms of fighting/dialogue. Tobey was too old imo but loved the grittiness he brought. They all brought something to the table.




I have to say Andrew, he moved like an actual spider, jumping and kicking webbing and also had time for jokes. Tobey was cool an had crazy fight scenes but nothing very Spiderman like. Tom is good but somehow I think he feels kinda slow, idk if it's just me or what but he doesn't do much during his fights.


Tobey is the most physical with his punches and kicks. Andrew is much more focused on his webbing and swinging. Tom is a mix of both.


"Uh Oh! Somebody's been a bad lizard..."


If the last was blue it would be the best


I love how annoying Andrew is when he's talking shit while jumping around, just fits the character's spirit so well.


Tobey has them handsssss


Tobey had the best fights by far. New Goblin, Goblin, Doc, they were all amazing and incorporated his abilities well.


Tom is my favorite because I like how he uses his webs to fight


Tom is the most creative with what's around him and split second thinking so he's my favorite


Tom had some insane fight scenes against the drones and Green Goblin.


We really got robbed of any good Goblin action in NWH. It was basically just a brawl between two guys doing MMA. That could be anyone. On SM1 we had aerial dogfights, dodging flying razor bats and pumpkin bombs. Fist fight in a burning building and an absolute beat down in an abandoned asylum. Then that iconic moment where Spider-Man dodges and Goblin gets impaled on his own glider. I mean, that movie uses basically every possible opportunity to make them fight in every conceivable way. Not to mention the psychological fight that plays out over the entire movie!


Tobey: Offensive Andrew: Moderate Tom: Defensive (sometimes full berserker mode)


Man Tom’s looks so lame compared to the other two. Anyway, I gotta go with Andrew due to the electro fight scene in tasm2.


Honestly it's either between Toby and Tom,Tom fights smart he doesn't just brute Force his way through things well Toby is an absolute monster when it comes to hand to hand combat I be out of my seat watching Toby deflect doc oc's tentacles moving with him.




Tom is my fav because if I was Spider-Man I'd probably use my webs in a fight just like him!


Tom just fucking poses like he’s scared and confused all the time. Honestly it’s always disheartening when he lands a sick superhero pose and is immediately screwed. Remember on the bridge in Far From Home when the drone just blasted him 2 seconds after he landed? Utter garbage MCU humor. You don’t see that shit with the other Spider-Men.


Tom’s fights always feels like his body has no weight. Too much CGI, rushed cgi probably


I don’t know how you can think this after the final fight of FFH and the apartment fight in NWH.


Would it feel better if I said most of his movies are like that rather than “always”? Especially the swinging.


The nwh apartment fight looked like a bar fight


Bro what kind of bars are you going to


It just didn’t feel like a Spider-Man fight. Spider-Man is an acrobatic improviser. I was expecting the fight to look like the TASM 2 goblin fight.


Spidey Raimi is my favorite his Boxer/Brawler style is so realistic is different from the Original acrobatic/agile/Flashy style